Laboratory monitoring of indices in burnt during infection COVID-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-120
E. V. Zinoviev ◽  
Vadim A. Manukovskiy ◽  
Denis V. Kostyakov ◽  
Vasily N. Tsygan ◽  
Andrei V. Apchel ◽  

The results of laboratory and instrumental studies are analyzed in 46 victims with skin burns of various localization, area and depth of the lesion infected with COVID virus 19 hospitalized in the burn center of Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Ambulance named after I.I. Dzhanelidze in 2020. The control group included 46 patients with similar severity lesions who were treated at the center in 2018. The data on the general condition of patients, clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, gas composition, general urine analysis, and X-ray data were assessed. It was found that in the groups of lightly and severely burned and patients in 75.9 and 64.9% of cases, respectively, X-ray examination and computed tomography of the chest organs did not reveal infiltrative changes in the lungs, despite the positive results of virological studies. In the second half of the incubation period, in comparison with the data obtained in the control group, deviations in the following indicators were stated: hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, immature granulocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, levels of total protein, creatinine and blood fibrinogen from 1.6% up to 18 times. In other analyzed parameters, no changes were noted. When comparing the data obtained in the second half of the incubation period with the results of laboratory studies of uninfected patients in the group of severely burned patients, significant differences were established among the thrombocyte readings (39.2% less), platelet count (42.9% less), and in the group of lightly burned the number of erythrocytes (less by 11.8%), hemoglobin (less by 19.4%), hematocrit (less by 16.2%) and eosinophils (less by 71%), total protein (less by 5.6%) and creatinine (less by 12.2%). Providing medical care to patients during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 is a challenge for the healthcare system. The results obtained are the first step towards understanding the features of the course of typical pathological processes caused by burn injury and the new coronavirus infection COVID-19.

1999 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-49
S. A.G S.. Al - Sammarrae ◽  
W. S.T. AI – Azawi

To study the diseases of the urinary system in cows, clinical examination including rectal palpation and urine samples from (697) cows were done in some farms, hospitals and two cattle stations (AI – Latifia and Al-Dijala) during the period July 1993 to April 1994. Clinical examination and rectal paplation of all cows in Al - Dijala station showed obvious clinical signs which indicat abnormalities in the urinary system . These include changes in the size of the kidneys with the presence or absence of lobulation . The ureter was palpable in some of these cows because of it's enlargement and the bladder showed thickening of the wall. However all cows in the control group ( farms , hospitals & Ai - Latifia ) were free from any signs of urinary disturbances. The color of the urine in Al – Dijala was milky to cloudy red, and all samples were charcterized by small of ammonia. The specific gravity was low, and the urine pH was higher than normal , also all samles showed positive results for protein examination and only four cows showed positive results for benzidine test. The physical and chemical properties of the urine samples collected from control and Al - Latifia station cows were within the normal values. Examination of urine Sediment showed clear increase in the number of epithelial cells , pus cells and blood cells beside the presence of casts and bacteria in Al – Dijala station. The study concluded the close relationship between diseases of urinary and reprodective systems : Urinary system infection in Al - Dijala station cows were 100% because of a suspected out break of infectious pustule valvovaginitis which occur during the period of study, however the urine culture of Al - Latifia revealed the presence of 51 cows (19.69%) bacterial isolates. 

А.В. Солин ◽  
А.Ю. Ляшев ◽  
Ю.Д. Ляшев

Цель исследования - сравнительный анализ влияния селективных агонистов отдельных классов опиоидных рецепторов на белковосинтетическую функцию печени, развитие цитолитического и холестатического синдромов у крыс, подвергшихся частичной гепатэктомии. Методика. Работа выполнена на 152 крысах-самцах Вистар массой 200-250 г. Частичную гепатэктомию выполняли по методу, описанному Higgins G.M. и Anderson R.M. с удалением 70% ткани печени. В плазме крови определяли концентрации общего белка, альбуминов, общего билирубина, активность аланинтрансаминазы (АЛТ), аспартаттрансаминазы (АСТ), лактатдегидрогеназы (ЛДГ) традиционными методами. Опиоиды: DAGO в дозе 6,3 мкг/кг, DSLET в дозе 10,0 мкг/кг, динорфин А (1-13) в дозе 20,1 мкг/кг, вводили внутрибрюшинно ежедневно 1 раз в сутки в течение 5 сут. эксперимента в объеме 0,2 мл. Контрольным животным аналогично вводили физраствор. Результаты. Удаление 70% ткани печени у крыс-самцов Вистар сопровождается развитием печеночной недостаточности, проявляющейся гипербилирубинемией, гипоальбуминемией, гипопротеинемией, повышением активности трансаминаз и лактатдегидрогеназы. Применение селективных агонистов опиоидных рецепторов у крыс, которым моделировали частичную гепатэктомию, оказывало гепатопротективное действие и снижало выраженность проявлений печеночной недостаточности, начиная с 3-х сут. после резекции. Активность трансаминаз, лактатдегидрогеназы и концентрация общего билирубина у животных, которым вводили опиоиды, были существенно ниже, чем в контрольной группе. Содержание общего белка и альбуминов было статистически значимо выше в группах, которые получали исследованные пептиды, по сравнению с контрольной группой на 7-е сут. после частичной гепатэктомии. Наиболее выраженное действие проявлял селективный агонист опиоидных мю-рецепторов DAGO. По нашему мнению, такое влияние пептидов объясняется присущими им антиоксидантным и антигипоксическим эффектами, что снижает повреждающее действие оперативного вмешательства на печень. Более выраженное влияние DAGO связано, по-видимому, с особенностями распределения опиоидных рецепторов или устойчивостью пептида к действию эндопептидаз благодаря модификациям в молекуле пептида. Заключение. Применение опиоидов стимулирует восстановление функциональной активности печени после частичной гепатэктомии. Наибольший эффект отмечается при введении мю-агониста DAGO. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare effects of selective agonists of opioid receptors from different classes on the protein-synthesizing function of liver and development of cytolytic and cholestatic syndromes in rats after partial hepatectomy. Methods. The study was conducted on 152 Wistar male rats weighing 200-250 g. The animals were subjected to partial hepatectomy according to the Higgins and Anderson method. Concentrations of total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, and activities of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase were measured in plasma using standard methods. The opioids, DAGO (6.3 mg/kg), DSLET (10.0 mg/kg), and dynorphin A (1-13) (20.1 mg/kg), were injected in 0.2 ml of saline daily for 5 days. Control animals were injected with 0.2 ml of saline for 5 days. Results. Resection of 70% of liver tissue resulted in development of liver failure as evidenced by hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia, and increased transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase activities. Selective agonists of opioid receptors administered to the rats after partial hepatectomy exerted a hepatoprotective effect and alleviated the signs of liver failure beginning from the 3 day after resection. Transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were significantly lower in opioid-treated rats than in the control group. Levels of total protein and albumins were significantly higher in the groups injected with the study peptides compared to the control group on the 7 day after partial hepatectomy. The selective agonist of opioid m-receptors, DAGO, exerted the most pronounced effect. Apparently, the similar effects of peptides were due to their antioxidant and anti-hypoxic action, which alleviated the detrimental effect of liver surgery. The more pronounced effect of DAGO apparently resulted from peculiarities of opioid receptors distribution or peptide resistance to endopeptidase action due to modifications of the peptide molecule. Conclusion. Administration of opioids stimulated restoration of liver functional activity after partial hepatectomy. Injections of the m-agonist, DAGO, produced the most pronounced effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-237
Eda Güneş

Abstract The aim of the this study was to evaluate the effects of fresh, dried and freeze-dried Centaurea depressa M. Bieb. (Asteraceae) on the oxidant and antioxidant status of the model organism D. melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae) experimentally. The study was carried out from 2016 to 2019, and plant leaf extracts (0-50 mg/l) were added to insect standard artificial diets. The total protein, protein carbonyl content and glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were quantified at the insect’s third larval stage. Our data showed that protein carbonyl content varied from 2.70 nmol/mg protein in the control group to 59.11 nmol/mg protein in the group fed with fresh leaf extract signifying induction of oxidative stress. All extracts increased the levels of all antioxidant enzymes and decreased the amounts of total protein. Meanwhile, the group fed with the freeze-dried extract showed no significant difference in the levels of total protein and protein carbonyl content except at the 50 mg/l concentration of the extract. Moreover, this group had superoxide dismutase and catalase activities 4 to 5 times higher than in the control group. In conclusion, induction of oxidative stress indicates that the fresh form of C. depressa leaves may have potential as a natural pesticide, whereas induction of endogenous antioxidant enzymes by the freeze-dried extract suggest its potential as an antioxidant.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 681
David Nash ◽  
Grant Leishman ◽  
Cameron Mackie ◽  
Kirsten Dyer ◽  
Liu Yang

The current wind turbine leading-edge erosion research focuses on the end of the incubation period and breakthrough when analysing the erosion mechanism. This work presented here shows the benefits of splitting and describing leading-edge erosion progression into discrete stages. The five identified stages are: (1) an undamaged, as-new, sample; (2) between the undamaged sample and end of incubation; (3) the end of incubation period; (4) between the end of incubation and breakthrough, and (5) breakthrough. Mass loss, microscopy and X-ray computed tomography were investigated at each of the five stages. From this analysis, it was observed that notable changes were detected at Stages 2 and 4, which are not usually considered separately. The staged approach to rain erosion testing offers a more thorough understanding of how the coating system changes and ultimately fails due to rain droplet impacts. It is observed that during microscopy and X-ray computed tomography, changes unobservable to the naked eye can be tracked using the staged approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Mingchen Zou ◽  
Haotian Wu ◽  
Shuangquan Yao ◽  
Dong Ren ◽  
Song Liu ◽  

Abstract Background This study was done to observe the incidence of Osteo-line on the femur neck and to explore the clinical application of Osteo-line in osteotomy. Methods Eighty-nine adult femur specimens were selected to observe the incidence of Osteo-line on the femur neck. From August 2015 to January 2019, a total of 278 patients who completed unilateral hip arthroplasty at the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University were retrospectively included. Patients who accepted osteotomy via Osteo-line on the femur neck were defined as the experimental group (n = 139), and patients who accepted osteotomy via traditional method (The femoral distance 1.5 cm above the trochanter was retained for osteotomy by visual inspection.) were defined as the control group (n = 139). According to the postoperative pelvic X-ray, Photoshop was used to evaluate the leg length discrepancy (LLD) by the CFR-T-LT method. Results Among the 89 specimens, the incidence of anterior Osteo-line was 75.28%, and the incidence of posterior Osteo-line was 100%. According to the clinical application results, the incidence of anterior Osteo-line on the femur neck was 80%, and the incidence of posterior Osteo-line was 100%. The Osteo-line was clearer than those on the femoral specimens. Twenty-six cases had LLD greater than 1 cm (9.29%), including 2 cases in the experimental group and 24 cases in the control group. The average postoperative LLD in the experimental group (0.19 ± 0.38 mm) was significantly shorter than in the control group (0.54 ± 0.51 mm)(P = 0.005). Conclusion The incidence of Osteo-line on the femur neck was high, and patients who accepted osteotomy via Osteo-line on the femur neck can achieve shorter postoperative LLD than the control group.

Akinleye Stephen Akinrinde ◽  
Halimot Olawalarami Hameed

Abstract Objectives This study examined the possible protective roles of exogenous glycine (Gly) and L-Arginine (l-Arg) against Diclofenac (DIC)-induced gastro-duodenal damage in rats. Methods Rats were divided into Group A (control), Group B (DIC group) and Groups C–F which were pre-treated for five days with Gly1 (250 mg/kg), Gly2 (500 mg/kg), l-Arg1 (200 mg/kg) and l-Arg2 (400 mg/kg), respectively, before co-treatment with DIC for another three days. Hematological, biochemical and histopathological analyses were then carried out. Results DIC produced significant (p<0.05) reduction in PCV (13.82%), Hb (46.58%), RBC (30.53%), serum total protein (32.72%), albumin (28.44%) and globulin (38.01%) along with significant (p<0.05) elevation of serum MPO activity (83.30%), when compared with control. In addition, DIC increased gastric H2O2 and MDA levels by 33.93 and 48.59%, respectively, while the duodenal levels of the same parameters increased by 19.43 and 85.56%, respectively. Moreover, SOD, GPx and GST activities in the DIC group were significantly (p<0.05) reduced in the stomach (21.12, 24.35 and 51.28%, respectively) and duodenum (30.59, 16.35 and 37.90%, respectively), compared to control. Treatment with Gly and l-Arg resulted in significant amelioration of the DIC-induced alterations although l-Arg produced better amelioration of RBC (29.78%), total protein (10.12%), albumin (9.93%) and MPO (65.01%), compared to the DIC group. The protective effects of both amino acids against oxidative stress parameters and histological lesions were largely similar. Conclusions The data from this study suggest that Gly or l-Arg prevented DIC-induced gastro-duodenal toxicity and might, therefore be useful in improving the therapeutic index of DIC.

1989 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 413-424 ◽  
Usha Goswami ◽  
Peter Bryant

Recent research in reading disability has been strengthened by the addition of a reading level (RL) control group to the more traditional chronological age (CA) control group. However, caution is required in interpreting results from these two kinds of control. Only positive results in a RL match and negative results in a CA match are interpretable; negative results in a CA match and positive results in a RL match are not. Furthermore, the RL control group cannot be used to unambiguously determine between specific deficit and developmental lag interpretations of reading disability. It is argued that the use of the RL control can only ever be a first step in research aimed at delineating the causal factors in reading backwardness.

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 195-199 ◽  
Priscilla Barbosa Ferreira Soares ◽  
Camilla Christian Gomes Moura ◽  
Huberth Alexandre da Rocha Júnior ◽  
Paula Dechichi ◽  
Darceny Zanetta-Barbosa

<title>Abstract</title><sec><title>Objective</title><p>Evaluate the biological performance of titanium alloys grade IV under different surface treatments: sandblasting and double etching (Experimental surface 1; Exp1, NEODENT); surface with wettability increase (Experimental surface 2; Exp2, NEODENT) on response of preliminary differentiation and cell maturation.</p></sec><sec><title>Material and method</title><p>Immortalized osteoblast cells were plated on Exp1 and Exp2 titanium discs. The polystyrene plate surface without disc was used as control group (C). Cell viability was assessed by measuring mitochondrial activity (MTT) at 4 and 24 h (n = 5), cell attachment was performed using trypan blue exclusion within 4 hours (n = 5), serum total protein and alkaline phosphatase normalization was performed at 4, 7 and 14 days (n = 5). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey test.</p></sec><sec><title>Result</title><p>The values of cell viability were: 4h: C– 0.32±0.01<sup>A</sup>; Exp1– 0.34±0.08<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 0.29±0.03<sup>A</sup>. 24h: C– 0.43±0.02<sup>A</sup>; Exp1– 0.39±0.01<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 0.37±0.03<sup>A</sup>. The cell adhesion counting was: C– 85±10<sup>A</sup>; Exp1- 35±5<sup>B</sup>; Exp2– 20±2<sup>B</sup>. The amounts of serum total protein were 4d: C– 40±2<sup>B</sup>; Exp1– 120±10<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 130±20<sup>A</sup>. 7d: C– 38±2<sup>B</sup>; Exp1– 75±4<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 70±6<sup>A</sup>. 14 d: C– 100±3<sup>A</sup>; Exp1– 130±5<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 137±9<sup>A</sup>. The values of alkaline phosphatase normalization were: 4d: C– 2.0±0.1<sup>C</sup>; Exp1– 5.1±0.8<sup>B</sup>; Exp2– 9.8±2.0<sup>A</sup>. 7d: C– 1.0±0.01<sup>C</sup>; Exp1– 5.3±0.5<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 3.0±0.3<sup>B</sup>. 14 d: C– 4.1±0.3<sup>A</sup>; Exp1– 4.4±0.8<sup>A</sup>; Exp2– 2.2±0.2<sup>B</sup>. Different letters related to statistical differences.</p></sec><sec><title>Conclusion</title><p>The surfaces tested exhibit different behavior at dosage of alkaline phosphatase normalization showing that the Exp2 is more associated with induction of cell differentiation process and that Exp1 is more related to the mineralization process.</p></sec>

2009 ◽  
pp. 113-137
Luisa Pepe ◽  
Fiammetta Nicolardi ◽  
Fiorella Bucci ◽  
Luigi Solano

- J.W. Pennebaker's studies showed positive results on health through the use of the writing technique in different subjects. In line with these studies and Health Psychology's goals, in this research we applied Pennebaker's Writing Technique to subjects in a fire brigade sample who are often exposed to emotional experiences during their work. The sample was divided in three groups. The first group wrote about their most traumatic working experience (Negative exp. Gr.). The second group wrote about the most rewarding working experience (Positive exp. Gr.). The third group didn't receive any writing task (Control Gr.). The aims of the present study were to assess: 1) an improvement on health parameters in the two writing groups in respect to the control group; 2) an effectiveness of writing in the Positive experience gr. in the short period, in the Negative experience gr. in the long period; 3) a possible interaction between writing and alexithymia levels. Comparing the data of the three groups we found out significant differences confirming our hypothesis on our three dependent variables: sick leave days (F = 3.60; p &lt; 0.04); SCL-90 scores (F = 5.56; p &lt; 0.0005) and number of physical examinations reported in the Health Interview (F = 4.11; p &lt; 0.03). Regarding our second hypothesis, results of this study suggest the need of adapting the writing task instructions to the context for a more effectiveness of the technique. Finally, interaction between writing and alexithymia was not found, possibly due to low alexithymia levels in the sample in general.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000313482110385
Gratiana O. Alqadi ◽  
Amulya K. Saxena

Aim This study aimed to review the literature with regard to the psychological aspects in patients with pectus excavatum (PE) and pectus carinatum (PC). Methods The literature was reviewed by analyzing articles on PubMed using the search terms “psychology” and “pectus.” Results The literature search revealed 22 articles that offered a total of 2214 patients for analysis. Regarding chest wall deformities (CWD), there were 15 articles referring to PE, 4 articles on PC, and 3 pertaining to both PE and PC. Authors used various types of questionnaires and 14 studies which also included a parent questionnaire. There are 14 reports which analyzed both the preoperative and postoperative psychological status and 4 reports in which a control group was used. Treatment of CWD was shown to have consistently positive results. There is no consensus regarding the correlation between severity of CWD and psychological issues. Only 2 studies found no statistically significant results after treatment. Conclusions The literature reveals a great concern for psychosocial issues in CWD patients. Most articles describe improvement in overall quality of life (QOL) after surgery. An increase in social and physical function, body image, and self-esteem was observed in CWD patients, which is supported by parent responses.

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