scholarly journals A Study and Analysis of Sanai's Illustration Techniques With a Mountain in Divan and Hadigheh al-Haqiqa

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE2) ◽  
Zahra Ghazi Karbasi ◽  
Batool Fakhr al-Islam ◽  
Akbar Shabani ◽  
Mehdi Norouz

Sanai is considered one of the prominent mystic poets in the field of Persian literature. Relying on various concepts and techniques, he has described his ideas and by simplifying the ambiguous categories, he has increased the power of understanding of his audience. "Mountain" is one of the natural elements that has been repeated many times in Divan and Hadiqah al-Haqiqah. Using literary arrays and various forms of imagination, the poet has created new images that are somehow related to the "mountain". In the present article, based on descriptive method and content analysis technique, Sanai illustration techniques have been explored. The most important findings of the research show that the poet, using literary tools and symbolic capacities of the mountain, has succeeded in representing and explaining the moral and educational, mystical and epistemological concepts, romance and in some cases, descriptive application. And has been praised. Among imaginary forms, simile has the highest frequency and exaggeration has been the most frequent literary array. Using the aesthetic capacities of "Mountain", Sanai, in addition to creating pristine literary images, has made his epistemological ideas attractive and objective.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-188
Winda Dwi Lestari ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Muhammad Rohmadi

The research is originally inspired by the problem occurring on colonial era in Indonesia, especially Java area, which remains social strata differences problem in society i.e. native and colonial. Colonial creates hegemony which makes the native and the exile or known as subaltern. Colonizer portrays an ideology as if it takes side of the native. In contrarily it is as a mean to gain profit for the colonial. The research is based on theory developed by GayatriSpivak who proposes that the subaltern victims are mostly women. The research aims to describe how subaltern effort, especially women, in striving against colonizer oppression and also their culture i.e. Javanese culture. The method used in the research is descriptive method and content analysis technique. The result indicates that female character becomes subaltern as a result of marginalization, labeling, social status discrimination and applied customary law bond. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan yang terjadi pada zaman penjajahan kolonial di Indonesia khususnya di daerah Jawa, yang meninggakan permasalahan adanya pembedaan strata sosial dalam masyarakat yaitu kaum pribumi dan kaum penjajah. Kaum penjajah menciptakan hegemoni yang membuat kaum pribumi seolah-olah hanya sebagai pengikut dan kaum buangan yang lebih di kena dengan kaum subaltern. Penjajah menanamkan ideologi yang seolah-olah berpihak kepada pribumi namun sebaliknya hal itu hanya sebagai sarana agar lebih menguntungkan penjajah. Penelitian ini berdasar pada teori yang dikembangkan oleh Gayatri Spivak yang menyatakan bahwa kaum subaltern yang banyak menjadi korban adalah perempuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskribsikan bagaimana upaya kaum subaltern khususnya perempuan dalam melawan ketertindasan dari penjajah dan juga  budayanya sendiri yaitu budaya Jawa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan menjadi subaltern karena temarginalisasi, mendapat pelabelan, dimiskinkan secara status sosial dan ikatan hukum adat yang berlaku. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 20-34
Sri Supeni ◽  
Anna Fauziah

This study focuses on the process of English words which are loaned or borrowed into Indonesian language and are used on Indonesian health articles in online news pages such as, and The data are analyzed based on the four word forms namely noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Besides, they are also analyzed based on either the morphological process or phonological process. The study applies the descriptive qualitative method applying the content analysis technique. The findings of the research show that there are 606 loan words. Based on word form category there are 425 words (70.13 %) as noun, adjective with 96 words (15.84%), verb with 82 words (13.50%) adverb with only 3 words (0.49%). For morphological process, it can be categorized in some various processes, they are affixation with several prefixes and suffixes. In addition, there are some words with reduplication as many as 7 words (6.14%) and abbrevation process, they are 13 words (11.40%). Phonological process occurs into several parts, they are adoption, translation and adaptation. For adoption, there are 395 words (65.18%), adaptation with 166 words (27.39%) and translation with 45 words (7.42%).

Jurnal Kiprah ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-80
Tessa Dwi Leoni ◽  
Wahyu Indrayatti

This study aims to describe: (1) local wisdom reflected in the folklore Kepulaun Riau viewed from the view of life (philosophy); (2) the local wisdom reflected in the Kepulauan Riau folklore is seen from the attitude of social life, counsel, and iktibar; (3) local wisdom reflected in Kepulauan Riau folklore as seen from ceremonies or traditional ceremonies; (4) the local wisdom reflected in the Kepulauan Riau folklore is seen from the principles, norms and rules of rule embodied into a social system; and (5) the local wisdom reflected in Kepulauan Riau folklore is seen from the habits, everyday behavior of social intercourse. The problem is analyzed based on folklore theory. The method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis. This object is collected by observation ; recording and interviews. Data analysis technique is done by content analysis technique. Based on the results of the study, folklore is still growing in Kepulauan Riau society. The folklore is so full of values. it also reflects local wisdom of local people who can show the pattern of customs and local cultural peculiarities. The findings of this study can be used as a basic backdrop for literary and cultural researchers to study the culture of Indonesia in general and Malay culture of Kepulauan Riau in particular. Furthermore, for the people of Kepulauan Riau itself, the findings is one of conservation efforts of Malay culture in Kepulauan Riau. In addition, the results of this study can be an alternative teaching materials, one of which can be arranged in Prosa Fiction textbook. Keywards: Local wisdom, Folklore, Kepulauan Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-102
Emawati Emawati ◽  
Achmad Wahidy ◽  
Kiki Aprillianti Rifai

AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian antropologi sastra yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara mendalam berbagai nilai budaya masyarakat suku Banjar dan Dayak yang direpresentasikan dalam novel Jendela Seribu Sungai karya Miranda Seftiana dan Avesina Soebli. Pendekatan yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan antropologi sastra, suatu pendekatan interdisipliner yang secara khusus mengkaji berbagai aspek kebudayaan manusia yang tercermin melalui karya sastra. Selanjutnya, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk menganalisis data, digunakan teknik analisis isi yang meliputi tahapan identifikasi data, klasifikasi data, dan interpretasi data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan lima nilai budaya masyarakat suku Banjar yang direpresentasikan dalam novel Jendela Seribu Sungai karya Miranda Seftiana dan Avesina Soebli. Pertama, percaya adanya kekuasaan Tuhan dan senantiasa terus berdoa kepada Tuhan. Kedua, manusia harus dapat menjaga dan menggunakan alam dengan sebaik-baiknya agar dapatbermanfaat dalam kehidupan. Ketiga, manusia tidak dapat hidup sendiri karena merupakan makhluk sosial. Keempat, musyawarah, saling membantu dan saling mengasihi antarsesama. Kelima, manusiabertanggung jawab terhadap kelangsungan hidupnya sendiri untuk membuat hidupnya menjadi lebih baik.Kata kunci: kebudayaan, nilai budaya, antropologi sastra  AbstractThis study aims to describe the cultural values of the people of Banjar and Dayak tribes are represented in the novel of Jendela Seribu Sungai by Miranda Seftiana and Avesina Soebli.The method used in this research is literary anthropology approach. It examines various aspects of human culture which is reflected through literary works. Furthermore, the research used qualitative descriptive method and content analysis technique are used to analyze the data, they are respectively, data identification, data classification, and data interpretation. The results found five cultural values of the people of Banjar tribe and Dayak that is representedin the novel of Jendela Seribu Sungai by Miranda Seftiana and Avesina Soebli. First, believe in the power of God and always continue to pray to God. Second, humans must be able to maintain and use nature as well as possible so that it can be useful in life. Third, humans cannot live alone because the people are social creatures. Fourth, deliberation, helping each other and sharing among each other. Fifth, humans are responsible for their own survival to make their lives better.Keywords: cultural, cultural value, literary anthropology

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 812
Rosinta Ria Panggabean ◽  
Ratih Nugrahati Pratiwi

This research aims to analyse whether the implementation of PKBL program at PT Waskita Karya comply with general principles of CSR and Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-05/MBU/2007, and to know whether the implementation report of PKBL at PT Waskita Karya comply with those principles. The method used in this research is descriptive method with content analysis approach by analysing the implementation and reporting of social responsibility,. The results of this research show that PT Waskita Karya is already has done its PKBL. But the implementation did not comply with GRI Guidelines and PKBL Report is not a Social Responsibility Report mentioned in UU No. 40 Tahun 2007. The recommendations are PT Waskita Karya should fill its Working and Budget Plan in compliance with Permen BUMN No. PER-05/MBU/2007, do more various events on its Program Bina Lingkungan and learn more CSR issues in GRI Guidelines so that Program Bina Lingkungan PT Waskita Karya could be equal with CSR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-150
Rohana Rohana

The aim of this research is to reveal the deconstruction of male characters in the novel Atheis by Achdiat Karta Mihardja. The method that will be used by researchers in this research is descriptive method. The data collection technique that the writer uses in this research is the content analysis technique. The analysis technique in this research is (1) Identifying the oppositional hierarchy in the text, which usually shows which terms are systematically privileged and which are not. (2) The oppositions are reversed by showing the interdependence between the opposites or their privacy is reversed, and (3) introducing a new term or idea which apparently cannot be included in the old oppositional category. The results showed that ultimately the Atheists believed in God and regretted what they believed so far.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 375
Maria José Sá ◽  
Sandro Serpa

Internationalization in higher education seems to be an unavoidable process, albeit temporarily limited by the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease of 2019) pandemic. Specifically, internationalization of the curriculum in the context of higher education is a dimension of this internationalization that is less valued in published studies. This paper, through critical reflection, sought to contribute to a deeper understanding of internationalization of the curriculum in higher education. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographic search in international databases, and the selected documents were analyzed using the content analysis technique. This analysis allowed concluding that internationalization of the curriculum in higher education is a complex process and involves several actors, with various challenges to be considered. For this process to be successful, it involves the ability to be attentive to the cultural multiplicity that will be experienced in classes where this internationalization of the curriculum exists.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Suratiningsih Suratiningsih

The research aims to describe the puzzling media as a solution to increase the learning motivation of elementary /MI student. This research is library research. It is a method that the data which is needed in completing research comes from library sources i.e. include books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc as well as various sources on the internet. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation. Documentation means looking for data about things in the form of notes, books, papers, articles, journal, and so on. Then, the data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis. In this analysis, the process of selecting, comparing, and combining various meanings will be found to be relevant. The media is an intermediary or introduction. Puzzle media can improve the students’ motivation to keep trying to solve problems. It is fun for students because it can be repeated. The challenges in the puzzle game will give you an addictive effect to always try and try until they are successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. e243156
Monika Gupta ◽  
Harshita Vig ◽  
Yajas Kumar ◽  
Aliza Rizvi

Double lip or macrocheilitis is a rare facial anomaly, mostly congenital in origin. It commonly involves the upper lip than the lower lip. It may occur in isolation or as part of the Ascher’s syndrome. It results due to deposition of excessive areolar tissue and non-inflammatory hyperplasia of labial mucosa gland of pars villosa. It may be acquired as a result of injury to the lips or lip-biting habit. The double lip becomes conspicuous when the lips are retracted during smiling resulting in the characteristic ‘cupid’s bow’ appearance. This disfigurement can pose aesthetic and functional problems and may result in psychological distress. A surgical intervention is must for restoration of functions and to address the aesthetic concerns. The present article reports a case of non-syndromic double upper lip with triple labial frena and its surgical management with laser on one side and with scalpel on the other side.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 974-981
Andika Pratama ◽  
Rizkan Zulyadi ◽  
Sri Pinem

The panel of judges adjudicating the money laundering case found the defendant guilty of the crime of money laundering from the narcotics crime, and therefore sentenced the defendant to 7 (seven) years imprisonment. Based on this, the formulation of the problems in this study: 1) How are the legal rules regarding money laundering in Indonesia, 2) How is law enforcement against the crime of money laundering in the Medan District Court, 3) What is the basis for the judge's consideration in imposing crimes against money laundering offenders in the Decision Number 311 / Pid.sus / 2018 / PN. Mdn. The research method used is descriptive method, while the data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the crime of money laundering is regulated in Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (UU PP - TPPU). The threat of money laundering is regulated in Article 3, namely imprisonment for a maximum of 20 (twenty) years and a maximum fine of Rp. 10,000,000,000. The panel of judges at the District Court that adjudicates money laundering crimes acts decisively in imposing crimes, especially because the examination process usually receives public scrutiny, such as money laundering from narcotics and corruption crimes. The basis for the consideration that the panel of judges, the defendant has participated in the circulation of narcotics by receiving, transferring money as payment for narcotics, this is commonly done by the perpetrators of the Crime of Money Laundering to disguise or hide the origin of the proceeds of crime. However, the panel of judges had imposed a sentence that was too low on the defendant, namely 7 years in prison, far below the threat of money laundering in Article 3 of the TPPU Law where the defendant was found guilty, namely 20 years in prison.

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