scholarly journals Visual Quality Protection of Ciboer Rice Fields to Maintain the Attraction of Bantar Agung Tourism Village

Ray March Syahadat ◽  
Priambudi Trie Putra ◽  
Ismail Saleh ◽  
Tandri Patih ◽  
Anendawaty Roito Sagala ◽  

Bantar Agung Village in Majalengka Regency, West Java Province, is developing agriculturally-based tourism. The Ciboer Rice Fields area is one of the attractions in the village of Bantar Agung that presents the visual beauty of the rice field landscape. New agrotourism opportunities will be developed in this area. The study has aimed to evaluate the visual quality of the Ciboer Rice Fields and how it would be affected by agrotourism-related changes. Data were analyzed using Kendall’s W test, scenic beauty estimation (SBE), semantic differential (SD), factor analysis, and multidimensional scaling (MDS). It is found that when more objects are added to the Ciboer Rice Fields landscape, the value of beauty is diminished. Village regulations are needed to protect the visual experience of the Ciboer Rice Fields.


ABSTRACTImproving the Architectural Beauty of Surya Lembayung Bridge at Bogor Botanical Gardens with Landscape PlantSurya Lembayung Bridge is one of bridge in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Unlike the iconic bridges in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, the Surya Lembayung Bridge looks plain. Actually, the visual quality of the bridge can be increased with the addition of plants on either side of the bridge bodies. Therefore the visual quality needs to be assessed with a perceptional approach. The methods that used on this article were scenic beauty estimation, semantic differential, factor analysis, and multidimensional scaling. The results showed that the addition of plants in generally can improve the visual quality of the bridge. The highest visual quality is the bridge with the addition of Zephyranthes grandiflora.Keywords: perception, scenic beauty estimation, multidimensional scaling, visual quality, Zephyranthes grandiflora

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Ray March Syahadat ◽  
Priambudi Trie Putra ◽  
Tandri Patih ◽  
Dimas Muhammad Thoifur ◽  
Fitria Nurhasanah ◽  

Rapid urban development demands a lot of infrastructure development. The development aims to support the activities of urban communities. Many research has been done on the structure, but the assessment of the visual quality of these structures is still very rarely done, especially in Indonesia. Flyovers are one of the structures that are often present in cities to solve congestion problems. Jakarta as the capital city, has many of these structures. Unfortunately, unwittingly adding structures can affect the visual quality of the surrounding environment. There are many ways to beautify these structures such as by adding plants, giving ornaments in the form of reliefs, to painting with mural art. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the visual quality of flyover structures. The methods used in this article include scenic beauty estimation (SBE), semantic differential (SD), factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, and Kendall’s W. The results obtained are different levels of visual quality of flyover structures based on the appearance of complementary ornaments. Based on SBE analysis, the structure with reliefs that were not colored showed poor visual quality with an SBE value of -46,483. High visual quality based on SBE analysis, namely the structure with the softscape element in the form of landscape plants (89,777). The impression caused by the structure with softscape elements in the form of landscape plants is considered shadier and attractive.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Irawan Setyabudi ◽  
Deril Aria Permana

 Mangrove forests are specific vegetation structures and grow along coastlines in the tropics, river mouths, and are affected by tides. Its existence supports many ecosystems such as nutrient cycling and fisheries production. This condition is supported by high visual potential and natural resources that make mangrove forests a tourist destination. In the Sukadana Mangrove forest, visitors have different preferences regarding interesting spots. This is evidenced by the accumulation of the number of visitors at a certain point. According to preliminary data obtained, there has been a decrease in the number of visitors since the opening of the tourist sites in 2017, approximately 50% per year. The contributing factor is the lack of development, so the visual impression tends to be monotonous. The problem in this study is the need for evaluation efforts in the form of an assessment of the visual quality of the Sukadana Mangrove Forest landscape. The purpose of this study is the presence of visual quality values can facilitate efforts to preserve certain areas in order to achieve sustainable ecotourism. The analytical method used Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE), is a quantitative method for assessing the aesthetics of the landscape based on visitors’ perceptions by comparing one point to another. The results obtained are that visitors prefer landscapes with natural ambience and boardwalk facilities for taking selfies, while dirty, dry and damaged facilities will be avoided. The conclusion of this study is that the Sukadana mangrove forest has a certain area of interest to visitors, as evidenced by the values in the SBE analysis. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Baskoro Azis ◽  
Herry Santosa ◽  
Jenny Ernawati

Malang is well-known for colonial buildings. Visual quality of  building in the Kayutangan corridor makes it an icon of Malang City. Assessment of visual quality is affected by daytime and nighttime conditions. Day and night lighting are factors that influenced the visual quality assessment of buildings. This study meant to assess the visual quality of buildings in the kayutangan corridor which has a history and aspects that influence by society during the day and night. This study used a descriptive quantitative method explaining public perception about the visual quality of buildings in Kayutangan street corridors during the day and night. Semantic Differential Scale was the instrument to describe the respondents’ perceptions. From the result showed that visual quality of four of 10 buildings have a low scores and there are six variables that have the most influence on daylight and eight variables at night on buildings in the Kayutangan corridor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Siti Rasidah Md Sakip ◽  
Khalilah Hassan ◽  
Azran Mansor

This study argues that although scenic beauty, preference, and restoration are correlated due to their functional significance over evolution. A total of 86 respondents were randomly selected involving in this study. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is used in the early stages to gather information about the interrelationships  among variables. The Cronbach’s Alpha (α) value was used to determine the level of reliability through the internal consistency for each factor.The objective of this paper is to determine the factors that influence on Happiest Selama Community. The output will be used to find the relationship between environmental setting and factors of quality of life among residents in Selama district.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
Nur Husniah Thamrin

ABSTRAK Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas visual sebuah kawasan adalah dengan seni mural. Selain dianggap memperindah tampilan kawasan, keberadaan gambar-gambar dan warna ini juga dapat memperkuat karakter sebuah kawasan. Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad merupakan salah satu panti asuhan yang terletak di Kelurahan Loa Buah. Panti asuhan ini mempunyai misi menolong anak-anak yatim atau yang tidak mampu yang berpotensi untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang baik. Sebagai bekal untuk menghadapi kehidupan di masa depan, anak-anak asuh panti harus banyak memperoleh bekal keterampilan salah satunya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mural. Khalayak sasaran program ini adalah anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah, praktik dengan bimbingan, serta evaluasi. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan ini tahap-tahap yang lakukan adalah memberi materi pendahuluan, tahap persiapan pembuatan mural, tahap melukis dan tahap finishing. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan dan memberi respon yang positif. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa pembuatan mural ini memberi keterampilan baru bagi peserta yaitu anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad sekaligus secara umum memperbaiki aspek estetika visual Kawasan Loa Buah Kota Samarinda. Kata Kunci: loa buah; mural; pelatihan; pendampingan.ABSTRACT One effort that can be done to improve the visual quality of an area is with mural art. Besides being considered to beautify the appearance of the region, the presence of images and colors can also strengthen the character of an area. Baitul Walad Orphanage is one of the orphanages located in the Village of Loa Buah. This orphanage has a mission to help orphans or underprivileged people who have the potential to get a good education. As a provision to face life in the future, orphanage children have to get a lot of skills, one of which is training and assistance in making murals. The target audience for the program is the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage. The method used is the lecture method, practice with guidance, and evaluation. In the training activities and the stages, the steps taken are to provide preliminary material, the preparation stage for mural, the painting stage and the finishing stage. The implementation of this activity went well as planned, participants enthusiastically participated in the activity and gave a positive response. The community service activity in the form of making murals gave new skills to participants, the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage, while at the same time improving the visual aesthetic aspects of the Loa Buah Samarinda City.Keywords: accompaniment; loa buah; mural; training.

Agrologia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Dedi Widayat ◽  
Dani Riswandi ◽  
Aty Fujiaty Setiawan

Weeds in rice fields decrease the quantity and quality of yield. One of the methods used to control weeds is chemical herbicide. The objective of this research was to find out the effective dosages of herbicide Ethoxysulfuron 15 WG on weeds growth as well as growth and yield of rice plants var. Ciherang. This experiment was used Randomized Block Design with seven treatments and four replication. The Ethoxysulfuron doses trated to rice field  6 g/ha,  9 g/ha, 12 g/ha, 15 g/ha and 18 g/ha. The two control treatments were  mechanical weeding, and without weeding and herbicide. The experimental result showed that Ethoxusylfuron herbicide with the dosage of 9 g/ha could suppress the growth of weed Ludwigia adscendens, Ludwigia perrenis, Fimbristylis miliacea,other weeds, and total weeds and give a good impact on yield of rice plants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Santi Desiana Yulianti ◽  
Hanni Adriani ◽  
Ray March Syahadat

This research was motivated by the diversity of natural and artificial resources in Cibodas Botanical Garden which has a visual quality of landscape beauty that becomes a tourist attraction. This study aims to determine the value of visual quality of tourist attractions in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The method used was a quantitative descriptive approach. Data obtained from observation and literature study and distributing questionnaires to respondents using a sample of 100 people using the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method. The assessment was carried out on thirteen tourist attractions of Cibodas Botanical Garden which consisted of Decorative Garden Galleries, Sakura Gardens, Cibogo Waterfall, Ciismun Waterfall, Lumut and Amorphophalus Gardens, Greenhouses, Paku-pakuan Collection, Guest House, Rhododendron Garden, Medicinal Plants Collection, Liana Garden, Large Pond and Semar Pocket House. The total visual assessed was 26 landscapes. Based on the assessment obtained, it shows the tourist attraction landscape that gets the highest visual quality (SBE) value, namely Landscape 12 with a value of 100.53, which is included in the classification of "high visual quality" from the landscape of the Cibodas Botanical Garden Large Pool. A total of 22 landscapes categorized as high visual quality and 4 landscapes categorized as moderate visual quality. No landscape categorized as low visual quality. Thus, the Cibodas Botanical Garden Landscape has great strength in supporting its function as a conservation tourism object in Indonesia but it still needs some landscape arrangement in some spots. Keywords: Cibodas Botanical Garden, scenic beauty estimation, tourist attractions, visual quality

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Iza Hanifuddin

AbstractThe village land / béngkok serves as compensation for the salary of the government board through the use of rice field processing. However, not all objects are in the form of rice fields, it can be manifested as a mosque, cemetery, field, and even village punden. In the case of rise fields, they can be distributed in turn among the village apparatus from time to time, while the other objects not distributed in turn, since they have been functioning for a long time based on the customary. Such condition is required to be concern to various groups due to the ambiguous status of bengkok whether they are belong to village or public property. Meanwhile, the utilization of that function has also been valid for quite a long time without any conversion. This paper tries to offer the concept of State Waqf as an alternative solution to solve the ambiguity of this position. The writer utilize the Waqf al-Irsad theory as the State Endowments Fiqh considering the functions and benefits of bengkokas religious matters, namely mosques and village graves in which the state has role as policy maker and technical controllerof land law. Tanah béngkok desa berfungsi sebagai kompensasi gaji aparatur desa melalui jalan pemanfaatan pengolahan sawah. Namun, tidak semua objek béngkok berwujud sawah. Béngkok ada yang diwujudkan sebagai masjid, kuburan, lapangan, bahkan punden desa. Pada sawah, status pemanfaatannya bisa dipergilirkan di antara aparatur desa dari masa ke masa, sedangkan pada objek selain sawah keberlakuannya tidak dipergilirkan, tetapi sudah berfungsi untuk itu sejak lama, sejak desa adat itu sendiri ada dari zaman nenek moyang. Kedudukan seperti itu perlu menjadi perhatian berbagai pihak karena statusnya yang “ngambang” antara milik desa karena statusnya atau milik masyarakat karena adatnya. Kedua-duanya pasti saling memiliki dan memerlukan. Sementara, pemanfaatan untuk fungsi itu pun sudah berlaku dalam kurun yang cukup lama tanpa ada alih fungsi. Tulisan ini mencoba menawarkan konsep Wakaf Negara sebagai solusi alternatif mengurai “kengambangan” kedudukan béngkok ini.  Penulis menggunakan teori Waqf al-Irsâd sebagai Fiqh Wakaf Negara mengingat fungsi dan manfaat béngkok selama ini lebih banyak untuk urusan keagamaan, yaitu masjid dan kuburan desa di mana negara selama ini sebagai pembuat kebijakan dan pengendali teknis keagrariannya.

Tabita Teodora Lisandru ◽  
Viorel Mitre ◽  
Adelina Dumitras ◽  
Monica Pal ◽  
Andreea Tripon

The study was carried out to investigate the visual impact of using fruit trees in urban landscapes by applying the Scenic Beauty Estimation Method (SBE). Thirty students from the Faculty of Horticulture were asked to assign scenic beauty values to different landscapes with and without the presence of fruit trees in urban areas. The results show that fruit trees have positive influences on the aesthetic value of perceived landscape scenery.

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