scholarly journals Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia dalam Karya Tulis Mahasiswa Asing di Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 933-942
Fachriza Wilasita Karunia ◽  
Imam Suyitno ◽  
Dewi Ariani

Abstract: In learning a new language, mistakes are common as a part of language acquisition.This research aims to describe the kinds of Indonesian language mistakes. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model with three activity lines, namely (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing. The data from this research are in the form of Indonesian language mistakes from research papers that are written by foreign students at Universitas Negeri Malang. The source of data comes from 15 research papers by foreign students at Universitas Negeri Malang that come in the form of essays and daily journals. The final result of Indonesian language mistakes in research papers that are written by foreign students (1) spelling mistakes, (2) word choices, (3) morphology, and (4) syntax. The kind of spelling are (1) wrong use of capital letters and (2) word writing errors. Indonesian language mistakes of morphology are (1) affix omission errors and (2) affix shortening errors. Indonesian language mistakes of syntax are (1) use of foreign terms, (2) word addition errors, and (3) word order errors. Keywords: mistake, research paper, foreign student Abstrak: Adanya kesalahan dalam mempelajari sebuah bahasa baru merupakan hal yang wajar terjadi dalam proses pemerolehan bahasa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia mahasiswa Asing di UM. Penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui 3 tahap, yaitu (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Data penelitian ini berupa kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karya tulis mahasiswa Asing Universitas Negeri Malang. Sumber data berasal dari 15 karya tulis mahasiswa Asing di UM berupa esai dan jurnal harian. Hasil penelitian kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia dalam karya tulis mahasiswa Asing UM meliputi (1) kesalahan ejaan, (2) pemilihan kata, (3) morfologis, dan (4) sintaksis. Kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia pada tataran ejaan meliputi (1) penggunaan huruf kapital dan (2) kesalahan penulisan kata. Kesalahan morfologis berbahasa pada tataran, meliputi (1) kesalahan penghilangan afiks dan (2) kesalahan penyingkatan afiks. Kesalahan berbahasa pada tataran sintaksis, meliputi (1)penggunaan istilah asing, (2) kesalahan penambahan dan (3) kesalahan pengurutan kata. Kata kunci: kesalahan, karya tulis, mahasiswa asing

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Maksalmina Maksalmina

This research was conducted at PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh, with the aim to answer the question of how the payroll accounting system applied in PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from interviews and documentation studies, then analyzed interactively and lasted continuously until complete so that the data has been saturated. Activity in data analysis is data reduction, data presentation, treanggulation and conclusion / verification.The results show PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh has implemented a neat and well-payroll accounting system in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Payroll accounting system in PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh is used to overcome errors and irregularities in the calculation and payment of salary. Payroll accounting systems are designed by companies to provide a clear picture of employee salaries so that they are easy to understand and easy to use.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-35
Eneng Fani Oktaviani ◽  
Jufri Halim ◽  
M Taufik Hidayatulloh

AbstractThe research objective is to depict the stages of forming of the street children’s autonomy in the Rumah Singgah Bina Anak Pertiwi, South Jakarta, and the characteristics of their autonomy. We use in-depth interviews and document searches in data collection. Miles and Huberman's techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing were used for data analysis. The results showed that: (1) The stages of forming the autonomy of street children began with treatment, then empowerment which is a factor of the autonomy; (2) The characteristics of their autonomy can be seen from their ability to carry out all their activities independently, to be able to manage their own lives, to control their emotions, to share ideas and to make decisions and choices according to their views.  AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan pembinaan kemandirian anak jalanan di Rumah Singgah Bina Anak Pertiwi Jakarta Selatan, dan karakteristik kemandirian mereka. Kami menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan penelusuran dokumen untuk pengumpulan data. Teknik Miles dan Huberman, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tahapan pembentukan kemandirian anak jalanan diawali dengan pengobatan, lalu pemberdayaan yang menjadi faktor kemandirian; (2) Karakteristik kemandirian mereka dapat dilihat dari kemampuan melakukan segala kegiatannya secara mandiri, mampu mengatur kehidupannya sendiri, dapat mengontrol emosinya, dapat berbagi ide dan membuat keputusan dan pilihan sesuai dengan pandangan mereka. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 995-1002
Rido Kurnianto, Nurul Iman, Sigit Dwi Laksana

This study aims to describe Reyog Ponorogo from the historical aspect, the negative stigma that has accompanied its development, and local wisdom that spreads to all its components. This problem is studied using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews with data collection tools is the researcher himself as a key instrument. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analytical with the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings of this study are as follows; (1) Reyog Obyog is an important and inseparable part of Reyog Ponorogo. In fact, it is very possible that Reyog Obyog is the origin of the Reyog Ponorogo which has developed and is known to the public today; (2) Reyog Obyog performance model which tends to be free, not bound by standards, is performed in the audience and is predominantly filled with entertainment, in its development various negative stigmas have emerged in the community, namely eroticism, drunkenness, and mystical performance rituals; (3) The Reyog Obyog has a great value in the form of a noble life guidance which is strategic enough to be used as a medium for building civilization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Rahmad Hidayat

This research is here to explain several forms of errors in the material module of the Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2020. Research on the analysis of language errors in the PPG module has never been carried out.  In data collection, used the Listening method with the Note Technique.  The data are recorded in such a way in tabulations.  In analyzing the data, the Intralingual Matching method was used with HBS and HBB techniques. HBS and HBB techniques are realized by comparing between language data and applicable rules.  Furthermore, deviant linguistic data are classified based on the types of violations against linguistic rules and theories.  The presentation of the results of data analysis in this study is based on the taxonomy of linguistic categories in language error analysis.  The results showed that in the module I PPG Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2020 there were spelling errors in the form of punctuation errors, capital letters errors, italicization errors, and word writing errors; morphological errors in the form of word formation errors and word non-conformity; syntactic errors in the form of misuse of conjunctor and ineffective sentences.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Muhammad Amri ◽  
Saharuddin Saharuddin ◽  
La Ode Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Religious Education is an important and inseparable part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. Besides being an obligation for its adherents, Islamic learning can instill the values of faith and make students possess noble morals (akhlakul karimah). This study aims to examine and discuss how the implementation process of Islamic education in instilling noble morals in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This study uses a qualitative approach with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as the data analysis. The sample of this study was the principal of the madrasah, vice-principal, students, and teachers of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that through the implementation of Islamic Religious Education, the students could possess noble characters. There are eight behaviors that are applied to instill the noble characters, namely habituating the smiles, salaam, and greetings, mutual respect (tolerance), sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday, performing the Duha prayer, performing dhuhr prayers, reciting the Quran, congregational prayer, and getting used to alms giving (infaq). These eight commendable behaviors are recommended for teachers and principals to be applied in their respective schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-169
Ade Stevani ◽  
Dwi Anggraini ◽  
Resnani Resnani

This study aims to describe the fuction of extracurricular art of dance for students of SD Negeri 01 Kota Bengkulu. Type of qualitative research and descriptive naturalistic research method.the subject of this research is the extracurricular coach of dance art and the student of extracurricular activities of dance art. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by data reduction, data presentation (data display), data verification(coclusion drawing/verification) and withdrawal of conclusion (verification data). Testing the validity of the data using persistence of observation, membercheck and triangulation. The result of the research show the extracurricular function of dance which includes 1) development fuction, 2) sosialfuction, 3) rekreativefuction, the three fuctions have been done, but there are some indicators in the function of extracurricular art of dance that has not been done, that is development function in indicator the formation in indicator the formation of the character of discipline. In this indicator the formation of the character of students who follow extracurricular activities of dance art came too late because before the extracurricularschedule of dance art there are students who are still in the canteen and rest. Therefore, there should be a break between classroom hygiene activities and extracurricular activities of dance, so that the indicators of character building discipline are done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Markus Deli Girik Allo ◽  
Nilma Taula’bi ◽  
Elim Trika Sudarsih ◽  
Eka Prabawati Rum

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cultural values in the ritual of Bulangan Londong Sembangan Suke Barata as part of the Toraja indigenous people life. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Meanwhile, the respondents involved in this study include culturist, linguists, and the Toraja community. The research instruments used in this study were document files, interviews with the subjects, and observations using a video recorder that recorded the ritual process of Bulangan Londong Sembangan Suke Barata. The data analysis technique in this study includes three main steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the cultural values contained in the rituals of the Bulang Londong Sembangan Suke Barata were 'Manuk' which symbolized the value of the work ethic, 'Ussembang Suke Barata' which represented the religious value of bamboo slashed by 'Mina', and 'Kayunan Londong' which personifies the leader's patriotic value.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki nilai-nilai budaya dari ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata dari masyarakat adat Toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Responden penelitian ini adalah budayawan, ahli bahasa, dan komunitas Toraja. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah file dokumen, wawancara dengan subjek, dan pengamatan dengan menggunakan perekam video pada ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata. Teknik analisis data mencakup tiga langkah utama, pengurangan data, presentasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam ritual bulangan londong sembangan suke barata adalah manuk yang melambangkan nilai etos kerja, ussembang suke barata yang mewakili nilai religius bambu yang ditebas oleh mina, dan kayunan londong sebagai personifikasi nilai patriotik pemimpin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Suyoto Suyoto ◽  
Jody Diamond

This study aimed to reveal the concept of Tumbuk in Javanese gamelan tuning, namely gamêlan agêng with Sléndro and Pélog. This study used a qualitative method with an ethical emic perspective. The data collection was done by conducting literature review, observation, interviews, and studio work, then processed with data analysis. The data analysis then was followed up through data interaction by interpreting the relationship reactions of the three elements of analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The interpretation of the data was done inductively, so that the conclusion was drawn entirely from the development of the data according to the realities of the field. The results showed that tumbuk was not only limited to a note that has the same high and low, but it is a musical concept that integrates the Sléndro and Pélog scales in the tuning of a set of gamelans. There are basically only two types of tumbuk: nêm tumbuk and lima tumbuk. Other than those, it means that they are the strut. The thing is,tumbuk has a central tone that serves as a benchmark and a supporting tone whose position strengthens the integration of each type of tumbuk. As a concept, it was found that tumbuk plays several important roles including equalizing the highs and lows of certain notes, equalizing the range of certain notes, and conditioning the range of notes or the addition of the tune.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Ridwan Nurdin ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal ◽  
Muhadi Khalidi

This study discusses the empowerment of productive zakat aimed at fostering the welfare of mustahik. This research is a programme on the implementation of the Zakat Amil Agency in the distribution of zakat. This research uses qualitative method in order for it be relevant to the results achieved. The sources of the data in this study are relevant literature both in the form of books, journals and articles used to compile theories about problems that are the objects of the research. Based on our findings, the mustahik receive zakat from the Zakat Amil Agency with the scheme of productive zakat. In relation to the data compilation in this study, the techniques used include the activities and the development of the Zakat Amil Agency in daily activities to manage zakat and mustahik’s productive zakat in organizing the programmes. Data analysis was conducted by structuring data in the form of compiling, classifying and testing data during the research. Data analysis was carried out to describe the processes and results of examinations from transcripts and notes and other materials. In relation to the qualitative approach, the data analysis is conducted in three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and reduction of conclusions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Muhammad Ridho ◽  
Yanyan Muhammad Yani ◽  
Arfin Sudirman

This study aim to explain phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria and describing the triggering factors of conflict Syria and the analysis of Alawie group in Syria. The type of this study uses a qualitative approach with the literature study method, because the data collection techniques used make books and documents related to the Arab spring in Syria as a reference frame, as well as some data from a valid website. Data analysis techniques through three components, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in which data verification is also accompanied by triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria converged on inter-ethnic conflict that occurred between the Sunni-Alawie, then triggered by the phenomenon of Arab spring that spread in the Middle East.

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