2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
. Mariam ◽  
. Hasniar ◽  
Arnida Mustafa

Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr.) is a type of palm that has the potential for high economic value, producing palm sugar. So far, farmers in Barugae village have only used the technique of making brown sugar blocks from generation to generation, which only costs IDR.15,000 per kg. One of the SMEs in Barugae village that has implemented the production process of making brown sugar in powder form or better known as ant sugar is Mama Garden. This SME is located in Barugae Village, Bulukumpa District, Bulukumba Regency. The problem faced by the Mama Garden SME is the production process that still uses manual techniques, resulting in low quality products, drying using sunlight so it is very dependent on nature. Based on this, the Community service program implemented science and technology that could improve quality and increase the production capacity of the Mama Gaden SME. Improvements in the processing process include the use of flour machines and the use of dryers as well as the application of CPPOB, sanitary and hygienic aspects; shelf life (expiry date) of the ant sugar products; production management, and separate financial reports. The targets and outputs that have been achieved are quality improvement and additional production capacity, increased application of science and technology in society, and products in the form of sugar ant. Other outputs in the form of publications in mass media have been published, publications in scientific journals published in September 2020 in the community service journal of Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian and activity videos that have been uploaded on YouTube.   Keywords: Brown sugar, ant sugar, packaging, processing.   ABSTRAK Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) adalah jenis palma yang memiliki potensi nilai ekonomi yang tinggi, penghasil gula aren. Selama ini petani di desa Barugae hanya menggunakan teknik pembuatan gula merah cetak secara turun temurun yaitu membuat gula merah cetak yang harganya berada pada harga Rp. 15.000 per kg. Salah satu UKM yang berada didesa barugae yang telah menerapkan proses produksi pembuatan gula merah dalam bentuk serbuk atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama gula semut adalah Mama garden. UKM ini berada di Desa Barugae Kecamatan Bulukumpa Kabupaten Bulukumba. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UKM Mama Garden adalah proses produksi yang masih menggunakan teknik manual, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas rendah, pengeringan dengan menggunakan sinar matahari sehingga sangat tergantung pada alam. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka pada program PKM ini dilakukan penerapan iptek yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas serta menambah kapasitas produksi mama gaden. Perbaikan proses pengolahan yang dimaksud diantaranya adalah penggunaan mesin penepung, dan penggunaan pengering serta penerapan aspek CPPOB, aspek sanitasi dan hygienis, masa simpan (expiry date) dari produk gula semut, manajemen produksi, dan laporan keuangan tersendiri. Target dan luaran yang telah dicapai adalah perbaikan kualitas dan penambahan kapasitas produksi, peningkatan penerapan iptek di masyarakat, dan produk berupa gula semut yang dihasilkan. luaran lain berupa publikasi pada media massa dan jurnal ilmiah di Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian dan video kegiatan yang telah diupload di youtube.   Kata Kunci: Gula merah, gula semut, pengemasan, pengolahan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
M. Yasser ◽  
A.M. Iqbal Akbar Asfar ◽  
Marlia Rianti ◽  
A.M. Irfan Taufan Asfar ◽  
Eko Budianto

This Community Service is a Community Partnership Program that was carried out by to partners of the Brown Sugar Cane Business Group in Latellang Village, Patimpeng District. The processing of sugar cane so far has been very simple, and some of the sugar cane businesses were out of business due to the consumption and need for brown sugar cane by the community, especially the Latellang and other villages, who are reluctant to consume brown sugar cane. This reluctance is caused by the aroma of brown sugar cane. Therefore, diversification of brown sugar cane products was carried out by processing brown sugar cane into Liquid sugar and Recengan sugar. The results of the PKM program were able to provide partners with increased knowledge of processing brown sugar cane into a diversified product that has high economic value and reduced the price of brown sugar cane from Rp. 10,000 per kilogram into products with 250 grams of brown sugar cane as raw material. 2-3 bottles of Liquid Sugar (250 ml plastic packaging) with a price of Rp.10,000 per bottle and produce 15 pieces of Recengan Sugar. Especially for Recengan sugar packaging, it is packaged in pouch containing 8 Recengan sugar ata a price of Rp.10,000. The impact will be revive the production of cane brown sugar to the Cane Brown Sugar Business Group partners, especially in Latellang Village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Diana Eka Pratiwi ◽  
Army Auliah ◽  
Maryono Maryono

Herlang Subdistrict is the largest producer of coconut juice (along with Selayar Regency and JenepontoRegency) which is the raw material for coconut sugar production in South Sulawesi. Tugondeng Village is one ofthe villages in Herlang District. About 80% of Tugondeng villagers work in the coconut sugar manufacturingindustry. However, this potential has not well developed due to the low economic value of brown sugar. To increasethe selling price of coconut sugar produced by Tugondeng Village, efforts need to be made to process coconut sapand coconut sugar into products which have higher selling price, namely palm sugar. The steps taken to achieve theobjectives of this activity were : (a) presentation of material on how to process coconut sap and coconut sugar intopalm sugar; and (b) demonstration of preparing palm sugar from coconut sap and coconut sugar. The resultsobtained show that the process of making palm sugar from coconut sap and coconut sugar is quite simple and thepalm sugar produced has longer shelf-life than coconut sugar

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15
James Ngginak ◽  
Sonya Titin Nge ◽  
Filorita F. Klau ◽  
Coni Lisandra Balle Bisilissin

Sugar reduction is one of the essential macronutrients used as energy sources. High levels of sugar reduction in food can increase the sweet taste of these foodstuffs. However, the consumption of high sugar food can cause diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study is to increase the economic value of liquid palm sugar (Borassus flabellifer L) and opportunities as a preservative in the food industry. This research used quantitative descriptive methods. The results showed that the level of sugar reduction in siwalan liquid brown sugar (Borassus flabellifer L) was 15.65%, the water content in the liquid palm sugar sample (Borassus flabellifer L) is 26.78%, and the temperature of the liquid brown sugar after cooking is 230C. The effect of heat or temperature on cooking also causes physical changes in liquid brown sugar such as caramel formation, color and flavour.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Eny Endah Pujiastuti ◽  
Humam Santosa Utomo ◽  
Suratna Suratna

The community service program is carried out at one of the SMEs in Wonosobo, Central Java, which produces and markets processed carica food products. The problems faced by SMEs are problems in the aspects of marketing, financial management and production. The purpose of community service is to improve the ability of SMEs to market products, manage company finances, increase the efficiency of the production process, and increase production capacity. The approach used in this community service is training and business assistance. The results felt by SMEs are the wider marketing of carica processed food products, structuring the company's financial system, efficiency in the production process, and increased production capacity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Suryansyah, Nurliza, Radian

Aren is a type of palm that has a highly potential economic value. Semabi, Sekadau Hilir Sub-district is the largest producer in the District of Sekadau; however, it is only processed to produce molded sugar. This study aimed to formulate a strategy for the  palm sugar agrybusiness development in Sekadau District. The research method was a   quantitative descriptive, and the data were processed using IFE/EFE, SPACE and SWOT. The values obtained from IFE and EFE matrixes were 2.57 and 2.65 respectively. From the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies were obtained, namely, SO Strategy: expanding the location of the area sugar palm cultivation, increasing production capacity, and improving the quality of product. WO Strategy: increasing of human resources (farmers), developing a partnership and developing a market information network. ST Strategy: government policies that supporting, increasing the added value and production. WT Strategy: building a support facility of   sugar palm agribusiness, increasing coordination and cooperation among stakeholders in strengthening palm agribusiness, and increasing marketing and promotion for the expansion.  Keyword: Aren (palm),  agrybusiness, IFE/EFE matrixes, SPACE matrix, and SWOT analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Dewi Indasary ◽  
Nurul Hikmah Melilani ◽  
Muhammad Ramdhan Rachmat ◽  
Suhasman Suhasman

Palm trees have high economic potential because almost all parties can provide financial benefits. But of all palm products, the palm sap that comes from the male flower arm as an ingredient for the production of brown sugar is the greatest economic value. However, there are some people who prefer to cut palm trees for cultural purposes instead of properly handling them to be used as brown sugar. This research aims to analyze the carrying capacity and potential of palm trees in Lanne Village. The location of this investigation was carried out in Lanne Village, Tondong Tallasa District, Pangkajene and Kepulauan Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The location of the sugar palm administrators is in two villages, namely, Manjalling and Mariololo. The research method used is a qualitative research method that uses inventory, observation and interview techniques. The results obtained are that for now the people of Lanne do not comply with the capacity of sustainable cargo. The presence of sugar palm is now relatively minor. Therefore, to restore the glory of the sugar palm sugar population must be added

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rangga Alif Faresta ◽  
Adi Septiawan ◽  
Sindi Nopita Agustina ◽  
Zamzami Zamzami ◽  
Alan Maulana Karisma

NTB is one of the provinces that experienced significant economic growth. In 2017 the economic growth of NTB Province reached 7.1% from 5.6% of national economic growth. Of course this comes from various fields, one of which is the agricultural sector, namely processed products of water sap (palm sugar). The NTB sugar production center is a national superior product commodity with good production quality (NTB in Figures, 2018). One of the villages which is a commodity of palm sugar is Kekait Daye Hamlet. However, this condition is not supported by the earthquake during August-September 2018 which caused the economic paralysis in NTB. The purchasing power of the people has decreased dramatically, the production process of processed products for the people must be stopped and even out of business. So that it causes the production process to weaken because people have to lose production sites and equipment in the manufacture. Plus the products produced are still in the form of general products such as ant sugar and briquette sugar which if sold have prices that are not too high while on the one hand there needs to be innovation to improve the economy of the community. So the researchers made an innovation in the diversification of processed water sap products that have high economic value. This research aims to create processed products of water diversified sap which have high economic value, good packaging and good quality. The method of this research starts from the preparation of tools and materials, making products and socializing to the public. The results of the study were the creation of a diversified process of palm water products in the form of palm sugar, palm coffee , and sugar palm chocolate. Keywords: diversification, economic, kekait, palm

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ade Imam Muslim ◽  
Fitri Lestari ◽  
Tri Widiastuty

Tangkal Furniture merupakan suatu bisnis yang tercipta melalui ide kreatif terhadap suatu inovasi mengenai konsep pembuatan furniture. Banyak masyarakat yang menggunakan furniture dengan pilihan bahan baku kayu. Begitupun dengan Tangkal memilih bahan baku kayu dengan jenis Trembesi. Tangkal Furniture ini berlokasi di Jalan Cisaranten Wetan Kecamatan Cinambo Kota Bandung. Lokasi ini kurang memadai karena tidak berada di pinggir jalan umum atau jalan besar dan sulit diakses oleh konsumen bila menggunakan kendaraan roda empat. Tempat produksi masih bergabung dengan rumah tinggal sehingga memiliki keterbatasan tempat. Masalah utama yang dialami oleh Tangkal Furniture adalah kurangnya peralatan untuk menunjang proses produksi, kesulitan dalam menggarap pemasaran melalui media sosial maupun direct marketing (pemasaaran langsung) dan menentukan segmentasi pasar, kurangngnya teknik pemasaran dalam menentukan segmen menengah ke atas dengan kualitas bahan baku trembesi, serta pencatatan keuangan yang belum memadai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini fokus pada perapihan pencatatan keuangan melalui pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan berbasis EMKM dan melakukan pendampingan dalam menentukan segmentasi, target dan posisi pasar yang selanjutnya menentukan media promosi yang tepat untuk memasarkan produknya.Kata Kunci: omset; siApik; media sosial. Strategies to Increase Turnover Tangkal Furniture Through Utilization of Information Technology and Improvement Financial RecordsABSTRACTTangkal Furniture is a business that is created through creative ideas for an innovation regarding the concept of making furniture. Many people use furniture with a choice of wood raw materials. Likewise with Tangkal choosing wood raw materials with the Trembesi type. Tangkal Furniture is located on Jalan Cisaranten Wetan, Cinambo District, Bandung City. This location is inadequate because it is not on the side of a public road or big road and is difficult for consumers to access when using a four-wheeled vehicle. The production site is still joined by a residence so it has limited space. The main problems experienced by Tangkal Furniture are the lack of equipment to support the production process, difficulty in working on marketing through social media and direct marketing (direct marketing) and determining market segmentation, lack of marketing techniques in determining the middle to upper segment with quality raw materials of trembesi, and inadequate financial records. This method of implementing community service activities focuses on tidying up financial records through training in preparing EMKM-based financial reports and providing assistance in determining segmentation, targets and market positions which further determine the appropriate promotional media to market its products.Keyword: omzet, siApik, social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Syahmidarni Al Islamiyah

The lontar sugar industry in Jeneponto Regency is one of the local industries managed by societies on a domestic scale. The complexity of the problems has slowed down the growth of the industry. Therefore, it is important to create a development strategy with the concept of agro-industry or resource-based industry. The purpose of this research was to analyze and strategize the concept. Data collected in this study was by survey, interview, questionnaire, and literature study. SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) was applied to develop strategies. The SWOT analysis results obtained a strategy (SO, ST, WO, WT), which consists of 16 alternative strategy formulations., Five strategic formulations were obtained based on the ranking from the highest score: increasing production capacity, entrepreneurship training, forming partnership businesses, forming collaborative business groups, and promoting palm sugar products as superior regional products. Keywords: Brown sugar; Jeneponto; lontar; resource-based industry; strategy   ABSTRAK Industri gula merah lontar di Kabupaten Jeneponto adalah salah satu industri lokal yang dikelola oleh masyarakat dengan skala rumah tangga. Kompleksnya masalah yang dihadapi menyebabkan lambatnya perkembangan industri ini. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk membuat strategi pengembangan dengan konsep agroindustri atau resource based industry. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menyusun strategi. Metode pengumpulan data dengan survey, wawancara, kusioner dan studi pustaka. Analisis data untuk menyusun strategi dengan analisis Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh 16 formulasi alternatif strategi. Berdasarkan peringkatan diperoleh lima formulasi strategi berurut dari skor tertinggi yaitu menambah kapasitas produksi, pelatihan kewirausahaan, membentuk usaha kemitraan, membentuk kelompok usaha bersama, dan mempromosikan produk gula lontar sebagai produk unggulan daerah. Kata Kunci: Gula-merah; Jeneponto; lontar; resource based industry; strategi

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Idiar Idiar ◽  
Erwansyah Erwansyah ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto

One of the efforts that became the target of development in the community by the Simpang Rimba district is chicken and duck farms. This is supported by the large availability of plants that will be used as animal feed such as cassava and taro stalk. However, currently the process of making animal feed is still done manually that is chopped by using a knife or a machete so that the time taken is long and the resulting capacity is limited. The purpose of science and technology for the community of chicken and duck breeders is to increase the production capacity of animal feed up to 100% and the uniformity of the cultivated product increases 100%. The method of implementation used in this service is to make a machine of cattle feed after doing a short training on the operation and maintenance of machinery to partners. Based on the results obtained the use of cassava chopper machine and taro stalk can increase the production process 40 kg within 30 minutes and the thickness of cassava size obtained an average of 2-7 mm so that the percentage of countable can be consumed 100% increase.

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