scholarly journals O projeto EMAI: uma Análise de sua Estrutura Organizacional e seus Pressupostos Metodológicos

Augusta Teresa Barbosa Severino ◽  
Renata Cristina Geromel Meneghetti

Este artigo focaliza o projeto EMAI (Educação Matemática nos anos iniciais) criado em 2013 pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo e implementado nas escolas no ano de 2014 e tem como propósito analisar a estrutura organizacional e os pressupostos metodológicos deste material na versão destinada ao uso do professor, buscando responder à seguinte questão de investigação: O projeto EMAI dá ao professor um suporte pedagógico que propicie a autonomia e a reflexão sobre sua própria prática pedagógica? Para tal, além dos aspectos gerais do material foi também considerado o tratamento dado ao conhecimento matemático, ou seja, as orientações didático-pedagógicas deste material no que se refere ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática. A investigação caracteriza-se como qualitativa e foi efetuada com base em análise documental, compreendendo as três seguintes fases: (i) análise da estrutura do material e das orientações pedagógicas gerais; (ii) análise das sugestões apresentadas para o desenvolvimento de um conteúdo específico; e (iii) considerações finais a respeito desta análise. Ao final desse processo foi possível apontar que o material, apesar de limitar a autonomia do professor, mostra-se como um recurso que auxilia seu trabalho e estudos paralelos por trazer questões relativas ao ensino de matemática que, na maioria das vezes, é um obstáculo para o professor dos anos iniciais da Educação Básica.   Palavras-chave: Projeto EMAI. Ensino e Aprendizagem de Matemática. Autonomia. Formação de Professores. Orientações Didático-Pedagógicas.   Abstract This article focuses on the EMAI project (Mathematics Education in the initial years) created in 2013 by the Government of the State of São Paulo and implemented in schools in the year 2014 and its purpose is to analyze the organizational structure and the methodological assumptions of this material in the version destined to use the teacher, seeking to answer the following research question: Does the EMAI project give the teacher a pedagogical support that fosters autonomy and reflection on his own pedagogical practice? For this, in addition to the general aspects of the material was also considered the treatment given to the mathematical knowledge, that is, the didactic-pedagogical orientations of this material with regard to the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The research is characterized as qualitative and was carried out based on documentary analysis, comprising the following three phases: (i) analysis of the structure of the material and the general pedagogical guidelines; (ii) analysis of the suggestions presented for the development of specific content; and (iii) final considerations regarding this analysis. At the end of this process it was possible to point out that the material, although limiting the autonomy of the teacher, is shown as a resource that helps his work and parallel studies to bring about issues related to mathematics teaching that, in most cases, is an obstacle for the teacher of the initial years of Basic Education. Keywords: EMAI Project. Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Autonomy. Teacher education. Didactic-Pedagogical Guidelines.

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-171
Maria Perpétua do Socorro Beserra Soares

This article presents the results of a research about permanent formation of teachers of early years of fundamental teaching of a public district school of a city of São Paulo-SP; whose general objective is to analyze scopes and limits of permanent formation of teachers to a pedagogical practice committed to building a democratic school. The theoretical contributions is based on the pedagogy of Paulo Freire (2001, 2013b, 2015, and 2016), Imbernón (2009, 2010), and Saul (2010). The nature of the investigation is qualitative and follows Chizzotti (2005) with bibliographic study, field and documentary research. The results of the research show a strong presence of dimensions of permanent formation; materializing principles as the hearing, the dialog, the participation and the movement of action-reflection-action, demonstrated on documents, interviews done, observations, formation meetings and parent-teaching conference.

1982 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-229 ◽  
Charles H. Wood

After the military took power in Brazil in 1964, the government adopted a wide range of policies designed to stimulate economic growth. A central aspect of the Brazilian model of development was the control of wages. From 1964 to 1975 this strategy caused the purchasing power of the minimum wage in the city of São Paulo to fall. The decline in the real wage index was associated with a rise in infant mortality during the period. When real wages rose after 1974, the death rate dropped off. The infant mortality trend cannot be explained by other factors that affect the actual or the reported death rate, such as changes in cityward migration, shifts in the distribution of income, and improvements in the quality of vital statistics. The findings of this study indicate a causal relationship between the infant mortality trend and changes in the purchasing power of the urban poor. Additional data on nutrition, changes in household behavior, and shifts in the cause structure of mortality support this conclusion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-114
Melise Maia Ribeiro

The objective of this research is to know new decisions about the teaching and learning process in the context of the pandemic in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The pandemic suspended classroom classes at more than 200 schools, causing the reorganization of pedagogical practices in distance education. The result was the applicability of the Special Regime of Non-Attendance Classes adopted by the Government of Amazonas (Aula em Casa Project). It is concluded that new directions can be taken from formal education in view of this new reality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
Talita Martins Oliveira ◽  
Andrea Regina Martins Fontes ◽  
Márcia Regina Neves Guimarães

O trabalho exercido pelo coletor de lixo pode ser considerado penoso, pois solicita deste indivíduo grande esforço para concluir sua tarefa. Esse trabalho envolve manusear resíduos domiciliares, além de se locomover em um ambiente repleto de variabilidades relacionadas ao clima, interação com a população, trânsito, estado de conservação das vias, entre outras. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a atividade do coletor de lixo, ressaltando características referentes aos níveis e aos elementos da cultura organizacional que permeiam essa atividade. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, foi realizada a partir de um estudo de caso em uma empresa privada instalada em uma cidade de médio porte no interior de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas, análise documental e observações assistêmicas Entre os principais resultados, tem-se que os trabalhadores atribuem sentido ao trabalho e valorizam o companheirismo para tornar o trabalho menos penoso. Os novos trabalhadores recebem treinamento antes de iniciar suas atividades, mas são os próprios coletores que transmitem como o trabalho real deve ser realizado. Os vocabulários próprios e os discursos transmitem o que é considerado correto e tornam visíveis a intensidade emocional presente na rotina desses trabalhadores.Palavras-chave: Coletores de lixo. Cultura Organizacional. Ergonomia da Atividade.ABSTRACTThe work carried out by the garbage collector can be considered arduous, since it demands of this individual a great effort to complete his/her task. This work involves handling of household residues, besides moving in an environment full of variabilities related to the climate, interaction with the population, and state of conservation of streets, among others. This article aims to analyze the activity of the garbage collector, highlighting characteristics referring to the levels and elements of the organizational culture that permeate this activity. The research, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, was carried out based on a case study in a private company installed in a medium-size city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. The data collection took place through interviews, documentary analysis, and non-systemic observations. Among the main results, it has been that the workers give meaning to the work and value the companionship to make the work less arduous. New workers receive training before starting their activities, but it is the collectors themselves who convey how the real work should be done. Own vocabularies and discourses convey what is considered correct and make visible the emotional intensity present in the routine of these workers. Keywords: Garbage collector. Organizational Culture. Activity Ergonomics.

Gabriella Alves Ferreira ◽  
Maria Núbia Barbosa Bonfim

Este estudo enfoca a relação professor/aluno e tem por principal objetivo analisar como se constrói essa relação no cotidiano da sala de aula do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras de uma Universi-dade Federal do Nordeste brasileiro. Insere-se no projeto de pesquisa intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, parceria entre as instituições Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo - USP e Universida-de Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, tendo a UFMA como proponente e contando com o apoio financeiro da CAPES/Procad – NF – 2008. A referida relação pode ultrapassar a sala de aula e tornar-se um ponto relevante no desenvolvimento do ensino-aprendizagem. O processo metodológico englobou o estudo do referencial teórico, a partir dos estudos realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007;2010;2012), dentre outros. Para realizá-lo, levantamos algumas indagações que se-riam analisadas pela pesquisa: Como a relação professor/aluno afeta o processo ensino-aprendizagem? E com quais consequências? No desenvolvimento metodológico, realizamos observação participante, elaboramos e aplicamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos e professores do 8º período do Curso de Letras no turno matutino 2012.2, assim como fizemos levantamento de perfil junto aos alunos para melhor conhecimento individual dos sujeitos. Para sistematização dos dados, utilizamos a técnica de Aná-lise de Conteúdo proposta por Franco (2005). Esperamos com este trabalho mostrar o quanto a relação professor/aluno ajuda a compreender algumas tessituras no processo ensino-aprendizagem e o quanto esse entendimento se torna importante para a solução de conflitos.Palavras-chave: Relação professor/aluno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.TEACHER/STUDENT: WHAT RELATION IS THIS?ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the teacher/student relationship and its main objective is to analyze how this relationship is built in daily classroom of the Letters Course at the Federal University in Northeast Brazil. Is part of the research project entitled “Project Academic Cooperation: Disciplines of the Degree ai-med for Teaching Portuguese Language”, partnership between institutions Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA, University of São Paulo - USP and State University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, having UFMA as proposer and with the financial support of CAPES/Procad - NF - 2008. That relationship can overcome the classroom and become an important point in the development of teaching and learning. The methodo-logical process involved the study of the theoretical framework, based on studies by Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012) among others. To accomplish it, we raise some questions that would be covered by the survey: As a teacher/student relationship affects the process of teaching and learning? And with what consequences? Methodological development, we conducted participant observa-tion, elaborated and applied semi-structured interviews with students and teachers from 8th period course on literature in 2012.2 morning shift, as did raising profile with students to better knowledge of individual subjects. To systematize the data, we used the technique of content analysis proposed by Franco (2005).We expect this work to show how the relationship teacher/student help understand some tessitura in the teaching- learning process and how this understanding becomes important for conflict resolution.KEYWORDS: Teacher/student relationship. Teaching. Daily.PROFESOR/ESTUDIANTE: ¿QUÉ RELACIÓN ES ÉSTA?RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la relación profesor/alumno y su principal objetivo es analizar cómo es construida esta relación en el curso de Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidade Federal do Mara-nhão. Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, en colaboración con la Univer-sidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, y la Universidade Estadual de Rio Grande do Norte - UERN , teniendo UFMA como proponente, y con el apoyo financiero de la CAPES / Procad - NF - 2008. La referida relación puede ir más allá del salón de clases, llegando a ser un punto importante en el desarrollo de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El proceso metodológico está basado en los estudios realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012), entre otros. Para lograrlo, planteamos algunas preguntas analizadas por la referida investigación: ¿Cómo la relación profesor /alumno afecta el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje? ¿Y con qué consecuencias? En el desarrollo metodológico, realizamos una observación participante, donde construimos y aplicamos entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los estudiantes y profesores del octavo período del curso de Letras en 2012.2, en el turno de la mañana; además, hicimos un levantamiento que permitió un mejor conocimiento de los sujetos individuales. Para sistematizar los datos, utilizamos la técnica de Análisis de Contenido propuesto por Franco (2005). Esperamos con este trabajo mostrar cómo la relación profesor/alumno ayu-da a entender algunos tesituras en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y cómo este conocimiento se convierte importante para la resolución de conflictos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Relación profesor/alumno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.

Rogério Pelizzari de Andrade ◽  
Douglas de Oliveira Calixto

The paper presents data from the research Interrelationships Communication and Education in the Context of Basic Education, which involved 3.7 thousand students and more than 500 Brazilian teachers, and addresses the theme of social acceleration of time. Developed by the Educommunication Mediations group (MECOM), which is linked to the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA / USP), the survey extended from September to December 2018. The results show that educators are subjected to stressful working hours and that the media, especially mobile devices, cross the school ecosystem. Through their smartphones, even accessed in the classroom, students rearrange and re-signify the experience and time of education.

Aparecido dos Santos

O objetivo do presente estudo é o de identificar possíveis indícios de aprendizagem docente em um processo formativo com dimensões colaborativas. O processo de formação se pautou em dois pilares: na reflexão sobre o ensino e aprendizagem das estruturas multiplicativas e nas estratégias formativas empreendidas para o seu desenvolvimento (ação-reflexão-ação) a partir da análise da prática docente. O estudo foi realizado com um grupo de 14 professoras, atuantes nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola pública na cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam que, para além, da ação e reflexão sobre a prática, que permitiu proceder análises conceituais, didáticas e cognitivas que, em última análise, qualificaram o repertório teórico-prático para o ensino das estruturas multiplicativas, foi possível identificar nos relatos descritos pelas participantes, na avaliação final do processo formativo, elementos que, a meu ver, foram potencilizadores e indicaram indícios da aprendizagem docente. Essa aprendizagem, na voz das professoras, se deu na interface de quatro dimensões: (a) na relação professor- aluno, (b) na relação professor-professor- formadores, (c) na relação teoria e prática, e (d) na reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica.Palavras-chave: Processo Formativo. Aprendizagem Docente. Reflexão. Prática. AbstractThe objective of the present study is to identify possible evidence of teacher learning in a formative process with collaborative dimensions. The formation process was based on two pillars: reflection on the teaching and learning of multiplicative structures and the formative strategies undertaken for its development (action-reflection-action) from the analysis of teaching practice. The study was performed with a group of 14 teachers, active in the initial years of Elementary School, of a public school in the city of São Paulo. The results show that, in addition to the action and reflection on the practice, which allowed us to proceed with conceptual, didactic and cognitive analyzes that ultimately qualified the theoretical-practical repertoire for the teaching of multiplicative structures, it was possible to identify in the described narratives by the participants, in the final evaluation of the formative process, elements that, in my view, were definitive and indicated indications of teacher learning. This learning, in the teachers’ voice, took place in the four-dimensional interface: (a) in the teacher-student relationship, (b) in the teacher-teacher-formers relationship, (c) in the relation theory and practice, and (d) reflection on pedagogical practice.Keywords: Formative Process. Teacher Learning. Reflection. Practice

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 46-50 ◽  
Amanda O. Ferreira ◽  
Elaine A.F. Rodrigues ◽  
Amilton C. Santos ◽  
Ricardo R. Guerra ◽  
Maria A. Miglino ◽  

Abstract: Since ancient times, humans and animals have interacted for different purposes. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) is used for the assistance and treatment in humans and educational projects where animals are used as co-therapists or co-educators. The use of animals facilitates the process of teaching and learning, and stimulates physical and therapeutic activities. So that knowledge on AAT could be expanded, current study analyzes the opinion of people directly involved in education on AAT implementation as an educational model in early childhood schools in São Paulo, Brazil. Questionnaires were handed out to 10 pedagogical coordinators, 32 teachers, 23 parents and 26 children aged 3-6 years. Results revealed that AAT is not well-known for most interviewees, including pedagogical coordinators, teachers and parents. However, interviewees believe in the benefits of child-pet interactions and are favorable to the implementation of AATs in schools. Projects should be interdisciplinary and must involve professionals from other areas, such as psychologists and veterinarians. Regarding the educational model, interviewees believe in the innovation capacity of AAT and in the possibilities of interdisciplinarity among teachers in the use of animals. Research also demonstrated that children like and support the use of animals in the school.

Cláudia Valentina Assumpção Galian ◽  
Lucia Helena Sasseron ◽  
Maria Ligia Borba Florenzano ◽  
Agnaldo Arroio

This article reports the work carried out with a group of six students in two public schools in the State of São Paulo, within a project Pre-Iniciação Científica (Scientific Research Initiation) conducted at Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, along the year 2011. These students conducted a survey in their schools in order to identify the relationship which their colleagues setting out with knowledge on the scientific disciplines. Thus it is assumed as objective for this study to drive a reflection concerning the views of students who complete basic education in public schools about the basic scientific knowledge who have had access throughout their school trajectories and drive some directions for police makers about natural science education policies. Key words: educational policies, natural science education, student´s view.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
João Marcelo De Queiroz Miranda ◽  
Taisa Belli ◽  
Peterson Amaro Da Silva ◽  
Milton Shoiti Misuta ◽  
Larissa Rafaela Galatti

INTRODUÇÃO: Consideramos que um bom programa de ensino, vivência e aprendizagem tenha em sua elaboração e planejamento uma boa proposta de avaliação contínua para sucesso dos alunos e do professor.OBJETIVO: Descrever os instrumentos avaliativos elaborados por professores de Educação Física a partir de uma proposta de ensino do badminton para adolescentes em um programa no contraturno escolar. MÉTODOS: O cenário para aplicação do projeto ocorreu em uma instituição pública de ensino básico municipal da cidade de São Paulo, com a participação de 15 discentes do ensino fundamental II dos 8º e 9º anos. As atividades ocorreram ao longo dos quatro bimestres do ano de 2019, entre os meses de março e dezembro, compondo 72 aulas teóricas e práticas, incluindo avaliações diagnóstica, formativa e somativa.RESULTADOS: Para a avaliação diagnóstica foi elaborado um instrumento com o propósito de entender a intenção e expectativa do aluno sobre a participação do projeto e ainda, e o conhecimento sobre os esportes de raquetes. Além disso, foi aplicado um mapa mental para avaliar aspectos histórico-culturais do badminton. Para a avaliação formativa elaboramos dois instrumentos para avaliação tática-técnica e realizamos rodas de conversa e observações como instrumentos para avaliar o aspecto socioeducacional dos jogadores. Por fim, foi elaborado para avaliação somativa um questionário com a intenção de verificar se as expectativas iniciais foram atendidas ao final do projeto.CONCLUSÃO: A partir da experiência observada, vivida, problematizada e avaliada, apresentamos diferentes instrumentos de avaliação nas diferentes etapas do projeto de badminton na escola: diagnóstica, formativa e somativa.ABSTRACT. Possible strategies for assessing learning about sport in badminton project at school.BACKGROUND: We believe that a good teaching, experience and learning program has in its elaboration and planning a good proposal for continuous assessment for the success of the students and the teacherOBJECTIVE: To describe the assessment instruments developed by Physical Education teachers based on a proposal to teach badminton to adolescents in a program during the school shift.METHODS: The scenario for the application of the project took place in a public institution of municipal basic education in the city of São Paulo, with the participation of 15 students of elementary school II of the 8th and 9th years. The activities took place over the four two month blocks of the year 2019, between the months of March and December, comprising 72 theoretical and practical classes, including diagnostic, formative and summative assessments. RESULTS: For the diagnostic evaluation, an instrument was elaborated with the purpose of understanding the student’s intention and expectation about the participation of the project and also, the knowledge about racket sports. In addition, a mind map was applied to assess historical and cultural aspects of badminton. For formative assessment, we developed two instruments for tactical-technical assessment and conducted conversation and observation rounds as instruments to assess the socio-educational aspect of the players. Finally, a questionnaire was prepared for summative assessment with the intention of verifying whether the initial expectations were met at the end of the project.CONCLUSION: Based on the observed, lived, problematized and evaluated experience, we present different assessment instruments at the different stages of the badminton project at school: diagnostic, formative and somative.

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