scholarly journals Representation of Problems in the Field of Education in the Modern “Agenda Setting” Media of the Republic of Tatarstan

R. P. Bakanov ◽  

The article examines how the most popular Russian-language media among the audience of the Republic of Tatarstan talk about problems in the field of education. The author of the article used methods of problem-thematic, lexico-stylistic and comparative analysis of mass media for the previous two years (570 articles were analysed). As a result of the investigate we found the authors of the articles talked about numerous conflicts between teachers, students and their parents from an emotional point of view, wanting to increase the number of views of their articles and increase the rating of a particular media, without forming a positive media image of a teacher.

Lyudmila Yegorova

The author proposes a new approach to studying regionology, an actively emerging area of research that examines laws of functioning of a region in terms of geographical, geopolitical, geo-economic, information and historical-cultural factors. This approach lies in coordinating the theory of regionality with real facts of a certain territory media history in its dynamic characteristics displayed in media texts. The author points out that active forming of the Crimean identity is a result of the ideas of the Russian world as a uniting factor. The identity features of those who live in the peninsula manifest themselves by the formula “We are Crimean” regardless of a person’s nationality. The identity features of the Crimean people are also determined by the role of the Russian language as an integrative field of communication for the living together representatives of different cultures. Regional mass media have a significant impact on shaping a regional worldview. Applying discourse analysis to the Crimean printed texts the author demonstrates peculiarities of media constructing of the Crimean identity involving geographical, historical, cultural and personal themes. The analysis carried out allows one to conclude that the Crimean (regional) identity corresponds to the professional identity of the journalists who work in the region. This is confirmed by the main regional themes being broadcast by the most popular regional mass media. The Crimean society is a specific regional polyethnic environment formed as the result of long-term and complex cultural and historical development. Characteristics of the key events representation in public space determine their collective comprehension. The regional mass media of the Republic of Crimea through the media texts draw the audience’s attention primarily to the attributes of the unified mentality. It is important that now when several years have passed after the Crimea joined Russia it is the time to interpret this historical event to build a complex hierarchically ordered system of the peninsula citizens’ self-identity.

С.Ю. Дубровина

В современных русских говорах, несмотря на воздействие на них норм литературного языка, межкультурную контактность и деформацию в результате воздействия средств массовой информации, постепенное исчезновение диалектов в условиях цивилизации медиа, сохраняется лексическое ядро, в котором особое место занимает лексика нравственно-религиозной сферы. Наличие этого лексического пласта выделяет русский язык среди других в отношении аксиологической акцентированности земного и небесного. В настоящей статье обобщены наблюдения автора, касающиеся состава, семантики, сложения лексических гнезд, составляющих макрополе народного православия, формальной стороны словопроизводства единиц соответствующей лексики на общерусском фоне с привлечением материала, собранного автором статьи в Тамбовской области. Выделены разновидности структурных типов номинаций, определены особенности и приоритеты словообразовательной креативности. Для достижения целей исследования применялись методы сопоставительного, лексического, словообразовательного, компонентного анализа. Despite the influence exerted on them by the literary norms of the Russian language, despite the intercultural contacts promoted by mass media, and despite gradual annihilation of dialects provoked by media-propelled civilization, modern Russian dialects preserve their pivotal lexemes which are mostly related to the sphere of morality and religion. This lexical stratum, the axiological significance of the celestial and the earthly realms, distinguishes the Russian language from other languages. The present article summarizes the author’s ideas related to word formation, to the composition and semantics of lexical clusters of the macrofield of public orthodoxy. The analysis involves the material collected by the author in the Tambov Region. It singles out structural types of nominations, defines the peculiarities and priorities of creative word-formation. To achieve the aim of the research, the author employs such methods as comparative analysis, lexical analysis, word-formation analysis, and componential analysis.

Надежда Баландина ◽  

The article shows the specific features of the formation of Tomasz Padura’s media image and its transformation into a symbol of the Polish-Ukrainian unity. It has been proven that the attention of the Ukrainian mass media is concentrated on the most weighty and outstanding facts of the poet’s life and work. Those facts represent several informative aspects: narrow biographical, ideological, creative, memorial, and futuristic. Each of those aspects has its content aimed at the melioration of Tomasz Padura’s image as an exemplary Polish Ukrainophile, a symbol of the Polish-Ukrainian unity. The symbolization of this image has several functions: the historical-typological one allowing to trace the main stages of the image transformation; the methodological one which stresses its significance for the contemporaries; the communicative one which ensures the continuous attention to the poet, and the marketing function promoting Tomasz Padura’s name as a brand from the point of view of the commercial success.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 436-452
Naira I. Martiryan

The coverage of significant world events in various mass media and the attitude of the journalists differ substantially. Newspaper headlines give the opportunity to navigate in the information flow and find the most important and interesting information. The headlines of the Russian-language newspapers in the Republic of Armenia are analyzed. The relevance of the research lies in the need to study headings from the point of view of their functions, grammatical structure, the use of punctuation marks in them, and their semantic components. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the grammatical, semantic, punctuation features and functions of headings in the Russian-language press in Armenia. The following methods were used: continuous sampling, statistical, descriptive, including methods of observation and comparison, component analysis, comparative analysis. The research material included the articles of the newspapers Respublika Armenia and Golos Armenii of June - July 2021. Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions were made: in the Russian-language press of Armenia, all types of sentences are used as headlines; almost all punctuation marks are used in the titles; headings form thematically organized groups. The peculiarities of the headlines of the modern Russian-language press in Armenia are determined by such factors as the tendency of the language to expressiveness, dialogue, democratization, creativity and the author's principle in the design of the heading. Taking into account the tendency to change the proportion of types of speech activity and highlight the most demanded and important at the present time - reading, the study of the linguistic features of the newspaper and journalistic style, in particular the headlines, is very relevant. The results of the study are promising, since they make a significant contribution to the study of the modern Russian-language press in the Republic of Armenia.

Olga Novikova ◽  
Yuliya Kalugina ◽  
Albina Mustafina ◽  
Irina Edeleva

<span lang="EN-GB">The present article is concerned with identifying the linguistic and extralinguistic features of </span><em><span lang="EN-US">Instagram, Twitter, </span></em><span lang="EN-US">and</span><em><span lang="EN-US"> Live Journal</span></em><span lang="EN-GB"> hypertexts, depending on their functional focus. The relevance of the topic is due to the need for a more detailed study of Internet communication from the point of view of functional and stylistic aspects. </span><span lang="EN-US">The study provides a comparative analysis of <em>Instagram, Twitter,</em> and <em>Live Journal</em> online services based on the Russian language material.</span><span lang="EN-GB"> The results are correlated with the questionnaire data on the studied problem. The article discusses graphic, lexical, stylistic, syntactic, and spelling features. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the hypertexts of <em>Instagram, Twitter,</em> and <em>Live Journal</em> online services in the context of their functions; identified linguistic and extralinguistic features of the hypertext of the services under study; established the relationship between the language of the text and the function implemented. </span><span lang="EN-US">It has been established that all three online services perform, first of all, a communicative function, which is expressed through the use of slang, vernacular, online discourse vocabulary, graphic means, markers of increased emotionality, recreation of a specific accent/dialect, spelling and punctuation violations, incomplete, unextended sentences. Along with the socialization function, <em>Instagram</em> performs the function of self-presentation, for the implementation of which the authors of publications resort to linguistic creativity. Unlike <em>Instagram, Twitter,</em> and <em>Live Journal</em> fulfill a more political function, expressed in stylistic devices such as metaphor, comparison, irony, hyperbole, and repetition. </span><span lang="EN-GB">The results were verified using a questionnaire survey conducted among Russian students</span><span lang="EN-US">.</span>

2021 ◽  
pp. 46-55
Alexandr Ternovschi ◽  

The article contains a study in the field of interaction and dependence of constitutional guarantees of human rights in the Republic of Moldova on power, economy and capital. An example is given of the set of meanings and forms of this democracy, the measure, level and values of the citizens who make up a collective or make up the crowd, from the point of view of organizing the means by leading the people over the state. The causal relationship is analyzed between the interaction and the direct dependence of the implementation of the constitutional norms on the political will, the level of the economy, including the interest and purpose of the capital dictatorship. This prism studies the real issue of democracy in the Western sample regarding the completeness of citizens' expectations. The article provides an assessment of democratic values in their presence, ie form. The most frequent and richest opinions, ideas and doctrines are evaluated, for the general ideological purpose, in order to effectively achieve objectives, including the subsequent onset of certain consequences. A comparative analysis is made regarding the opinions of other authoritarian specialists in this field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 732
Cipto Prayitno

Tulisan ini diarahkan untuk melihat tentang Pembatasan Perubahan atas Bentuk Negara Kesatuan Indonesia yang dituangkan dalam Pasal 37 Ayat (5) UUD 1945 sebagai bagian dari konsep pembentukan suatu konstitusi (constitution making) yang pada prosesnya tetap mempertahankan Bentuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan juga menetapkan sejak awal dalam Bab tentang Perubahan UUD 1945 dalam Pasal 5-nya untuk nantinya manakala ada perubahan haruslah mempertahankan Bentuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Hal ini tentu menjadi menarik jika dikaitkan dengan makna constitution making pembentukan konstitusi yang baik haruslah mempunyai tujuan salah satunya untuk semakin memperkuat persatuan nasional. Disisi tahapannya bahwa sebagai materi muatan perubahan UUD 1945, ternyata bahwa Bentuk Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia tetap dipertahankan dalam proses perubahan (agenda setting) melalui Kesepakatan Dasar dalam hal perubahan UUD 1945. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan sejarah hukum. Hasil penelitian dari tulisan ini dapat dilihat bahwa pembatasan perubahan bentuk NKRI terdapat tiga (3) aspek yang berkaitan dengan masalah tahapan atau proses perubahan UUD 1945 sebagai constitution making. Aspek pertama adalah bahwa pembatasan perubahan bentuk NKRI yang termuat dalam Kesepakatan Dasar adalah sebagai elemn-elemen atau hal yang dipertahankan dalam tahapan agenda setting. Aspek kedua adalah menjaga kontinuitas hukum dari bentuk NKRI yang sudah ada dalam UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan. Aspek ketiga adalah bahwa terhadap dampak atau konsekuensi hukumnya, bahwa Pasal 37 Ayat (5) UUD 1945 akan menempatkan bentuk NKRI sebagai elemen atau hal yang harus dimasukkan manakala ada perubahan UUD kelima tanpa harus melihat aspek kesejarahan sebagaimana dilakukan para perubahan pertama sampai keempat. Terakhir adalah bahwa dalam pandangan Yash Ghai, konsep pembatasan perubahan bentuk NKRI yang tertuang dalam Kesepakatan Dasar dan Pasal 37 Ayat (5) dapat dimaknai untuk menjaga dan mempertahankan persatuan nasional.This article attempts to analyse about restrictions to change the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia that explained in Article Number 37 Paragraph (5) 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia as part of the concept of constitution making, that in the process, the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia is still maintained. While in chapter about 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia changes Article 5 is stated that if there is changes, the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia has to be maintained. There is something interesting if it is associated with the meaning of constution making itself, that it should has a purpose to strengthen national unity. In fact, as content of constitution of 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia change, the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia is still maintained in agenda setting through basic agreement of 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia changes. Metodology ini this research used legasl research with historical approach perspective. In conclusion of this writings, stated that there is 3 aspects that related to the process of changes of 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia as the constitution making, in term of restrictions to change the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia. First, restrictions to change the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia that is implied in basic agreement act as elements that has to be maintained in process of agenda setting. Second, law continuity of form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia has to be kept, as implied in 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia before amendment. Third, form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia has to be included in fifth amendment as legal effect of Article 37 Paragraph (5) 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia without considering historical aspects as done in first to forth amendment. Lastly, in Yash Gai’s point of view, restrictions to change the form of Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia concept that is implied in Basic Agreement and Article 37 Paragraph (5) can be interpreted to keep and to maintain national unity. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 141-160
M. T. Shakenova ◽  
D. S. Tashimkhanova ◽  
U. A. Ospanova ◽  
T. K. Buldybayev

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of manipulative mass media discourse. The results of the analysis of Kazakhstani media with verbally expressed manipulative discursive practice are presented. The research material was the Russian-language texts of opposition newspapers and information and analytical portals of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The choice of the source of factual material is due to the fact that it is in such a mass media discourse that language markers of the manipulability of the text are most pronounced. Given the generalization of the results of modern research, the concept of the manipulative nature of mass media discourse is defined. As a result of the analysis of texts from the position of cognitive-discursive and linguistic approaches, the main lexical, morphological and syntactic markers of manipulativeness are identified. For the first time, syntactic tools are described and formalized in which predicates in collocation with lexical and morphological tools form lexical and grammatical markers - statistically valid indicators of computer diagnostics of manipulativeness as a factor of a certain information threat to society. The results of the study can be theoretically and practically significant in the fields of sociology, political science, pragmatic linguistics, journalism, and information technology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 00125
Olga Kondratyeva ◽  
Olga Valko

The article studies theoretical aspects of the image of the region and their realization as exemplified by the image of Siberia. The article treats the structure of the image and mechanisms of its formation from the point of view of the cognitive approach and with the help of frame structures. The cognitive analysis enables to differentiate three levels: frame, subframes, and slots, pertaining to the entity explored. The research allows demonstrating that the stereotypical ideas play an essential role in forming and sustaining the images of regions. Mass media appear to be the main source of the stereotypic image of the region due to highlighting different facts concerning the sterotypicized phenomenon, selecting various linguistic means for featuring it and influencing the emotional and evaluative perception of the image. The study was based on the data of the National Corpus of the Russian Language, which were analyzed with the help of content analysis and frame analysis. The image of the Siberian region actively exploits the frames “Nature and Geography of Siberia”, “History of Siberia”, “Economy of Siberia”. The research found out the dynamic and ambivalent character of the stereotypic image of Siberia.

Irina Karabulatova ◽  
Margarita Lagutkina ◽  

This article analyses the linguistic-informational model of the representation of the image of China in Russian and Chinese media discourse today. When screening Russian and Chinese sources, the authors applied contextual analysis (with an emphasis on the implicit content of the country’s media image), descriptive method, method of cultural interpretation, and content analysis. In the current situation of information and psychological wars (term by A.P. Skovorodnikov), using the image of a country becomes the starting point in the mass media matrix of the onomastic concept for accentuating the perception of the geopolitical toponym (geopolitonym). For the first time, the authors propose the notion of a mass media matrix of an onomastic concept for understanding the cognitive side of media images of geopolitonymic objects. The geopolitonym China does not just form a virtual image of the country in media discourse, but also acts as a multidimensional construct of the linguistic worldview in the producer–recipient system. In onomastics, the geopolitonym traditionally denotes names of countries, regions, and significant historical areas that have an impact on human awareness in a civilizational context. The media image of a country is a topologically-oriented multi-layer model of the territory for the recipients of the media discourse. The authors clarify O.N. Sorokina’s concept of the information model, highlighting the linguistic component that was and remains the leading one in media discourse. Furthermore, the authors introduce the concepts of linguoinforneme and linguistic-informational step from the point of view of the structure of the linguistic-informational model. The linguistic-informational model, according to the authors’ suggestion, is implemented in linguoinfornemes using the strategy of linguistic-informational steps. The linguoinforneme constructs a media image of the country in a certain accentological assessment, based on social demand. We found that china’s media image is presented in Russian media discourse in a variety of ways, being implemented in evaluative linguoinfornemes. The country’s media image in Chinese media is constructed based on the traditions of hieroglyphic writing. The authors show what the mythologized/realistic perception of the image of China is based on, how it is conditioned by the tasks of the Communist Party of China, how it is related to the strategies of Russian-Chinese cooperation, and how it affects intercultural communication.

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