scholarly journals Penanganan Fuzzy Time Window pada Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) dengan Penerapan Algoritma Genetika

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Gusti Eka Yuliastuti ◽  
Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy ◽  
Agung Mustika Rizki

<p class="Text"><strong><span lang="EN-US">The route of the travel tour packages offered by travel agents is not considered optimum, so the level of satisfaction the tourist is not maximal. Selection of the route of the travel packages included in the traveling salesman problem (TSP). The problem that occurs is uncertain tourists visiting destinations at the best destinations timing hereinafter be referred to as the fuzzy time window problem. Therefore, the authors apply the genetic algorithm to solve the problem. Based on test results obtained optimum solution with the fitness value of 1.3291, a population size of 100, the number of generations of 1000, a combination of CR=0,4 and MR=0.6.</span></strong></p>

Gusti Eka Yuliastuti ◽  
Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy ◽  
Agung Mustika Rizki

In doing travel to some destinantions, tourist certainly want to be able to visit many destinations with the optimal scheduling so that necessary in finding the best route and not wasting lots of time travel. Several studies have addressed the problem but does not consider other factor which is very important that is the operating hours of each destination or hereinafter referred as the time window. Genetic algorithm proved able to resolve this travelling salesman problem with time window constraints. Based on test results obtained solutions with the fitness value of 0,9856 at the time of generation of 800 and the other test result obtained solution with the fitness value of 0,9621 at the time of the combination CR=0,7 MR=0,3.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Agung Mustika Rizki ◽  
Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy ◽  
Gusti Eka Yuliastuti

<p><em>In the field of textile industry, the distribution process is an important factor that can affect the cost of production. For that we need optimization on the distribution process to be more efficient. This problem is a model in the Multi Trave</em><em>l</em><em>ling Salesman Problem (M-TSP). Much research has been done to complete the M-TSP model. Among several methods that have been applied by other researchers, genetic algorithms are a workable method for solving this model problem. In this article the authors chose the genetic algorithm is expected to produce an optimal value with an efficient time. Based on the results of testing and analysis, obtained the optimal population amount of 120. For the optimal generation amount is 800. The test results related to the number of population and the number of generations are used as input to test the combination of CR and MR, obtained the optimal combination of CR = 0 , 4 and MR = 0.6 with a fitness value of 2.9964.</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords</strong></em><em>: Textile Industry, Multi Travelling Salesman Problem (M-TSP), Genetic Algorithm</em></p><p><em>Pada bidang industri tekstil, proses distribusi merupakan satu faktor penting yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap biaya produksi. Untuk itu diperlukan optimasi pada proses distribusi agar menjadi lebih efisien. Masalah seperti ini merupakam model dalam Multi Travelling Salesman Problem (M-TSP). Banyak penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan model M-TSP. Diantara beberapa metode yang telah diterapkan oleh peneiti lain, algoritma genetika adalah metode yang bisa diterapkan untuk penyelesaian permasalahan model ini. Dalam artikel ini penulis memilih algoritma genetika diharapkan dapat menghasilkan nilai yang optimal dengan waktu yang efisien. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan analisis, didapatkan jumlah populasi yang optimal sebesar 120. Untuk jumlah generasi yang optimal adalah sebesar 800. Hasil pengujian terkait jumlah populasi dan jumlah generasi tersebut dijadikan masukan untuk melakukan pengujian kombinasi  CR dan MR, didapatkan kombinasi yang optimal yakni CR=0,4 dan MR=0,6 dengan nilai fitness sebesar 2,9964.</em></p><p><em><strong>Kata kunci</strong></em><em>: </em><em>Industri Tekstil, Distribusi, Multi Travelling Salesman Problem (M-TSP), Algoritma Genetika</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-135
Tony Seno Aji ◽  
Yuyun Isbanah ◽  
Anang Kistyanto ◽  
Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono ◽  
Budiono Budiono

       The orphanage's foundation has largely begun to grow the business. This is a form of development of financial independence. Orphanages no longer fully expect to fund from donors. In line with the above, the ability to manage ethical business and selection of sharia investment alternatives need to be understood by foundation managers and residents of orphanages. Training implementation methods using lecture, discussion, test, and simulation techniques. Training is carried out in two stages. The first stage of learning business ethics and sharia investment. The second stage is the simulation of investment instrument transactions. The target to be achieved is the acquisition of knowledge of managers/administrators and residents of orphanages related to business ethics and sharia investment instruments. Education of Business Ethics and Sharia Investment for the Managers and residents of Yayasan Islamadina was held on October 15, 2017. The activity was attended by 41 people. The results of the evaluation show that the level of satisfaction of the training and the ability of the resource persons are included in the high category. The results of the activities increased participants' understanding of business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before and after the training. This is demonstrated by the Wilcoxon Test results which show there are differences in pretest value with the posttest value, the conclusion there is increasing participants' understanding of the business ethics and sharia investment instruments between before training with after training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Rabbai San Arif ◽  
Yuli Fitrisia ◽  
Agus Urip Ari Wibowo

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a telecommunications technology that is able to pass the communication service in Internet Protocol networks so as to allow communicating between users in an IP network. However VoIP technology still has weakness in the Quality of Service (QoS). VOPI weaknesses is affected by the selection of the physical servers used. In this research, VoIP is configured on Linux operating system with Asterisk as VoIP application server and integrated on a Raspberry Pi by using wired and wireless network as the transmission medium. Because of depletion of IPv4 capacity that can be used on the network, it needs to be applied to VoIP system using the IPv6 network protocol with supports devices. The test results by using a wired transmission medium that has obtained are the average delay is 117.851 ms, jitter is 5.796 ms, packet loss is 0.38%, throughput is 962.861 kbps, 8.33% of CPU usage and 59.33% of memory usage. The analysis shows that the wired transmission media is better than the wireless transmission media and wireless-wired.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-175
Gia Juniar Nur Wahidah ◽  
Sjaeful Anwar

Abstract This research aims to produce science teaching materials in junior level with Energy in The Body as the theme using Four Steps Teaching Material Development  (4STMD). The material is presented in an integrated way so that students can  think holistically and contextually. The method used in this study is Research and Development. In this R&D methods is used 4STMD. There are four steps done on the development of teaching materials, the selection step, structuring step, characterization, and didactic reduction. Selection step includes the selection of indicators in accordance with the demands of the curriculum which is then developed with the selection of concepts and values that are integrated with the concept of science. Structuring step includes make macro structures, concept maps, and multiple representations. Characterization's step includes preparation instruments, then  trial to students to identify difficult concepts. The last, didactic reduction was done by neglect and the annotations in the form of sketches.The test results readability aspect instructional materials lead to the conclusion that by determining the main idea, the legibility of teaching materials reached 67%, with moderate readability criteria. Test results of feasibility aspects based on the results of questionnaires to the 11 teachers lead to the conclusion that the overall, level of eligibility teaching materials reached 91% with the eligibility criteria well. Keywords: teaching materials; energy; 4STMD Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar IPA SMP pada tema Energi dalam Tubuh menggunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Materi disajikan secara terpadu sehingga memacu siswa untuk berpikir secara holistik dan kontekstual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Dalam penelitian dan pengembangan yang ini, digunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Terdapat empat tahap yang dilakukan pada pengembangan bahan ajar, yakni tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi, dan reduksi didaktik. Tahap seleksi meliputi pemilihan indikator yang sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum yang kemudian dikembangkan dengan pemilihan konsep dan nilai yang diintegrasikan dengan konsep IPA. Tahap strukturisasi meliputi pembuatan struktur makro, peta konsep, dan multipel representasi dari materi. Tahap karakterisasi meliputi penyusunan instrumen karakterisasi, kemudian uji coba kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi konsep sulit. Tahap terakhir, yaitu reduksi didaktik konsep terhadap konsep sulit. Reduksi didaktik yang dilakukan berupa pengabaian dan penggunaan penjelasan berupa sketsa. Hasil uji aspek keterbacaan bahan ajar menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa berdasarkan penentuan ide pokok, keterbacaan bahan ajar mencapai 67%, dengan kriteria keterbacaan tinggi. Hasil uji aspek kelayakan berdasarkan hasil angket terhadap 11 orang guru menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar mencapai 91% dengan kriteria kelayakan baik sekali. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar; energi; 4STMD  Permalink/DOI:  

Y. Widyastuti Y. Widyastuti

  ABSTRACT [In advanced countries the number of permanent contraception option ( kontap ) approximately 10 % of all national family planning methods , while in Indonesia reached approximately 5.7 % . Based on data obtained from medical records Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2010 the number of achievement when seen from the percentage of contraceptive use is only 9.10 % The purpose of this study is known age and parity relationship with the selection of contraceptive methods Surgery Women ( MOW ) in Palembang RS.Bhayangkara obstetrics clinic in 2012 . This study uses the analytic survey with cross sectional approach . The population in this study were women who become new acceptors were recorded in medical records at the hospital . Palembang Bhayangkara Hospitals January 1, 2012 to December 31 in 2012 . The sample in this study is part of a whole number of new acceptors ( either using contraception methods MOW and other family planning methods ) were registered in the hospital . Palembang Police Hospitals of January 1, 2012 to December 31 years of data 2012.Analisa univariate and bivariate statistical Chi - Square test with significance level α = 0.05 . The results showed there were 80 respondents ( 46.3 % ) who became MOW contraceptive acceptors , acceptors who have old age by 45 respondents ( 56.3 % ) and who has a young age by 35 respondents ( 43.8 % ) . acceptors which have high parity were 44 respondents ( 55 % ) who had low parity and a total of 36 respondents ( 45 % ) . From the results of Chi-square test value obtained ρ = 0.00 is smaller than α = 0.05 . There is a significant correlation between age and the selection of MOW Chi square test results obtained ρ value = 0.00 and there was a significant association between parity with the election MOW Chi square test results obtained ρ value = 0 , . From these results , it is expected to power health, especially family planning services at the hospital . Palembang Police Hospitals in order to improve the quality of family planning services in an effective, efficient , and safe are considered particularly suitable for users of contraception OperatingMethodWomen(MOW).                                      ABSTRAK Di negara sudah maju jumlah pilihan kontrasepsi mantap (kontap) sekitar 10% dari semua metode KB nasional, sedangkan di Indonesia baru mencapai sekitar 5,7 %. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Rekam medik  Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang tahun 2010 Jumlah pencapain tersebut jika dilihat dari persentasi penggunaan kontrasepsi MOW hanya  9,10% Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan umur dan paritas dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi Metode Operasi Wanita (MOW) di poliklinik kebidanan RS.Bhayangkara Palembang Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita yang menjadi akseptor KB Baru yang tercatat di rekam medik  di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang tanggal 1 januari 2012 sampai dengan 31 Desember  tahun 2012. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari seluruh jumlah akseptor KB Baru (baik yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi Metode MOW maupun Metode KB lain) yang teregister di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang dari tanggal 1 januari 2012 sampai dengan 31 Desember  tahun 2012.Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 80 responden terdapat (46,3%) yang menjadi akseptor kontrasepsi MOW, akseptor yang memiliki umur tua sebanyak 45 responden (56,3%) dan yang memiliki  umur muda sebanyak 35 responden (43,8%). akseptor yang memiliki paritas tinggi sebanyak 44 responden  (55%) dan yang memiliki  paritas rendah sebanyak 36 responden (45%). Dari hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,00 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur dengan pemilihan MOW dari hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,00 dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara paritas dengan pemilihan MOW hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,.Dari hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan khususnya pelayanan KB  di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang  agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan KB secara efektif, efisien, dan aman yang dianggap cocok bagi penggunanya khususnya mengenai kontrasepsi Metode Operasi Wanita (MOW).    

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 617-623
Adam Sowiński ◽  
Tomasz Szczepański ◽  
Grzegorz Koralewski

Abstract This article presents the results of measurements of the braking efficiency of vehicles adapted to be operated by drivers with motor dysfunctions. In such cars, the braking system is extended with an adaptive device that allows braking with the upper limb. This device applies pressure to the original brake in the car. The braking force and thus its efficiency depend on the mechanical ratio in the adapting device. In addition, braking performance depends on the sensitivity of the car’s original braking system and the maximum force that a disabled person can exert on the handbrake lever. Such a person may have limited power in the upper limbs. The force exerted by the driver can also be influenced by the position of the driver’s seat in relation to the handbrake lever. This article describes the research aimed at understanding the influence of the above-mentioned factors on the car braking performance. As a part of the analysis of the test results, a mathematical function was proposed that allows a parametric description of the braking efficiency index on the basis of data on the braking system, adaptation device, driver’s motor limitations, and the position of the driver’s seat. The information presented in this article can be used for the preliminary selection of adaptive devices to the needs of a given driver with a disability and to the vehicle construction.

J Stephen Nix ◽  
Cristiane M Ida

Abstract Molecular testing has become part of the routine diagnostic workup of brain tumors after the implementation of integrated histomolecular diagnoses in the 2016 WHO classification update. It is important for every neuropathologist to be aware of practical preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical factors that impact the performance and interpretation of molecular tests. Prior to testing, optimizing tumor purity and tumor amount increases the ability of the molecular test to detect the genetic alteration of interest. Recognizing basic molecular testing platform analytical characteristics allows selection of the optimal platform for each clinicopathological scenario. Finally, postanalytical considerations to properly interpret molecular test results include understanding the clinical significance of the detected genetic alteration, recognizing that detected clinically significant genetic alterations are occasionally germline constitutional rather than somatic tumor-specific, and being cognizant that recommended and commonly used genetic nomenclature may differ. Potential pitfalls in brain tumor molecular diagnosis are also discussed.

1981 ◽  
Deborah W. Berman

This study develops a simplified comparative procedure for use in preliminary yacht design to predict Equilibrium sideforce, resistance, leeway angle and speed made good to windward for a canoe hull sailing yacht within specific form parameters on any of five standard series keels. These forces, angles and speeds are predicted for any yacht hull resembling one of nine models - ranging from light to medium-heavy length to displacement ratio - (190 to 351) - of the Delft Systematic Series for which there is numerical data. The forces are calculated at speed to length ratio of 1. 3 and heel angle of 30° to enable the designer to make use of existing comparative sail plan and rigging data. The five keels of varying aspect and area ratio, spanning current design practice, are part of a matrix developed at the Davidson Laboratory. In this paper, a canoe yacht hull form similar to Model 7 of the Delft Series is tank tested on 3 Standard Series keels and compared to results obtained from testing a 5.5 m hull, which is similar to Model 8, on the same keels. A prediction procedure is developed and checked against test results. A few Equations, selected values from included tabulations, a calculator, pencil and paper will yield quantitative information for the yacht designer in the selection of a keel for the hull of a sailing yacht.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 815-826 ◽  
James Day ◽  
Preya Patel ◽  
Julie Parkes ◽  
William Rosenberg

Abstract Introduction Noninvasive tests are increasingly used to assess liver fibrosis and determine prognosis but suggested test thresholds vary. We describe the selection of standardized thresholds for the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) test for the detection of liver fibrosis and for prognostication in chronic liver disease. Methods A Delphi method was used to identify thresholds for the ELF test to predict histological liver fibrosis stages, including cirrhosis, using data derived from 921 patients in the EUROGOLF cohort. These thresholds were then used to determine the prognostic performance of ELF in a subset of 457 patients followed for a mean of 5 years. Results The Delphi panel selected sensitivity of 85% for the detection of fibrosis and &gt;95% specificity for cirrhosis. The corresponding thresholds were 7.7, 9.8, and 11.3. Eighty-five percent of patients with mild or worse fibrosis had an ELF score ≥7.7. The sensitivity for cirrhosis of ELF ≥9.8 was 76%. ELF ≥11.3 was 97% specific for cirrhosis. ELF scores show a near-linear relationship with Ishak fibrosis stages. Relative to the &lt;7.7 group, the hazard ratios for a liver-related outcome at 5 years were 21.00 (95% CI, 2.68–164.65) and 71.04 (95% CI, 9.4–536.7) in the 9.8 to &lt;11.3 and ≥11.3 subgroups, respectively. Conclusion The selection of standard thresholds for detection and prognosis of liver fibrosis is described and their performance reported. These thresholds should prove useful in both interpreting and explaining test results and when considering the relationship of ELF score to Ishak stage in the context of monitoring.

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