scholarly journals Penguatan kapasitas guru madrasah melalui program pelatihan pengembangan strategi active learning di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Raudhatul Hikam NW Banyu Urip Praya Barat

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Emawati Emawati

[Bahasa]: MTs Raudhatul Hikam merupakan satu-satunya madrasah berbasis pesantren di Desa Banyu Urip, Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah. Berdiri sejak tahun 2014, madrasah ini sekarang memiliki peserta didik berjumlah 40 anak dan guru sebanyak 17 orang. Pengelola yayasan dan guru-guru di madrasah ini mayoritas masih berusia muda dan belum banyak pengalaman mengajar. Oleh karenanya pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian madrasah binaan terkait peningkatan kapasitas guru sangat diperlukan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guru dalam merancang pembelajaran aktif. Metode yang  menggunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan dan peer teching. Berdasarkan kegiatan peer teaching menunjukkan bahwa 60% guru belum terampil menerapkan pembelajaran aktif. Namun setelah diadakan kegiatan pendampingan, monitoring, dan evaluasi secara simultan maka perbaikan dan peningkatan kemampuan mengelola pembelajaran aktif di kelas menjadi meningkat. Kata kunci: madrasah, pelatihan, peer teaching [English]: MTs Raudhatul Hikam is the only pesantren-based madrasa in Banyu Urip Village, Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah. Established in 2014, this madrasa now has 40 students and 17 teachers. The managers of foundations and teachers in the madrasa are mostly still young and have not had much teaching experience. Therefore, the implementation of madrasah service activities related to increasing teacher capacity is very necessary. This community service activity aims to develop the teacher's ability to design active learning. The method used in this service is training and peer teching. Based on peer teaching activities shows that 60% of teachers have not been skilled in implementing active learning. However, after simultaneous assistance, monitoring and evaluation activities were held, the improvement and improvement of the ability to manage active learning in the classroom increased. Keyword: madrasa, training, peer teaching

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Nuryana Nuryana ◽  
Dede Cahyati Sahrir

CURRICULUM TRAINING 2013 REVISION EDITION 2018 FOR TEACHERS IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS AL-MAUNAH. The revised curriculum edition 2013 is still not fully understood by teachers both in terms of the principle and its application. Teachers at MTs and MA Al-Maunah also felt this way. Neither the ministry of religion nor the school had involved teachers in the  Curriculum 2013technical guidance. The method used in this service was through an active learning approach with multiple implementation strategies. Community service activities are carried out in five stages, namely: 1) exploration of the problems of assisted subjects; 2) workshop; 3) practice of preparing learning plans and peer teaching; 4) reel teaching in class; and 5) evaluation. The training and mentoring effort was able to change the mindset of the revised edition of the Curriculum2013 among teachers. Teachers began to have self-awareness of the shortcomings they had been doing in learning and felt they better understood how to apply the revised edition of the  Curriculum 2013.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Freshinta Jellia Wibisono ◽  
Freegied Satriya Wibisono

ABSTRACT  Sidoarjo Regency has the highest potential in milkfish aquaculture ponds. The maintenance of healthy milkfish requires clean and uncontaminated water and ponds, so sanitation efforts are pivotal in the management of milkfish cultivation. Milkfish is sensitive to Salmonella Spp. This service activity is carried out in several stages, namely 1) survey and filling in the questionnaire, 2) counseling activities, and lastly, 3) monitoring and evaluation. This community service was carried out to 3 groups of the milkfish cultivation community, namely the Mina Sentosa Segorotambak Group, Tumbuh Jaya Segorotambak, and Tumbuh Makmur Segorotambak Group. The results of the community service activities show that overall the milkfish farmers in Segorotambak Village have an understanding of hygiene (77,78%), sanitation (72,22%), but overall respondents gave the answer that respondents did not know about salmonellosis (100%). Salmonella spp. can survive in water contaminated with human or animal fecal matter. The importance of awareness in maintaining hygiene and sanitation needs to be understood by milkfish pond farmers to prevent the incidence of salmonellosis. Communication, information, and education on the relationship between hygiene and sanitation and contamination against salmonellosis in the community are of the utmost importance.  Keywords: Higiene; Milkfish; Sanitation; Salmonella spp; Salmonellosis   ABSTRAK     Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki potensi tertinggi pada tambak budidaya ikan bandeng. Pemeliharaan ikan bandeng yang sehat mensyaratkan air dan tambak yang bersih serta tidak tercemar, sehingga diperlukan upaya higiene sanitasi pada pengelolaan budidaya ikan bandeng. Ikan bandeng peka terhadap cemaran bakteri Salmonella Spp. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu 1) survei dan pengisian kuesioner, 2) kegiatan penyuluhan, dan 3) pemantauan evaluasi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada 3 kelompok masyarakat budidaya bandeng yaitu Kelompok Mina Sentosa Segorotambak, Tumbuh Jaya Segorotambak, dan Tumbuh Makmur Segorotambak. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan pembudidaya tambak ikan bandeng di Desa Segorotambak, memiliki pemahaman terhadap higiene (77,78%), sanitasi (72,22%) namun secara keseluruhan responden memberikan jawaban bahwa responden belum mengetahui mengenai penyakit salmonellosis (100%). Bakteri Salmonella spp. dapat bertahan pada air yang tercemar feses manusia atau hewan penderita. Pentingnya kesadaran dalam menjaga higiene sanitasi perlu dipahami oleh pembudidaya tambak ikan bandeng untuk mencegah kejadian penyakit salmonellosis. Komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi pada mengenai hubungan higiene sanitasi dengan cemaran terhadap penyakit salmonellosis pada masyarakat sangat perlu untuk dilakukan.  Kata Kunci : Bandeng; Higiene; Sanitasi; Salmonella spp; Salmonellosis

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Khoirul Ifa

This activity aims to develop product and marketing innovation in ladrang pastry business group in karangsono village sub district bangsalsari jember district so that the product has high competitiveness. The method of community service activity has several stages: (1) Survey: The survey activity will be conducted to see the business condition of the partner, (2) Interview: The purpose of the interview is to explore information related to the problems of the partner and also to find the solution, (3) packaging and product taste variance: The packaging innovation practice is assisted by lecturers by designing more attractive and unique packaging, while the taste variances are accompanied by lecturers, (4) Monitoring and evaluation: Monitoring and evaluation activities will be conducted periodically until partners can produce innovative products so that the target and outcome of this program can be achieved. The Target of Community Service Activities of this cake ladrang business group in Karangsono Village, Jember Regency are: (1) Market expansion, not only marketing in local village stalls but in nearby areas such as Lumajang. (2) Improvement of product quality both taste and packaging innovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Esy Nur Aisyah ◽  
Maretha Ika Prajawati ◽  
Didik Wahyudi

This activity is motivated by the products of the Gadingkulon villagers who have low bargaining power, their lack of ability in packaging and selling products is also an obstacle. Besides, many business actors have not pocketed and are not sufficiently knowledgeable about halal certification from MUI for the products they produce, so they will find it difficult to market their products to souvenir centers, supermarkets, and other markets. Guaranteed halal products through halal product certificates will provide comfort, safety, safety, and certainty of the availability of halal products for people in consuming and using halal products and can increase added value for business actors to produce and sell halal products. Therefore, they need to be equipped with knowledge and training on halal certification steaming. This service activity consists of 4 stages, namely preparation, meeting, training, and monitoring and evaluation. The community service activities carried out in Gading Kulon Village, Dau District, Malang Regency are going well. The result of community service activities is that people who have joint products with the Halal Center of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang help meet and identify all the requirements needed and will then be bridged by the Halal Center of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang until the issuance of halal certificates.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
Anggia Cahyaningtyas

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat merupakan salah satu cara supaya mahasiswa Universitas Trilogi memiliki keterampilan bermasyarakat. Khalayak  sasaran  dari  pengabdian  ini  adalah  masyarakat RW 09 di  desa Ciasihan. Kegiatan pengabdian  telah  dilaksanakan  pada  tanggal  11 Agustus-11 September yang  bertempat  di desa Ciasihan Kecamatan Pamijahan Kabupaten Bogor, dengan diikuti oleh seluruh masyarakat RW 09. Dari  hasil  evaluasi  diperoleh  hasil  dan  manfaat  dari  kegiatan  pengabdian  ini diantaranya adalah meningkatkan motivasi masyarakat akan pentingnya koperasi, dan pentingnya akan pemanfaatan sampah organik  menjadi pupuk. Kegiatan pengabdian  ini  berjalan  dengan  lancar,  karena  berbagai  pendukung  terutama  partisipasi peserta yang cukup antusias dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan pembentukan koperasi.. Tujuan  kegiatan  pengabdian  kepada  masyarakat  ini,  yang  dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan pembentukan koperasi adalah memotivasi masyarakat akan pentingnya koperasi, dan pentingnya akan pemanfaatan sampah organik  menjadi pupuk. Selain itu, Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini merupakan wahana bagi mahasiswa Universitas Trilogi untuk mengabdikan keilmuannya.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Koperasi, Masyarakat RW 09Community service activities are one way for Trilogy University students to have social skills. The target audience of this service is the community of RW 09 in Ciasihan village. Community service activities were carried out on 11 August-11 September in Ciasihan Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, followed by all RW 09 people. From the results of the evaluation, the results and benefits of this service were obtained, including increasing community motivation for the importance of cooperatives, and the importance of using organic waste into fertilizer. This service activity went smoothly, due to various supporters, especially the participation of enthusiastic participants and actively participating in cooperative formation activities. The purpose of this community service activity, which was carried out through cooperative formation activities was to motivate the community on the importance of cooperatives, and the importance of waste utilization. organic into fertilizer. In addition, Community Service is a vehicle for Trilogy University students to devote their knowledge.Keywords: Formation of Cooperatives, Community RW 09

2021 ◽  
pp. 545
Roswiyani Roswiyani ◽  
Jennifer Amanda

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused various impacts on the community's economy, especially for Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) owner. Various impacts felt by the UMKM owner have affected their psychological health such as the emergence of stress, anxiety, fear, and symptoms of depression. Therefore, this Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat (PKM) activity aims to help UMKM to be able to maintain psychological health in stressful situations during the pandemic. The implementation of this community service activity is carried out online. The implementation of PKM is held in the form of an interactive webinar through the presentation of material related to stress and its management. The activity was attended by a psychologist, accompanying students, and two owners of UMKM. Based on the implementation of community service activities, it can be concluded that providing education around stress-management could help participants gain new knowledge about stress and also able to experience the benefit of stress-management technique such as relaxation exercises that could manage the stress they experience.Pandemi Covid-19 telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak pada perekonomian masyarakat terutama pada pengusaha Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Beragam dampak yang dirasakan oleh pengusaha UMKM telah mempengaruhi kesehatan psikologis seperti timbulnya stres, cemas, rasa takut, dan gejala depresi. Oleh karena itu kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengusaha UMKM tetap dapat menjaga kesehatan psikologis dalam situasi stres di masa pandemi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan secara daring. Pelaksanaan PKM diselenggarakan dalam bentuk webinar secara interaktif melalui pemaparan materi terkait stres dan cara pengelolaannya. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh seorang psikolog, mahasiswa pendamping, dan dua pengusaha UMKM. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemaparan materi terkait stres membantu peserta memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai stres. Kemudian latihan relaksasi yang dilakukan pada saat webinar ditemukan bermanfaat untuk mengelola stres yang dialami oleh para peserta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 763-770
Shanty Chloranyta

ABSTRAK Deteksi Dini penyakit Dengue Haemoragic Fever di Dusun 1 Desa Sukabanjar Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran Bandar Lampung belum dilakukan dengan baik di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bernung. Hambatan yang ditemukan yakni pengetahuan kader kesehatan tidak adekuat, belum tersedianya informasi yang adekuat tentang deteksi dini penyakit dengue haemoragic fever (DBD) pada kader kesehatan. Pelibatan kader kesehatan dalam edukasi mengenai deteksi dini penyakit DBD menentukan keberhasilan dalam penanganan awal DBD. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam pendampingan kader kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan peran kader kesehatan dalam masyarakat dalam deteksi dini DBD. Kegiatan dilakukan di Kantor Kelurahan Dusun 1 Desa Sukabanjar Kota Bandar Lampung pada bulan Desember 2018. Metode yang dilakukan yakni ceramah, diskusi, praktek cara  melakukan rumpled test. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan kader kesehatan tentang deteksi dini DBD. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah bentuk upaya dalam deteksi dini DBD dengan melibatkan kader kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Deteksi Dini, Kader Kesehatan, Rumpled Test  ABSTRACT Early detection of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Dusun 1, Sukabanjar Village, Gedong Tataan Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency, Bandar Lampung, has not been carried out properly in the Work Area of the Bernung Health Center. The obstacles found were inadequate knowledge of health cadres, inadequate information on early detection of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) among health cadres. The involvement of health cadres in education regarding early detection of dengue disease determines the success in the initial handling of dengue. The purpose of community service activities carried out in mentoring health cadres is to increase knowledge and the role of health cadres in the community in the early detection of dengue fever. The activity was carried out at the Subdistrict Office of Dusun 1, Sukabanjar Village, Bandar Lampung City in December 2018. The methods used were lectures, discussions, practice on how to do a rumpled test. The results of this community service activity were found to increase the knowledge of health cadres about the early detection of dengue. Community service activities carried out are a form of effort in early detection of dengue by involving health cadres. Keyword: early detection, Health cadres, rumpled test

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 321-329
Arman Rifat Lette

Abstrak: Praktik bullying ataupun kekerasan di sekolah masih sering terjadi hingga saat ini. Sudah banyak kasus Bullying yang terungkap dan bahkan menyebabkan kematian bagi korban. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada siswa tentang bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang bullying dan pencegahannya serta diskusi bersama. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 08 Februari 2020 pukul 09.20-11.00 WITA. Peserta kegiatan penyuluhan ini adalah siswa-siswi SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Kecamatan Amfoang Selatan, Kabupaten Kupang kelas XI-XII. Peserta penyuluhan sebanyak 68 peserta. Penyuluhan Kesehatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Pihak sekolah juga memberikan dukungan penuh dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa semakin bertambah terkait bullying dan cara pencegahannya, dibuktikan dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dimana terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 30% setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Perlu dilakukan pengabdian lanjutan dengan waktu yang lebih lama untuk advokasi aturan/kebijakan terkait pencegahan dan penanganan bullying di sekolah.Abstract: The practice of bullying or violence in schools was still common today. There have been many cases of bullying that have been revealed and have even caused death to victims. The purpose of this service was to provide knowledge and understanding to students about bullying and how to prevent it. The form of service activities carried out was health counseling about bullying and its prevention and discussion together. This community service activity was held on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 09.20-11.00 WITA. The participants of this counseling activity were students of SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Amfoang Selatan District, Kupang Regency in class XI-XII. There were 68 extension participants. Health education can run well and smoothly. The school also provides full support in this service activityStudents' knowledge and understanding is increasing regarding bullying and how to prevent it, as evidenced by the results of the pre-test and post-test where there is an increase in knowledge of 30% after being given counseling. Further service needs to be done with a longer time for advocating for rules / policies related to the prevention and handling of bullying in schools. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Desak Made Anggraeni ◽  
Yohanis Umbu Kaleka ◽  
Etheldreda Rosari Garung

This community service activity aims to provide training on the use of KIT for prospective co.Ass students to improve guiding skills in basic physics practicum activities.  The methods used are (1) the provision of materials, (2) the implementation of devotional activities, (3) monitoring and evaluation of activities. The service was conducted in the laboratory of IPA STKIP Weetebula for 6 (six) days in April 2021 involving 3 lecturers assisted by 9 students and 20 participants. The participants were very enthusiastic to participate in this activity because most are not yet proficient in using practicum tools. this activity can add insight and skills of students in using KIT IPA in IPA Laboratory STKIP Weetebula

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-329
Resista Vikaliana ◽  
Asti Andayani

Social entrepreneurship can be a solution or model of community empowerment, especially women, in the handicraft industry. The handicraft industry was chosen because it was indicated in demand by the Bogor community and potentially contributed to the absorption of Bogor manpower and investment.  Based on this, community service activities are conducted on two target communities / partners, consisting of Children of Putri Bunda Orphanage, Dramaga and Mothers of PKK Situ Ilir Village, Cibungbulang District with the aim of forming Social entrepreneurship as a model of women empowerment through making the accessories based on patchwor.  The activity is done through several stages, which begins with socialization, held the training, after the entrepreneur walk, conducted assistance. The result of this community service activity is the formation of entrepreneur or business to make accessories made from woven waste patchwork.  Social entrepreneurship can be a solution to the improvement of the economy through community empowerment, especially women.

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