scholarly journals The Indonesia Public Information Disclosure Act (UU-KIP): Its Challenges and Responses

Muharman Lubis ◽  
Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari ◽  
Lukmanul Hakim

Information Public Disclosure is one of the regulation that has purpose to encourage good governance for public service and citizen participation in national development. The enactment of Act No.14/2008 (UU KIP) has been strengthen the mandate to enforce the necessity of information disclosure in actualizing transparency and accountability in resource management and budget uses. It also become the primary instrument to prevent corruption, monopolistic competition and information disputes. However, there are certain provinces has not yet established information committee nor when it will be as entrusted by the regulation. Meanwhile, the remedies in term of jail duration and fines, arguably, it could not create deterrent effect to the perpetrator. Furthermore, the concern from ministry and public institution also in question in regard their roles of responsibility, lack of cooperation and continuous support. Thus, human resource, technology infrastructure, public participation, supervision and socialization become crucial factor to increase the awareness and satisfaction towards this regulatory compliance. This study is a qualitative research to evaluate the implementation of this Act by observing its consideration, background, principles and relevant article verses as primary sources through content analysis based on number of legal experts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Is Hadri Utomo ◽  
Retno Suryawati ◽  
Herwan Parwiyanto

The establishment of the Surakarta Complaint Service Unit (ULAS) in 2013 as a non-structural government organization unit that carried out public complaints services. ULAS was formed to improve service quality and ensure the provision of public services in accordance with the principles of good governance, including the realization of public information disclosure in response to complaints from people who are not satisfied with the services they receive. This study examines the effectiveness of ULAS in accepting citizen complaints and the steps of the Surakarta City Government to follow up on these complaints, as well as solutions. All results state the existence of effectiveness, with some special notes on the conditions or variable questions that have answers that do not agree, among others concerning: the target of resolving citizen complaints by ULAS, complaints of citizens against certain problems have not been channeled to more than one OPD, solving problems against Complaints have also not fulfilled the satisfaction and aspirations of citizens, and related infrastructure facilities have not been in line with the development of information technology. Some of these are specific notes regarding the organizational effectiveness of ULAS.


LABURPENA: Lanak informaziora iristeko sarbidearen eta gardentasunaren erregulazioa aztertu du EAEko tokiko entitateetan. Hainbat araudi multzori erreparatu beharra nabarmendu du: estatu mailakoa, Gardentasunari, informazio publikoa eskuratzeko bideari eta gobernu onari buruzko abenduaren 9ko 19/2013 Legeak eta Toki-araubidearen oinarriak arautzen dituen apirilaren 2ko 7/1985 Legeak eratutakoa. EAE mailakoa, Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko apirilaren 7ko 2/2016 Legeak eratutakoa; horri, aurreikuspenen arabera, EAEko Sektore Publikoaren Gardentasunaren, Herritarren Partaidetzaren eta Gobernu Onaren Legea ere gehituko zaio etorkizunean. Eta toki-mailakoa, EAEko toki-erakunde ugarik onartutako eta onartuko dituzten ordenantzek eratutakoa; estatu mailako eta erkidego mailako multzoak errespetatuz, kasuan kasuko entitaterako antolakuntza-alderdiak zehaztu ahal dituzte, eta oinarrizko estatu mailako araudian eta garapen autonomikokoan aurreikusitako betebehar zabaletatik harago joan daitezke. Azterlanean jokoan dauden zenbait alderdi aztertu dira: gardentasunaren zentzua, Konstituzioan aitortzea eta gardentasuneko estatu-legearen aurretik izan duen lege garapena tokiko eta estatuko legedi orokorrean, estatuko eta erkidego mailako legeak onartzea eta kasuan kasuko aplikazio eremua, baita toki-erakundeen erabakitze esparrua ere, Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legea eta Gardentasuneko EAEko legearen proiektuarekin egokitzea, derrigortasunak, mugak, publizitate aktiboa, publizitate pasiboa edo informazio publikora sarbidea izateko eskubidea, bermeak, eta, azkenik, gardentasun-Legeen eta zinegotziek udal-informaziora iristeko daukaten sarbidearen arteko harremana. RESUMEN: El trabajo analiza la regulación de la transparencia y el acceso a la información en las entidades locales vascas. Pone de relieve la necesidad de atender a varios bloques normativos: el estatal, constituido por la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, por una parte, y a la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local, por otra. El autonómico vasco, integrado por la Ley 2/2016, de 7 de abril, de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi (LILE) y a la que previsiblemente se unirá la futura Ley de Transparencia, participación ciudadana y buen gobierno del sector público vasco. Y el local, constituido por las Ordenanzas que han ido e irán aprobando no pocas entidades locales vascas, que, respetando los bloques normativos estatal y autonómicos pueden concretar para su respectiva entidad aspectos organizativos e ir más allá de las amplias obligaciones ya previstas en la normativa básica estatal y de desarrollo autonómico. En el estudio se analizan los diversos aspectos en juego: el sentido de la transparencia, su reconocimiento en la Constitución y su desarrollo legal anterior a la Ley estatal de transparencia en la legislación estatal general y local, la aprobación de las leyes estatal y autonómicas y su u respectivo ámbito de aplicación, así como el ámbito de decisión de las entidades locales, la nueva regulación en la LILE y las dudas de encaje con el Proyecto de Ley vasca de transparencia, los obligados, los límites, la pu blicidad activa, el derecho de acceso a la información pública o publicidad pasiva,las garantías y, finalmente, la relación de las Leyes de transparencia con elacceso por los concejales a la información municipal. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the regulation of transparency and the access to information within the Basque local governments. It highlights the need to pay attention to several legal systems: that of the State, with Act 19/2013 of December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance on one hand and that of the Act 7/1985 of April 2nd, governing the bases of the local regime on the other. The Basque autonomous system with Act 2/2016 of April 7th on Local Entities of Euskadi (LILE) and which predictably will also be integrated with the future Act on transparency, citizen participation and good governance within the Basque public sector. And the local, with the ordinances approved and yet to be enacted by not few Basque local entities which if they do not interfere in State and Autonomous systems can specify for its own entity organizational issues and go beyond the broad obligations established by the State basic regulation and that of autonomous development. In this study the different aspects at stake are studied: the meaning of transparency, the acknowledgement by the Constitution and its legal development previous to the State Act on Transparency by the State general and local legislation, the approval of the State and Autonomous acts and their respective scope of application, together with the decision-making scope of local entities, the new regulation by the LILE and the doubts of fitting with the Basque bill on transparency, the persons concerned, the limits, the active advertisement, the right of access to public information or passive advertising, the guarantees and finally the relationship between the Acts of transparency with the access of councilmen and councilwomen to the municipal information.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Suko Widodo

Disclosure of public information is one manifestation of the implementation of good governance where the public information disclosure is the duty of government and public institutions. It refers to the fact that the public information is public property and is not owned by the government and public institutions. Therefore, to be able to meet these conditions, the Freedom of Information Law was established, despite the fact that the law is not so popular in the community, so it is still necessary

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 080
Christian Andersen

The implementation of good governance become the main agenda that has to be done by any government agencies. Because this is a requirement that shows the Government's commitment in carrying out theirs duty to serve the community. All officers must have an understanding of public information disclosure / Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (KIP) based on Act Number 14 of 2008, the principles which referred to is accountability, transparency and the supremacy of law. This article is a normative legal research studying the principles/laws that is a research on applied regulations related to The Implementation of Trust +Positif Concerning Good Governance. This research aims to reveal the regulations related to the implementation of community service in conducting good governance in order to prepare ASEAN Economic Community. The conclusion of this research are that to create a good governance as expected by the community, the implementation of the function of Trust +Positif service is needed and we have to create synergy between the governmental officers who implement the policy and the community whom the policy applied to. Therefore, it is necessary to have cooperation between the two parties.

Kinesik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 242-250
Ade Irma

Pillars of democracy, transparency and good governance are the objectives of public information services carried out, through Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure. The form of service organized by the Government is a service in an effort to meet the needs of the public or the community. Communication, Public information is information generated, stored, managed, sent, and / or received by a public body, this research is a qualitative approach, a research paradigm to describe events, locus research located in the Department of Communication and Informatics Donggala Regency, this study uses Informants as many as 4 (four) people, using the theory of Pararusman, et al .Tjiptnono, 1996) there are five dimensions in assessing the quality of services or  services, namely, Tangibles, Realibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphathy. 1) Tangibles; reflected in physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials have not been effective and optimal.2) Realibility, i.e. lack of accuracy or lack of reliable information. Responsiveness: lack of sensitivity to respond to information. 4) Assurance; Knowledge is less effective and efficient. 5) Emphathy. Still lacking, officers in the process of public information services

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Diliana Ade Pembayun ◽  
Aryo Bimo Oktafianto ◽  
Syafiq Basri Assegaff

This research discusses about law No. 14 year 2008, the openness of public information implemented by the officers of the information and documentation Officer (PPID) Kemkominfo. The Act on public information disclosure aims to improve the management, service of information, and encourage public participation in the conduct of the State so as to realize the system of good governance. The purpose of this research is to describe how the Official information and documentation Manager (PPID) of the Ministry of communication and Informatics of carrying out the implementation of law No. 14 year 2008 about the openness of public information. The method used in this research is descriptive in nature with qualitative data collection techniques in the form of interviews with the informant Acting Manager of information and documentation. Data analysis techniques using models, Miles and Huberman that consists of data collection, data reduction, data display and verification, and assertion inference. Examination technique benefiting using triangulation of sources. The results of this research show the implementation ACT KIP done with through the six steps, namely: designating the PPID, build and make the system functional officials, pointing to information (public relations, archives, computer), providing information in the form (text, video, sound, infographics), providing information services in the form of front desk and website, as well as compiling daily, monthly and annual reports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-163
Tawakkal Baharuddin

Public information disclosure is an important aspect of realizing a good governance system. The Indonesian government, through the Law on Public Information Disclosure, continues to strive so that all public agencies can provide easy access to information. This study uses a qualitative approach with data sources derived from documentation studies, news sites, and websites. The results of this study indicate that there is a fairly positive trend in which the North Luwu Regency Government has managed to obtain the highest score for three (3) consecutive years, namely 2017, 2018, and 2019 for information disclosure with the predicate Towards Informative. This achievement is influenced by the performance of the government which continues to make various efforts, namely, socialization and training, replication of innovations, utilization of website-based networks, and the availability of Command Center facilities. This achievement is also considered to affect maximum results in the future to obtain the title of Informative in the aspect of public information disclosure

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-230
Jhony K. Yoppy ◽  
Risno Mina ◽  
Firmansyah Fality

Once the importance of public information disclosure on the use of village funds is due to information on the use of village funds, will provide information about the use and use of village funds, will involve the community in managing village funds, will encourage the use of village funds based on the principles of good governance, will develop knowledge and will improve the quality of the use of village funds. The implementation of Public Information Openness regarding the use of village funds in Peley Village, South Totikum Subdistrict, Banggai Islands Regency has not been implemented because there is no Village Regulation on village public information disclosure, and the Village Information and Documentation Management Officer (Village PPID) has not been formed. However, to provide information about financial management, the Village Government is only limited to making billboards on the structure of the APBDesa, which is financed through the APBDesa

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Dewi Saraswati

ABSTRACTThe right to information is crucial because the more open the public scrutiny of the state administration, the more accountable the state administration is. Each public agency has the obligation to open public access to information relating to the Public Agency for the wider community, especially LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences). Therefore, it is important to examine the implementation of the Public Information in LIPI in order to prevent acts of corruption. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that as the implementation of good governance, especially the embodiment of the principles of transparency in order to prevent acts of corruption, LIPI has conducted Public Information Disclosure. LIPI has provided Whistle-blowing System (WBS) as a means to facilitate information providers who want to report allegations of corruption in LIPI. For general information requests related to LIPI can be accessed via 

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Moh Rosyid

The Public Information Commission (KIP) has the role of encouraging information transparency in central and regional government agencies (pemda) and conducting education related to the era of public information disclosure to the public. Consequently, KIP members must work professionally and work optimally so that people feel their existence. This manuscript is a small part of the effort to provide an understanding to the public about the importance of the Public Information Disclosure Act for citizens, especially for economic development. The business world needs information in its entirety, starting from understanding about legislation, government policies under the law, policies of state administrators at the central and regional levels in the economic/ business field, and other aspects. If this is realized, then people's welfare will be realized through development in the field of public information. The full implementation of the KIP Law is highly dependent on the government's performance, citizens' awareness, and the role of civil society as a Nation Government Organization (NGO / NGO) that controls the performance of the government. The role of NGOs can accelerate the realization of an open government which is a strategic effort to prevent the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), the creation of good governance, and the realization of wise public services.

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