scholarly journals Identification as an Indicator of Social Entropy Under Globalization: Ukrainian Realities and International Context

2021 ◽  
pp. 417-436
Ihor Ishchenko ◽  
Olena Bashkeieva ◽  
Nataliia Zinukova

The purpose of the article is to show modern trends in identification in the context of globalization and the specific conditions of political and economic systems, to indicate ways of influencing their formation, to change the value paradigm of identification associated with harmonious human relations. А hypothesis is that modern identification in Ukraine does not correspond to the liberal-democratic tradition and will continue to generate conflict. The existing identification structure should be used to reorient individuals and groups to effective communication within organizations, which will contribute to the political stability and security of the state. The following approaches and research methods have been used as tools to achieve this purpose: synergetic method; the reflective method; the dialectical method; a comparative method; structural-systemic method; synthesis method. The article covers the following issues: Analysis of identification models; Features of the identification mechanism in post-soviet realities; Modern synergetic model of identification in Ukraine; Peculiarities of culture formation in the conditions of digital and socio-cultural globalization; A new approach to identification as a factor of political stability and security. The authors made the following conclusions: The “ethnic model” of identification turns into a strange attractor, resulting in the Ruelle-Takens scenario. According to the theory of synergetics, this scenario became possible after three bifurcations in the political and economic system of Ukraine over the past 29 years. The “turquoise paradigm” elements should be taken as a basis for model of national identity.

Andrew Levidis

The creation of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in November 1955 remains one of the most significant moments in modern Japanese political history. The political stability inaugurated in 1955, followed by more than seventy years of unbroken conservative government, have inured us to the striking persistence and durability of conservative ideas, institutions, and men across the political divide of 1945. This chapter examines Kishi Nobusuke’s role in the reconstruction of political order in 1955 and the vehicle of conservative hegemony – the Liberal Democratic party. In so doing it recasts the so-called 1955 system in the longue durée of Japanese political history. As post-imperial elites sought to restore familiar forms of government, their efforts intertwined with the memory of political upheaval between world wars. Layered into conservative efforts to reconceptualize their politics and organize postwar society in the 1950s were the ingrained traditions of 1930s and 1940s– anti-communism, national cohesion, mass mobilization, national harmony - which proved surprisingly translatable to notions of democracy, modernization, and Cold War state-building.

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-70
Paul Mtasigazya

This study explores the state of liberal democracy and political stability in Africa. In particular it intends to assess what is said about liberal democracy in relation to free and fair election, political stability and the politics of ethnicity in Tanzania and Kenya and the reality happening on the ground (the practice) in East African countries. The rationale for undertaking this analysis is that the East African countries have experienced political transformation: for instance, for much of the post-colonial period East African countries tended to live under one-party regime, but since 1990s East African countries embraced multiparty system. This study pays attention to assessing the outcomes of liberal democracy in East African countries in particular examining the extent to which the liberal democracy promotes free and fair elections, political stability and the mitigation of the politics of ethnicity. This study employed a comparative analysis, in which it compared the extent to which liberal democracy is practiced in Tanzania and Kenya and how far the above-mentioned parameters are realized under the broad spectrum of liberal democracy. The methods of data collection were interviews and documentary review and the discussion of the findings was organized around the sub-themes of this study. The period covered in this discussion is the contemporary period from 1990’s to 2019. The findings indicate that even though African countries have adopted liberal democracy, in some of the East African countries like Kenya, political stability and free and fair elections have not been fully realized, while in Tanzania the experience indicates that political stability is relatively realized after elections. This study concludes that even if the institutions of liberal democracy have gradually developed with partial free and fair elections, the manifestations of political instability still exist in some of the East African countries, as shown by the election violence in Kenya comparatively to Tanzania. Therefore, the interface between the liberal democracy and political stability has not been sufficiently realized in the liberal democratic tradition. This study recommends that elections as one of the pillars of liberal democracy should be properly and fairly instituted, so that the role of liberal democracy is realized in fostering peace and tranquility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Oleksandr Sviderskyi ◽  
Andrii Lubentsov

The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of corruption on the development of legal and economic systems of State. The subject of the research is the impact of corruption on the development of legal and economic systems of States. Methodology. Research methods are chosen based on the object, subject and purpose of the study. The study used general scientific and special methods of legal science. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method were used to formulate a holistic view on corruption, its features, aspects as well as the ways in which it can be manifested. The logical-semantic method was used to establish the meaning of the term “corruption”, “informal sector”, “legal system”. The comparative method was used when analyzing scientific categories, definitions and approaches. The legal modeling method has been applied to develop proposals for improving anti-corruption regulatory framework. Results. The article generalizes scientific views on the interpretation of the concept of corruption, on the basis of which the authors’ view on this category is proposed. Psychological and sociological aspects of corruption are explored. The scientific opinion that corruption is a negative phenomenon that impedes the proper functioning of social, economic and legal systems of State is substantiated. Practical implication. Particular attention is paid to the fact that corruption is directly related to the informal sector. Therefore, it is emphasized that the legislator should create all the necessary organizational and legal conditions in order to minimize the risks of corruption in State. Value/originality. There is a need to raise legal awareness of citizens as an important factor in counteracting corruption and its manifestations in society, because nowadays corruption is treated with higher tolerance, is being taken for granted, that is, it is becoming a norm in modern society.

Adedayo Adedoyin

For more than five decades, Nigeria has witnessed series of efforts toward development which have been largely unsuccessful. With the aid of secondary data from various sources, this paper discusses the issue of Nigeria’s development aspiration in relationship to its security problems. The paper contends that the absence of good governance and insecurity have engendered elements of unaccountability, political division, disunity, violence, deprivation of infrastructural facilities, unemployment, etc. which constituted obstacles to the country’s development aspirations. Good socio-political and economic systems are identified as the key objectives to Nigeria’s development in the 21st century. In this dispensation, Nigeria has failed to fashion out its own development brands, while a successful development can only be achieved through a home-grown strategy and not necessarily through imported ideas or theories. The elements of good governance that guarantee freedom of speech, transparency and accountability, political stability and effectiveness, rule of law, etc. have not been given much recognition. The paper concludes that the persistent institutional uncertainty, weak rule of law, political deceit, infrastructural decay, unemployment, monumental corrupt practices and insecurity need to be addressed for Nigeria to make progress, and that adequate effective measures are required from the political stakeholders to safeguard Nigeria’s future and achieve development. Recommendations for better security system and development attainment are proffered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-153
Nataliya M. Khoma

The aim of the article is to study the problems of intolerance in the Young Democracies of the EU on the example of Estonia and Latvia. The article is prepared on the basis of methodologies of neo-institutionalism, axiological (value) approach and comparative method. It has been proven that at the institutional level in Estonia and Latvia there is an understanding of the importance of preventing and combating intolerance. At the same time, in practice in these states there are manifestations of intolerance. An urgent problem is the rise of hate speech in political discourse. Tolerance towards members of sexual minorities remains acute, especially in Latvia. There has been some progress by Estonia in combating intolerance with regard to legalization for same-sex couples in civil partnerships. It is noted that the level of intolerance of Estonian society is significantly influenced by the political course of the ruling party EKRE. The author of the article argues that the voting of a significant number of Estonians and Latvians for parties that support anti-Semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, neo-racism, misogynistic ideas, shows the lack of stability of liberal-democratic values in the political and legal culture of the population. The state policy of the analyzed Baltic countries on combating intolerance covers only a part of the problems, and a number of others are silenced or openly ignored. The legal framework of Estonia and Latvia is not fully in line with EU law. Some EU recommendations on minimizing situations conducive to the spread of intolerant practices have not been implemented by Estonia and Latvia. As the range of problems of the quality of democracy in the EU countries has been steadily expanding in the last decade, their study remains a relevant area for political science. The article is theoretical in type using empirical data.

Kristina Dietz

The article explores the political effects of popular consultations as a means of direct democracy in struggles over mining. Building on concepts from participatory and materialist democracy theory, it shows the transformative potentials of processes of direct democracy towards democratization and emancipation under, and beyond, capitalist and liberal democratic conditions. Empirically the analysis is based on a case study on the protests against the La Colosa gold mining project in Colombia. The analysis reveals that although processes of direct democracy in conflicts over mining cannot transform existing class inequalities and social power relations fundamentally, they can nevertheless alter elements thereof. These are for example the relationship between local and national governments, changes of the political agenda of mining and the opening of new spaces for political participation, where previously there were none. It is here where it’s emancipatory potential can be found.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 167-188
Abdu Mukhtar Musa

As in most Arab and Third World countries, the tribal structure is an anthropological reality and a sociological particularity in Sudan. Despite development and modernity aspects in many major cities and urban areas in Sudan, the tribe and the tribal structure still maintain their status as a psychological and cultural structure that frames patterns of behavior, including the political behavior, and influence the political process. This situation has largely increased in the last three decades under the rule of the Islamic Movement in Sudan, because of the tribe politicization and the ethnicization of politics, as this research reveals. This research is based on an essential hypothesis that the politicization of tribalism is one of the main reasons for the tribal conflict escalation in Sudan. It discusses a central question: Who is responsible for the tribal conflicts in Sudan?

2018 ◽  
pp. 75-88
Lyubov Sadovskaya

The article presents a new view on the problems of political stability in West African countries. For the first time was carried out a comparative analysis of the sustainability of the political systems of the two Francophone fastest growing countries in West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. The author analyzes the factors negatively influencing political stability social order, and those that reduce conflict potencial in these States. Internal and external threats to the political systems of Senegal and Сôte d’Ivoire are examined. The response of both countries to internal and external challenges is shown. The study proves that while external threats indanger Senegal’s political stability, such as the penetration of religious extremism, the crisis in Casamance, maritime piracy, drug traffic, for Côte d’Ivoire, on the contrary, main risks are internal: electoral, socio-political crises, the split of elites, arms smuggling, banditry. The study demonstrates that the level of social governance in Senegal is higher than in other West African countries, including Сôte d’Ivoire, due to the dualism of the political system: the coexistence of Western-style political institutions with local faiths (tariqas), as well as policy pursued by President M. Sall. aimed at achieving mutual compromise that ensure the peaceful settlement of conflicts and contradictions. The author concludes that a new approach to the development of a security strategy is required.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019/2 ◽  
pp. 5-39
Darius Baronas

ANNOTATION. This article is the first attempt of the biographic research of Grand Duchess Uliana Algirdienė of Lithuania (d. 17/03/1392), based on the critical analysis of primary sources. It is also aimed at pointing out the reflection of the role of women in the pagan Lithuanian society. The research was carried out by means of the analytical and comparative method of historical source analysis with a view to separate as distinctly as possible the information derived from contemporary sources from the images imposed by later historiographic tradition. The article questions the stereotypes related to Uliana’s great political power in Lithuania’s political life that are well-established in modern historiography and present-day cultural memory. With this an attempt is made to draw attention to the problematic nature of information derived from historical sources as well as to more distinctly define the frames imposed by the political culture of pagan Lithuania which clearly marked the boundaries for the political activities of women representing the ruling dynasty. This article for the most part dwells on the issues related to the coverage of Algirdas and Uliana’s marriage and the period of their married life up to Algirdas’ death in 1377. KEYWORDS: Uliana, Algirdas, Simeon, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Moscow, Tver, Rus’, women


The article analyzes the features of the current youth policy of the Russian Federation aimed at raising the political culture. Despite the current activities of the government institutions in the field under study, absenteeism, as well as the protest potential of the young people, remains at a fairly high level. In this regard, the government acknowledged the importance of forming a positive image of the state power in the eyes of young people and strengthen its influence in the sphere of forming loyal associations, which is not always positively perceived among the youth. The work focuses on the fact that raising the loyalty of youth organizations is one of the factors of political stability, both in case of internal turbulence and external influence. The authors also focus on the beneficiaries of youth protests. The authors paid special attention to the issue of forming political leadership among the youth and the absence of leaders expressing the opinions of young people in modern Russian politics. At the same time, youth protest as a social phenomenon lack class and in some cases ideological differences. The authors come to the conclusion that despite the steps taken by the government and political parties to involve Russian youth in the political agenda, the young people reject leaders of youth opinion imposed by the authorities, either cultivating nonparticipation in the electoral campagines or demonstrating latent protest voting.

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