scholarly journals Usos do livro didático de Ciências em uma escola do campo

Raimunda Alves Melo ◽  
Antonia Pereira de Macedo

The general objective of this study is to understand the use of the Didactic Book (LD) of Natural Sciences in classes from 6th to 9th year of rural schools. Specifically, the research aimed to know the methodological uses of the Natural Sciences LD in classes from the 6th to the 9th year of elementary school in rural schools and to identify how teachers use the LD of Natural Sciences. Descriptive research was carried out, with a qualitative approach, since this type of research was the one best suited to the object and objectives of the study. Data collection instruments, simple observation and interview were used as instruments. The study was carried out in one of the rural located in the municipality of Juazeiro do Piauí. The interlocutors were two teachers who works with the curricular component of Natural Sciences and who joined the research in a free and conscious way. The results point out that methodological tensions in the use of the Natural Sciences LD, include failures in the selection process and the availability by the Ministry of Education (MEC) of materials that do not value peasant reality. Thus, it is necessary to implement continuous training processes through which teachers reflect on their conceptions of rural and peasant culture and dynamize the ways of using LDs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE3) ◽  
Kurniady Dedy Achmad ◽  
Sedarmayanti Sedarmayanti ◽  
Mulyaningsih Mulyaningsih ◽  
Maity Rubianty ◽  
Aan Komariah ◽  

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of organizational culture at Bandung Regional Ministry of Education and Training Center. This research was conducted with a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 28
Lidiane Amaral Barbosa ◽  
Elinete Oliveira Raposo ◽  
Nadia Magalhães da Silva Freitas

There are many contemporary socio-environmental challenges: socio-environmental quality and sustainability of cities, mitigation and coping with climate change, water and solid waste management, forest management, growing demand and energy alternatives, among others. In this context, the research was driven by the following question: in what terms teachers, in a process of continuous formation, base their decision-making on a socio-environmental dilemma involving the forest theme? The research was based on a qualitative approach and was carried out in the context of a process of continuous training of teachers. The analyzes refer to a case study (fictitious, but credible) entitled "Cure or conservation: human health and the ecosystem". The positions of the teachers brought together knowledge from two areas: natural sciences and social sciences, approaching them; considered aspects such as identity, culture and traditional knowledge, avoiding positions that exorcize the alterity and the sovereignty of scientific knowledge in relation to others. Despite of to their specific academic education, teachers integrated knowledge, in an authentic interdisciplinary attitude in the consideration of the socio-environmental dilemma proposed in the training. The teachers' discussions were legitimate, their positions pertinent and they were actual, considering the concerns that are manifested in the environmental field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 527-542
Fadlan Minallah ◽  
Lusiana Andariani Lubis ◽  
Nurman Achmad

This research aims to determine and analyze to analyze the quality of service at the Office of the One Roof One-Stop Administration System (SAMSAT) Putri Hijau, Medan Utara. To answer the service quality of Motor Vehicle Tax at the SAMSAT Putri Hijau, the researchers used five dimensions of public service quality proposed by Zeithaml et al in Hardiansyah, namely Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness. ), Assurance (Guarantee), and Emphaty (Empathy). This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the service quality of the Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) at the SAMSAT Putri Hijau can be assessed from five dimensions, namely Tangibel, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Emphaty, however, there are several indicators. which have not been fulfilled properly, such as regarding the comfort of the place of storage and the existence of discrimination or prioritizing relatives in the motor vehicle tax collection process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-193
Dini Dwi Dista Ramadina ◽  
Rosyid Al Atok ◽  
Didik Sukriono

This study aims to describe how to grow an attitude of nationalism, the appearance of nationalism, obstacles in developing nationalism, and those efforts are made to overcome obstacles to developing nationalism among youths Bendho Agung Percussion Patrol Music Art Group. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation study. Data analysis using interactive analysis. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. how to grow an attitude of nationalism among adolescents with doing various activities includes of dancing traditional dances and playing traditional percussion patrol instruments such as kenong, saron, tambourine, drums, plastic drum, iron drum, gong and all members should to memorize the national song and folk songs. The appearance of nationalism is that the members t-shirts have nuances or patterns of batik and it doesn’t have feeling inferior or inferiority when playing traditional musical instruments and dancing traditional dances. The develeoping nationalism among youths is also inseparable from the obstacles when realizing nationalism among youths Bendho Agung Percussion Patrol Music Art Group, these obstacles are the include the time clashes between school time and the time of the event and the lack of dance costumes of Bendho Agung Percussion Patrol Music Art Group. In overcoming these obstacles the Bendho Agung Percussion Patrol Music Art Group makes efforts to overcome them by giving permission to schools and borrow or rent dance costumes in an art studio Turen. Kajian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan cara menumbuhkan nasionalisme, bentuk perwujudan nasionalisme, kendala yang dihadapi dalam menerapkan nasionalisme, dan solusi dalam menghadapi kendala penerapan nasionalisme di kalangan remaja Kelompok Seni Musik Patrol Perkusi Bendho Agung. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Cara menumbuhkan sikap nasionalisme di kalangan remaja diantaranya melalui kegiatan menari tari tradisional, bermain alat musik tradisional patrol perkusi seperti kenong, dig dug, saron, rebana, kendang, drum plastik, drum besi, gong dan mewajibkan seluruh anggota untuk hafal lagu nasional dan lagu-lagu daerah. Bentuk perwujudan nasionalisme diantaranya kaos anggota ada nuansa atau corak batik dan tidak ada rasa minder atau rendah diri ketika bermain alat musik tradisional dan menari tarian tradisional. Dalam menumbuhkan nasionalisme di kalangan remaja tidak lepas dari kendala-kendala yang muncul saat mewujudkan nasionalme di kalangan renaja Kelompok Seni Musik Patrol Perkusi Bendho Agung, kendala tersebut yaitu waktu yang bentrok antara waktu sekolah dengan waktu event dan kurangnya kostum tari yang dimiliki Kelompok Seni Musik Patrol Perkusi Bendho Agung. Dalam mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut, Kelompok Seni Musik Patrol Perkusi Bendho Agung melakukan upaya-upaya dalam mengatasinya dengan cara memberian surat izin ke sekolah dan meminjam atau menyewa kostum tari di sanggar seni Turen.

Марія Ремендіос Беландо-Монторо ◽  
Марія Аранзазу Карраско Теминьо ◽  
Марія Наранхо Креспо

Today, after several decades of international recognition and support, adult education continues to be a subject of special relevance and topicality for Spanish society. The concept of Lifelong Learning appears in the education laws; however, its implementation is not developed in the same way. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the normative development, since it will help us to develop policies that improve the coverage of this educational sector. The article reviews Spanish education laws since 1970 with the aim of studying the evolution of adult education, especially objectives laws. The analysis included some conclusions that demonstrate the need to develop further studies on adult education in Spain. On the one hand, it is important to highlight the lack of national legislation regulating adult education in a global manner. On the other hand, there is also a need for teacher training in this area. The laws developed in recent years have begun to include adult education within the education system, but they have not considered the development of specialized educators in the area. Therefore, we can see the need to propose policies that recognize the teaching profession of adult educators, due to currently it is an informal profile and it is not necessarily require pedagogical training, what is an aspect that reduces the quality of this education. In short, adult education is being developed in parallel with the official education systems, which leads to a loss of quality and of the normative officiality of the initiatives carried out in this area. From an educational point of view, it is crucial to address this need for improvement and to provide educational processes that are adapted to the demand of individuals and groups within a society in which continuous training is increasingly in demand. Key words: Adult Education; Lifelong Learning; educational legislation; Ministry of Education; Spain; teaching objective.

Simone Rodrigues Carvalho ◽  
Yanka Carollaynne Vogado Próspero ◽  
Ana Paula Pereira Silva ◽  
Francisca Cecília Viana Rocha ◽  
Camila Aparecida Pinheiro Landim Almeida ◽  

Objective: The study’s purpose has been to analyze the activities performed by long-stay institution caregivers. Methods: It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, which was performed at a long-stay philanthropic institution for the elderly located in the East of Teresina city, Piauí State. A total of 12 randomly selected elderly caregivers have participated of the study. Data collection took place from February to March 2017 through semi-structured interviews. Results: Based on the thematic analysis, it was possible to underline two categories, as follows: Activities concerning basic human needs; and, The caregivers’ overload due to elderly-related activities. Conclusion: The actions taken do not go beyond the caring activities. Although some caregivers mention doing some plays, dances, and games, those actions are considered unusual, because not everyone does it. There is a setback, because the activities lead such professionals to work overload, mood swings, adaptation difficulties, total dependency, then becoming a barrier to its own execution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (2 Jul-Oct) ◽  
pp. 67-86
Soraya Calvo González ◽  
Sue Gutiérrez Berciano ◽  
Cristina Bayarri López

El abandono escolar, producto de un proceso de desenganche progresivo del alumnado a la institución escolar, continúa siendo uno de los ejes prioritarios de estudio e intervención en nuestro sistema educativo. También lo son las diversas trayectorias de reenganche formativo y sociolaboral de jóvenes que abandonaron tempranamente los procesos educativos. El presente artículo se enmarca dentro del proyecto nacional coordinado de I+D+I “Procesos de re-enganche educativo y sociolaboral de adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad. Estudio de casos e implicaciones socioeducativas” [MINECO-17-EDU2016-76306-C2-2-R]. Destacamos dos objetivos clave del proyecto. Por un lado, conocer características y contextos de implementación de programas de prevención del abandono y re-enganche dirigidos a adolescentes en situación vulnerable que están obteniendo resultados positivos. Por el otro, analizar historias y trayectorias educativas resilientes de jóvenes participantes en programas de diversas instituciones socioeducativas que han logrado superar el proceso con éxito. Este trabajo ofrece un análisis de los rasgos comparativos ─organizativos, de estructura, pedagógicos e institucionales─ de programas de re-enganche exitosos desarrollados en entidades socioeducativas de Gijón (Asturias). Para ello planteamos un enfoque metodológico cualitativo basado en estudios de casos orientados a la descripción. En concreto, presentamos programas contextualizados en entornos diferenciados con el fin de plantear comparaciones. Tras la presentación de los datos trabajados se ofrecerá una discusión y reflexión final destinada a derivar implicaciones de interés para la revisión, mejora y visibilización de los programas exitosos en términos de reenganche. Early school leaving, the result of students’ progressive disengagement with schools, is still one of the main axis of study and intervention in our education system. The different re-engaging training and socio-labour paths that might be designed for youths who dropout from schools are another important field of study and intervention. This article is framed within a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education called “Educational and Socio-Labour Re-engaging Processes of Disadvantaged Young People. Case Studies and Socio-Educational Consequences”. Two objectives are key for our study. On the one hand, to define the characteristics and the prevention contexts of early school leaving and the implementation of successful re-engaging programs for disadvantaged youths. And, on the other hand, to analyse resilient educational personal stories and trajectories of youths who have successfully participated in educational programs. This article provides an analysis of the comparative features—organizational, structural, pedagogical and institutional—of successful re-engaging programs developed in socio-educational institutions in Gijón (Asturias). To this end, we used a qualitative approach based on the description of case studies. More specifically, we compare different re-engaging programs implemented in different contexts. Following the reporting of the data, we present some final considerations from which lines to review, improve and raise awareness on re-engaging programs can be inferred.

Iva Faridha Azahro ◽  
Nanih Machendrawaty ◽  
Hajir Tajiri

Tujuan dari peneliti ini yaitu untuk mengetahui (1) karakteristik kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (3) hasil pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif, pemilihan subjek dan informan dengan cara acak dan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terhadap enam orang anak asuh dan tiga orang tua asuh. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa anak sebelum memperoleh pengasuhan dari orang tua asuh di RPSAA memiliki karakteristik kecerdasan emosional rendah. Pola pengasuhan yang diterapkan di RPSAA kepada anak asuh adalah pola asuh demokratis. Sedangkan hasil pengasuhan dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung menyimpulkan bahwa anak asuh usia remaja telah memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang cukup baik, yaitu terlihat dari bagaimana cara mereka mampu mengendalikan segala perasaan yang pada dirinya, meskipun ada remaja yang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aspek kecerdasan emosional.   The goal of these researchers is to figure out (1) characteristics of the emotional intelligence of teenagers in RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in adolescents; (3) results foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in teens. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive research method, the selection of subjects and informants by means of random and data gathering techniques through observation, interview and documentation against six people and three foster care parents foster care. The research results obtained by researchers concluded that child before obtaining care of foster parents in RPSAA has the characteristic of low emotional intelligence. Parenting patterns are applied in the RPSAA to foster care parenting is democratic. While parenting results in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung teenager in concluding that foster care teens have had a pretty good emotional intelligence, that is visible from how they are able to control all the feelings on him, even though there are teenagers who do not yet fully meet aspects of emotional intelligence.

Halida Novera ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung ◽  

Leadership style is important in an organization, if a leader can adapt his leadership style to the existing situations and conditions, it can affect the performance of his subordinates. In Tanggamus Regency currently led by a woman leader, namely Dewi Handajani, different from previous periods in this period the first time Tanggamus Regency was led by a woman. Therefore, this study aims to determine the leadership style of Tanggamus Regency regional leaders and whether this leadership style affects the performance of employees in Tanggamus Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, data collection is done using interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the leadership style used by the local leaders of Tanggamus Regency, namely the feminine leadership style tends to be transformational and the style applied is able to influence the improvement of employee performance in Tanggamus Regency.

Dreyfus argues that there is a basic methodological difference between the natural sciences and the social sciences, a difference that derives from the different goals and practices of each. He goes on to argue that being a realist about natural entities is compatible with pluralism or, as he calls it, “plural realism.” If intelligibility is always grounded in our practices, Dreyfus points out, then there is no point of view from which one can ask about or provide an answer to the one true nature of ultimate reality. But that is consistent with believing that the natural sciences can still reveal the way the world is independent of our theories and practices.

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