scholarly journals Os impactos da globalização sobre a Educação do Campo: políticas públicas de resistência

Flavia Stefanello ◽  
Altair Alberto Favero

This article aims to conduct a discussion about the globalization process and its implications on Rural Education. Bringing Rural Education into this discussion, results in identifying the impacts that globalization can bring, affecting the cultural and social uniqueness of these subjects. It is a theoretical-bibliographic study of a basic nature, qualitative in terms of approaching the problem and analytical descriptive in terms of objectives. We present in the text the undeniable impact that globalization, intensified in modern times, has on Rural Education: its cultural homogenization, the commodification of the educational system, the crushing of local cultures, the exclusion of its uniqueness and the standardization of behavior, denying the historicity of peasant struggles for land and quality education that is inherent to it. Contrary to this process, the text points to public policies aimed at Rural Education, as forms of resistance to this movement.

Marilene Santos

The following article, whose nature is descriptive and bibliographic, aims, based on Goal eight of the National Education Plan 2014-2024 (PNE), to identify some indicators for the Countryside Education. For such purpose, we consider the educational reality of the countryside based on: the low schooling of the population; in the negative evolution of the enrollments number in the last few years; and in the circumstances through which the quality benchmark, provided by the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), has been unproductive to the define public policies aimed for the Countryside Education. Despite the operational difficulties of the educational system to obtain the necessary information for its composition, the results of the last two Ideb, however, already show progress. Based on these indicators, we conclude that some actions aimed at increasing the schooling of the countryside population were undertaken, however, the unequal educational condition among young people living in the countryside and those who live in the urban areas still persists. There is a possibility of fulfilling the goal eight of PNE by 2024, however, this may not mean progress in guaranteeing the countryside population’s rights to an education of quality, but, on the contrary, its reduction.

Consuelem da Silva Sarmento ◽  
Sergio Luiz Lopes

The object of this study is the formative trajectory of graduates of the Degree Course in Rural Education at the Federal University of Roraima. The main objective was to identify the challenges of the teaching profession from the perspective of these subjects, based on their formative experience in that course. The research adopted as an instrument for data collection the interview (with 16 graduates), based on the oral history method (Thompson, 1998). The analysis, of a qualitative nature, was structured from the categories: the training path and the teaching profession. The voices of the graduates revealed the importance of this course as an implementation of public policies for the training, at a higher level, of field subjects, which was a dream for most of the survey respondents. In addition, they exposed the difficulties encountered in getting a place to work in rural schools. For most interviewees, the lack of recognition of the course by government entities affects the offer of places in selective and public examinations. Thus, this work aims to expand the debate on proposals for Rural Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11737
Luciene Rocha Silva ◽  
Arlete Ramos dos Santos ◽  
Igor Tairone Ramos dos Santos

This article is the result of a research that aimed to analyze the physical environment of a school in an area of agrarian reform settlement, according to what the school architecture proposes. The method used was Historical Dialectical Materialism due to its analysis principles that depart from the universal to the singular, verifying the empirical data that are presented globally in order to make relations, enable interconnections and establish multiple determinations to explain the real object studied. The methodology used to carry out this work was exploratory research, due to its flexibility and possibilities of deepening the various bibliographic research indications and other references for the theoretical support of this document. The conclusion of the analyzes points to the distancing of public policies for Rural Education, as well as the lack of interaction between the physical environment and the school's pedagogical policy, due to signs of inadequacy of the school's physical structure in relation to the work proposal educational system developed at school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Shufang Yan

In recent years, with the continuous advancement of quality education, the flipped classroom has gradually become manifold, especially to provide new ideas for the reform of the educational system in universities and colleges, which also makes the traditional Russian teaching in universities and colleges face the status quo that needs to be transformed. This paper briefly analyzes the current situation of Russian teaching in universities and colleges, and based on the advantages of flipped classroom, and puts forward strategies for the reform of Russian teaching in universities and colleges, and hopes to provide suggestions for relevant educators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 54
Cícero Da Silva ◽  
Letícia Brito de Oliveira Suarte ◽  
Rosângela Ribeiro de Sousa Leitão

This paper analyzes public policies for rural education developed by State Secretariat of Education and Culture (SEDUC-TO) in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The research is bibliographical and documentary nature, and has as main data source documents such as projects, reports, and spreadsheets of the SEDUC-TO and others available on official agency sites, such as projects, edicts, regulations, resolutions, decrees, and laws. The results showed that the main programs of the Brazilian government to the Rural Education were developed in the public school system of the state of Tocantins from 1999 to 2013, although they are characterized as occasional actions.

Maria Laura Franco

Discute o conceito de qualidade de ensino, sua relação com o significado de qualidade total e seus desdobramentos para a educação; questiona a dicotomia quantidade x qualidade no âmbito do sistema educacional brasileiro; explica o vínculo que se estabelece entre os indicadores implícitos na concepção de ensino de qualidade e as demandas provenientes dos novos processos de produção e suas exigências para a formação profissional. Abstract This article discusses the concept of quality education, its relation to the significance of Total Quality, and its implications on education. It questions the quality-quantity dichotomy in the scope of the Brazilian educational system. It spells out the link between the indicators implicit in the quality education concept and the demands brought by the new production processes and the requirements entailed in the education of the professional. Résumé Cet article présente une discussion du concept de Qualité de l'Enseignement, son rapport avec la signification de Qualité Totale et ce qu 'il implique dans le domaine de l 'éducation; une mise en question de la dichotomie quantité/qualité dans le cadre du système d'éducation brésilien; la mise en évidence du lien qui se forme entre les indicateurs implicites dans la conception de l'enseignement de qualité face aux demandes issues des nouveaux processus de production et de leurs exigences vis-à-vis de la formation professionnelle. Resumen El artículo discute el concepto de cualidad de la enseñanza, su relación con el significado de Cualidad Total y sus implicaciones en la educación; cuestiona la dicotomía cuantidadx cualidad en el ámbito del sistema educacional brasileño; expone el vínculo que se establece entre los indicadores implícitos en la concepción de la ensenanza de cualidad con las demandas provenientes de los nuevos procesos de producción y sus exigencias para la formación profesional.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Fabrina Monserrate Cedeño Mendoza

El presente artículo me permite publicar, el desarrollo que ha tenido la educación manabita a través de los años; así, como el docente que refleja experiencias, dominio de técnicas, autoconfianza, la evolución del sistema educativo y, el proceso de evaluación que ayuda a mejorar la calidad y detectar los puntos fuertes y débiles de la institución a la que pertenece el docente, todos estos aspectos se reflejan en los resultados obtenidos con más relevancia en la presente investigación. No obstante la preparación de sus recursos humanos, hace que la educación manabita tenga un papel cada vez más importante en la sociedad. Y es que la evolución educativa se ha dejado ver por todos y todas que de una forma desinteresada pretenden en los estudiantes brindar una educación de buena calidad.  Palabras claves: autoconfianza; educación; evaluación; experiencia docente; proceso  SUMMARY  This article allows me to publish, the development that has taken manabita education through the years, as well as the teacher reflecting experiences, mastery of skills, self - confidence, the evolution of the educational system and the evaluation process that helps improve quality and identify strengths and weaknesses of the institution to which the teacher belongs, all these aspects are reflected in the results more relevant to the present investigation. However the preparation of human resources, education makes manabita have a increasingly important role in society. And the educational development has been allowed to see everyone in a selfless that aim to provide students quality education.  Keywords: self-confidence, education, assessment, teaching experience, process  

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rosemeire De Araujo Rangni ◽  
Maria da Piedade Resende da Costa

Com caráter inclusivo, as leis educacionais brasileiras e as ações políticas direcionam os serviços da Educação Especial ao categorizar as necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) e separálas em grupos, quais sejam: deficiências, transtorno global do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação. Este artigo objetiva expor (i) a possibilidade de educandos possuirem duplicidade de NEE, no caso em questão, altas habilidades ou superdotação e perda auditiva e (ii) as implicações dos serviços educacionais vigentes com as políticas públicas. O presente artigo se deu por meio de pesquisasbibliográficas e documentais. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema educacional brasileiro, voltado à Educação, privilegia a identificação e o atendimento dos educandos com NEE de maneira categorial, não contemplando a possibilidade de figurarem concomitantemente em duas categorias de NEE – altas habilidades ou superdotação e perda auditiva -, foco deste estudo.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Duplicidade de necessidades educacionais especiais. Perda auditiva. Altas habilidadesou superdotação.HIGH ABILITIES OR GIFTEDNESS AND HEARING LOSS: twice special educational needs and public policiesABSTRACT: With the inclusive perspective, the Brazilian educational laws and the politic actions guide the Special Educational services when categorize the special educational needs (SEN) getting them apart in groups as well: disabilities, developmental disturbs, and high skills or giftedness. This paper aims to show (i) the possibility of the student with twice SEN, in case the high skills or giftedness and hearing loss and (ii) the implications of the educational services and public policies. The present paper was done by bibliographical and documental researches. The results indicate that the Brazilian educational system for the special education privileges the identification and the provisions for the SEN students on the categorical way. It doesn’t consider the students possibilities to be in two categories of the SEN – high skills or giftedness and hearing loss, aim of this study.KEYWORDS: Twice special educational needs. Hearing loss. High skills or giftedness.ALTAS HABILIDADES O SOBREDOTACIÓN Y PÉRDIDA AUDITIVA: doble necesidad educacional especial y política públicaRESUMEN: Con una perspectiva inclusiva, las leyes educacionales brasileñas y las acciones políticas dirigenlos servicios de la educación especial al clasificar las necesidades educacionales especiales (NEE) dividiéndolas en grupos cuales sean: discapacidades, trastornos globales del desarrollo y altas habilidades o sobredotación. Este artículo se propone presentar (i) la posibilidad de tener esos estudiantes doble NEE, en caso de altas habilidades o sobredotación y pérdida auditiva y (ii) las implicaciones de los servicios vigentes y las políticas públicas. El presente artículo se desarrolló por medio de investigación bibliográfica y documental. Los resultados indicaron que el sistema educacional brasileño para la educación especial privilegia la identificación y atención a los estudiantes con NEE de manera categorial, no contemplando la posibilidad de los estudiantes representarse al mismo tiempo en dos categorías de NEE – altas habilidades o sobredotación y pérdida auditiva.PALABRAS CLAVE: Doble necesidad educacional especial. Pérdida auditiva. Altas habilidades o sobredotación.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Lânderson Antória Barros ◽  
Dione Dutra Lihtnov

A luta pela Educação do Campo tem sido uma constante ao longo da história do Brasil. Entretanto, ainda é necessário avançarmos no debate desta temática para que se alcance uma educação de qualidade direcionada a realidade do campo. A escola do campo possui um papel fundamental atuando como uma das principais formas de se manter os estudantes rurais no campo, promovendo a reprodução social desses sujeitos. Neste sentido, esse texto busca contribuir para o debate e dialogo sobre a construção da educação no e do campo a partir de uma análise crítica das leis, diretrizes e bases que constituem a educação do campo no território brasileiro.AbstractThe struggle for Rural Education Consolidation has been a constant throughout of the history of Brazil. However, it is still necessary to advance the discussion of this issue in order to reach a targeted quality education reality of the field. The Rural school has a key role acting as one of the main ways to keep rural students in the field by promoting the social reproduction of these subjects. In this sense, this text seeks to contribute to the debate and dialogue on the construction of education in the field and from a critical analysis of laws, guidelines and bases that make up the Rural Education in Brazil.Keywords:Rural Education; Rural Education; Teaching

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 691
Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar algunas transformaciones sufridas por el sistema educacional chileno durante la Dictadura Militar (1973-1990), desde la perspectiva de la mutación del papel desempeñado por el Estado en el campo educacional. Para lograr dicho objetivo se siguen los siguientes pasos: en un primer momento, se caracteriza el sistema educacional chileno vigente hasta 1973. En un segundo momento, se analizan algunas Políticas Públicas Educacionales de orientación neoliberal diseñadas e implementadas por el equipo económico de la Dictadura Militar. Finalmente, se proponen conclusiones con respecto a los impactos de las acciones desarrolladas por la Dictadura Militar sobre el sistema educacional y el profesorado, resaltando un cuestionamiento en torno a la modificación de la comprensión oficial de lo educativo en el espacio público.Palabras clave: Políticas Públicas Educacionales; Dictadura Militar; Chile. ResumoEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar algumas transformações sofridas pelo sistema educacional chileno durante a Ditadura Militar (1973-1990), na perspectiva da mutação do papel desempenhado pelo Estado no campo educacional. Para atingir este objetivo, seguem-se os seguintes passos: num primeiro momento, é caracterizado o sistema educacional chileno em vigor até 1973. Em um segundo momento, são analisadas algumas Políticas Públicas Educacionais de orientação neoliberal desenhadas e implementadas pela equipe econômica da Ditadura Militar. Finalmente, são propostas conclusões sobre os impactos das ações desenvolvidas pela Ditadura Militar sobre o sistema educacional e o corpo docente, destacando um questionamento sobre a modificação do entendimento oficial da educação no espaço público.Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas Educacionais; Ditadura Militar; Chile. AbstractThis article aims to analyze some transformations suffered by the chilean educational system during the Military Dictatorship (1973-1990), from the perspective of the mutation of the role played by the State in the educational field. To achieve this goal, the following steps are followed: Initially, the chilean education system in force until 1973 is characterized. In a second moment, some neoliberal-oriented Educational Public Policies designed and implemented by the economic team of the Military Dictatorship are analyzed. Finally, conclusions are proposed regarding the impacts of the actions developed by the Military Dictatorship on the educational system and the teaching staff, highlighting a questioning about the modification of the official understanding of education in public space.Keywords: Public Educational Policies; Military Dictatorship; Chile.

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