Jurnal MD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-180
Ahmad Nurcholis ◽  
Syaikhu Ihsan Hidayatullah ◽  
Izzatul Laila

The millennial’s interest towards Islamic da’wah is decreased significantly, caused by the da’wah approach and strategy which are still conservative, monotonous, and only delivered on lecturing way. In fact, on the other hand, the millennial generation expects an inspirational, modern, elastic, dynamic, innovative, and entertaining da’wah. This study aims to describe, analyze, and interpret the implications of inspirational da’wah conducted by the Da’wah Management department of IAIN Tulungagung in increasing the young generation's interest in Islamic teachings and da’wah. In principle, inspirational da’wah has been carried out by Suryadharma Ali, the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia on 2009-2014, who stated that one of the main jobs of UIN and IAIN is to maintain and develop scientific traditions in the field of Islamic studies which are increasingly less desirable by the community because there has been a change in community orientation toward Islamic da’wah. So, the quality of Islamic institutions in Indonesia needs to do the more serious, systematic, and measurable efforts in order to increase the quality of Islamic da’wah, as well as PTKIN graduates must be more competitive. The ideas of this article inspired by the Grand Theory of Medan Da’wah promoted by K.H. Ahmad Muwafiq that the success of the da’wah is influenced by the theological, cultural, and object of the da’wah when the implementation of the Islamic da’wah is delivered. Furthermore, the Islamic da’wah is an inspiration to realize the teachings of Islam in personal and social life in line with the culture of the society in terms of life that aim to uphold amar ma'ruf and nahi munkar. This is qualitative research with a descriptive method of phenomenological analysis. While the results of the study are: First, Inspirational da’wah has implications for increasing trends and millennial generation interest for IAIN Tulungagung students towards Islamic da’wah. Second, the inspirational da’wah referred to in this study is the iain tulungagung hijaber community, inspirational da’wah comedy, electronic da’wah bulletin, da’wah literacy, and online da’wah through the official campus website. Keywords: Inspirational Da’wah, Millenial Generation, IAIN Tulungagung

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Novi Paraswanty

AbstractViolation of the speech maxim in the Presidential Candidates Election Debate of theRepublic of indonesia In 2019.This research was aimed at describing the forms of violationof the speech act maxim and describing the functions of violationofspeech act maxim in thepresidential candidate election debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. This research wasqualitative, and conducted by using the descriptive method. The soutce of data was thePresidential Candidate Election Debate of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. The researchresults of speech maxim violation in the Presidential Candidate Election Debate of theRepublic of Indonesia in 2019 consist of 5 research problems, which are: (1) the form ofquantity of maxim violation, (2) the form of quality of maxim violation, (3) the form of relevanceof maxim violation, (4) the form of method of maxim violation, and (5) the functions of speechacts of maxim violation. The form of quantity maxim violation consists of statements containinganswers that comprise the information needed. The form of quality maxim violation consists ofstatements that contain answers which are less convincing, and contain answers which aresimilar or agree to the questions, and also contain answers which the evidence is not true. Theform of relevance maxim violation consists of statements which contain answers that are notrelevance with the questions and contain the contents of the correct answer but are notrelevance. The form of method maxim violation consists of statements which containambiguous answers, and contain long and wordy answers. The function of the speech acts hasfour functions: Representative function which consists of statements of affirmation, conclusion,and facts. Expressive function consists of statements of praise, difficulty, happiness, andmisery. Directive function consists of statements of ordering, advising, and commanding.Commissive function consists of statements of promise, rejection, and threat.Keywords:violation of speech maxim, debate AbstrakPelanggaran Maksim Tutur Dalam Debat Pemilihan Calon Presiden Republik IndonesiaTahun 2019. Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan wujud pelangaran maksim danmendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim dalam debat pemilihan calonPresiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif,dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah debat pemilihan calon PresidenRepublik Indonesia tahun 2019. Hasil penelitian dari pelanggaran maksim tutur dalam debatPemilihan Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia tahun 2019 ini terdiri dari lima rumusanmasalah yaitu : (1) wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, (2) wujud pelanggaran maksimkualitas, (3) wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi, (4) wujud pelanggaran maksim cara, dan(5) fungsi tindak tutur pelanggaran maksim. Wujud pelanggaran maksim kuantitas terdiri daripernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang melebihi informasi yang dibutuhkan. Wujudpelanggaran maksim kualitas berupa pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang kurangmeyakinkan, mengandung jawaban yang sama atau sependapat, dan mengandung jawabanyang bukti kebenarannya tidak benar. Wujud pelanggaran maksim relevansi terdiri daripernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan, danmengandung isi jawaban yang benar tapi tidak sesuai. Wujud pelanggaran maksim cara terdiridari pernyataan yang mengandung jawaban yang ambigu, dan mengandung jawaban panjanglebar, bertele-tele. Fungsi tindak tutur memiliki empat fungsi yaitu: Fungsi representatif yangterdiri dari pernyataan penegasan, kesimpulan, fakta. Fungsi ekspresif terdiri dari pernyataanmemuji, kesulitan, kesenangan, kesengsaraan. Fungsi direktif terdiri dari pernyataanmenyuruh, memberi saran, perintah. Fungsi komisif terdiri dari pernyataan janji, penolakan,ancaman.Kata-kata kunci: pelanggaran maksim tutur, debat

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Norris S E Simatupang

Textbook is one of the form of teaching material and a significant guide for teachers and students. One of the factors determining student success in learning activity is the quality of the textbook. Learning vocabulary plays a vital role in all language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thus the author decided to analyze the vocabulary materials in Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI textbook published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This analysis needs to be done to prove whether or not this textbook has sufficient quality to develop students' vocabulary. This research will be conducted using a qualitative research approach. The data collection method uses descriptive method because the author focuses on the vocabulary material in each chapter of the textbook. The data is analyzed using the instrument of textbook assessment by Houtz elements (1955). The results of the analysis that has been carried out shows that the textbook is suitable to be used as teaching material for the learning process in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
I Gusti Agung Febrianto

The tourism sector has been predicted to be the second largest source of foreign exchange contribution in Indonesia, but the Covid 19 pandemic has made this sector sluggish. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has made various efforts so that this sector can return to normal. Starting from restricting people traveling, using masks when going out and always washing hands. At the time of tourism in the Covid 19 era, it is believed that millennial generation tourists will continue to carry out their activities. The millennial generation is relatively bolder when traveling on tour when compared to previous generations. With the opening of tourism in the Covid 19 era, the millennial generation will immediately carry out tourism travel activities. Perception is the process of an individual selecting, organizing, and interpreting information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. Millennial generation tourists' perceptions focus on risks when traveling. Contracting the covid 19 virus is the biggest risk. Attitude is an evacuation of trust for positive feelings or negative feelings from someone if they have to do behavior that will determine. Attitude is a characteristic that is owned by a person in forming a character, this character is a principle that is owned and is static or difficult to change. The number of respondents in this study were 100 tourists. The results of this study are the perceptions of millennial tourists towards tourism in the new normal era prioritizing the quality of health protocols both in hotels, restaurants, transportation, and in tourist objects. Similarly, the attitude of millennial tourists towards tourism in the new normal era is more concerned about health and hygiene when traveling.

Jesús Alfredo Morales Carrero

RESUMEN La orientación comunitaria como proceso al servicio de la transformación socioeducativa constituye un campo teórico-práctico poco explorado; sin embargo, la necesidad de ofrecer asesoramiento para mejorar la calidad de vida, el bienestar integral y el desarrollo humano, la han posicionado como una alternativa para consolidar acciones efectivas de intervención enfocadas en el abordaje de los conflictos que cotidianamente emergen de las relaciones sociales y, a las que el docente debe atender para garantizar la convivencia social. En tal sentido, el presente ensayo constituye una revisión documental en la que se profundiza sobre el rol orientador del docente en el contexto comunitario, precisando las actividades, funciones y ámbitos de acción en los que debe operar para dinamizar la resolución de problemas comunes y el desenvolvimiento de los actores comunitarios, en la autogestión de sus necesidades y la construcción de condiciones que potencien la realización individual y colectiva; se concluye, que la participación del docente en su dimensión orientadora representa un modo para facilitar el cumplimiento de objetivos estratégicos, frente a los cuales solo es posible proceder mediante la unificación de esfuerzos, la integración sinérgica y el sentido de co-responsabilidad, requerimientos que por sus implicaciones dimensionan la vida social posibilitando la maximización de oportunidades de desarrollo integral para todos.ABSTRACT Community orientation as a process at the service of socio-educational transformation constitutes a theoretical-practical field little explored; however, the need to offer advice to improve the quality of life, integral well-being and human development, has positioned it as an alternative to consolidate effective intervention actions focused on tackling the conflicts that daily emerge from social relationships and that the counselors and teachers must attend to guarantee social coexistence. In this sense, the present essay constitutes a documentary review in which the counselor’s guiding role in the community context is deepened, specifying the activities, the functions and the areas of action in which it must operate to streamline the resolution of common problems and the development of community actors, in the self-management of their needs and the construction of conditions that enhance individual and collective fulfillment. It is concluded that the participation of the teachers in their guiding dimension represents a way to facilitate the fulfillment of strategic objectives, which can be only possible to proceed by unifying efforts, synergistic integration and a sense of co-responsibility, such requirements by their implications tend to dimension social life, making it possible to maximize opportunities for comprehensive development for all. 

2021 ◽  
Vol LXII (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Valeri Velkovski ◽  
Gena Velkovska ◽  

The structural policy is enshrined in the modern legislation, including the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, as an essential element of the state policy in terms of its safeguarding functions. Being an internal structural element of state policy, in the quality of a larger-scale system, structural policy enters into relationships and interactions with a number of other systems functioning in economic and social life, tolerates their influence and reacts to this influence in different ways. The variation of the structural policy in the agrarian sector, as well as subsystems, reflects in their diversity the needs of the sector by conditions, including structural ones, in view of its sustainable development. Structural policies, transformed into spatial events and activities, in turn, can also qualify as a variety of agrarian policy or strands in agrarian policy, all the more so that the conduct of spatial planning activities on agricultural land has an important and essential place in the general and specialized structural legislation, including the agrarian legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Deni Handani, Mela Sari, Ira Devi Lia

ABSTRACT Policy of Assistance to the Family Hope Program (PKH) through Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System which was followed up with Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2018 concerning PKH. One way that has been done by the government to prosper and reduce poverty by giving assistance to shortage society. The aim of this study was to identify the Implementation of the Family Hope Program in the framework of the distribution of community welfare in Bungo District. The study used descriptive method with qualitative. Data analysis using data collection, data reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the implementation of the policies carried out by related government agencies was improving the quality of life in the fields of education and health, but the reality in the field was found that the implementation of the family of hope program in Bungo district had not been able to fully realize equitable welfare for the community, this was indicated from the distribution of funds that had not been equitable and injustice in determining the participants receiving PKH funds.   Keywords: Implementation, Family Hope Program (PKH), Community Welfare.

2020 ◽  
pp. 120-130

It is attested at the national level that three-quarters of human capital aged 55 and over in Moldova represent an untapped potential for active aging, which means limited opportunities to get old in good health, to be active economically, to have a safe and secure social life. Meanwhile, more older people are in a group risk with high socio-economic vulnerability. According to national demographic prognoses, by the year 2035, every third person would be over 60. At the regional level, Moldova has the lowest indicators on the quality of life of the older people, on the human capital in older age and on the opportunities to empower this category of the population. The paper focuses to calculate and evaluate some indicators of well-being and social inclusion of the older people in the Republic of Moldova. The challenges which the older people population is facing (poor living conditions, financial and material deprivation, limited access, and quality of health services, restricted physical security, etc.) are highlighted. The analysis is based on the latest available national statistics and empirical data. To emphasize determinants of material wellbeing of the older people the binary logistic regression model had been developed based on primary data of the “Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people in Moldova” (2014, CDR, HelpAge) sociological survey of persons aged 60 and over. The factors, which have a significant impact on the material welfare of the older people, are residence area and age, labour market position, the migrant experience, educational attendance, self-perceived health, age-friendly community perception.

2000 ◽  
J. B. Nezlek ◽  
C. P. Hampton ◽  
G. D. Shean

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Maftuh Maftuh

For many observers, Banten is well known as an area where the population has a strict religious understanding onislamic law. Colonial officials and experts in Islamic studies such as Snouck Hurgronje and GF Pijper, testified that compared to other Muslims across Java , Muslim in Banten and Cirebon were stricter in practicing Islam . The phenomenon of the social life of the religious community in Banten is necessarily formed within a very long time span. This paper traces the root of the formation of public religious understanding ojMuslim in Banten. Using a socio-historical approach, this paper then leads to the conclusion that the sultan of Banten issued policies that had a greater emphasis to the adherence to the Shari'a rather than Sufism. Religious orientation on the fiqh-oriented can explain the Islamic militancy Banten community, as witnessed by the colonial officials, and even still can be seen up to this present moment.Key words: Jslamization, Sultanate, Banten

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Yoel Tabuni

In line with the rapid development of the times and the increasingly complex problems faced by the state, there has also been a development in government administration which has been marked by a shift in the paradigm of governance from Rule Governance. This situation makes the bureaucracy rigid, in an environment that is only limited to flowing the instructions or following instructions. The district government in an Asologaima District has the main task of carrying out part of the authority delegated by the district head in the fields of government, economy, and development, society, peace, and order as well as coordination.The method is sed is descriptive method. Bureaucrats as providers of public services must be able to provide quality services, the quality of service of bureaucrats to society is closely related to customer satisfaction or consumer satisfaction as the recipient of the service itself.

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