scholarly journals Development of a Contextual Based on E-learning (CBE) Model: The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Policy Subjects

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-236
Reno Renaldi Et al.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in the learning process. This encourages us to develop a learning system during the pandemic. The Public Health Policy course is one of the conventional learning processes that are still memorized system so that it is deemed ineffective and needs a development model. The purpose of this research was to develop a Contextual Based Learning model (CBE) in the Health Policy course. This study used the Research and Development method (RnD). There are three stages of developing this CBE model, namely: design, development, and implementation. A total of 42 participants came from public health students who were divided into small groups (10 participants) and large groups (32 participants). Data analysis techniques consisted of validity and reliability tests, expert tests, practice tests, and model effectiveness tests. The forms of developing the CBE model are instrument assessment, model validation, module assessment, handbook student and handbook lecturer, and the development of an e-learning model. The results showed that the validity value of the development product was 0.7 (valid category). The practical test in the small group obtained an average value of 86.11 (very good practice category), while in the large group an average value of 84.97 (good practice category) was obtained. The effectiveness of developing the CBE model was sig<0.005. Conclusion. The development of the CBE model is considered effective in improving the learning process in health policy subjects.

Rini Fajarini ◽  
Sukron Romadhon

Abstrac The student learning model during the COVID 19 pandemic must be done virtually, a model of distance learning between teachers and students.  Among them only utilize the network and also learning media such as E-learning and also WA Group. With the various obstacles experienced by teachers when going to do the teaching and learning system, it certainly spurs teachers to be creative in the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, the student's response to the material delivered by the teacher in online learning, becomes a challenge for teachers when there are obstacles in the teaching and learning process of students at MTsN 3 Pamekasan. This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive type. Sources of data obtained through interviews, observations, documentation and information obtained from teachers and students. While checking the validity of data is done through the extension of participation, perseverance of observation and triangulation. The results showed that the creativity of IPS teachers in running the Self-Learning Work Unit system, students are also directed to know more about COVID 19 by researching the environment and making a map of the distribution and prevention methods. Last asked to make a simple report in the form of mind mapp or learning model through youtube. The response of students in online learning will be in the same direction as the teacher's response, if the teacher's response is good it will increase the student's learning spirit. Furthermore, there are factors inhibiting teacher creativity in online learning, namely: networks, devices and knowledge of students. In addition, the supporting factor is the willingness of teachers to stay aware and learn about the learning media used as material for achieving effective and efficient learning. Keywords: teacher creativity, e-learning, learning media             Abstrak Model pembelajaran siswa dimasa pandemi COVID 19 harus harus dilakukan secara virtual, model pembelajaran jarak jauh antara guru dan siswa.  Diantara mereka hanya memanfaatkan jaringan dan juga media pembelajaran seperti E-learning dan juga WA Group. Dengan berbagai kendala yang dialami guru ketika akan melakukan sistem belajar mengajar, tentu memacu guru untuk kreatif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Disisi lain respon siswa terhadap materi yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran daring, menjadi tantangan bagi guru ketika terdapat hambatan-hambatan dalam proses belajar mengajar siswa di MTsN 3 Pamekasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Sumber data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan informasi yang diperoleh dari guru dan siswa. Sedangkan pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui perpanjangan keikutsertaan, ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kreativitas guru IPS dalam menjalankan sistem Unit Kerja Belajar Mandiri, peserta didik juga diarahkan untuk lebih mengetahui tentang COVID 19 dengan meneliti lingkungan dan membuat peta persebaran serta cara pencegahanya. Terakhir diminta membuat laporan sederhana berupa mind mapp atau model pembelajaran melalui youtube. Respon siswa dalam pembelajaran daring akan berbanding searah dengan respon guru, jika respon guru baik maka akan meningkatkan semangat belajar siswa. Selanjutnya ada faktor penghambat kreativitas guru dalam pembelajaran daring yaitu: jaringan, perangkat dan pengetahuan siswa. Selain itu, faktor pendukung yaitu adanya kemauan dari guru untuk tetap mengetahui dan belajar terhadap media pembelajaran yang digunakan sebagai bahan tercapainya pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien. Kata Kunci: kreativitas guru, e-learning, media pembelajaran

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Elsy Zuriyani

Peningkatan kualitas  pembelajaran terus ditingkatkan dan dipertahakan dengan mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Berhubung zaman sekarang ini penggunaan internet bukan lagi barang baru maka peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran juga dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan internet sehingga proses pembelajaran disebut juga dengan pembelajaran berbasis e-learning. Merupakan sebuah terobosan baru dibidang pengajaran dan pembelajaran, karena mampu meminimalkan perbedaan cara mengajar dan materi, sehingga memberikan standar kulitas pembelajaran yang lebih konsisten. Sistem e-Learning adalah mutlak diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan jaman dengan dukungan teknologi informasi dimana semua menuju ke era digital, baik mekanisme maupun konten. The development of information technology in recent years has developed at a very high rate, giving a significant impact on the field of education, thus sparking the birth of the idea of e-learning. To be able to obtain maximum results it is necessary to design an e-learning learning process. The purpose of this writing is the use of the e-learning model in improving the learning process so that it can improve adult learning outcomes. The research method used in the discussion of this paper is the literature study method. The learning model with e-learning is a new breakthrough in the field of teaching and learning, because it is able to minimize differences in teaching methods and materials, thus providing a more consistent quality standard of learning. The e-Learning system is absolutely necessary to anticipate the changing times with the support of information technology where everything is leading to the digital era, both mechanism and content. To be able to produce e-learning that is attractive and desirable in improving the quality of learning, there are three conditions that must be fulfilled in designing e-learning, namely: Simple, simple systems that will make it easier for students to take advantage of existing technology and menus. Personally, teachers can interact well with students, such as communicating in front of the class. Fast, fast, fast response services to the complaints and needs of students, so that learning improvements can be carried out as quickly as possible by the teacher or manager.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Irma Suswati

The evaluation of block learning process uses multiple choice questions (MCQ). The MCQ graduation percentage is very lowon some blocks, especially on the Block IKD-I and Endocrine. The items used have not been tested on their validity and reliability. The purpose of this studys to determine the validity of MCQ test materials with the learning objectives of the Endocrine learning system. The research design uses observational analytical, measured by the MCQ on the difficulty level, the index of the discrimination power and the validity - reliability with alpha coefficient of KR-20 clan. The result MCQ-1 Block Endocrine shows the average value of 51, witn 38.8% completion percentage. Based on the difficulty level, 10.8% belongs to simple questions, 70.3% belongs to medium questions, 18.9% belongs to difficult questions, 27% belongs to goodquestions, 14.9% belongs to good questions but need improvement, and 58.1% belongs to poor that need to be repaired questions. While the valid and reliable items are 62.2% and the invalid and unreliable items are 37.8%. The results showed only a small number of items (25.7%) Endocrine MCQ-I test is valid, reliable, having good difficulty level and was well received. Key words: validity, reliability, questions, MCQ

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Ni Wayan Rusniati

The process and student learning outcomes in science learning material properties of light is a problem faced by class IV SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. Student activity and learning outcomes have not been maximized because the teacher delivered science learning materials using the lecture method. This is the background of the researchers to conduct research with the aim of improving the process and learning outcomes of science with material properties of light with learning models Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research is a type of classroom action research conducted in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students, amounting to 27 students consisting of 14 female students and 13 male students. The implementation of this study used 2 cycles. Instruments used to collect data are observation sheets, interviews, documentation and test questions. The results of this study indicate that science learning outcomes with material properties of light using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi have increased in two cycles with quite satisfactory values. There was an increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 an average value of 68.51 to 75.37 in cycle 2. In addition, there was an increase in the learning process of students in science learning carried out by teachers using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model. Keywords: Learning process, learning outcomes, Contextual Teaching and Learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Sarjono Sarjono

Abstract: The objective of this research is to test the effectiveness of Jigsaw learning model for increase activeness and learning outcomes. The research sample was MAN Pemalang Class X MIA semester 1 students in 2019/2020. Tthe problem formulation of the research is how the learning process was, how much the students’ physical activity and the result of learning physics through the models Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS). The results showed there was an increase in the average value of daily tests from 65,17 to 80,75 and the classical completeness from 46.88% to 87,50%, accompanied by the increase of the student’s activity. Keywords: activities and Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS).

Dinamika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Siti Aminah

Artikel ini akan membahas tentang pembelajaran menulis teks prosedur dengan model pembelajaran picture and picture. Materi teks prosedur yang digunakan adalah tentang pencak silat Cimande. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menulis teks prosedur, materi pencak silat Cimande, dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran picture and picture dikategorikan dengan baik. Terbukti pada kemampuan siswa atau nilai rata-rata siswa dalam proses pembelajaran tersbut sudah mencapai KKM 75,00%. Nilai yang diperoleh siswa mulai dari yang terendah 20 sampai nilai tertinggi yaitu 90.  Hasil angket menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya respon siswa positif terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran picture and picture tersebut dan sementara pada materi pencak silat Cimande pada umumnya respon siswa kurang baik.Kata kunci: teks prosedur, silat Cimande, model picture and pictureThis article will discuss about learning to write procedure texts with a picture and picture learning model. The procedure text material used was about pencak silat Cimande. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that learning to write procedure text, Cimande pencak silat material, using the picture and picture learning model is well categorized. Evidenced by the ability of students or the average value of students in the learning process has reached 75.00% KKM. The scores obtained by students ranging from the lowest 20 to the highest value is 90. The results of the questionnaire showed that in general the students' responses were positive towards the use of the picture and picture learning model and while in Cimande pencak silat material students generally responded poorly.Keywords: procedure text, Cimande silat, model picture and picture

Noor A Nabi Khan ◽  
Rajeev Chatterjee ◽  
Ranjan Dasgupta

Cristina Hava Muntean ◽  
Gabriel-Miro Muntean

Lately, user quality of experience (QoE) during their interaction with a system is a significant factor in the assessment of most systems. However, user QoE is dependent not only on the content served to the users, but also on the performance of the service provided. This chapter describes a novel QoE layer that extends the features of classic adaptive e-learning systems in order to consider delivery performance in the adaptation process and help in providing good user perceived QoE during the learning process. An experimental study compared a classic adaptive e-learning system with one enhanced with the proposed QoE layer. The result analysis compares learner outcome, learning performance, visual quality and usability of the two systems and shows how the QoE layer brings significant benefits to user satisfaction improving the overall learning process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Duy Ngoc Pham ◽  
Thu Thi Xuan Nguyen

The amount of information to be accumulated at university has been increasing in recent years, so students nowadays are moving towards using computers in the learning process. Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly educational software, to facilitate the learning and teaching process has become a more and more popular trend among teachers. In Thai Nguyen University of Technology (TNUT), Vietnam, a multi-disciplinary virtual learning environment ( has been established on the MOODLE platform. The aim of this paper is to introduce the design of self-practice listening and vocabulary exercises for the TOEFL-ITP preparation course by integrating the exercises designed with the Hot Potatoes and Quizlet into TNUT’s institutional e-learning system. First, the advantages of the e-learning system are discussed. Second, the tools and materials necessary for the design are described. Finally, a suggestion on integrating the listening and vocabulary exercises designed by the Hot Potatoes software and Quizlet into the available e-learning system is introduced.

2015 ◽  
Vol 804 ◽  
pp. 355-358 ◽  
Sirin Sirathanakul ◽  
Tanatta Amnuywattanakul

E-learning is a popular technique that can solve learning problems of student. In this study, the learning package of data analysis by using graphing paper to attain linear relationship between independent and dependent variables was invented and utilized. The learning package, consisting of contents and answer key video made from Power Point was converted to video format. The samples were 58 students of Bachelor of Science program who were selected by multi-stage sampling and divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group composed of 29 students, learnt by using e-learning via LMS Moodle at RMUTP website. The control group, 29 students, was performed by a conventional technique through multimedia teaching with PowerPoint. The research tools consisted of the lesson of graphical analysis, the questionnaire for quality evaluation of the lesson and the achievement evaluation. The results were found that the quality of research tools was very good and the average value of learning achievement of the experimental group was higher than the control group, no significant statistic at level of 0.05 by comparing with statistical method of t-test (n=29). It indicated that e-learning system can be used as a practical tool for increasing skill of the samples as well as correspondence between them in classroom.

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