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Published By Center For Journal Management And Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University

2745-6331, 2721-6225

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hairudin Hairudin ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

Theecondenser is a type of heat exchanger that functions to condense fluid. On steam powermsystems. Thevmain function ofmthe condenser is to convert steam into liquid. The purpose of this study is to determine the value and influence of heat balance, heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop and condenser efficiency.Thewresults offthissstudy indicate that in 2018 thee average heat balance (Q) was obtained at 356,017,533.46 Kj / hour while in 2019 the results of the average heat balance (Q) were 640,293,647,066 Kj / hour, fouling factor was not affect the balance sheet. The average gross heat transfer coefficient (UD) in 2018 amounted to 204,274.25 Kj / hour.m2. C and the average net heat transfer coefficient (UC) was 206,378 Kj / hr.m2. ° C whereas in 2019 the average heat transfer coefficient is obtained by the average gross heat transfer coefficient (UD) of 366,544.07 Kj / jam.m2. ° C and the Clean heat transfer coefficient (UC) is 448,554 Kj / h.m2. ° C.Fouling factor is very influential onnthe heatwtransfer coefficient because the greater the fouling in the tube will result in the inhibition of theeheat transfer rate in the tube, so that the heat transfer coefficient decreases. The pressure drop in 2018 is still within the permissible limits, with an average of 504.28 bars and 2019 of 513.03 bars. The effectiveness of the condenser in 2018 is an average of 23.330 after maintenance has been obtained, the average effectiveness of the condenser in 2019 is 40.743

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Dwi Anggi Wibowo ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

Daerah perairan dapat menimbulkan risiko serangan korosi yang lebih tinggi terutama pada lingkungan perairan yang mengandung salinitas atau salinitas, umumnya korosi yang terjadi di perairan dapat menyerang logam, salah satunya adalah baja ST 60 yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan konstruksi dalam konstruksi bangunan. pelabuhan, jembatan, poros baling-baling, dan aplikasi lain yang terkait dengan lingkungan perairan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah logam dapat mengalami serangan korosi dengan cepat akibat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan air yang mengandung salinitas sehingga logam tersebut akan mengalami kerusakan dan kehilangan sifat teknisnya. Pada penelitian pengujian perendaman dilakukan dengan 3 minggu terus menerus dan 3 minggu (dengan 2 minggu perendaman kemudian 1 minggu tidak terendam) menggunakan air laut yang berasal dari pantai takisung, pelaihari dengan salinitas 2,48% dan air payau yang berasal dari dataran tinggi banjarmasin dengan salinitas 1,25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju korosi tertinggi terjadi pada 3 minggu perendaman terus menerus dengan air laut yang memiliki salinitas 2,48% dan jenis korosi yang terbentuk adalah korosi seragam. Water areas can pose a higher risk of corrosion attack, especially in aquatic environments that contain salinity or salinity, generally corrosion that occurs in the waters can attack metals, one of which is ST 60 steel which is widely used as construction material in the construction of ports, bridges, propeller axis, and other applications related to the aquatic environment. The impact caused is that the metal can experience corrosion attacks quickly due to interacting with the water environment containing salinity so that the metal will experience damage and lose its technical properties. In the study immersion testing was carried out with 3 weeks continuously and 3 weeks (with 2 weeks immersion then 1 week not submerged) using seawater originating from takisung beach, pelaihari with salinity of 2.48% and brackish water originating from the high land area of banjarmasin with a salinity of 1.25%. The results showed the highest corrosion rate occurred at 3 weeks of continuous immersion with seawater which had a salinity of 2.48% and the type of corrosion formed was uniform corrosion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Holy Ramagisandy ◽  
Rudi Siswanto

Plastik is a material which has difficult to decompose. Therefore, the utilization of waste into useful material is important to do. This study aims to identify the tensile strength, bending, and macro structure of recycled PET, HDPE, and PET + HDPE plastik waste mixtures and recommendations for plastik products that fit the characteristics of these plastik types. PET and HDPE plastik waste is melted with oil and reprinted into tensile and bending test samples in accordance with predetermined variations, and then the results of the fracture are analyzed in a macro structure. Based on tensile testing, the tensile strength test results have the highest stress and strain values obtained in the mixture of 40% + HDPE 60% (B2) used oil specimens of 10.58 MPa and strain values of 11.98%. The results of bending strength testing which has the highest bending stress value and maximum load value are obtained in plastik mixture specimens with 30% used oil mixture + 70% HDPE (B1) of 11.58 MPa and for maximum load values of 43.33 KN. Testing the tensile strength and bending strength of the type of plastik mixture Oil and HDPE + PET (50%: 50%), the results obtained can still not be recommended to be used as a paving block product because the value of stress, strain, bending stress, and the maximum load is still relatively low, namely for the tensile test the highest variation of stress value is 5.21 MPa, the highest variation of strain value is 5.23%, the maximum load value is 10 KN, and the highest variation of bending stress value is 40% + 60% by 4.01 MPa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Riyadi ◽  
Rudi Siswanto

The use of metals in the environment is especially important in environments such rubbish in heavy equipment or trucks, especially those of the tailgate is a tool to bring a variety of organic waste and inorganic bring the matter dissolved through a liquid called leachate and make contact or direct contact with the steel so that corrosion occurs due to leachate or wastewater flow contains many corrosive compounds that make part tailgate become quickly corroded. This study aims to determine the bias steel resist corrosion rate. The steel used is steel steel ST-41 and ST-60 is a low carbon steel and medium carbon steel. The methods used in research in the methods of losing weight and observe the types of corrosion that occurs by means of immersion with ASTM G31-72 which vary contact time for 3 weeks. Based on research conducted showed the corrosion rate of the fastest occur in steel ST-60 with a contact time of 1 week soaked the leachate and 2 weeks in contact with the air due to differences in the composition of the steel ST-60 and steel ST-41 which has a chromium content so high that steel ST-41 is superior in resisting corrosion rate while the type of corrosion that occurs is evenly corrosion and atmospheric corrosion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Dias Ahmad Fajri ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

Catalytic Converter adalah pengubah (modifier) yang menggunakan media yang memiliki katalis, dimana media tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu atau mempercepat proses perubahan zat (reaksi kimia) sehingga gas seperti CO dapat dioksidasi menjadi CO2, media katalis kimia pada suhu tertentu, tanpa perubahan atau penggunaan oleh reaksi itu sendiri. Catalytic converter berbahan arang kayu ulin untuk emisi gas buang dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini ada 2 yaitu knalpot tanpa catalytic converter dan knalpot dengan catalytic converter berbahan arang kayu ulin dengan variasi rpm 1500, 2500, 3500. Pengujian emisi gas buang menggunakan alat yang disebut gas analyzer. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa catalytic converter berbahan arang kayu ulin dengan diameter lubang 20 mm mampu mereduksi emisi CO dengan reduksi sebesar 52,23%, dan emisi HC lubang berdiameter 20 mm dengan jumlah 85,63. Catalytic Converter is a converter (modifier)that uses media that has a catalyst, where the media is expected to help or accelerate the process of changing substances (chemical reactions) so that gases such as CO can be oxidized to CO2, chemical catalyst media at a certain temperature, without change or use by the reaction itself. Catalytic converters made from ironwood charcoal to exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. This type of research is experimental research. There are 2 tests of this research, namely exhaust without catalytic converter and exhaust with catalytic converter made from ironwood charcoal with variations in rpm 1500, 2500, 3500. Examination of exhaust emissions using a device called a gas analyzer. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that catalytic converters made from ironwood charcoal with a hole diameter of 20 mm were able to reduce CO emissions with a reduction of 52.23%, and HC emissions of a hole diameter of 20 mm with an amount of 85.63,

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Fajar Perdana Putra ◽  
Rudi Siswanto

The second largest metal material used after steel is Aluminum and its alloys. Ranging from aircraft bodies, vehicles, engine components, ship components, to buildings and very diverse applications using aluminum alloys. Material for making alloy wheels for components in motors using one of the special aluminum alloy applications with regard to the strength and hardness of high-quality aluminum alloys. Industrial companies that make aluminum doors, including windows and frames, make aluminum shelves, storefronts and other products. Produce waste remnants of used aluminum which can be used as aluminum as the main material destination. To reduce the company's production costs, many of them use aluminium scrap as their main casting material. Casting uses a temperature of 650 ° C, 700 ° C, 750 ° C, 800 ° C including casting type evaporative or casting using Styrofoam. The missing styrofoam casting pattern is a casting that uses a pattern of material that can evaporate when exposed to molten metal heat. The casting temperature results can affect microstructure, hardness, porosity and structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Fakhdilah Bustomi ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

To find out the best thermal conductivity value on the volume fraction of ironwood polyester filler composite (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) and to determine the effect of the number of voids on the value of the thermal conductivity of the ironwood polyester composite composite (Eusideroxylon Zwageri). This study uses an experimental method by conducting thermal and microstructure conductivity tests to see the many voids that have formed. The object in this study uses ironwood powder. Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive data analysis which is describing research results graphically in a table. Input parameters in analyzing data include variations in the mixture of ironwood powder and resin (20% -80%, 25%: 75% and 30%: 70%), and 100% resin. The results of the study of the effect of the volume fraction of ironwood polyester composite composites on the value of thermal conductivity decreased with increasing volume of ironwood powder with the smallest thermal conductivity value at 30% volume fraction of ironwood powder : 70% polyester resin matrix that is 0.041 W/moC. The influence of the amount of voids on the thermal conductivity value of ironwood polyester composite composites can be seen that the more voids the smaller the thermal conductivity values. The number of voids along with the increasing volume of ironwood powder.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Ilham Arif Firmansyah ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

Supply of compressed air has an important role in continuity of operation power plant, failures that occur in operation of engine in this unit can affect all plant operations that can result in decreased production levels. To determine the magnitude of loss of pressure or energy loss lost in pressurized air piping system at plant located in PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk. Tarjun Plant-12. Evaluation of pressure reduction losses in the air system is focused on losses caused by system leakage and pressure drops in the distribution lines caused by several factors including friction in straight pipes, bends, fittings, reducers and existing components, and knowing the loss of costs due to compressor pressure drop. The pressure drop in the pipe is very dependent on pipe diameter, besides distance and supporting components on piping system also affect the pressure drop. Based on calculation, there was a decrease in pressure of 1603660,895 Pa, from pressure drop caused by friction of straight pipe and connection and actual condition of pipe surface which was likely to have been corroded, making surface rough. system decline that occurred in the compressor resulted in a loss of operational costs of 5,760,451 rupiah / week.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Irwan Saputra ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

Sistem kerja pendingin di PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Tarjun Plant-12 menggunakan cooling tower marley fan 3 tipe mechanical draft, counterflow flow 10.221 m3/h yang berfungsi untuk mendinginkan air keluaran dari kondensor melalui nozzle untuk menyemprotkannya dengan menyemprotkan sebagian air ke udara dan mengeluarkannya ke atmosfer, sehingga air jatuh ke bak air melalui eliminator melayang. Suhu lingkungan mempengaruhi kinerja menara pendingin. Semakin dingin lingkungan semakin baik kinerja menara pendingin. Pengaruh suhu lingkungan dan kinerja pada menara pendingin menjadi pembahasan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil perhitungan dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu lingkungan mempengaruhi kinerja menara pendingin dimana pada pagi sampai sore hari pada suhu atau cuaca tertentu kinerja menara pendingin mengalami peningkatan dan penurunan yang signifikan. Sedangkan efisiensi rata-rata range dan approach dari tahun 2016 hingga 2019 mengalami penurunan efisiensi sebesar 8,44%, penurunan range sebesar 1,24°C dan penurunan approach sebesar 0,82°C. Cooling work system at PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Tarjun Plant-12 uses a cooling tower marley fan 3 type mechanical draft, counterflow flow 10.221 m3 / h which functions to cool the output water from the condenser through a nozzle to spray it by spraying some water into the air and discharging it into the atmosphere, so water falls into the water basin through a drift eliminator. Environmental temperature affects the cooling tower performance. The cooler the environment the better the cooling tower performance. The effect of environmental temperature and performance on cooling tower is the discussion in this study. The results of calculations in the study show that the environmental temperature affects the cooling tower performance where in the morning until late afternoon at certain temperatures or weather the cooling tower performance experiences a significant increase and decrease. While the average efficiency, the range and approach from 2016 to 2019 has decreased efficiency by 8.44%, decreasing the range by 1.24 ° C and decreasing the approach by 0.82 ° C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Joni Setiawan ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

Performance and exhaust emissions in 2017 Honda Beat vehicles, namely: 1. The best exhaust emissions are produced in a mixture of 50% premium fuel and 50% first with HC value of 23 ppm, CO 0.31%, CO2 5.88% and O2 11.30%. So the more mixture of pertamax at the premium, the better the exhaust emissions produced. 2. The best performance is produced in a mixture of 50% premium fuel and pertamax 50% with a torque value of 11.01 in Rp. 3655 and a power of 7,537 HP at Rp. 6994. So the more mixture of pertamax at the premium, the better exhaust emissions produced. 3. Performance and exhaust emissions, pure pertalite produces the best performance and exhaust emissions compared to the mixture of premium and pertamax fuel with a torque value of 11.57 Nm at rpm 3680, power 7,555 HP at rpm 7136, HC 11 ppm, CO 0.27%, CO2 is 5.36% and O2 is 11.48%.

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