scholarly journals Penerapan Model Induktif Kata Bergambar Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Kurniadi Abdurrahim

This research was conducted to know Indonesia language writing skills of students before and after using the inductive model picture and words to find out its application in class II MI Nurul Huda Bandung. This research uses Research Action class that have been implemented over the last two cycles.  Based on the results of the data processing, the average value obtained the writing skills of students before using inductive model illustrated 60 words (30%).  Application of inductive model illustrated words on cycle I obtained average value of teacher activity 80.75% and students of 68.75% and cycle II obtained average value of teacher activity amounted to 96.15% and 93.75% students. Writing skills of the students after using inductive model illustrated words on cycle I gained an average rating of 74,5 (78%) and in cycle II obtained an average score of 81.6 (100%). This proves that the word inductive model illustrated is able to improve the writing skills of students in the class II MI Nurul Huda Bandung.

Arinil Hasanah

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menuliskarangan narasi menggunakan media film mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesiapada siswa kelas V MI Al Hadi Girkusuma Demak dan sejauh manapenerapan media film dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karangannarasi mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas V MI Al Hadi 3Girikusuma Demak. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelasdengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas V MI Al Hadi 3 Girikusuma Demakdengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 32 peserta didik.Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara melakukanobservasi, tes tertulis pada akhir penerapan siklus, dan melihat dokumentasinilai menulis karangan narasi mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebelumpenerapan media film, dan nilai rata-rata tes tertulis akhir pembelajarantiap-tiap siklus dengan penerapan media film dianalisis menggunakankualitatif deskriptif. Prestasi belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan setiapsiklusnya. Nilai rata-rata tes tertulis dari siklus I sampai siklus II jugamengalami peningkatan dibandingkan sebelum penerapan media film. Nilairata-rata tes tertulis sebelum penerapan media film sebesar 58,13, nilai rata-rata siklus I sebesar 75,81 dan nilai rata-rata siklus II sebesar 84,8.Selanjutnya prosentase ketuntasan belajarnya juga mengalami peningkatanyaitu pra siklus 28,1%, siklus I 75%, dan pada siklus II 93,75%. Sedangkananak yang mendapat nilai telah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal(KKM) 75 juga mengalami peningkatan yaitu pra siklus ada 9 siswa, padasiklus I 24 siswa dan pada siklus II ada 30 siswa. Berdasarkan analisisdiperoleh simpulan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan antara sebelumdan sesudah penerapan media film dalam pembelajaran menulis karangannarasi pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Kata Kunci : Peningkatan, keterampilan Menulis Narasi, Media FilmArinil Hasanah Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis...2 MAGISTRA - Volume 8 Nomor 2 Desember 2017AbstractThis study aims to improve writing skill on narrative essay using film mediaon Indonesian language subjects in fifth grade of MI Al Hadi GirikusumaDemak, and how far the application of film media can improve the writingskill on narrative essay in Indonesian language subjects for them. Thedesign of this study is classroom action research with the subjects are 32fifth grade students of MI Al Hadi 3 Girikusuma Demak.Data collection in this study was carried out by conducting observations,written tests at the end of the cycle, and find out the documentation ofwriting skill score on narrative essay in Indonesian subjects before theapplication of film media, and the average written test scores of each cycleof learning with the application of media films were analyzed usingdescriptive qualitative. Student learning achievement has increased everycycle. The average value of written tests from cycle I to cycle II also increasecompared before the application of film media. The average value of thewritten test before the application of film media is 58.13, the average valueof the first cycle is 75.81 and the average value of the second cycle is 84.8.Furthermore, the percentage of mastery learning also increased, namelypre cycle 28.1%, cycle I 75%, and in the second cycle 93.75%. Whereaschildren who scored have reached the minimum completeness criteria(KKM) 75 also experienced an increase namely pre-cycle there were 9students, in the first cycle 24 students and in the second cycle there were 30students. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that there was asignificant increase between before and after the application of film mediain learning to write narrative essays on Indonesian subjects.Keywords: Improvement, Narrative Writing skills, film Media

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-254
Dinan Anshary ◽  
Yadi Mulyadi ◽  
Yuliarti Mutiarsih

 Today there are so many learning strategies to support teaching and learning activities. One of the learning strategies that can be applied in writing skills is Task Based Language Learning. This research aims to measure the level of student mastery of descriptive text writing skills before and after the use of Task Based Language Learning strategies; measure the effectiveness of the implementation of Task Based Language Learning, and; obtain information about the implementation of Task Based Language Learning. The method used in this research was a pre-experimental. Meanwhile, the research design was one group pre-test and post-test design. The research findings explained that the use of Task Based Language Learning can improve students’s descriptive text writing skills. This is proven by an increase in the average value obtained by students. The average score in the pre-test was 60.8 while the post-test average score increased by 74.88. Then based on the overall questionnaire data analysis, the application of this learning strategy contributed positively to the learning of descriptive French writing skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-337
Aldi Prasetyo

ABSTRACT One of the important skills in language learning is writing. Writing skills, need to be familiarized with children, such as fairy tale writing skills. One way to teach it is a fun activity, which is by linking writing with children’s habit’s, which is to teach imagine. This study aims to analyze the results of the implementation of the design of learning to write fairy tales through imagination activities. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subject is the fourth grade students of MI Muhamadiyah Beji with a total of 14 students. The result showed that 92.85% of the 14 student were able to create fairy tales through the imaginations, and 7.15% of students were unable to write them in writing because they did not follow the learning well. This activity is also able to explore children who have the potential to write. Keywords: Indonesian Language, Writing Fairy Tales, Imagination.   ABSTRAK Salah satu ketrampilan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa ialah menulis. Ketrampilan Menulis, perlu dibiasakan pada anak, seperti ketrampilan menulis dongeng. Salah satu cara mengajarkannya ialah dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan, yaitu dengan menghubungkan antara menulis dengan kebiasaan anak, yaitu berimajinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hasil implementasi desain pembelajaran menulis dongeng melalui kegiatan berimajinasi. Metode yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun subjeknya ialah siswa kelas IV MI Muhamadiayah Beji yang berjumlah 14  siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 92.85% dari 14 siswa mampu membuat dongeng dengan melalui pancingan-pancingan imajinasi dan 7.15% siswa tidak mampu menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulis dikarenakan tidak mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Kegiatan ini pula mampu menggali anak-anak yang mempunyai potensi menulis. Kata kunci: Bahasa Indonesia, Menulis Dongeng, Imajinasi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Yupiter Carlis Gulo

<em>This research aims to improve the teaching and learning process and improve the results of learning math on the material flat-wake up with the method resides of Class VII JUNIOR HIGH Technology nation's pillars of Tangerang. This type of research is qualitative research i.e. Research action class (PTK), the learning model used was the model MC Taggart and Kemmis. The application of this method is done in the III cycle. Cycle I gained an average rating of 57 students.  cycle II obtained an average score of 65 students. Cycle III average student gained 81. A summary of this research is to study with the method resides was able to improve the results of student learning and fun for students.</em>

Ina Diana ◽  
Nasihudin Nasihudin

The purpose of this study was to determine students' poetry writing skills before the application of acrostic techniques, the process of applying acrostic techniques in each cycles, and the increase produced after applying the acrostic technique. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR), consisting of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that 1) the students' poetry writing skills before applying the acrostic technique obtained an average score of 46.87. 2) The application of acrostic techniques goes well according to the stages. The activity of teachers and students has increased dramatically, in the first cycle the teacher's activity gained a percentage of 64.15%, in the second cycle teacher activity increased to 89.1%. Student learning activities in the first cycle reached 61.65%, in cycle II it increased by 87.5%. 3) Students' poetry writing skills after applying acrostic techniques have increased. In the first cycle, the average score of students was 69.45, and the percentage of learning completeness was 51.75%. In cycle II the average value of students skill increased sharply to 89.37, and the percentage was 91%. Thus, the CAR carried out has been completed with the expected goal of improving poetry writing skills in Indonesian Language Subjects.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Yosi Wulandari ◽  
Ega Aulia Rahmi

The purpose of the research was to explain and analyze the short story writing skills improvement grades X1 SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang in terms of characterization, plot, and setting. This type of research is a classroom action research that uses four stages in each cycle, including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted in two cycles. The data was collected through two main instruments, namely test and nontes. The test is used to collect data capability to write short stories, while the form of sheets nontes observation, field notes, and questionnaires were used to collect the data in the application of learning techniques paraphrasing poetry writing short stories. Analyzing data in accordance with the descriptive-analytical application of the concept of action research. Results of this study showed that the results of the students wrote short stories on pre-cycle obtain an average value of 58.89, cycle 1 with an average value of 77.04, and in cycle 2 the average score was 91.11.. The results showed an increase of pre-cycle students write short stories until the cycle 2.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Nursyaida Nursyaida

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keterampilan menulis cerita siswa yang diberi perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan media gambar dengan siswa yang tidak diberi perlakuan. Subjek penelitian  adalah siswa kelas V SD 164 Ara Kecamatan Bontobahari Kabupaten Bulukumba sebanyak 26 orang. Teknik  pengumpulan data menggunakan tes yang diberikan sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran serta observasi.Kendala yang dialami siswa dalam menulis cerita adalah merangkai kata dan kalimat. Siswa sulit memilih kata yang tepat dan merangkainya menjadi kalimat-kalimat yang baik dan tepat, sehingga membentuk suatu cerita. Media gambar dapat membantu menimbulkan inspirasi bagi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan menulis cerita siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan media gambar lebih tinggi dibanding siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan metode ceramah. Skor rata-rata siswa pada kelas yang diberi perlakuan adalah 67,41 sedangkan skor rata-rata siswa pada kelas yang tidak diberi perlakuan adalah 50,63.Siswa yang diberi perlakuan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media gambar terlihat aktif  selama proses pembelajaran. Berbeda dengan siswa pada kelas yang tidak diperlakuan. Banyak siswa di kelas tersebut yang tinggal diam dan kebingungan tidak mengetahui apa yang hendak ditulis. This research aims to determine differences in narrative writing skills of students treated learning using media images to the students who are not being treated. The subjects were  26 students 5th grade SD 164 Ara District of Bontobahari Bulukumba. Data collection technique used tests given before and after the study and observation.Constraints experienced by students in writing the story was stringing words and sentences. Students had difficulties choosing the right words and put them together into sentences that are good and right, thus forming a story. Media images can help inspiring for students. The results showed that the students' narrative writing skills taught using media images is higher than students taught using lecture method. The average score of students in the class treated is 67.41 while the average score of students in the class were not treated was 50.63.Students treated learning by using media images were active during the learning process. Many students in the control class who remain silent and confused not knowing what is about to be written.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-30
Fitria Ekawati Ekawati ◽  
Agus Susanta Susanta ◽  
Daimun Hambali Hambali

This study aimed to improve a) the activities of teachers and students, b) interest in learning mathematics students, c) the results of mathematics learning students of class II D SDN 69 Kota Bengkulu. The research method was classroom action research. This research was conducted in class II D SDN 69, Bengkulu City consisting of 25 students. The results of this study were an increase in teacher activity in the first cycle obtained an average score of 22.5, increased in the second cycle with an average score of 24.5, and increased in the third cycle to 28.5. Increased activity of students in the first cycle obtained an average score of 25.5, and increased in the second cycle to an average score of 27, and then increased again in the third cycle to 31.5. In students' interest in learning mathematics in the first cycle the percentage was 77.6%, increasing  in the second cycle by 86%, increasing again in the third cycle to 89.2%. The improvement  of cognitive cognitive  learning outcomes of students in the first cycle was average value (66.4) with classical learning completeness (44%), increased in the second cycle the average score (69.4) and classical learning completeness (64%), increased in cycle III (80.6) and classical learning completeness (88%). Then it could be concluded that the application of quick on the draw learning strategies could increase the interest and results of learning mathematics of students in class II D SDN 69 Kota Bengkulu.

Rin-Rin Rosmayanti ◽  
Nanang Kosim

The purpose of this research was conducted to find out the results of the cognitive skill, especially in the subjects of Arabic language. This research analysed before and after cognitive skill using the model of cooperative learning, and identified the activites with the approach in grade III Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Nurul Huda Bandung, West Jawa, Indonesia. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR), that have been implemented in two cycles.  Based on the results of the data processing, obtained mean of cognitive learning skill of students before using the model of cooperative learning is 54.09 (27%).  The application of cooperative learning in cycle I gained an average rating of teacher's activities amounted to 72% and students is 67%, respectively. Furthermore, teacher and students activities in cycle II witnessed to increase dramatically, the former is 94% and later is 92%, respectively. The cognitive skill of students in MI after using cooperative learning on cycle I gained an average rating of 75 (86%), and in cycle II derived to 95 (87.7%). This indicate that model of cooperative learning is able to enhance cognitive skill of students on Arabic subject in MI Nurul Huda Bandung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Syakirotun Ni’mah ◽  
Zaim Elmubarok ◽  
Zukhaira Zukhaira

This research is motivated by the difficulties of students in learning teaching materials are considered the main factor in these difficulties, because the material in the textbook seems stiff or tied to the main material in the curriculum so that it does not develop students creative thinking skills. Therefore, the researcher developed a book supporting Arabic writing skills based on the RAFT strategy (Role Audience Format Topic) for eighth grade students of MTs as an effort to foster students creative thinking skills in Arabic writing skills. This research uses qualitative and quantitative research with a research and development design (Research and Development). The research stages that were passed in this study only reached the fifth stage of the ten stages, namely potentials and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, and design revision. The results of this study are as follows. First, teachers and students want the development of books to support Arabic writing skills based on the RAFT strategy for grade VIII students of MTs. Second, this supporting book prototype contains vocabulary, grammar guidelines, examples of writing with RAFT strategy, writing exercises using RAFT strategy and pearls of wisdom. Third, the assessment of the content feasibility aspect obtained an average value of 90.56, the feasibility aspect of presentation was 90.95, the language feasibility aspect was 89.66, and the graphic feasibility aspect was 89.77. The average score of all aspects of book eligibility is 90.23 in the range 86-100 and is in category 4 (very suitable).   Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari bahan ajar dianggap sebagai faktor utama kesulitan. Hal ini dikarenakan materi pada buku teks pelajaran terkesan kaku atau terikat pada materi pokok dalam kurikulum sehingga kurang mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengembangkan sebuah buku penunjang keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab berbasis strategi RAFT (Role Audience Format Topic) untuk siswa kelas VIII MTs sebagai upaya menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Tahapan penelitian yang dilalui dalam penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap lima dari sepuluh tahap, yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, dan revisi desain. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, guru dan siswa menghendaki adanya pengembangan buku penunjang keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab berbasis strategi RAFT untuk siswa kelas VIII MTs. Kedua, purwarupa buku penunjang ini memuat kosakata, pedoman gramatika, contoh menulis dengan strategi RAFT, latihan menulis dengan strategi RAFT dan kata mutiara. Ketiga, Penilaian aspek kelayakan isi memperoleh nilai rata-rata 90,56, aspek kelayakan penyajian 90,95, aspek kelayakan bahasa 89,66, dan aspek kelayakan kegrafikan 89,77. Nilai rata-rata dari keseluruhan aspek kelayakan buku adalah 90,23 pada rentang 86-100 dan termasuk kategori 4 (sangat sesuai).

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