أثر برنامج تدريبي مقترح لمعلمي التربية الإسلامية قائم على الأساليب التربوية في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية في تحسين ممارساتهم التدريسية = The Effect of a Suggested Training Program for Islamic Education Teachers Based on the Islamic Educational Methods from the Holy Quran and Sunna on Their Instructional Practices

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 652-672
محمود أحمد شما ◽  
هاني عبد الله وشاح
2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
Ali Mustafa Al-Qudah

This is a descriptive analytical study that highlights the significance of child education from an Islamic perspective which emphasizes the importance of children religious upbringing that profoundly attaches them to their Creator and imprints in their hearts and minds the word of monotheism from their birth to the end of their lives. It illustrates the rights the Creator endows to children. The study also emphasizes that child education should be based on love and devotion to Allah and His Messenger, and recitation of the Holy Quran. Moreover, it shows both the relationship between religious education and the other types of education and the impact of this relationship on the children's life. The study derives it supportive evidence from the Holy Quran and the Prophet's tradition which are collected from reliable Islamic sources documented according to the criteria adopted for documenting such material. The study showed the importance of Islamic education to children and that is necessary to deeply root this education in their hearts to protect them from any threats they will encounter in their life, especially those hazardous to the fundamentals and principles of their religion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Muhammad Khoiruddin

Abstract: The holy quran has many perspectives and some of them relates to social educations and pradigms of socio-humanity. As in the meaning, quran has relation between men with God (habl min Allah) and men with men (habl ma’a al-nas), which are already popular and understood among the men. There are two issues that need among various relevant parties in practice of in the islamic education to supply many dimensions of dialectics horizontally and dimension of submission vertically. Horizontally, both social education and evidence of oneness should be able to develop reality of the life. Vertically, education called social and evidence of the oneness based provide an instrument for charge with the care of, capitalize on the fact, and preserve narural resource. These become a way to understand phenomena and honeybee in their effort to attain intercourse life to the creator. Keywords : Tawheed, Social, Humanis, Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-227
Ahmad Abdullah ◽  
Ulfah Luthfyatunnisa

This research aims to know the verses of using the terms spirit, soul, and heart in the Holy Quran, knowing its lexical and contextual meanings, knowing the relationship of its significance, and knowing the educational inclusion of its significance. This research is based on thinking that the words in the Qur'an have a semantic and contextual relationship and the educational inclusion of the meanings of the words soul, soul and heart in it depends on the science of Islamic education. As for the method used in this research, it is the method for analyzing the content with a semantic analysis, whereby the research is directed to analyzing the meanings of words. As for the entry in this research, it is the qualitative entry. By not researching the writer, we obtained the results from it. In the verses that contain the words of the soul, the soul, the heart and the like there are many, and each of its words has different meanings. The writers found the educational inclusion of the use of the words of soul, soul and title, which includes a method of Islamic education, which is the method of abandonment, sweetening, manifestation and the method of attachment, creation, verification, method of worship and the method of supplication, remembrance.

Siti Makhmudah

In the learning there are usually students who are already fluent in reading the Quran, there are students who are very smart or quickin accepting material delivered by the teacher, even memorizing the Knowledge Islamic Education subject matter, and instead there also students who already know the meaning of educational lessons the religion of islam that has been conveyed by the teacher. But the student has not been able to apply it in daily life such as not respecting parents, not respecting the teacher, even not wanting to practice religious teachings islam is like prayer and fasting. In order to instill religious character of children in schools need to be held effective and efficient learning. Role learning methods and deposits are very important because this method is right to develop extra practice of Islamic religious education. This research is aimed to describe how the teacher plants religious characters children at school, in the research method uses qualitative research. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of memorization and deposit methods by the teacher in instilling religious character in students in the school is the 4545 student memorizing the material and its explanation such as verses of the holy Quran and its translation, students will deposit the memorization results tothe teacher with the target that has been specified in the learning plan. (2) Problems with the implementation of memorization methods and teacher deposits in instilling religious character in students in schools are: students have not been able to read Arabic script, students’ abilities are still lacking, learning media are still minimal. (3) The teacher’s solution in solving the problematic implementation of memorization and deposit methods for inclution of the religious character of student is: students attend extracurricular activies, student are given additional assignments, the teacher makes learning media.      

Samer Mohammed Al-Ansari

    This study deals with the social values ​​that were unique to Surat Al-Talaq, through an objective study, and between Surat Al-Talaq in its subjects and the issues it dealt with in order to stand on the impact of Sura. The method was followed by the deductive approach, which consisted of studying the whole sura and then selecting a collection of verses in a selective manner. The verses were then divided into sections in line with the objectives of the study. The books of interpretation were also consulted and the books of education were devised to develop these values. Study with a set of results: • Surat al-Talaq (Surat al-Talaq) is one of the surahs that has specialized in the subject of divorce in detail and has not been repeated in the other chapters • Sura divorce is of great importance in the affairs of the Muslim family with its different emotional, emotional and psychological aspects. • The study of the Holy Quran for the specialist in education opens up important educational horizons to him, from which he can draw scientific and practical contents that expand his theoretical and applied balance and enhance his culture. • Repetition is one of the most important educational methods mentioned in Sura, which is useful in establishing the information and in the speed of remembering it. • To assume the responsibility entrusted to the human right to do, both towards himself or his dependents, guarantees him the victory and survival in the world and the hereafter. • Sura showed the fact of punishment on the work, it is better part of the good, and those who hurt his punishment painful punishment    

Khadija Said Al Zahrani

The study aimed to know the contents derived from surah Al-Ankaboot and its applications in education. The researcher used the descriptive approach and the deductive approach. The study consisted of several topics highlighted by the statement of the value of surat Al-Ankaboot and definition, and disclosure principles, values and educational methods derived from them. The study reached to several conclusions: the most important to include many educational applications; to instill the values and principles such as educational methods; the principle of faith comes to apply the educational and sometimes through the story and dialog, and sometimes through intimidation. The principle of faith is the most handled in the Surah of the spider, this is an indication of its importance, it is the basis of the Islamic faith. As well as the way the story is more educational methods used in the Surah of the spider; this is evidence that the most powerful educational methods, the most highly acclaimed interesting and influential in education. The study found some of the recommendations, the most important: make a booklet as an indicative guide for families, directing them and guide them in how to instill the values and principles of education for children, through educational applications derived from the Quran, including educational applications derived from the verses which the spider. Further attention to the principle of faith in the educational field in all educational institutions, the most important of the family in the clarification of this principle and try to instill in the hearts of children; because it is more the principles addressed in the Surah of the spider, which indicates its importance. In light of the results of the study were presented some recommendations and suggestions including: the establishment of a specialized center for distinguished researchers; In order to collect educational research for the contents of the verses of the Holy Quran for study, comparison and analysis; to summarize and conclude the most important educational content. And to know their order in terms of importance and their relationship to each other, as well as to disclose the educational miracles in the Holy Quran.  

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Siti Aisyah Hasanudin ◽  
Asep Yudha Wirajaya

This article aims to describe the correlations among intertextuality, hypogram, and transformation in the existing Saga of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated as HNL) with the Story of the Prophet Lot (hereinafter abbreviated KNL) in the Holy Quran and also its correlations to the LGBT phenomenon in Indonesia.The problems in this article, that is (1) What is the intertextual relationship between HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (2) How are the similarities and differences of HNL and KNL in the Holy Quran?, (3) What are the background creation of HNL? This article wants to prove that the ancient manuscript entitled HNL is a hypogram and transformation of the KNL contained in the Holy Quran.The method used in this article is content analysis because the authors intend to interpret the events contained in the HNL and then trace the Intertekstualnya relationship with the KNL found in the Holy Quran.In this article the similarities and differences in the two objects that will be examined are explained properly.This HNL script has similarities with KNL in the Holy Quran such as Prophet Lot was instructed by Allah SWT to preach his people such as about leaving their indecent behaviors; the arrival of the Angels at Prophet Lot’s home, Prophet Lot was expelled by his people, and punishment for the Sodomites. The differences only lie in the beginning of the story and at the end of the story of Prophet Lot.  Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan hubungan intertekstual, hipogram, dan transformasi pada naskah Hikayat Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat HNL) dengan Kisah Nabi Lot (yang selanjutnya disingkat KNL) dalam Alquran dan juga kaitannya dengan fenomena LGBT di Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam artikel ini, yaitu (1) Bagaimana hubungan intertekstual antara HNL dengan KNL dalam Alquran?, (2) Bagaimana persamaan dan perbedaan HNL dan KNL dalam Alquran?, (3) Apa yang menjadi latar belakang penciptaan HNL? Artikel ini membuktikan bahwa naskah kuno yang berjudul HNL merupakan hipogram dan transformasi dari KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis konten karena penulis bermaksud menafsirkan peristiwa yang terdapat dalam HNL dan kemudian menelusuri hubungan intertekstualnya dengan KNL yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang persamaan dan perbedaan pada kedua objek yang akan di kaji. Naskah HNL memiliki persamaan dengan KNL dalam Alquran. Nabi Lot diperintahkan Allah SWT untuk berdakwah kepada kaumnya agar mau meninggalkan perilaku menyimpang, kedatangan para Malaikat ke rumah Nabi Lot, Nabi Lot diusir oleh kaumnya, dan hukuman bagi kaum Sodom. Adapun perbedaannya hanya terletak pada awal kisah dan akhir cerita Nabi Lot as. w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="

Zaynah Hussein Al-Qahṭānī ◽  
Asem Ali

ملخص البحث:  لقد خاض كثير من العلماء في خضم معركة الآراء التي دارت قديماً وحديثاً حول العلاقة بين العربية الشمالية واليمنية القديمة، ويأتي حكم أبي عمرو بن العلاء في مقدمة تلك الأحكام؛ فهو يرى أن الحميرية شيء والعربية شيء آخر، ومن قول أبي عمرو، وكان لهذا الحكم أثره الكبير في أفكار بعض علماء اللغة العربية القدامى وغيرهم ممن خاض في هذا الميدان؛ فاللغة اليمنية القديمة ليست لغة أعجمية، وليست هي نفسها عربية القرآن الفصحى المتوارثة بين الأجيال. تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي، ويهدف البحث إلى استعراض أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية ووردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم. توصلت الدراسة إلى ما يأتي: اندماج اللغة اليمنية في اللغة الحميرية وحملتها معها في ألفاظ القرآن الكريم، إن أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية وردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم، إن أصول اللهجات اليمانية لها علاقة بالعربية الفصحى، وأن معاني المفردات في عامية أهل اليمن ودلالة الألفاظ الحميرية واللهجات اليمانية قد وردت في القرآن الكريم. الكلمات المفتاحية: التطور الدلالي-الألفاظ الحميرية-النقوش اليمانية-معاني المفردات. Abstract Many scholars have tried to contribute in the battle of views that have been going on traditionally and in modern time on the relation between the Northern Arabic and the ancient Yemeni dialect, and the opinion of Abu ʽAmru bin Al-ʽAlā' came at the top of those views. He saw that the Himyarite language and Arabic are two different entities, and this view had echoes in the thoughts of some traditional Arabic scholars and others who have been dwelling on this topic. Ancient Yemeni dialect is not a foreign dialect but at the same time is not the inherited Quranic Arabic as it is known. The study follows a descriptive analytical method and it aims to showcase the most prominent Himyarite words that were found in the Yemeni inscriptions and were also found in the Holy Quran. The study concluded with the followings;  a merging took place between the Yemeni language and the Himyarite language and subsequently with the vocabularies of the Quran; that the meaning of the most prominent Himyarite words in the Yemeni inscriptions were also mentioned in the Holy Quran; that the origin of the Yemeni dialects was related to the Standard Arabic; that the meanings of the words of the dialect of Yemenis and the meaning of Himyarite words alongside with other Yemeni dialects have been mentioned in the Quran. Keywords: Semantic development – Himyarite vocabularies – Yemeni Inscriptions – Meanings of words   Abstrak Sejumlah besar para cediakawan telah cuba untuk menyumbang dalam perdebatan pendapat yang telah berlarutan sekian lama sehinggalah ke zaman moden ini berkenaan dengan hubungkait antara loghat Arab utara dan loghat Yaman kuno serta pendapat Abu ‘Amru bin Al-‘AlÉ’ yang merupakan pendapat yang paling terkemuka di antaranya. Beliau berpendapat bahawa bahasa Himyar dan bahasa Arab adalah merupakan bahasa yang berbeza dan pendapat ini telah memberi kesan dalam pemikiran sebahagian ahli bahasa tradisional dan yang lain-lain yang membahaskan isu ini. Loghat kuno Yemen bukanlah satu dialek asing tetapi pada masa yang sama ia juga bukanlah bahasa warisan Al-Quran yang diketahui umum. Kajian ini mengikut pendekatan deskriptif analitikal dan bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan perkataan-perkataan Himyar yang penting yang ditemukan di batu-batu bersurat Yemen dan juga ditemukan di dalam Al-Quran. Kajian ini merumuskan perkara-perkara berikut: terjadi penggabungan antara bahasa Yemen dan Himyar dan seterusnya di antara perkataa-perkataan di dalam Al-Quran; maksud kebanuakan perkataan yang ditemukan dalam batu-batu bersurat itu juga turut disebut dalam Al-Quran; asal loghat-loghat Yemen ini juga mempunyai kaitan dengan Bahasa Arab Standard; terdapat di anatara maksud perkataan loghat Yemen  and maksud perkataan-perkataan Himyar di samping loghat-loghat Yemen yang lain yang turut tersebut dalam Al-Quran. Kata kunci: Perkembangan semantik – Perkataan Himyar – Batu bersurat Yemen  -Maksud perkataan

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