scholarly journals Job Safety Analysis and Hazard Identification of Welding Process in Semarang - JSA Method AS/NZS 4360:2004

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Ratih Pramitasari ◽  
Haikal Haikal ◽  
MG Catur Yuantari ◽  
Kristin Ishak Kurnia Dwi ◽  
Chalobon Treesak

Background: The welding workshop in Semarang City is spread over several areas in Semarang City. There are several types of work in welding workshops, namely, cutting raw materials, assembling, welding, grinding, sanding, and painting. This study aimed to analyze occupational safety and health risks in the informal welding workshop using the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management method. Method: This research was conducted using semi-quantitative method with descriptive analysis. A cross-sectional research design was used because data (observations, interviews, filling in risk analysis tables, work accidents, occupational diseases, and controls) were collected at a particular time. The study was conducted in Semarang, Central Java, and the population was all informal welding workshops. Result: This study showed that there are 8 types of welding tasks, 21 potential hazards, and 24 health consequences in a welding process. The total score calculated by multiplying "chance" by "severity" shows that 11 health consequences were acceptable risk while 13 others were high risk. Conclusion: The highest score of occupational health hazards was electric shock due to chipped cable, electric shock due to a chipped short circuit, and wet/rain/cloudy work area. Welders are recommended to follow the proper instruction in the welding process, and each workshop must provide a first aid box for its workers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Rina Sulistiyowati ◽  
Bambang Suhardi ◽  
Eko Pujiyanto

Praktikum Perancangan Teknik Industri II(PPTI II) merupakan bagian dari praktikum terintegrasi di Program Studi Teknik Industri UNS yang melakukan kegiatan manufakturdaribahan baku sampai menjadi produk. Prosesmanufaktur menggunakanmesin yang menimbulkan suara bising yang belum sesuai dengan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja(K3).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasiK3 pada PPTI IIuntuk mengantisipasi terjadi kecelakaan kerja. Analisis K3menggunakan metode Job Safety Analysis(JSA)denganmengidentifikasi dan menganalisis potensi risiko kecelakaan kerja. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengukuran kebisingan dan suhuserta melakukan wawancara terstruktur kepada praktikan. Pengukuran yang dilakukan adalah pengukuran kebisingan dan suhu dalam laboratorium dan untuk memperkuat hasil pengukuran dilakukan wawancara terstruktur terhadap 20 praktikan dari total praktikan yang berjumlah 71 mahasiswakemudian melakukan analisis menggunakan JSA. Hasil penilaian tingkat risikodiketahui bahwa 66,67% potensi risiko paling tinggi adalah karena kebisingan diatas Nilai Ambang Batas. Abstract [Title:Work Safety and Health Evaluation on Industrial Engineering Design Practicum II using Job Safety Analysis Method]Industrial Engineering Design Practicum II (IEDP II) is part of an integrated practicum in the UNS Industrial Engineering Study Program that carry out manufacturing activities from raw materials to products. The manufacturing process usesmachines that cause noise that are not in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health (OHS). This study consisted to evaluate OHS in IEDP II to anticipate workplace accidents. OHS analysis uses the Job Safety Analysis Method by identifying and analyzingthe potential risk of workplace accidents. The method of this research is carried out by measuring noise and temperature and conducting structured interviews with practitioners.Measurements made were measurements of noise and temperature in the laboratory and to strengthen the results of measurements conducted structuredinterviews of 20 practitioners from a total of 71 students who then analyzed using JSA. The results of the risk level assessment revealed that 66.67% of the highest risk potential was due to noise.Keywords:JobSafety Analysis;Occupational Safety and Health; Industrial Engineering Design Practicum II

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Irmayani Irmayani ◽  
Luci Br Ginting ◽  
Anggi Isnani Parinduri ◽  
Rosita Ginting ◽  
Jul Asdar Putra Samura ◽  

The progress of formal industry is accompanied by the use of technology used in the production process that has a risk of harm to aspects of occupational safety and health as well as the work environment. Therefore, Job Safety Analysis (JSA) which is one of the risk management that needs to be applied to determine the risks of hazards in the work environment so that appropriate control measures can be taken. This research is a qualitative research that aims to explore a problem with detailed limitations, as well as in-depth data collection. The number of informants in this study were 7 people. Data collection was carried out using work safety job analysis worksheets and in-depth interviews equipped with voice recording devices for 7 informants. The results of research carried out there are potential dangers that still need attention and control. From several stages of the production process that is usually done at PT. Jakarana Tama Medan Branch the process of conveying and mixing, continuous rolling, steaming, cutting, friying michine, cooling, and packing. The risks of accidents and occupational diseases that occur to workers are divided into two parts, including physical and psychological. Physical risks include falling, slipping, being shocked, pinched, burns, hearing loss, respiratory distress, complaints of muscle aches. and psychological risks in the form of work stress or discomfort. Factors causing it can occur due to unsafe actions and unsafe conditions. The advice that can be given is that supervision of the work process must be further improved so that workers do not do things that deviate from the provisions that have been applied, provide sanctions for workers who break the rules, and equip personal protective equipment in each division according to the type of work.

Gatot Basuki HM

<em>PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal merupakan perusahaan industri manufaktur yang memproduksi Velg kendaraan roda empat. Salah satu tahapan proses produksinya yaitu proses casting, Adanya risiko bagi pekerja akan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja sangat tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan identifikasi terhadap risiko bekerja di departemen casting dengan pendekatan Job Safety Analysis. sedangkan penilaian risiko serta penanggulangan risiko bahaya bekerja menggunakan metode HIRARC, hasil dari analisis tersebut digunakan untuk melakukan mitigasi terhadap setiap risiko yang terjadi di departemen casting. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Terdapat 5 aktivitas kerja dan 13 subaktivitas kerja di departemen casting yang mempunyai potensi bahaya bekerja. sedangkan penilaian risiko diperoleh 2 aktivitas kerja dengan potensi bahaya kategori extreme risk, 4 aktivitas kerja kategori high risk, 3 aktivitas kerja kategori moderate risk, 4 aktivitas kerja kategori low risk. Tindakan penanggulangan risiko dilakukan melalui perbaikan standart prosedur kerja (SOP) pada setiap subaktivitas. Subtitusi pada subaktivitas menggunakan alat berat seperti forklif saat mengganti matras motif dan design velg. Rekayasa engineering untuk mempermudah subaktivitas agar miminimalisir terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Pengendalian administratif terkait penerapan instruksi kerja, memantau pengunaan APD dan APAR serta pelatihan K3 secara berkala. Memberikan tanda peringatan bahaya. Penyediaan APD pada seluruh subaktivitas untuk digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan saat melakukan aktivitas bekerja.</em>

Rizqi Fajri Dhi'fansyah

Hazard identification is an effort to identify potential hazard that exist in the workplace. The aim of this study was identify hazards on Oxy-Cutting work in PT. Aziz Abadi Jaya Tuban. This study was a decriptive observational research with cross sectional design.Population of this study is 5 people consisting of 3 workers oxy - cutting, 1 welder superisor and 1 HSE Officer at PT. Aziz Jaya Abadi, Tuban. Samples from this study is the total population. Primary data were collected in the manner of observation and interviewing where as the secondary data obtained from the PT. Aziz Abadi Jaya Tuban profile and Oxy-Cutting Job Safety Analysis. The results showed that the hazards identified in Oxy-Cutting work on PT. Aziz Jaya Abadi Tuban includes damaged regulator, flashback arrestor not avaliable, leaking or torn hoses, the pressure is not balanced, smoking workers, the heat source due to the reaction of Oxy-Acetylene, dust, noise, and poor ergonomics. Company recommended to do risk control that doesnt exist yet to push the risk level with doingflashback arrestor installation and regulator replacement, noise measurement and environment measurement, provision of a fire extinguisher, tighten regulation of the use of personal protective equipment and conduct risk assessment at least once a year

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Azham Umar Abidin ◽  
Iqbal Ramadhan

Kasus kecelakaan di Indonesia setiap tahunnya meningkat, data terkahir tahun 2018 sejumlah 157.313 kasus kasus kecelakaan kerja. Laboratorium tidak lepas dari potensi bahaya atau bahkan risiko kecelakaan kerja dari alat dan bahan praktikum bagi praktikan. Upaya untuk mencegah dan meminimalisir kecelakaan kerja di laboratorium dengan menerapkan Job Safety Analysis (JSA) dan meningkatkan pengetahuan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3). Mengetahui penerapan JSA, pengetahuan K3 terhadap kejadian kecelakaan kerja di laboratorium perguruan tinggi. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif, metode observasional analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional dan sample pada penelitian ini adalah 165 responden yang memiliki kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil uji statistik antara penerapan JSA dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja diperoleh p-value 0,063. Hal ini menunjukan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara penerapan JSA dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Begitu pula dengan pengetahuan K3 dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja diperoleh p-value 0,266. tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan K3 dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Meskipun secara statistik kedua varibel tersebut tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan, akan tetapi penerapan JSA  merupakan upaya untuk mencegah dan meminimalisir kejadian kecelakaan kerja bagi praktikan dan pengetahuan K3 sebagai dasar pemahaman dan praktik penerapan bekerja di laboratorium.

Damian Fischer ◽  
Fatima Seidu ◽  
Jennie Yang ◽  
Michael K. Felten ◽  
Cyryl Garus ◽  

Informal e-waste recycling is associated with several health hazards. Thus far, the main focus of research in the e-waste sector has been to assess the exposure site, such as the burden of heavy metals or organic pollutants. The aim of this study was to comprehensively assess the health consequences associated with informal e-waste recycling. A questionnaire-based assessment regarding occupational information, medical history, and current symptoms and complaints was carried out with a group of n = 84 e-waste workers and compared to a control cohort of n = 94 bystanders at the e-waste recycling site Agbogbloshie. E-waste workers suffered significantly more from work-related injuries, back pain, and red itchy eyes in comparison to the control group. In addition, regular drug use was more common in e-waste workers (25% vs. 6.4%). Both groups showed a noticeable high use of pain killers (all workers 79%). The higher frequency of symptoms in the e-waste group can be explained by the specific recycling tasks, such as burning or dismantling. However, the report also indicates that adverse health effects apply frequently to the control group. Occupational safety trainings and the provision of personal protection equipment are needed for all workers.

Suwandi Suwandi

Pada Central Processing Plant (CPP) G sedang dilakukan perawatan tangki kondensat. Perawatan dilakukan dengan pencucian dan pelapisan pada bagian dalam tangki. Untuk mengetahui bahaya dan bagaimana mengendalikan bahaya tersebut, maka identifikasi bahaya pada tangki kondensat perlu dilakukan. Identifikasi bahaya pekerjaan perawatan tangki menggunakan metode HIRARC dengan acuan guideline HIRARC Department of Occupational Safety and Health Ministry of Human Resource, Malaysia 2008. Selanjutnya untuk mempermudah pekerja mengetahui bahaya dan pengendalian risikonya maka dituliskan dalam bentuk JSA sesuai dengan OSHA 3071, 2002. Dasar pengambilan kontrol risiko adalah API 2217A Guidelines for Safe Work in Inert Confined Space in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries  2009. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dari seluruh proses perawatan tangki ini terdapat 110 potensi bahaya dan terdapat 36 potensi bahaya sedang dan 5 potensi bahaya berat. Tahapan kerja washing tank  memiliki jumlah potensi bahaya yang paling banyak yaitu 18 potensi bahaya. Rekomendasi yang diberikan antara lain : melakukan safety briefing rutin sebelum dan sesudah pekerjaan, melakukan isolasi energi dengan aman, peletakkan blower hisap pada manhole bawah, memasang warning sign berupa larangan masuk kecuali pekerja dengan confined space entry permit, memastikan APD lengkap serta dalam kondisi baik dan terpasang dengan benar.

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 141-147
Fira Nabila ◽  
Prihantono Prihantono ◽  
Anisah Anisah

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahaya dan risiko pada proses pekerjaan pemasangan sandwich panel, proses identifikasi bahaya dan risiko menggunakan instrumen lembar Job Safety Analysis sedangkan penilaian risiko menggunakan metode semi kuantitatif W.T Fine J yang mengacu pada standar AS/NZS 4360:2004 tentang Risk Management. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi lapangan, wawancara dan focus group discussion. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dalam bentuk tabel identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko kemudian dideskripsi secara objektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam bahaya dalam proses pekerjaan pemasangan sandwich panel antara lain bahaya mekanis, listrik, fisik, biologi, ergonomis dan  biologis. Risiko yang teridentifikasi sebanyak 21 risiko dengan 7 level risiko Very High (33%), 5 level Priority 1 (24%), 6 level Substansial (29%) dan 3 level Priority 3 (14%). Kata kunci: Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian resiko, JSA, sandwich panel Abstract This study aims to determine the hazards and risks in the work process of installing sandwich panels, the process of identifying hazards and risks using the Job Safety Analysis sheet instrument while the risk assessment uses the semi-quantitative W.T Fine J method which refers to the AS/NZS 4360:2004 standard on Risk Management. Data collection was carried out using field observations, interviews and focus group discussions. The data obtained were analyzed in the form of a table of hazard identification and risk assessment and then described objectively. The results showed that there were six hazards in the work process of installing sandwich panels, including mechanical, electrical, physical, biological, ergonomic and biological hazards. The identified risks were 21 risks with 7 levels of Very High risk (33%), 5 levels of Priority 1 (24%), 6 levels of Substantial (29%) and 3 levels of Priority 3 (14%). Keywords: Hazard identification, risk assessment, JSA, sandwich panel  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Jauhar Firdaus

Jember Regency is one of the agro-industrial areas in Indonesia with a variety of activities that can produce noise including milling industry. Exposure to noise that is too strong or too long will damage the auditory nerve. The type of material being grounded determines the amount of noise produced so that the potential for hearing nerve damage also varies. This study aims to determine the level of noise produced by the milling industry and analyze the potential for hearing nerve damage in milling workers in Jember Regency. This type of research is observational analytic with cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted by measuring noise in several grinding locations in Jember that were randomly determined. Types of careful milling is grinding meat, coffee, rice, sticky rice and coconut. In addition to measuring the noise level, a short interview was also conducted with the mill workers regarding how long they worked at the mill every day. The measurement results are then analyzed descriptively and compared with standards set by the government and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In this study it was found that the grinding of meat raw materials produced an average noise level of 88.5 db, coffee of 88.5 db, rice of 88.9 db, sticky rice of 87.3 db and coconut of 80.7 db. The duration of exposure to noise in milling meat, coffee, rice and sticky rice ranges from 9-12 hours a day. While the duration of noise exposure to coconut milling workers ranged from 6-9 hours. Therefore it can be concluded that milling meat, coffee, rice and sticky rice has the potential to cause hearing loss for workers. Keywords: agroindustry, hearing loss, noisy, milling

Dinda Ayu Lestari ◽  
Fis Purwangka ◽  
Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar

 Kegiatan bongkar muat kapal purse seine merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak orang dan aktivitas. Peluang kecelakaan kerja pada kondisi tersebut dapat terjadi pada setiap tahap aktivitas bongkar muat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas kegiatan bongkar muat kapal purse  seine di PPP Muncar dan mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya pada kegiatan bongkar muat di PPP Muncar. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus (Sugiono 2010) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi keselamatan kerja bongkar muat. Analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) dan Job Safety Analysis  (JSA) dilakukan terhadap data observasi langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 52 aktivitas pada kegiatan bongkar muat. Analisis HTA dan JSA menunjukkan dari 52 kegiatan tersebut yang memiliki kategori tidak bahaya sebanyak 3 (6%) kegiatan, ringan 28 (54%) kegiatan, menengah 20 (38%) kegiatan, dan berat 1 (2%) kegiatan serta tidak ada kegiatan yang dikategorikan fatal.  Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa nelayan yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan kerja saat kegiatan bongkar muat yang diambil dari 50 responden yang ada di PPP Muncar adalah: sangat mengerti 8%, mengerti 36%, cukup mengerti 14%, dan yang tidak mengerti 42%. Adapun nelayan yang sadar akan pentingnya keselamatan kerja pada kegiatan bongkar muat adalah 8% dan yang tidak menyadari pentingnya keselamatan kerja sebesar 92%. Hal yang masih perlu diperhatikan adalah belum adanya Prosedur Operasional  Baku (POB) bongkar muat ikan dan perlunya perbaikan fasilitas bongkar muat untuk menekan peluang terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di PPP Muncar., contohnya seperti yang diterapkan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, dimana dikeluarkan Peraturan Kepala Kantor Otoritas Pelabuhan Tanjung P'riok Nomor: UK.112/2/10/0P.TPK.11 Tahun 2011, mengenai Tata Cara Pelayanan Kapal dan Bongkar Muat Barang Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.  Loading and unloading activities of purse seiner involve a lot of people and works. Possibility of accidents on the condition can occur at any stage of loading and unloading activities. The study aimed are to describe the loading and unloading activities of purse seiner in PPP Muncar and to identify potential hazards in the loading and unloading activities in PPP Muncar. The case study method was used in this research. A descriptive analysis using Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) were applied as well. The results showed, there were 52 activities in the loading and unloading. Those activities were categorized as activities with no hazard as much as three activities (6%), 28 activities (54%) were categorized as low hazard, 20 activities (38%) were categorized as medium hazard, 1 activity (2%) as highly hazard and no activities were categorized as fatal.  Concerning the knowledge of fishermen toward  occupational safety on loading and unloading activities, taken from 50 respondents, the result showed that very understand (8%), understand (36%), quite understand (14%) and 42% of respondents who do not understand. As for the fishermen who were aware of the importance of workplace safety in loading and unloading activities only 8% and the rest (98%) were not aware of the importance of workplace safety. It was worth to note that the absence of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for loading and unloading fish and the need to improve loading and unloading facilities to avoid the chances of  accidents at PPP Muncar.  

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