2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1454-1463

Purpose of the study: This study aims to determine the characteristics of ideal and quality teachers who pass the teacher competency test, teacher problems, teacher’s efforts in implementing learning, and the role of the principal in optimizing competencies to create ideal educators. Methodology: This research is field research with a qualitative type using two methods in the data collection process, namely questionnaires and documentation. The research was conducted at MI Muhammadiyah Kartasura Surakarta. Main Findings: Ideal and quality teachers are teachers who pass the professional competency test, which includes mastery of material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindsets that support the subject taught and sustainably develop professionalism through reflective action. While the efforts made are optimizing the use of various learning methods and media, as well as providing reinforcement or appreciation to students who ask or answer questions. The role of the principal in optimizing ideal teacher performance is to try to find solutions so that the learning process runs smoothly following the learning plan that has been made so it does not bring disadvantages to students. Applications of this study: this research is expected to be applied in schools, universities, and the wider community that focuses on education issues and the quality of teachers and teaching, as well as competence and certification. Novelty/Originality of this study: this study focuses on discussing problems, characteristics, concepts, and guidelines for optimizing teacher competence towards ideal and quality educators at MI Muhammadiyah Kartasura Surakarta and combined with the theory of ideal and professional teacher concepts according to the national education system in Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-59
Sulfiyah Sulfiyah

Abstract: One of national education aim is to developing student’s potentials in order to become a faithful man. It is based on Republic of Indonesia’s Law Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Chapter II Article 3. Islamic Religious Education is one of education that done to create a faithful man. Prayer is one of Islamic Religious Education’s matter should be learned by all Moslem’s students, include students with special needs. Research of prayer practice guidance is an important thing to be done. The important thing should be researched is about prayer practice that taught in the inclusion school. Inclusion school have regular (common) students and special needs students. How the teacher can teach prayer practice for students with special needs in the inclusion school. Once of inclusion school is Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan. The goal of this research is to explore and to describe about how teacher guides prayer practice for students with special needs in Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan Purwokerto Banyumas. This research belongs to field research on qualitative descriptive form. The methods of collecting data used by the author are interview, observation and documentation. Meanwhile to analyze of data, it’s done by collecting data, reducing, presenting and verifying data to be valid and reliable report. The findings of this research show that guidance of prayer practice for students with special needs in Junior High Boarding School Putra Harapan done through some ways namely dividing students into two class that regular and inclusion class, establishing guidance of prayer practice program, using musyafahah and demonstration methods. Key words: guidance, prayer practice, students with special needs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 168
Malik Fatoni

This study aims to determine how the role of principal In Improving Teacher Quality in Private MTs Nurul Falah Talok Kresek Tangerang District. This research is qualitative with Field Research approach (Field Research). In this research, it is found that the head of madrasah in improving the quality of teachers in private MTs Nurul Falah Talok Kresek Tangerang Regency can be achieved. Achievement and success are based on a number of findings in the research that took place, namely 1). The Head of Madrasah has empowered the effort to improve the quality of teachers by covering various practical and logical work such as teacher competence test, guidance of teaching program and improvement of teacher professionalism, Increase of income and teacher welfare. 2). Madrasah principals undertake various development and fulfillment efforts related to infrastructure and madrasah infrastructure facilities. Another result of this research is that the success of the madrasah head that can support the process of teacher quality improvement can occur due to several factors, among others 1). Madrasah principal can play an important role as a leader with its central power to always move the artery of madrasah life, 2). The head of Madrasah is also able to understand SOP, their duties and functions for the success of madrasah accompanied by a strong attitude towards the subordinates who lead in this case the teacher in his madrasah. Keywords. Management, Human Resource Development, Madrasah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ali Ridho

Education which is a system in the perspective of anthology is an attempt to humanize humans by an appropriate manner to achieve very high humane values as an attempt to change as well as to move the cultural values to any individual in society. But this view is difficult to achieve when the belief that a person's success will occur due to the efforts started early in order to organize their future without having an education. This paper will provide a breakthrough through leadership of education that is not only based on good intellectual ability, but also good emotional and spiritual. With the result that it will contribute qualified modern human resources. Modern human Resources is a human being who has the potential of ad equated intellectual quality. However, sometimes the potential is empty because it is not matched by the quality of the good faith or emotional. In the fact, they (modern humans) have good reasoning capability. However, the success which is useful in the future whether for themselves, the community, the nation and the state are not only enough by having logical thought only. But, it also requires EQ Emotional Quotient (level of emotional or personality) , CQ Creativity Quotient (level of creativity) and SQ Spiritual Quotient (level religiosities or faith and devotion to God. Thus , the national education system must be able to provide a solution- which is able to break of the empty circle of values and morals happening in education system around us . the empty circle we must combine as well as put the intellectual intelligence , emotional intelligence , and spiritual intelligence known as ESQ in order to get balance between the fulfillment of rights and vertical or horizontal obligations. ESQ is a role of the leadership of its resources which include Human Resources and Natural Resources with the organization as a model of leadership in education. ESQ if applied in educational leadership level, it would be beneficial along with the growth and development of the educational organization with the growth of moral values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-76
Aisyam Mardliyyah ◽  
Tulus Musthofa

Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT) or Integrated Islamic Schools are essentially schools that implement concepts. Islamic education is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah and is based on the National Education System Law. This article aims to describe and find out the curriculum components and curriculum organization in the Integrated Islamic School, especially in Arabic subjects at Luqmanul Hakim Aceh Integrated Islamic Middle School. The research method used was literature study (library research) with documentation and interview collection techniques and for its analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the curriculum components in SIT are Objectives, Content, Process and Evaluation of Curricula that have TERPADU characteristics (Telaah/Study, Eksplorasi/Explore, Rumuskan/Formulate, Presentasikan/Present, Aplikasikan/Apply, Duniawi/Worldly, Ukhrowi/Divinity). Overall curriculum organization under the auspices of the JSIT institute of Arabic subjects at all levels and general subjects at elementary through junior high level can be classified in the curriculum organization of broad field curriculum, while general subjects at the level of senior high school belong to the curriculum organization of separated-subject. In its implication the SIT curriculum can be categorized into Integrated Curriculum. Keywords: Curriculum Development, Arabic Curriculum, Integrated Islamic School.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Daniel Mohammad Rosyid ◽  
Masroro Lilik Ekowanti

 If the social phenomenon is a reflection of nature's thought, our culture and value system, then the multidimensional crisis afflicting our society today requires us to re-examine our educational philosophy and practice at least the past 40 years.  We suffer all the bad influences of industrialization as part of the colonial process, precisely because we adopt the most advanced instrument, namely, mass schooling system with an obsession for quality-based standard as the magic spell. In this digital era, the effort of liberating society from the colonial, pioneer of independence as a condition of the proclamation of independence was a reform of the national education system. We should be scheduled deschooling society. This agenda includes the following: the paradigmatic shift from the school system to learning webs based Self Organized Learning Environment (SOLE); mass schooling to individualized, customized learning; of relevance to quality; of technical competence to the independence of the soul or creativity. This reform was way back on the three pillars of education philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara: family, community, and College. New demands upon the role of the teacher in the 21st century is changing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Rusihan . .

This research will explain what teacher competence is and how efforts to improve teacher competency are seen from the role of the principal. Hopefully this article can be used as material for reflection for teachers and other parties with an interest in education. The principal's leadership task will succeed well if a principal understands the task to be carried out. Therefore the principal will appear in a process where he is able to direct, guide, influence and or master the thoughts, feelings or behavior of others. For success in achieving school goals requires professional headmaster's leadership, in which he understands his duties and obligations as a leader, as well as carrying out his role as a leader. In addition,the principal must establish a good cooperative relationship withsubordinates, so as to create a work atmosphere that makes subordinates feel safe, secure, and have a freedom in developing their ideas in order to achieve common goals that have been set.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Muhammad Rosul Asmawi

This study aims to find out the position and role of lecturers in carrying out the task of implementing the national education system and realizing the goals of national education. Lecturers are one of the determinants of the quality of education. The success of the implementation of higher education is largely determined by the readiness of the lecturer in preparing their students through teaching and learning activities or the learning process. The strategic position of lecturers to improve the quality of educational outcomes is strongly influenced by professional abilities in teaching and their level of welfare. To realize this; then the strategy of empowering lecturers is needed in order to realize professionalism that can be accounted for. The empowerment strategy implemented will be able to raise the dignity and level, improve the quality of learning, improve the quality of national education and provide quality services. Empowerment of lecturers is intended to create a work atmosphere or climate that leads to the development of potential, empowerment, and protection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-62
Wiranthi Prastomo ◽  
Muhiyatul Huliyah ◽  
Moh. Nasrudin ◽  
Intan Kusumawati ◽  
Nuryati Nuryati ◽  

This study aims to describe self-reliance education through HW activities at the athfal level in one of Muhammadiyah elementary schools in Yogyakarta. In planting an independent character, it is certainly typical of Scouts when it refers that both of them have differences and similarities in scouting. The relationship between the supervisor and the standby participant is like the relationship between educators and students who refer to the Quran as the main guideline for Islam as the main focus in HW. This qualitative paradigm field research was by directly observing the implementation of HW extracurricular activities at the Athfal level at the Muhammadiyah Primary School in Serut, Bantul district. With the materials and methods of implementing existing activities, the independence education in Hizbul Wathan Extracurricular activities at SD Muhammadiyah Serut is in line with Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System that the function of education is to develop religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by students, society, nation and state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Maryam Maryam

This study aims to examine the role of the majelis ta ‟lim in developing human qualities in society. Taklim Assembly is regulated in Article 26 paragraph 4 of RI Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. This study uses a qualitative approach with triangulation analysis. The results of this study found that the existence of the Ta'lim Assembly in the era of globalization is very important and one of the most important strongholds in counteracting the negative effects of globalization itself. besides that it also functions as a fostering and developing Islamic religion, a park of spiritual recreation, an arena of silaturrahmi, a means of continuous dialogue between ulama, umaroh and the people and as a medium to convey the idea of modernization that is beneficial for the development of the people.

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