scholarly journals Individual Model of Psychological Health in Educational Process Subjects in Distance Learning Conditions

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (SPE3) ◽  
Elmira Magomedgadzhievna Akhmedova ◽  
Natalia Nikolaevna Uvarova ◽  
Svetlana Alekseevna Pashina ◽  
Yunna Valerievna Sorokopud

The article examines the problem of studying the individual model of psychological health of the students and employees of the Moscow International Academy (MIA). The goal is to explore the specific characteristics of personal psychological health in MIA students and employees. The implementation of the research program required the researcher to be ready and able to interact in the field of mental and psychological health of the individual, knowledge of age, individual psychological characteristics of the respondents to develop a research program, the ability to conduct psychodiagnostic work, the ability to analyze their own activities in order to optimize it, as well as to be creative. solving the assinged tasks. Authors used the methodology “Individual model of psychological health” by A.V. Kozlov. The method “Individual model of psychological health” was developed in 2014 in the course of psychosemantic analysis of the concept by students of the phenomenon of psychological health. Based on the data acquired, it can be concluded that the hypothesis on the influence of self-isolation on the model of psychological health in various age groups is partially confirmed as older study participants face difficulties with life prospects and experience stress when planning their future. Students also demonstrate low development levels in some components of the model explained by the general level of personality development in the intellectual and spiritual aspects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-121
Dmitry Kostiuk

Under the current conditions, the urgency of the problem of health is conditioned by the realities of life, because in recent times there have been rapid changes in the economic, political and socio-cultural life of the individual and society as a whole. In order for young people to be able to easily adapt to higher education institutions and realize themselves after their graduation, they must be healthy not only physically but also spiritually. That is why the basis of full-fledged personality development is psychological health. It is the psychological health of the individual - the optimal functioning of all mental structures necessary for the current life. It describes the person as a whole, has a relation to the motivational, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.The main criteria for psychological health are: adequate perception of the environment, conscious perpetration of deeds, activity, ability to work, purposefulness, ability to establish close contacts, full family life, feelings of affection and responsibility towards relatives, ability to compile and implement their life plan, orientation to self-development, integrity of the individual.In the development of the problem of psychological health should pay attention not only to the mental processes and properties of the psyche (they are more or less studied in psychology), but also on the mental states of a person experienced them in the process of life, taking into account their strength, frequency of repetitions, etc. p. In the context of the study, psychological health is seen as an element of a full-fledged human functioning, based on two levels: structural, content and functional.Structural-content analysis of psychological health reflects the vision of domestic psychologists about the structure of the human psyche, which is considered as an individual-personality, subject-person, individual-subject-personality, individual-personality-individuality, organism-individual-personality. The functional level studied by us in the psychological health of man is an integrative characteristic of human states in terms of efficiency, the activity carried out by him and involved in its implementation of the system according to the criteria of reliability and the internal price of activities. In studying the state of psychological health of modern students and their dynamics in the process of their study, it is necessary to consider the influence of a number of factors, which includes the complex as subjective (depending mainly on the students themselves) and objective (dependent on external circumstances) factors. Therefore, in order to determine the state of psychological health, we proposed the following factors of influence, namely: organization of the educational process, ability to study, social and living conditions, a new group of comrades, material well-being of students, support of the curator of the group.

E. Kochetkova

The study focuses on the research of the digital competence of students in an interactive environment. The concept of public policy implementation in the field of reforming general secondary education regards information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process as a «tool for success» of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). Problems, status and directions of development of information technologies, possibilities of their application in the education system, development and formation of information competences are widely discussed in the scientific community. The ideas of the competence approach in education were considered by: V. I. Bidenko, G. Weiler, V. K. Zagvozdkin, J. Raven, A. V. Khutorsky and others; integration of the concept of «information competence» in the educational process was studied by A. F. Akhmerova, N.V. Bagramova, A.I. Mishchenko. Various aspects of personality development in the conditions of informatization were reflected in the works of N.V. Gafurova, M.P. Spodarets, I.V. Robert. The analysis of the studies showed that theoretical prerequisites for informatization of education and development of information competence using different pedagogical conditions have been established, but the lack of research examining the formation of students’ digital competence in an interactive environment is emphasized. This research is devoted to this problem. The purpose of the study is to highlight the main problems of digital competence development of students’ competence in the interactive environment. The article also defines the essence and structure of the concept of information competence as an integrative quality of the individual, describes its components and the possibilities of the interactive environment. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach that considers competence as a set of structural components an activity approach aimed at the use of modern methods and technologies; a competence approach that ensures the development of information competence in an educational process based on an interactive environment. It has been found that an interactive environment is required to build digital competence as an educational output. The main feature of online learning is the use of students’ own experience in solving problematic issues, with maximum freedom of thought. The interactive environment should be based on certain didactic features of the organization of the learning process, which are implemented in the conditions of interaction with the electronic information and educational environment. Contemporary means of digital competence formation can be different content (e-courses, simulators, teacher-student interaction tools, distance learning systems, etc.). The building of the digital competence is made through a combination of digital tools and interactive learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Iryna Shtykh ◽  

In the process of professional training of future psychologists, the ability to recognize the mental norm and deviations from it to identify resources to maintain a healthy part of the psyche during counseling, correctional or psychotherapeutic work with the client is important. Professional competencies in pathopsychology involve the formation of the concept of norm and pathology in the worldview of future psychologists, because in any activity of a psychologist the forefront is the qualification of the studied psychological phenomenon as normal or pathological. Purpose. The purpose of this article is a theoretical overview of scientific approaches to understanding the concept of the norm in clinical psychology and its field as pathopsychology, to emphasize the relevance of the concept of the psychological norm in students majoring in Psychology during their training Methods. Theoretical research is carried out using methods of historical analysis, comparison, systematization, and interpretation of facts. Originality. Closely related to the concept of the mental norm is the concept of mental and psychological health. The fundamental difference between the terms "mental health" and "psychological health" is that the former characterizes individual mental processes and mechanisms, and the latter - refers to the individual as a whole, is closely related to the manifestations of the human spirit. In the scientific sense, norm and pathology are two extreme points and there is no clear boundary between them, and it is difficult to differentiate them. The continuum between the two extreme points is filled by the so-called boundary conditions. Within the level approach, there are three levels of human existence: somatic, psychological, and level of moral self-awareness. The "ideal norm" can be considered human well-being at all three levels of its existence Conclusion . Theoretical review of the issue, the problem of mental norms has been and remains controversial not only for pathopsychology, but also for related fields, including medicine. The mental norm is a multidimensional and multilevel formation. There are several approaches in the interpretation of this concept: adaptive, statistical, pathopsychological, phenomenological, from the standpoint of the norm - norm, the norm as an ideal, and many others, but there is no exact, generally accepted, indisputable definition, despite many studies. We can see the prospect of further research in the direction of analysis of modern world social and philosophical trends in understanding the norm, pathology, disease and psychological health of the individual and their introduction into the educational process of training future psychologists.

O. Lytvynenko

The article is devoted to the results of an empirical study of the structure of the potential of the individual. The basic approaches of psychological science to the understanding of the potential sphere of the personality and its connection with the basic personal and social characteristics are revealed. In science, there is no single approach to the semantic filling of the category of "potential": human capacity includes ability to work, ability to work, special abilities, activity and practical experience, ontogenetic reflexion, temporal organization of personality, peculiarities of its psychological health. A separate place is the study of individual psychological and socio-psychological resources in the structure of the personality potential. In the context of the study, the adaptive potential is considered as a complex system of psychological, socio-psychological and psychological properties and qualities that are actualized by the individual to create and implement new behavioral programs in changed conditions of life. There are three separated levels of interaction of adaptation directions: individual, personal and behavioral. The individual level reflects the natural layer of the psychological properties of the individual as the basis for the development of character and personality development, and the differential and holistic influence of personal psychological properties on the psychological peculiarities of the adaptive potential, reproduced in the form of volitional, emotional, self-actualizing and physical potentials, is considered on a personal level. Influence of the personal level on behavioral, demonstrates the result of the manifestation and development of certain potentials on socio-psychological peculiarities

Koshel N.A.

The purpose of the study is to study processes and psychological features of formation of human meaning in adulthood, due to the current uncertainty of social, economic and political situation and forces a person to constantly determine his position and view of the world. Addressing this important issue is primarily about activity consciousness of the individual, which aims to identify the meanings of events that occurring, constant search for new meanings, on the basis of which it would be possible to determine their place and vital role in changing reality.Methods. Adulthood is the longest period of human life (from adolescence to old age), so it is better to study this age by dividing it into separate stages. For our study, we chose the periodization of O.O. Bodalyov. The influence of the age factor on the significance of human values and spheres of life for a person is considered according to the method “Morphological test of life values” (by V.F. Sopiv, L.V. Karpushina), which is the result of using and further improving the method of I.G. Senin. This made it possible to explore the peculiarities of meaning-making in adulthood.Results. Differences in the significance of life spheres between age groups are more pronounced than random differences within the group. Thus, the importance of the spheres of life largely determines age. The minimum level of significance of the spheres of life is in the period of early adulthood, and they are most significant in the period of middle adulthood. Reaching the maximum value at this age, the level of importance of the spheres of life decreases over the years.Conclusions. It was found that the meaning of personality, its clear awareness, its reliability, are determined by viability, professional, family and age self-determination in life, which depends on the individual, his life position, his socio-psychological and social maturity and activity. Based on the empirical study, it is concluded that age largely determines the importance of life values and areas of life for man.As a result of the research it was found that during the transition from one age group of adulthood to another the meaning formation changes, in particular: in the early period of adulthood in the first place are the prospects of learning, professional self-determination; in the middle period of adulthood – career prospects, family life; in late adulthood – the prospects of social status.Key words: personality development, adulthood, transition stage, viability, meaningfulness of life, life values. Метоюдослідження є вивчення процесів і психологічних особливостей смислоутворення людей у період дорослості, що зумовлюється сучасною невизначеністю соціальної, економічної й політичної ситуації та змушує людину постійно визначатися у своїй позиції і погляді на світ.Вирішення цього важливого питання пов’язане насамперед з активністю свідомості особистості, яка спрямована на виявлення смислів подій, що відбуваються, постійний пошук нових смислів, на основі яких можна було би визначити своє місце й життєву роль у змінюваній реальності.Методи. Дорослість є найтривалішим періодом життя людини (від закінчення юності до початку старості), тому вивчати цей вік краще шляхом поділу його на окремі етапи. Для нашого дослідження обрано періодизацію О.О. Бодальова. Вплив фактору віку на значимість для людини життєвих цінностей і життєвих сфер розглянуто за методикою «Морфологічний тест життєвих цінностей» (В.Ф. Сопов, Л.В. Карпушина), яка є результатом використання й подальшого вдосконалення методики І.Г. Сеніна. Це дало змогу дослідити особливості смислоутворення в дорослому віці.Результати. Відмінності у значущості життєвих сфер між віковими групами є більш вираженими, ніж випадкові відмінності всередині групи. Таким чином, значимість життєвих сфер багато в чому визначає вік. Мінімальний рівень значущості життєвих сфер припадає на період ранньої дорослості, а найбільш значущі вони в період середньої дорослості. Після досягнення максимального значення в цьому віці рівень важливості життєвих сфер із роками знижується.Висновки. З’ясовано, що смислоутворення особистості, її чітке усвідомлення та надійність визначаються життєздатністю, професійним, сімейним і віковим самовизначенням у житті, яке залежить від особистості, її життєвої позиції, соціально-психологічної та соціальної зрілості й активності. На підставі проведеного емпіричного дослідження зроблено висновок про те, що вік багато в чому визна-чає значимість життєвих цінностей і життєвих сфер для людини. У результаті дослідження з’ясовано, що під час переходу з однієї вікової групи дорослості в іншу смислоутворення змінюється, зокрема: у ранньому періоді дорослості на першому місці перебувають перспективи навчання, професійного самовизначення; у середньому періоді дорослості – перспективи кар’єри, сімейного життя; у пізньому періоді дорослості – перспективи соціального статусу.Ключові слова: розвиток особистості, період дорослості, перехідний етап, життєздатність, осмисленість життя, життєві цінності.

V. Vysotsky ◽  
I. Kalugin ◽  
A. Kovalenko ◽  
A. Linnik

The theoretical aspects of formation of purposefulness in the students of youth by means of physical education are covered in the article. After all, the modern educational process requires the formation of a purposeful personality with the use of effective traditional and new pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods of sports and mass work. It has been found that the problem of increasing the efficiency of physical education and health promotion of student youth is one of the most urgent ones. Also, through the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, it is established that the study is necessary for modern youth, since students are less interested in physical education, sports sections, physical education circles and independent classes, etc. Emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of sports and play activities as an effective means of forming students' purposefulness through physical education. Physical education in institutions of higher education is one of the conditions of comprehensive personality development and an important means of forming the purposefulness and other moral and will qualities of student youth. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that in recent years much attention of Ukrainian scientists has been attracted to the research of the problem of physical education of student youth. However, the problem of targeting in the youth of students with the means of physical education remains unsolved. Educating students' purposefulness is an extremely important scientific challenge because commitment as a willed quality allows the individual to realize their own desires, needs, interests and motives in pursuit of the goal. It should be emphasized that the effectiveness of students' goal-setting depends on the implementation of a four-stage process of personality ascension and so on.

Marina V. Krotova

The article highlights and reveals the features of the technology of pedagogic support of individual educational activities of pupils in different age groups, the main of which is that the object of support is not only the individual educational activity of the pupil, but also the development of educational interaction of children of different ages, which causes the simultaneous use of two groups of principles: the principles of support of individual educational activities of pupils and the principles of development of educational interaction of children of different ages. The article reveals the tasks of pedagogic support of individual educational activities of children of different age groups studying in different age groups (7-11 years – primary school age; 12-16 years – adolescence; 17-18 years – early youth). Pedagogic support of individual educational activities of pupils in different age groups is considered as a subject-oriented technology of individualisation of the educational process and includes the following stages: diagnostic, design, practical and reflexive-analytical. In conclusion, the article draws conclusions about the state of the problem and the ways of its development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-56
M.M. Knissarina ◽  
А.Т. Sissenova ◽  
А.М. Baikulova ◽  
G.S. Zhumaliyeva ◽  

The article discusses some of the features of online learning in the system of studying social responsibility. A new understanding of the main pedagogical categories is being clarified - educational activity, learning environment, educational tasks in the conditions of modern technologized education. A scientific and theoretical review of the literature showed the versatility of studying the problem of social responsibility in various fields of sciences: philosophy (Platon, Aristotle, T. Hobbes, J. Locke, I. Kant, etc.), jurisprudence (A.R. Kornilov, A.R. Lavrent'ev, S.N. Kozhevnikov and others), psychology of personality development (S.L. Serebryakova, L.M. Arkhangelsky, A.A. Guseinov and others), pedagogy (I.Yu. Novichkova, S.P. Akunina, V.N. Lukin and others). Several scientific works on corporate social responsibility contributed to the development of this study (F. Rosati, R. Costa, A. Calabrese, J. Lee, M. Cho, etc.). The work of foreign scientists (S.L. Davis, L.M. Rives, S. Ruiz-de-Maya) "Personal social responsibility: developing and testing the scale" is of scientific and methodological value, which determines the need to develop a concept of social responsibility, which includes the individual human behavior of a person as a modern the citizen as a whole. The results of studies by J.C.R. Sousa, E.S. Siqueira, E. Binotto, L.H.N. Nobre on the perception of subjects of the educational process of universities of social responsibility, depending on the degree of discussion and the level of socialization of students, are significant. According to C. Roofe, the problem of social responsibility is not given special attention, which leads to a constant decline in the moral and spiritual component of education in the country. The diagnostic tool was a questionnaire to identify the personal attitude of teachers to the problem of social responsibility of students and the quality of work to develop the desired personality characteristics at the university. The author's questionnaire "Ideas of social responsibility" has passed the validation confirmation procedure (Alpha-Cronbach: 660927 and Standards. Alpha: 669767) by specialists of the Biostatistics sector of the Research Management Department of WKMU named after Marat Ospanov. The result of the research is the highlighted relationship of creativity with the formed cultural and social experience of the individual, which is the basis of socially responsible behavior. Highlighted as a result of observation as an initial method of empirical cognition, psychological, pedagogical, methodological features of online education will allow teachers and students to timely adjust their activities in order to achieve their goals in the system of studying students' social responsibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ammar Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Aqeel ◽  
Naeem Aslam

Purpose The monetary and psycho-social ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic have been extensive and unimaginable around the globe. The purpose of this study was to have a psycho-social analysis of people confronting this situation and its impact in the situation of a health crisis on them. Design/methodology/approach In the current study, participants were divided according to their different backgrounds and professions based on the types of measures taken by the Pakistani government to limit the spread of the virus and people who are not disturbed by any of the measurement categories but are troubled by the coronavirus. The interviews based on five open-ended questions were conducted with the eight participants, comprising questions that helped participants in remembering and realizing the purpose of the interview in the mode of an open questioning. Phenomenological interpretative analysis was used to understand how participants make meaning of the phenomenon being studied, an in-depth analysis of the human subject was considered in its singularity, and personal accounts and experiences were noted regarding this pandemic. Findings The results indicated that the participant’s experiences were marked by stress, insecurity, anger, fear, anxiety, traces of painful emotions and a feeling of weakness. Also the prevalence of unknown precariousness and vulnerability of coronavirus aggravated the psychological frailness among people existing in an anxiety-prone situation created by the novel coronavirus. Confronted with these painful experiences, the participants however, used a variety of cognitive and behavioral efforts which needs to be strengthened by psychological care. Research limitations/implications This study based on qualitative method was performed on diverse socio-professional levels, giving an insight to what they are undergoing, their current fears, desires and their feeling. The outcome of this study reveals traces of uncertainty, anxiety, fears, insecurity and hidden imminent death from coronavirus, therefore highlighting a need for immediate psychological interventions. Originality/value This study explores the individual understanding regarding current coronavirus pandemic situation on subjective lived experiences and psychological health in an anxiety-prone context manifested by the health crisis created by the novel corona virus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 58-68
O.I. Glazunova ◽  
Yu.V. Gromyko

The papers describes results of theoretical within activity approach analysis and experimental moni¬toring research of developed in educational institutions abilities. Authors propose theoretical conclusions that ability is determined by the individual acquisition of the ukturl way of action in joint activity when solving an educational problem. But at the same time ability is not identical with the revealed and recon¬structed way of action on that it is based. It is the abilities under formation that are being mastered by the student in the educational process represent one of the leading mechanisms, the protagonists of the development of human subjectivity. The papers presents results the monitoring diagnostics of the ability to understand in different age groups of schoolchildren. Diagnostics of the ability to understand was consid¬ered on the basis of students mastering 6 different methods and techniques of understanding. Authors claim сomplex activity diagnostics of the development of understanding, along with diagnostics of other abilities (reflection, theoretical thinking, mutual understanding, goal-setting, self-determination, etc.) makes it pos¬sible to assess the quality of national education.

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