Food-deprivation affects tongue extrusions as well as attractivity and proceptivity components of sexual behavior in the lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii

2006 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 377-383 ◽  

AbstractExperiments were conducted to assess the effect of various levels of food deprivation (1, 2, 3, or 4-day periods) on tongue extrusions as well as attractivity and proceptivity components of sexual behavior in the sceloperine lizard Sceloporus jarrovii. Results showed sex differences with respect to effects of food deprivation on the attractiveness of male and female lizard odors toward conspecifics (attractivity). Males spent more time extruding their tongue to touch blocks containing odors of ad libitum-fed females as compared to odors from females deprived of food for 4 days, while spending a similar amount of time investigating blocks containing odors of ad libitum-fed females and females deprived of food for less than 4 days. In contrast, females spent similar amounts of time investigating odors associated with ad libitum-fed as well as food-deprived conspecifics. Results also showed that one day of food deprivation was sufficient to inhibit the desire to initiate or maintain contact with opposite-sex conspecifics (receptivity).

1981 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-531 ◽  
Eileen G. Thompson ◽  
Paulette Hatchett ◽  
James L. Phillips

In the present study, male and female college students were asked to make judgments concerning the affective and control connotations of 71 sentences describing interpersonal relationships. Each sentence described a relationship between two people, using a different interpersonal verb (e.g. “likes,” “takes care of,” “humiliates,” etc.). Subjects were asked to judge the affective positivity and negativity of each relationship as well as the implication for interpersonal control. The results indicated an overall pattern in which females judged interpersonal relations to be more extreme in affect than did males, while males judged the same relations to be more extreme in control than did females. These results were interpreted within the framework of agency and communion, and their implications for communication problems between individuals of opposite sex were discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Ronny Gunawan

ABSTRACTChildren with Special Needs are children who have special behaviors that require guidance and special education from his parents and teachers. Like children in general, children with special needs also have the development and growth of the physical, mental, psychological and sexual. Based on the research conducted by researchers together with some teachers in individuals investigated, if the children with special needs get therapy sustained every day about sexual behavior and patterns of life, then they tend to have a positive sexual behavior, but if the therapy is not done, then they tend to a negative behavior. This study used the name Parents Therapy, in which the children with special needs who have negative sex in schools (respondents one child), as is often held his cock, embraced by aggressive children of the opposite sex therapy is given not only to their children but also their parents through counseling services. This treatment method is given for 30 days, but there are three days of therapy which is not performed as comparison changes in deviant behavior in children. The results of this therapy are very positive and significant, in which the child has calmness in his mental condition and the negative sexual behavior decreased (changed in his behavior).Keywords: Children with Special Needs, sexual behavior, Parents Therapy and counseling servicesABSTRAKAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus adalah anak yang memiliki perilaku khusus yang memerlukan bimbingan dan pendidikan khusus dari orangtua maupun guru. Seperti layaknya anak pada umumnya, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus juga memiliki perkembangan dan pertumbuhan dari sisi fisik, mental, kejiwaan maupun seks. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti bersama dengan beberapa guru pada individu yang diteliti, apabila anak berkebutuhan khusus mendapatkan terapi yang berkesinambungan setiap harinya tentang perilaku seks dan pola hidup, maka anak memiliki perilaku seks yang positif, namun apabila terapi tidak dilakukan, maka anak memiliki perilaku yang negatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan nama Parents Therapy, di mana, anak berkebutuhan khusus yang mengalami perilaku seks negatif di sekolah (responden satu anak), seperti sering memegang kemaluannya, memeluk dengan agresif anak-anak yang berlawanan jenis diberikan terapi bukan hanya pada anaknya namun juga orangtuanya melalui layanan konseling. Metode terapi ini diberikan selama 30 hari, namun ada tiga hari terapi tidak dilakukan sebagai pembanding perubahan perilaku menyimpang pada anak. Hasil terapi ini sangat positif dan signifikan, di mana anak tersebut memiliki ketenangan dalam kondisi jiwanya dan perilaku seks negatifnya mengalami penurunan (ada perubahan perilaku).Kata kunci: Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, perilaku seks, Parents Therapy, dan layanan konseling

2021 ◽  
pp. svn-2020-000834
Koteswara Rao Nalamolu ◽  
Bharath Chelluboina ◽  
Casimir A Fornal ◽  
Siva Reddy Challa ◽  
David M Pinson ◽  

Background and purposeThe therapeutic potential of different stem cells for ischaemic stroke treatment is intriguing and somewhat controversial. Recent results from our laboratory have demonstrated the potential benefits of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in a rodent stroke model. We hypothesised that MSC treatment would effectively promote the recovery of sensory and motor function in both males and females, despite any apparent sex differences in post stroke brain injury.MethodsTransient focal cerebral ischaemia was induced in adult Sprague-Dawley rats by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Following the procedure, male and female rats of the untreated group were euthanised 1 day after reperfusion and their brains were used to estimate the resulting infarct volume and tissue swelling. Additional groups of stroke-induced male and female rats were treated with MSC or vehicle and were subsequently subjected to a battery of standard neurological/neurobehavioral tests (Modified Neurological Severity Score assessment, adhesive tape removal, beam walk and rotarod). The tests were administered at regular intervals (at days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14) after reperfusion to determine the time course of neurological and functional recovery after stroke.ResultsThe infarct volume and extent of swelling of the ischaemic brain were similar in males and females. Despite similar pathological stroke lesions, the clinical manifestations of stroke were more pronounced in males than females, as indicated by the neurological scores and other tests. MSC treatment significantly improved the recovery of sensory and motor function in both sexes, and it demonstrated efficacy in both moderate stroke (females) and severe stroke (males).ConclusionsDespite sex differences in the severity of post stroke outcomes, MSC treatment promoted the recovery of sensory and motor function in male and female rats, suggesting that it may be a promising treatment for stroke.

2021 ◽  
pp. 153537022110196
Nathalie Fuentes ◽  
Miguel Silva Rodriguez ◽  
Patricia Silveyra

Lung cancer represents the world’s leading cause of cancer deaths. Sex differences in the incidence and mortality rates for various types of lung cancers have been identified, but the biological and endocrine mechanisms implicated in these disparities have not yet been determined. While some cancers such as lung adenocarcinoma are more commonly found among women than men, others like squamous cell carcinoma display the opposite pattern or show no sex differences. Associations of tobacco product use rates, susceptibility to carcinogens, occupational exposures, and indoor and outdoor air pollution have also been linked to differential rates of lung cancer occurrence and mortality between sexes. While roles for sex hormones in other types of cancers affecting women or men have been identified and described, little is known about the influence of sex hormones in lung cancer. One potential mechanism identified to date is the synergism between estrogen and some tobacco compounds, and oncogene mutations, in inducing the expression of metabolic enzymes, leading to enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species and DNA adducts, and subsequent lung carcinogenesis. In this review, we present the literature available regarding sex differences in cancer rates, associations of male and female sex hormones with lung cancer, the influence of exogenous hormone therapy in women, and potential mechanisms mediated by male and female sex hormone receptors in lung carcinogenesis. The influence of biological sex on lung disease has recently been established, thus new research incorporating this variable will shed light on the mechanisms behind the observed disparities in lung cancer rates, and potentially lead to the development of new therapeutics to treat this devastating disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ming Song ◽  
Fang Yuan ◽  
Xiaohong Li ◽  
Xipeng Ma ◽  
Xinmin Yin ◽  

Abstract Background Inadequate copper intake and increased fructose consumption represent two important nutritional problems in the USA. Dietary copper-fructose interactions alter gut microbial activity and contribute to the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The aim of this study is to determine whether dietary copper-fructose interactions alter gut microbial activity in a sex-differential manner and whether sex differences in gut microbial activity are associated with sex differences in hepatic steatosis. Methods Male and female weanling Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were fed ad libitum with an AIN-93G purified rodent diet with defined copper content for 8 weeks. The copper content is 6 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg in adequate copper diet (CuA) and marginal copper diet (CuM), respectively. Animals had free access to either deionized water or deionized water containing 10% fructose (F) (w/v) as the only drink during the experiment. Body weight, calorie intake, plasma alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and liver histology as well as liver triglyceride were evaluated. Fecal microbial contents were analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) sequencing. Fecal and cecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results Male and female rats exhibit similar trends of changes in the body weight gain and calorie intake in response to dietary copper and fructose, with a generally higher level in male rats. Several female rats in the CuAF group developed mild steatosis, while no obvious steatosis was observed in male rats fed with CuAF or CuMF diets. Fecal 16S rRNA sequencing analysis revealed distinct alterations of the gut microbiome in male and female rats. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) identified sex-specific abundant taxa in different groups. Further, total SCFAs, as well as, butyrate were decreased in a more pronounced manner in female CuMF rats than in male rats. Of note, the decreased SCFAs are concomitant with the reduced SCFA producers, but not correlated to hepatic steatosis. Conclusions Our data demonstrated sex differences in the alterations of gut microbial abundance, activities, and hepatic steatosis in response to dietary copper-fructose interaction in rats. The correlation between sex differences in metabolic phenotypes and alterations of gut microbial activities remains elusive.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 710-723 ◽  
Atul P Daiwile ◽  
Subramaniam Jayanthi ◽  
Bruce Ladenheim ◽  
Michael T McCoy ◽  
Christie Brannock ◽  

Abstract Background Methamphetamine (METH) use disorder is prevalent worldwide. There are reports of sex differences in quantities of drug used and relapses to drug use among individuals with METH use disorder. However, the molecular neurobiology of these potential sex differences remains unknown. Methods We trained rats to self-administer METH (0. 1 mg/kg/infusion, i.v.) on an fixed-ratio-1 schedule for 20 days using two 3-hour daily METH sessions separated by 30-minute breaks. At the end of self-administration training, rats underwent tests of cue-induced METH seeking on withdrawal days 3 and 30. Twenty-four hours later, nucleus accumbens was dissected and then used to measure neuropeptide mRNA levels. Results Behavioral results show that male rats increased the number of METH infusions earlier during self-administration training and took more METH than females. Both male and female rats could be further divided into 2 phenotypes labeled high and low takers based on the degree of escalation that they exhibited during the course of the METH self-administration experiment. Both males and females exhibited incubation of METH seeking after 30 days of forced withdrawal. Females had higher basal mRNA levels of dynorphin and hypocretin/orexin receptors than males, whereas males expressed higher vasopressin mRNA levels than females under saline and METH conditions. Unexpectedly, only males showed increased expression of nucleus accumbens dynorphin after METH self-administration. Moreover, there were significant correlations between nucleus accumbens Hcrtr1, Hcrtr2, Crhr2, and Avpr1b mRNA levels and cue-induced METH seeking only in female rats. Conclusion Our results identify some behavioral and molecular differences between male and female rats that had self-administered METH. Sexual dimorphism in responses to METH exposure should be considered when developing potential therapeutic agents against METH use disorder.

1987 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 875-883
Nancy Lipsitt ◽  
Rose R. Olver

The relative contribution of sex and situation has become a contested issue in the understanding of sex differences in behavior. In the present study, 20 male and 20 female undergraduates were asked to describe their behavior and thoughts in six everyday college situations. Three of the situations were constructed to be typically male and three typically female in content. The results indicate that men and women demonstrate sex-specific characteristics in their responses regardless of the type of situation presented. Men exhibited concern with separateness from others, while women exhibited concern with sustaining connection to others, even when faced with situations described to present demand properties that might be expected specifically to elicit the concern characteristic of the other sex. However, for these students the situation also made a difference: female-defined situations elicited the most masculine responses for both male and female subjects.

2004 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 589-592 ◽  
Anne E. Lincoln

Research has indicated significant age differences between male and female Academy Award nominees and winners. However, this discrepancy may be associated with sex differences in actors' ages when they first begin their acting careers. The present research uses event history analysis to investigate the duration of Academy Award nominees' careers from career start (first film) to first three Academy Award nominations. Analysis suggested controlling for an actor's age at first film explains the sex-age disparity between Academy Award nominees and winners.

1989 ◽  
Vol 67 (6) ◽  
pp. 1434-1438 ◽  
Lynn M. Brodsky ◽  
C. Davison Ankney ◽  
Darrell G. Dennis

The influence of social experience on the preferences for a potential mate in a captive population of black ducks, Anas rubripes, and mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, was examined. Birds were reared from hatching with conspecifics (i.e., female black ducks with male black ducks, female mallards with male mallards), or were cross-fostered with the other species (i.e., female black ducks with male mallards, female mallards with male black ducks). Preferences of individuals were tested in a chamber containing caged black ducks and mallards of the opposite sex. In over 90% (100/109) of the trials, males and females preferred the species that they were raised with since hatching, whether they were of the same species or not. These results demonstrate that social experience influences the social preferences of male and female black ducks and mallards.

1982 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 515-519 ◽  
S. Kowalski ◽  
G. H. Parker ◽  
M. A. Persinger

Mice that had been given either tap water or 2 ppm lead in their drinking water and either severely food deprived (3 days before testing) or allowed food ad libitum demonstrated significant interactions of lead treatment by day by food condition and lead by block. Although not statistically significant, the food deprived-lead treated mice displayed more errors and longer latencies than the ad libitum-water controls. The food deprived-water controls and ad libitum-lead-treated mice displayed intermediate values. The importance of using multivariate statistical techniques that can evaluate dynamic repeated behavioral measurements is emphasized.

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