2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Randi Nasarudin ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

The development of alternative energy sources that can replace fuel oil is very important to utilize natural resources optimally and environmentally. The shell produced from rubber plants is the main ingredient in this study, while the coconut shell is an additional material used to increase the calorific value of alternative fuels which is often referred to as Briquette. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variations in raw material composition and variations in pressure on the quality of rubber shells and coconut shell waste briquettes according to SNI standards. The raw material for rubber shell and coconut shell is processed into charcoal using carbonization method with a variation of a mixture of 85%: 15%, 90%: 10% and 95%: 5% with 5% adhesive. Then mix the printed material with a pressure of 300 kg/cm2 and 100kg/cm2. The quality parameters of briquettes are based on SNI 01-6235-2000 standards with moisture content, ash content, volatille matter content, and lacquer value. The results of the study showed that the sample b1 with 85% injection: 15% print pressure 300kg/cm2. The briquette with the sample code b1 has a water content value of 5,10432%, ash content of 14,8604%, volatile matter content of 12,8002%, carbon value of 66,8225% and heating value of 6576.592501 cal/gr. But overall the briquettes have not met the standards of SNI 01-6235-2000 concerning the quality of wood charcoal briquettes. Because the ash content of the briquette exceeds the maximum limit that has been determined, namely a maximum of 8%.  Keywords: Alternative Energy, Rubber Seed Shell, Coconut Shell, Pressure

Yusraida Khairani Dalimunthe ◽  
Sugiatmo Kasmungin ◽  
Listiana Satiawati ◽  
Thariq Madani ◽  
Teuku Ananda Rizky

The purpose of this study was to see the best quality of briquettes from the main ingredient of coconut shell waste<br />with various biomass additives to see the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, and volatile matter<br />content of the biomass mixture. Furthermore, further research will be carried out specifically to see the quality of<br />briquettes from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sawdust. The method used in this research is to conduct a<br />literature study of various literature related to briquettes from coconut shell waste mixed with various additives<br />specifically and then look at the best quality briquettes produced from these various pieces of literature. As for<br />what is determined as the control variable of this study is coconut shell waste and as an independent variable,<br />namely coffee skin waste, rice husks, water hyacinth, Bintaro fruit, segon wood sawdust, coconut husk, durian<br />skin, bamboo charcoal, areca nut skin, and leather waste. sago with a certain composition. Furthermore, this<br />paper also describes the stages of making briquettes from coconut shell waste and sawdust for further testing of<br />the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content on a laboratory scale for further<br />research. From various literatures, it was found that the highest calorific value was obtained from a mixture of<br />coconut shell waste and bamboo charcoal with a value of 7110.7288 cal / gr and the lowest calorific value was<br />obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sago shell waste with a value of 114 cal / gr, then for the value<br />The highest water content was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and rice husk with a value of<br />37.70% and the lowest water content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste 3.80%, then for the<br />highest ash content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and coffee skin with a value of<br />20.862% and for the lowest ash content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and Bintaro fruit waste,<br />namely 2%, and for the highest volatile matter content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and coconut<br />husk waste with a value of 33.45% and for the value of volatile matter levels The lowest was obtained from a<br />mixture of coconut shell waste and sago skin waste with a value of 33 , 45%.

Riski Camarta ◽  
Hendri Nurdin ◽  
Nelvi Erizon ◽  
Andril Arafat

Areca nut husk is one type of biomass that can be used as raw material for briquettes as an alternative energy producer. Charcoal briquettes are solid fuels that can be used as alternative fuels in an effort to meet energy needs. This study aims to assess the quality of areca nut charcoal briquettes through carbonization at temperatures of 200 ° C, 250 ° C, 300 ° C, 350 ° C and 400 ° C at holding times for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The study was conducted by pyrolysis of areca nut briquettes which had been formed and dried. Testing the quality of charcoal briquettes includes calorific value analysis. The results of this study indicate the highest heating value of coir briquette charcoal is at carbonization temperature of 300 ° C for 60 minutes at 20979,13632 KJ/Kg. Serat buah pinang merupakan salah satu jenis biomassa yang dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan baku briket sebagai penghasil energi alternatif dalam mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil (minyak bumi). Briket arang merupakan bahan bakar padat yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif dalam upaya untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi. Pembuatan briket menggunakan perekat tapioka dengan komposisi biomassa dan perekat sebanyak 80% dan 20%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas briket arang serat buah pinang melalui proses karbonisasi pada temperatur 200°C, 250°C, 300°C, 350°C dan 400°C pada waktu tahan selama 30, 60 dan 90 menit. Pengujian kualitas briket arang meliputi analisis nilai kalor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai kalor briket arang serat buah pinang tertinggi terdapat pada temperatur karbonisasi 300°C selama 60 menit sebesar 20979,13632 KJ/Kg.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Abdul Ghofur ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

Berdasarkan ketersediaan sumber daya gambut yang besar di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, maka peluang untuk memanfaatkan potensi tanah gambut sebagai sumber energi alternatif sangat besar. Sumber energi yang didapat dari minyak, gas bumi, dan batubara sedikit demi sedikit berkurang, sehingga perlu dicarikan sumber energi alternatif. Peneliti Lahan Gambut dari Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rawa Pertanian (Balittra) Banjarbaru, Dr Muhammad Noor dalam berita Banjarmasin post tanggal 24 Nopember 2005 tentang “PLN Melirik Lahan Gambut”  menjelaskan, dalam gambut memang terdapat energi yang dapat membangkitkan tenaga listrik, energi yang terdapat dalam gambut cukup tinggi yakni sekitar 5.000 kilo kalori per kilogram. Di Kalsel, keberadaannya setara dengan 65 miliar barel minyak bumi atau sebesar 10 juta barel per tahun energi yang dihasilkan.  Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut beberapa perumusan masalah  dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana usaha untuk melakukan tanah gambut untuk menjadi sumber energi alternatif  yang berkualitas dan  mudah digunakan,  bagimana karateristik tanah gambut sebagai sumber energi alternatif. Salah  satu  cara  untuk mengoptimalkan potensi gambut adalah memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan briket yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar altematif  .  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah a) memanfaatkan ketersediaan sumber daya alam dengan menggunakan tanah gambut sebagai energi alternatif  dan b ) mengetahui Nilai kalori, berat jenis, kadar air dan kadar abu di wilayah studi. Tanah gambut yang digunakan sebagai  bahan baku untuk energi alternatif  berasal  dari Desa Gambut Kabupaten Banjar.  Prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan terhadap karateristik tanah  gambut diwilayah studi  sebagai sumber energi. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa untuk tanah gambut di Desa Gambut Kec. Gambut bisa   untuk digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif dengan  teknologi pembriketan. Dengan nilai Kadar Air  0,10%, Kadar Abu 72,65%, berat jenis 2,11 Gs dengan nilai kalori 579,2 cal/g bisa digunakan sebagai bahan  bakar alternatif. Key word : energi alternatif, nilai kalori, tanah gambut. Based on the availability of large peat resources in the province of South Kalimantan, the opportunity to utilize the potential of peat soil as an alternative energy source is very large. Energy sources derived from oil, natural gas, and coal gradually diminish, so alternative energy sources are needed. Peatland Researchers from the Agricultural Swamp Research Institute (Balittra) Banjarbaru, Dr. Muhammad Noor in the Banjarmasin post on November 24, 2005 on "PLN Looking at Peatlands" explained that in peat there is indeed energy that can generate electricity, energy contained in peat quite high at around 5,000 kilos of calories per kilogram. In South Kalimantan, its existence is equivalent to 65 billion barrels of oil or 10 million barrels per year of energy produced. Based on this background, several formulations of the problem in this study are how to make peat soils to be a quality alternative energy source that is easy to use, how the characteristics of peat soil as an alternative energy source. One way to optimize the potential of peat is to use it as a raw material in making briquettes that can be used as alternative fuels. The purpose of this study is a) utilizing the availability of natural resources by using peat soil as alternative energy and b) knowing the calorific value, specific gravity, moisture content and ash content in the study area. Peat soil used as raw material for alternative energy comes from the Gambut Village of Banjar Regency. The procedure for conducting research was carried out on the characteristics of peat soil in the study area as an energy source. From the results of this study indicate that for peat soil in the village of Gambut Kec. Peat can be used as an alternative fuel with briquette technology. With a value of 0.10% moisture content, ash content 72.65%, specific gravity of 2.11 Gs with a calorific value of 579.2 cal / g can be used as an alternative fuel. Key word: alternative energy, calorific value, peat soil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Alpian ◽  
Raynold Panjaitan ◽  
Adi Jaya ◽  
Yanciluk ◽  
Wahyu Supriyati ◽  

Charcoal briquettes can be an alternative energy and can be produced from Gerunggang and Tumih types of wood. These two types of wood are commonly found in Kalampangan Village as pioneer plants on burned peatlands. The research objective was to determine the chemical properties of charcoal briquettes produced from biomass waste from land processing without burning with several compositions of Gerunggang wood and Tumih wood. The chemical properties of charcoal briquettes refer to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-6235-2000) and Standard Permen ESDM No. 047 of 2006. The results showed that all composition treatments in the ash content test, fixed carbon content and calorific value met the standards, while the test for volatile content in all treatment compositions did not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-6235-2000). The composition of the most potential chemical properties and following the two standards used is the composition of 100% Tumih with ash content of 7.67%, volatile matter content of 27.23%, fixed carbon of 55.00%, and heating value of 5902.18 cal/g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 179
Arinda Dwi Arafah ◽  
Soni Sisbudi Harsono

Briquette is an alternative simple fuel that has a relatively high calorific value, so it has the potential to reduce the use of firewood and fuel oil (BBM). Herbal waste is one of the biomass materials that came from the rest of the material in the production of herbal medicine made from medicinal plants. Utilization of herbal dregs as briquettes has been implemented by PT. Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul. Tbk, as fuel for boiler engines. Making briquettes from biomass requires the addition of materials, one of which is coconut shell charcoal and adhesives such as molasses and tapioca flour to improve the physical properties of the briquettes. Briquettes with good quality have a maximum moisture content and ash content of 8%, a heating value of more than 5000 cal/gram, a constant combustion temperature of 350℃ for a long period of time and is easily flammable. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of briquettes based on the value of water content, ash content, combustion temperature, combustion rate, and calorific value. Variable treatment with the addition of coconut shell charcoal with several doses of 10%, 20%, and 30% and variations of adhesive materials. Data analysis was performed by using two-factor ANOVA statistical test. The results showed that briquettes with tapioca flour adhesive and 30% coconut shell charcoal composition had the best characteristics of briquettes compared to other variations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Muhammad Nizar Ramadhan ◽  
Andy Nugraha

The solution to reduce the use of fossil fuels is by utilizing renewable energy such as solar power, wind power, and hydropower, as well as the utilization of other alternative energy derived from biomass. One of alternative energy from biomass that is very potential is briquettes. Tapuk Village, Limpasu Subdistrict, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency is one of the producers of Alaban wood charcoal, with grade D charcoal in the form of charcoal flakes and is often regarded as waste. This study aims to determine the physical properties of alaban wood charcoal waste briquettes which include water content, ash content, volatile matter content, fixed carbon content, and calorific value, as well as the potential utilization of alaban wood charcoal waste briquettes. so that residents can use Tapuk Village, Limpasu District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency as an alternative fuel to substitute kerosene and LPG. The results showed the physical properties of alaban wood charcoal waste briquettes for 3.66 % water content, 3.15 % ash content, 14.31 % volatile matter content, 78.88% fixed carbon content, 6.259.33 cal / gr calorific value. The use of alaban wood charcoal waste briquettes is able to produce consumption costs efficiency of 60% better than the use of LPG and 70% better than the use of kerosene.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Anindya Husnul Hasna ◽  
J. P. Gentur Sutapa ◽  
Denny Irawati

Limbah industri kayu sengon menjadi salah satu bahan baku dalam pembuatan pelet kayu karena potensinya yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi pelet kayu sengon memiliki kerapatan serta nilai kalor yang rendah. Untuk meningkatkan sifat bahan bakar pelet kayu Sengon maka dilakukan pencampuran bahan dengan serbuk tempurung kelapa. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan dari limbah serbuk gergaji sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.)) dan limbah tempurung kelapa (Cocos nucifera). Masing-masing bahan dibuat partikel pada 3 kelompok ukuran yaitu 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, dan 60-80 mesh. Ke dalam serbuk kayu sengon ditambahkan serbuk tempurung kelapa dengan penambahan 25%, 50%, dan 75%, sedangkan untuk kontrol (0%) adalah pelet kayu sengon tanpa penambahan tempurung kelapa. Pelet dibuat dengan menggunakan single-pelletizer pada suhu ruang dengan tekanan 100 kg/cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi bahan baku yang berbeda (sengon dan tempurung kelapa) memberikan pengaruh terhadap sifat fisika dan kimia pelet kayu. Semakin tinggi persentase campuran serbuk tempurung kelapa pada pelet kayu sengon maka semakin tinggi keteguhan tekan, karbon terikat, total karbon dan nilai kalor, sedangkan untuk kadar zat mudah menguap, kadar abu, kadar N, S, dan H semakin rendah. Pelet terbaik dihasilkan pada kombinasi penambahan tempurung kelapa 50% dengan ukuran 60-80 mesh yang memiliki sifat kadar abu yang rendah (0,79%) dan nilai kalor yang tinggi (5129,07 Kal/g), serta keteguhan tekan yang masih cukup tinggi (444,75N). Hasil tersebut memenuhi standar SNI 8021:2014.Effect of Particle Size and Addition of Coconut Cell on the Quality of Sengon Wood PelletAbstractThe waste of sengon (Falcataria moluccana) industry becomes one of the raw materials in the manufactured of wood pellets, because of its potency. However F. moluccana pellets posses low density and calorific value. To improve its properties, a materials mixing with coconut shell parcticles was conducted. This study used material from the waste of sengon (F. moluccana) sawdust and the waste of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Particles from those materials were made on 3 sizes which are 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, and 60-80 mesh. 25%, 50%, and 75% of coconut shell were added into sengon sawdust, while woode pellets with no additions were used as a control. Pellets are made using single-pelletizer at room temperature with a pressure of 100 kg/cm2. The research results showed if the different material combination (sengon and coconut shell) gave significant effect to physical properties and chemical content of wood pellets. Higher percentage of coconut shell gives higher compressive strength, fixed carbon content, total of carbon, and calorific value, while volatile matter, ash content, N, S, and H content showed lower value. The best pellet was resulted from combination between coconut shell addition 50% and nesh size 60 – 80 which posses quite low ash content (0.79%) and high calorific value (5129.07 Kal/g), and high compression strength (444.75 N). This result has qualified the standard of SNI 8021:2014.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. S60-S66 ◽  
I. Janoško ◽  
M. Čery

Animal waste represents a&nbsp;significant threat to the environment. Degradation of waste from dead animals is in general carried out in specialized facilities (rendering plants) under specific rules and guidelines. In plant proximity, undesirable malodour is usually produced during the combustion process. This odour can be effectively reduced so that it does not negatively affect the environment and society. Degradation of animal waste malodour can be processed in ozonisers, thermal combustion devices or in bio washers. The purpose of this paper is to determine the limits of exhausts that are produced during direct combustion of animal waste malodour. The level of ammonia in the combustion air is dependent on the quality of raw material processed at rendering plants where the measurements were carried out. In order to reduce the economic costs, the use of alternative fuels (animal fat, heavy fuel oil) is recommended.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
M. Natsir Usman

The development of an alternative energy is now becoming important due to the decrease of natural energy source, The current research was conducted to observe the quality of making charcoal briquette from cocoa pod shell with the particle size of 30 mesh, 50 mesh, 70 mesh and 7 % starch as adhesive. The result showed that charcoal particle size of 70 mesh gave the best charcoal briquette quality having characteristics: moisture 10.67 %, density of 1.15 g/cm3, 18.98% ash content, 49.93 % fixed carbon, 24.99% volatile matter and the calorific value of 4372.54 cal/g. Charcoal briquette from cocoa pod shell was utilized as alternative energy. Key words: Cocoa pod shell, charcoal briquette, starch as adhesive. References

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Fahrizal Hazra ◽  
Novita Sari

Nyamplung shell is a biomass whose existence has not been optimally utilized. Biomass is a solid waste that can be used again as a source of fuel. Favorable characteristics of the biomass is an energy source that can be utilized in a sustainable manner because it is renewable. Biomass of Nyamplung shell can be processed become a form of solid fuel with a same specific dimension, it is resulting from compression of bulk materials, powders, and the relatively small size commonly referred to as charcoal briquettes.  The aim of this research is to test the feasibility of nyamplung shell as a raw material for making briquettes on the households by conducting analysis of quality parameters briquette specimens including physical properties (water content, calor value, and density), briquette durability (persistence press), chemical (ash content, fixed carbon and volatile matter content) and the rate of burning charcoal briquette.  The treatment in this aim is a mixture composition of raw materials (charcoal of Nyamplung shell) who were given the same amount of adhesive and compressed by compressing hydraulic briquette. The results showed that, charcoal briquettes made from the Calophyllum shell can be used as alternative energy, with a characteristic range of values from 3,39-3,83% moisture content, calor value ranges from 3.646,14-5.431,35 calories / gram, the range of density values 0,663-0,721 gram/cm3, the range of persistence press value 1,98-5,39 kg/cm2, the range of ash content value 19,89-24,51%, the range of fixed carbon value 33,09-40,86%, the range of volatile matter value 35,03-38,57%, and the range of rate of burning from 0,0574-0,0898 grams/second. The low value of moisture content can lead to higher heating value of charcoal briquettes. High/low levels of volatile could affect fast/slow rate of burning charcoal briquettes. Key words : nyamplung shell, biomass, charcoal briquette

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