scholarly journals Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak melalui Permainan “Finding A Star” pada Kelompok A di TK PGRI 03 Tumpang

Nevasheza Argaputri ◽  
Retno Tri Wulandari ◽  
Wuri Astuti

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to describe the application of Finding A Star to improve the rough motor skills of early childhood in group A in TK PGRI 03 overlap and describe the increase in the rough motor skills of child group A in TK PGRI 03 through the game Finding A Star. The research plan used is a class action research (CAR). The study was conducted over two cycles, each of which was performed twice as much as a meeting consisting of planning, implementing, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used are observations, interviews, and documentation. The analysis of the data used is qualitative and quantitative. Improvement a the child's rough motor ability from the preset to the implementation of cycle II with a strength indicator increases with a percentage of 62.5 percent, Agility increases with a percentage of 87.5 percent flexibility increases with a percentage of 62.5 percent accuracy increases with a percentage of 75 percent the balance increases with a percentage of 75 percent . Based on the results of the performance of Finding A Star game that the child's rough motor skills proved increased Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan penerapan permainan Finding A Star untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar anak usia dini pada kelompok A di TK PGRI 03 Tumpang dan mendeskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelompok A di TK PGRI 03 Tumpang melalui permainan Finding A Star. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua siklus, setiap siklusnya dilakukan sebanyak dua kali pertemuan yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Peningkatan kemampuan motorik kasar anak dari pratindakan sampai pelaksanaan siklus II dengan indikator kekuatan meningkat dengan presentase 62,5 persen, kelincahan meningkat dengan presentase 87,5 persen, kelentukan meningkat dengan presentase 62,5 persen, ketepatan meningkat dengan presentase 75 persen, keseimbangan meningkat dengan presentase 75 persen. Berdasarkan pemamparan hasil pelaksanaan permainan  Finding A Star bahwa kemampuan motorik kasar anak terbukti meningkat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Dwi Nurjannah

Abstract: The background of this study is the low motor skills of early childhood in group A in the Natural Kindergarten Rizkia. This can be seen from the weakness of fine motor in moving the fingers of the hands, coordinate the eyes and hands, and the accuracy of flexibility of the child's fingers. The purpose of this study is to improve fine motor skills through papercraft play activities. The method used in this research is classroom action research method using Kemmis and Taggart cycle model through four stages namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection which is done by two cycles. The subjects of the study were 16 students of class A. Data collection is done by observation, documentation, and interview. The results of the study conducted during two cycles observed the development of fine motor skills of group A children experienced an increase in each cycle. Pre-action (pre cycling) was 34%, in cycle I was 60.6% with 26.6% increase and in second cycle was 83.82% with an increase of 23.22%. Thus the percentage improvement of fine motor ability of group A children through papercraft activity has achieved success indicator that is more than 75%. This means that papercraft play activities are very effective and can be used in improving the fine motor skills of children group A.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 354
Ani Bodedarsyah ◽  
Rita Yulianti

Cognitive development is an important aspect. One of them is the ability to think symbolically. To improve the ability of symbolic thinking of early childhood certainly cannot be separated from the role of educators. Indicators of cognitive development that must be achieved by children aged 4-5 years are: numbers 1-10, recognizing the concept of numbers, recognizing the symbol of numbers, and recognizing the symbol of letters. For this reason, it is appropriate for educators to work hard to improve the ability to think symbolically in early childhood by providing stimulation through appropriate learning media like children, one of which is the media learning of dimples. This research was conducted with a class action research method. From the two cycles that have been done show the results that there is an increase in the ability of symbolic thinking in early childhood group A using the media learning dimples.Perkembangan kognitif merupakan aspek yang tidak kalah penting. Salah satunya  adalah kemampuan berpikir simbolik. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini tentu tak lepas dari peranan pendidik. Indikator perkembangan kognitif yang harus dicapai anak usi 4-5 tahun adalah: membilang  benda 1-10, mengenal konsep bilangan, mengenal lambang bilangan, dan mengenal lambang huruf. Untuk itu sudah selayaknya pendidik berusaha dengan keras untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini dengan cara memberikan stimulasi melalui media pembelajaran yang tepat bagai anak, salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran lesung angka. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode peneletian tindakan kelas. Dari dua siklus  yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemmapuan berpikir simbolik pada anak usia dini kelompok A dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran lesung angka.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 21
Lina Oktariani Utami ◽  
Indah Sari Utami

This research originated from the problem of low logical mathematical abilities of children and Bandung. This is what underlies the formulation of the problem (1) What is the objective condition of the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood in group A TK Nasywa Bandung? (2) How does the implementation of early childhood logical mathematical ability learning through cubical blocks in group A TK Nasywa Bandung? (3) How to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood after using cuboid beam media in group A Nasywa Bandung Kindergarten? The research objective was to obtain an overview of the use of cubic beam media to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood in group A Nasywa Kindergarten Bandung. The method used in this research is classroom action research (CAR), which is carried out in three cycles using 12 research subjects. This study uses data collection techniques, observation and documentation. Preliminary observations of logical mathematical abilities with an assessment of Not Developing amounted to 73%, Started to Grow by 26% and Developed Very Good by 1%. However, after using cubical beam media, children's logical mathematical abilities show optimal abilities. Percentage of logical mathematical ability of children of assessment has not developed by 0%, started to develop by 25% and develops very well by 75%. Based on these data, recommendations given to child educators can be an alternative medium to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood.

Kholifatur Rohmah ◽  
Usep Kustiawan ◽  
Suryadi Suryadi

Abstract: The results of observations made by researchers in group A kindergarten Plus wahidiyah Sukun. there are 12 children who get the BB and MB criteria, 3 children get BSH criteria, and 2 children get BSB criteria. Sewing activities are only done once so that the results obtained are not optimal. This research is a class action research, aims to determine the application and improvement of fine motor skills through sewing activities. The scope of this research is fine motor children aged 4-5 years, patterns in sewing are limited to the types of clothing patterns made from duplex paper, the indicators used in this study are: 1) eye and hand coordination for complex movements and 2) controlling hand movements using smooth muscles. Analysis of the data used are: Quantitative is used to look at classical and qualitative child development achievements to describe data from observations, interviews, and documentation. The research was conducted in 3 stages: pre-action, cycle I, and cycle II. The results of mastery learning in pre-action is 17.6 percent. These results are still very low so there is a need for further stimulus. Researchers prepare RPPH, assessments, and make media. The implementation of sewing activities consists of initial, core and closing activities. Observations were made during sewing activities. After the activity, a reflection is carried out. The results of mastery learning in the first cycle of the first meeting were 23.5 percent. The second meeting is 70.5 percent. Cycle II of the first meeting was 82.3 percent. The second meeting was 88.2 percent. The results of the second cycle of the second meeting had exceeded the specified criteria greater than or equal to 85 percent. Based on these data sewing activities of the types of clothing patterns can improve fine motor children in group A TK Plus Wahidiyah Sukun. Suggestions in this study the teacher can implement sewing activities to improve fine motor group A, especially when the sub-theme of clothing. Abstrak: Hasil observasi yang dilakukan peneliti pada kelompok A TK Plus wahidiyah Sukun terdapat 12 anak yang mendapatkan kriteria BB dan MB, 3 anak mendapatkan kriteria BSH dan 2 anak mendapatkan kriteria BSB. Kegiatan menjahit hanya dilakukan 1 kali sehingga hasil yang diperoleh belum maksimal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas, bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan dan peningkatan motorik halus melalui kegiatan menjahit. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini yaitu motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun, pola dalam kegiatan menjahit dibatasi pada jenis-jenis pola baju yang terbuat dari kertas duplex, indikator yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu: 1) koordinasi mata dan tangan untuk melakukan gerakan yang rumit dan 2) mengontrol Gerakan tangan yang menggunakan otot halus. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu: kuantitatif digunakan untuk melihat capaian perkembangan anak secara klasikal dan kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan data hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap: pra tindakan, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasil ketuntasan belajar pada pra tindakan yaitu 17,6 persen. Hasil tersebut masih sangat rendah sehingga perlu adanya stimulus lebih lanjut. Peneliti menyusun RPPH, penilaian, dan pembuatan media. Pelaksanaan kegiatan menjahit terdapat kegiatan awal, inti dan penutup. Observasi dilakukan saat kegiatan menjahit. Selesai kegiatan maka dilakukan refleksi.  Hasil ketuntasan belajar pada siklus I pertemuan pertama yaitu 23.5 persen. Pertemuan kedua 70.5 persen. Siklus II pertemuan pertama mendapatkan hasil 82.3 persen. Pertemuan kedua 88.2 persen. hasil pada siklus II pertemuan kedua sudah melebihi kriteria yang ditentukan sama dengan lebih dari 85 persen.  Berdasarkan data tersebut kegiatan menjahit jenis-jenis pola baju dapat meningkatkan motorik halus anak kelompok A TK Plus Wahidiyah Sukun. Saran pada penelitian ini guru dapat menerapkan kegiatan menjahit untuk meningkatkan motorik halus kelompok A, terutama pada saat sub tema pakaian.

Dahniarti Cahyani Rety ◽  
Siti Masitoh ◽  
Fajar Arianto

The background of this study by the achievement of cognitive development in this case the introduction of the concept of numbers has not been achieved. Problems that exist in group A Christian kindergarten LOGOS, when spelling out there are still children who haven't spelled out exactly, there are objects that are missed when spelling out and have not been able to show many objects in accordance with the symbol numbers, especially numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, this happens because there is no media in accordance with the theme of the lesson (land animals) and the method used is still in the form of assignments. The purpose of this study is to describe the increase in children's ability to recognize the concept of numbers through the use of graphic media and three-stage learning methods in the learning process. This study uses a class action research (CAR) method which is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation phase, the observation and reflection stage. The subjects of the study were children of Group A Christian LOGOS Kindergarten consisting of 17 children. Data collection techniques in this study through observation and documentation. The results of the first cycle and second cycle of research showed an increase. The results showed that the use of graphic media and three-stage learning methods can improve the ability of children to recognize the concept of numbers, especially the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in group A children of Christian Kindergarten LOGOS.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Ferizca Tyas Wijayanti

The Capability to recognize number symbols plays an important role in children's lives because with the ability to recognize number symbols we can calculate something. The activity of recognizing number symbols is an activity to count which is carried out using various media such as, Spining Whells. The purpose of this study is to improve the ability to recognize early childhood number symbols in group A at TK DHARMA WANITA SUGIHWARAS CANDI. This type of research is classroom action research. Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that the children's fine motor skills in the pre-cycle obtained an average value of 54.70% while the first cycle obtained a percentage of 66.66% which meanthat it was not optimal. Then give action in the second cycle, the percentage of the average value of the child becomes 82.05%, so that from the average gain in the first cycle and second cycle there is an increase of 15.39%. The conclusion of this study is that through spinning whells can improve the ability to recognize the symbols of numbers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Elizabeth Prima ◽  
Putu Indah Lestari

This study aims to determine the improvement of the discipline for early childhood through Token Economy technique.  This study has been carried out on the Group A students of Kindergarten of Kumara Asri Denpasar academic year 2017/2018. This type of research is Classroom Action Research using observational method.  The subject of this class action research is 26 students of group A Kindergarten of Kumara Asri; consist of 14 girls and 12 boys.  The object of this study is the application of Token Economy technique to improve the discipline of early child. The results obtained in First Cycle showed that 17 students (65.38%) had achieved learning completeness, whereas in Second Cycle, 24 students (92, 31%) have reached learning mastery. There is a 26.93% increase in child discipline with the application of Token Economy technique from first to second cycle. This means that the application of Token Economy technique can improve the discipline of early childhood

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Yasbiati Yasbiati ◽  
Oyon Haki Pranata ◽  
Fitriani Fauziyah

This study was conducted based on findings related problem with the lack of vocabulary Sundanese early childhood on the group B TK PGRI Cibeureum, this is due to lack of familiarity and use of Sundanese language, as well as the stimulus provided only a librettist. One alternative used in this research is using pictorial word card media. According to some media experts said display card can enhance or enrich the vocabulary of early childhood. This study aims to improve the mastery of vocabulary early childhood Sundanese language using pictorial word card mediain group B at TK PGRI Cibeureum. This study uses a Class Action Research (PTK) and implemented in the B2 group TK PGRI Cibeureum Cibeureum District of Tasikmalaya in the second semester of the academic year in 2017 with the number of students amounted to 10 people. In addition to children, the subjects in this study were researchers, partners and media researcher pictorial word card. Classroom Action Research (CAR), which held 3 cycle by using models Kemmis and Taggart and using data collection techniques of observation and documentation. Results of research conducted showed an increase, this is evidenced by an increase in the ability of teachers in planning lessons, the ability of the teacher in the learning process, the ability of teachers in the use of media and word cards pictorial vocabulary Sundanese early childhood. Recommendations for teachers is illustrated word cards can be used as a medium of learning that children do not feel bored in learning.  Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan temuan masalah yang berkaitan dengan masih kurangnya kosakata bahasa Sunda anak usia dini pada kelompok B di TK PGRI Cibeureum, hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya pembiasaan dan penggunaan bahasa Sunda, serta stimulus yang diberikan hanya berupa nyanyian. Salah satu alternatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan media kartu kata bergambar. Menurut beberapa ahli media kartu kata bergambar dapat meningkatkan atau memperkaya kosakata anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa sunda anak usia dini menggunakan media kartu kata bergambarpada kelompok B di TK PGRI Cibeureum. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dan dilaksanakan di kelompok B2 TK PGRI Cibeureum Kecamatan Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2017 dengan jumlah peserta didik berjumlah 10 orang. Selain anak, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti, mitra peneliti dan media kartu kata bergambar. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus dengan menggunakan model kemmis dan taggart serta menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan menunjukkan peningkatan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalam  proses pembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan media kartu kata bergambar serta penguasaan kosakata bahasa Sunda anak usia dini. Rekomendasi  untuk guru yaitu kartu kata bergambar dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu media dalam pembelajaran agar anak tidak merasa jenuh dalam pembelajaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-382
Nurul Arafah

The puspose of this study is to increase gross motor skills of early childhood, through jumping rope games. This research is a class action research (PTK). Description of the data in this study using cycles such as planning, implementation cycles, observation and reflection. This research was conducted in Mutiara Kindergarten on January 28, 2020.Based on the results of the study found after conducting this research, the data obtained starts from pre-cycle II, which is 46.8% pre cycle, in cycle 1 of 68% and the last cycle of 87% by obtaining a very good developing category. Improvements made during the research process have shown an increase in gross motor skills of early childhood.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Dias Syafitri Nurinta ◽  
Yasniwarti Yasniwarti ◽  
Zaenal Muftie

This study aims to improve the ability to recognize numbers 1 to 10 in children group A RA Nurul Amal Ciguruwik in Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency through a number card game. This research is a classroom action research conducted collaboratively between researchers and teachers. The subjects in this study were 13 children of A RA Nurul Amal Group consisting of 7 girls and 6 boys. Data collection techniques are carried out using observation, performance, and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out descriptively qualitative and quantitative. the results of the study showed that increasing the ability of children to know numbers 1 to 10 before using a number card game had an average score of 50.64. Teacher activity in the first cycle showed a percentage of 76.47% then in the second cycle increased to 97.06%. Children's activity in cycle I was 72.65% increasing to 95.3% in cycle II. The average value of the ability to recognize numbers 1 to 10 in the first cycle of 64.74 turned out to have increased in the second cycle of 78.85. So increasing the ability to recognize numbers before and after recognizing numbers 1 to 10 is 28.21.

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