scholarly journals Strategi Pengembangan Industri Gula Merah Lontar Sebagai Resource Based Industry di Kabupaten Jeneponto

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Syahmidarni Al Islamiyah

The lontar sugar industry in Jeneponto Regency is one of the local industries managed by societies on a domestic scale. The complexity of the problems has slowed down the growth of the industry. Therefore, it is important to create a development strategy with the concept of agro-industry or resource-based industry. The purpose of this research was to analyze and strategize the concept. Data collected in this study was by survey, interview, questionnaire, and literature study. SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) was applied to develop strategies. The SWOT analysis results obtained a strategy (SO, ST, WO, WT), which consists of 16 alternative strategy formulations., Five strategic formulations were obtained based on the ranking from the highest score: increasing production capacity, entrepreneurship training, forming partnership businesses, forming collaborative business groups, and promoting palm sugar products as superior regional products. Keywords: Brown sugar; Jeneponto; lontar; resource-based industry; strategy   ABSTRAK Industri gula merah lontar di Kabupaten Jeneponto adalah salah satu industri lokal yang dikelola oleh masyarakat dengan skala rumah tangga. Kompleksnya masalah yang dihadapi menyebabkan lambatnya perkembangan industri ini. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk membuat strategi pengembangan dengan konsep agroindustri atau resource based industry. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menyusun strategi. Metode pengumpulan data dengan survey, wawancara, kusioner dan studi pustaka. Analisis data untuk menyusun strategi dengan analisis Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh 16 formulasi alternatif strategi. Berdasarkan peringkatan diperoleh lima formulasi strategi berurut dari skor tertinggi yaitu menambah kapasitas produksi, pelatihan kewirausahaan, membentuk usaha kemitraan, membentuk kelompok usaha bersama, dan mempromosikan produk gula lontar sebagai produk unggulan daerah. Kata Kunci: Gula-merah; Jeneponto; lontar; resource based industry; strategi

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Suryansyah, Nurliza, Radian

Aren is a type of palm that has a highly potential economic value. Semabi, Sekadau Hilir Sub-district is the largest producer in the District of Sekadau; however, it is only processed to produce molded sugar. This study aimed to formulate a strategy for the  palm sugar agrybusiness development in Sekadau District. The research method was a   quantitative descriptive, and the data were processed using IFE/EFE, SPACE and SWOT. The values obtained from IFE and EFE matrixes were 2.57 and 2.65 respectively. From the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies were obtained, namely, SO Strategy: expanding the location of the area sugar palm cultivation, increasing production capacity, and improving the quality of product. WO Strategy: increasing of human resources (farmers), developing a partnership and developing a market information network. ST Strategy: government policies that supporting, increasing the added value and production. WT Strategy: building a support facility of   sugar palm agribusiness, increasing coordination and cooperation among stakeholders in strengthening palm agribusiness, and increasing marketing and promotion for the expansion.  Keyword: Aren (palm),  agrybusiness, IFE/EFE matrixes, SPACE matrix, and SWOT analysis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Ni Komang Dewi Widiastari

<p><em>Existence of Catur Eka Budi as a new product component in Bali’s tourism must be remaining to maintain. For continuation of all problems that emerge relate to marketing so that to overcome. With the result that this research discuses about Catur Eka Budi marketing strategy at Kesiman village, Denpasar Timur cities.</em></p><p><em>Aim of this research is to know of internal factor and external factor of Catur Eka Budi and next formulates its marketing strategy then formulated with several of marketing programs. Data was collected by observation, interview, questioner and bibliography study, later data was analyzed with Internal-External approach (IE) and SWOT analysis. The research result indicates that strength factor of Catur Eka Budi is the product owned by Catur Eka Budi, employee’s attitude, and appearance is good, facility is enough complete, beauty and building architecture is beautiful, hygience, ticket price is cheap and hotel distance to Catur Eka Budi is not too far. Whereas its weakness is lack of transportation to Catur Eka Budi, lack of promotion intensity, employees quality in informing about Catur Eka Budi and employees ability in English. Opportunity factor in marketing is its conducive on security in Bali, local society’s attitude, price level that given by tourism travel agent, rupiah rate is weak, modern technology utilization, level of purchasing power of tourist and supporting government. Whereas threat that pursuing is Travel Advisory from some countries, lack of local government support, threat entry of new comer, competition between object and the influence increasing fuel oil price. Based on grand strategy that analyzed with matrix Internal-External (IE), position of Catur Eka Budi is in cell IV, that means grow and construct that is human resource improvement through by training and course. Whereas alternative strategy that formulated by SWOT analysis namely product development strategy and improvement of huan resource. Based on the alternative strategy can be formulated some marketing program fundamental that are: mprove human resource trought by training, education, compensation, optimally website, set billboard or banner always cooperate with all parties that related to marketing of Catur Eka Budi, improve bonus and reward to the guide and it is maintaining market share this time.</em></p><p><em>Based on the discussion result can be suggested to marketing strategy of Catur Eka Budi that is improve product quality, target on market share and improve promotion, keep and cooperation improvement and improve education and training to employees.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-57
Minasari Minasari ◽  
Muhammad Asdar ◽  
Muhammad Yunus Amar

This study aims to determine the level of evaluation effectiveness application of information systems at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a survey method, the sample used by 172 respondents from Lecturers, Employees, and Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. The research data was obtained from a questionnaire (primary), brainstorming, literature study, and direct interviews with relevant parties according to the research objectives. Analysis of the data used in this study is a SWOT analysis (strength, opportunity, weakness, threat) to formulate an academic information technology system development strategy. The results of this study indicate that the total score for internal strength factors is 3.02. This number is needed as a process to find out where the intersection point (E) in the SWOT Diagram is. The total score for the internal weakness factor is 2.55. This number is also needed as a process to find out where the intersection point (E) in the SWOT Diagram is. Based on the determination of the area, quadrant I is the most extensive, as well as the location of the intersection point located in quadrant I so that the main strategy of developing Information Systems at FT Unhas Makassar is the SO strategy. While alternatives to the development of Information Systems at FT Unhas Makassar are ST, WO, and WT.

Eru Rengga Patra ◽  
Lien Damayanti ◽  
Yulianti Kalaba

This research aimed to: 1) Knowing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for agribusiness development of soybean commodity in Sigi Regency; 2) Knowing the right alternative strategy formula for the development of soybean commodity agribusiness in Sigi Regency; 3) Knowing the priority strategy that should be chosen for the agribusiness development of commodity soybean in Sigi Regency. This research purposively conducted in Sigi Regency from January to March 2017, and 6 respondents were chosen. SWOT analysis used to find alternative strategy, and QSPM analysis used to find priority strategy. The availability and productivity of the land is among the main strenghts, and the quality and quantity of human resources is among the main weaknesses.The main opportunity is the price of soybean commodity in the market, while imports of soybeans by the government is the main threats. The alternative and priority strategy that could be undertaken by the governmenr are : 1) Participatory motivation and farmers empowerment program; 2) Strengthening local soybean development policy that is pro-farmer; 3) Soybean cultivation development program through area expansion and land mapping; 4) Regional Agricultural Partnership; 5) Development of soybean processing industry.

AdBispreneur ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Encep Sopandi

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine alternative strategies in the development of bamboo handicrafts business in Pasirjambu Village Pasirjambu District in Bandung Regency. Method used survey with SWOT analysis. The results show that the total value obtained from the IFAS table is 6.40 (average 3.20) with a strength score of 3,550 and the weakness score of 2.850, it shows that the strength factor of the bamboo handicraft business is greater than the weakness factor, while the total value EFAS of 6.10 (average 3.05). A opportunity score of 3.10 and a threat score of 3.0. This means that the opportunity factor is greater than the threat factor. The result of calculation of rating value and internal factor weight of bamboo handicraft business development strategy in Pasirjambu Village as X axis equal to 0,100, while external factor as Y axis equal to 0,700. This means the right alternative strategy is the SO strategy. The SO strategy is a strategy that uses the power to take advantage of existing opportunities.Keywords : Bamboo craft, craftmanship of bamboo, SWOT analysis  STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA KERAJINAN BAMBU(Studi di Desa Pasirjambu Kecamatan Pasirjambu Kabupaten Bandung) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi alternatif dalam pengembangan usaha kerajinan bambu di Desa Pasirjambu Kecamatan Pasirjambu Kabupaten Bandung. Metode yang digunakan survey dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil, menunjukkan bahwa total nilai yang diperoleh dari tabel IFAS  adalah 6,40  (rata-rata 3,20) dengan skor kekuatan 3,550 dan skor kelemahan sebesar 2,850, ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor kekuatan usaha kerajinan bambu lebih besar dari faktor kelemahan, sedangkan total nilai EFAS yaitu sebesar 6,10 (rata-rata 3,05).  Skor peluang 3,10 dan skor ancaman sebesar 3,0. Artinya faktor peluang yang dimiliki lebih besar dari faktor ancaman. Hasil perhitungan nilai rating dan bobot faktor internal dari strategi pengembangan usaha kerajinan bambu di Desa Pasirjambu sebagai sumbu X sebesar 0,100, sedangkan faktor eksternal sebagai sumbu Y sebesar 0,700. Artinya strategi alternatif yang tepat adalah strategi SO. Strategi SO adalah strategi yang menggunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Kata kunci : Kerajinan bambu, perajin bambu, analisis SWOT

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Muhadjir Muhadjir ◽  
Zahri Nasution

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan per aspek maupun secara keseluruhan aspek serta strategi yang dapat dikembangkan dalam mendukung sentra perikanan perairan umum daratan (PUD) sebagai kawasan minapolitan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada 9 (Sembilan) kabupaten yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan minapolitan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui studi pustaka, wawancara, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) dan mail survey. Kajian ini menggunakan metode analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa rumusan strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan pada 4 (empat) ekosistem PUD yaitu waduk, sungai/rawa, sungai dan danau. Strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan untuk pada ekosistem waduk (Jatiluhur, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat) terkait dengan pengelolaan keberlanjutan sumber daya waduk (pengawasan danpembatasan KJA). Pada ekosistem sungai/rawa (Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Kabupaten Sumatera Selatan) strategi pengembangannya terkait dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya air sebagai saran transportasi maupun kegiatan perikanan. Pada ekosistem sungai (Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah) strategi pengembangan minapolitan yang perlu dilakukan terkait dengan pembangunan infrastruktur pendukung baik dari sisi transportasi dan pemasaran hasil produksi perikanan. Pada ekosistem danau (Toba, Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara) strategi yang perlu dilakukan terkait dengan perumusan kebijakan-kebijakan mengenai pengelolaan danau seperti pengawasan dan pengendalian penggunaan alat tangkap.Title: Economic and Social Characteristics and Development Strategy Inland Fisheries as Minapolitan Development Area This study aims to determine the readiness per aspect and overall aspects and strategies that can be developed in support the inland waters fisheries centers (PUD) as minapolitan area. The research approach was using a case study on a 9 (nine) districts that have the potential to be developed as the minapolitan. The data collection techniques were through literature study, interviews, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and mail surveys.The research was using the method of SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) to formulate development strategies of minapolitan area. The results of this study were the development strategy formulation of minapolitan area in 4 (four) PUD ecosystems, namely reservoirs, rivers / swamps, rivers and lakes. Development strategy of Minapolitan area for the reservoir ecosystem (Jatiluhur, Purwakarta Regency, West Java) related to sustainable management of reservoir resources (supervision and restriction KJA). On the river ecosystem / swamp (Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra Regency) the development strategy related to the use of water resources for transportation and fisheries activities. On the river ecosystem (South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan) Minapolitan development strategy needs to be done related to the development of supporting infrastructure in terms of transportation and marketing of fishery products. In the ecosystem of the lake (Toba, Simalungun District, North Sumatra) strategies need to be linked to the formulation of policies concerning the management of the lake such as monitoring and controlling of fishing gears.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-91
Andrian Djamalu ◽  
Sitti Nur Faridah ◽  
MH. Jamil

About 95% of the demand for smoked Roa fish in the province of Gorontalo comes from outside the region. The Roa fish smoking industry provides the remaining 5% in Boalemo Regency. These conditions are affected by the lack of production capacity, production facilities, and capital owned by small businesses. This study aims to analyze the current needs of the small-scale Roa smoking industry, conduct financial feasibility analysis, and formulate a development strategy for the small-scale Roa fish smoking industry. The research method used was qualitative and quantitative research with data collection techniques in interviews, documentation, and SWOT analysis. The feasibility of the Roa smoking industry was determined through the NPV, IRR, BCR, PP, and BEP values. Based on the results obtained from SWOT analysis, it was found that the strength-opportunity strategy had the highest score. Policies to support this development strategy are creating brands and labels, improving cooperative relationships with existing partners and networks, and taking advantage of the abundant availability of raw materials to increase production capacity. In addition, it was also found that the lack of processing facility can be overcome and develop diversification or through assistance from the government or other agencies. It was also found that diversification of processed products derived from smoked Roa fish can become an important strategy. Other significant findings from this study were the demands for the product were high, and the industry could not keep up with the needs, the Roa smoking industry is investment-worthy, and the right strategy to develop this industry should be based on the Strength-Opportunity strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 886 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
Fitriwati ◽  
Syahidah ◽  
Makkarennu ◽  
M Syahid ◽  
A Syahwiah

Abstract Palm sugar is one of the primary commodities in agribusiness sector, that have a huge potential to be developed into an industry. The palm sugar industry has an important role in employment, income distribution, and improving the welfare of local communities. The problem in this research is how to develop the potential of small palm sugar industry in Lombo Village, Sidrap Districts. The purpose of this study is to identify external and internal factors, 2. Formulate the palm sugar industry development strategy. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sampling method in this study used the accidental sampling method with a selected sample of 15 respondents. Data analysis was performed using SWOT matrix analysis. The conclusions obtained are based on matrix analysis of Internal Strategic Factors (IFAS) 2.9 and External Strategic Factors (EFAS) 2.4. This shows that the palm sugar industry in Lombo Village, Sidrap Districts has strengths that can be maintained or improved and have opportunities that can be developed. The development strategy that can be carried out is a strategy that supports aggressive growth. The advice given is to maintain the characteristic taste of the product and improve product quality by creating innovations in product packaging, diversifying product types so that they have high added value.

Development of attractions in destinations is important for the existence of tourism. The purpose of this study is to analyse the potential for ecotourism-based tourist attractions and strategies for developing ecotourism-based tourist attractions based on the 4A component in Fatukoto Village, Kupang. Respondents in this study were the Head of the South-Central Timor Regency Tourism Office, the Head of Fatukoto Village, the Hamlet Head, Community leaders, Pokdarwis, visitors and visitors visiting Fatukoto Village. Techniques using data through observation, interviews, study documentation of Fatukoto Village, literature study from Fatukoto village reports. The analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the potential in Fatukoto Village is Lake Kaenka, Mount Fatunausus, Beautiful Hills View of Fatukoto Village and Plantation. The development strategy based on the 4A component is directed at increasing community participation in tourism activities and implementing events to increase tourist visits because the 4A component in Fatukoto Village is very supportive. Keywords: Development Strategy, Attraction, Ecotourism, 4A Components

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Annisa Melia Sumitapradja ◽  
I Putu Anom

Lebih Village is a village located in Gianyar subdistrict, Gianyar regency, famous for its coastal tourism, which is Lebih Beach. Lebih Village have been included in the criteria for Tourism Village, however, their certificate has not been issued for this year. In addittion to the coastal tourist attraction, it turns out that the village has more potentials to be developed into a tourist attraction. Theses potentials include a natural, cultural and artificial attraction. These potentials still need to be developed in order to run in the tourism sector. In connection with this, the author tries to examine the “Analisis Prioritas Pengembangan Pariwisata di Desa Wisata Lebih, Kecamatan Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar. The research method used in this research is qualitative research with qualitative descriptive analysis technique and SWOT analysis, to analyze the tourism development priorities in Lebih tourism village. The purpose of this study was to determine how the existing conditions and to find out the priority strategies for tourism development in Lebih Village. Sources of data from primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques using observation, interview and literature study, and interview instruments in the form of interview guidelines. The research of informant in Lebih Tourism Village in this research use purposive sampling technique, to get accurate data about tourism development priorities in Lebih tourism village, Gianyar subdistrict, Gianyar regency. The conclusion of this research is the exisiting condition in Lebih Village with component 4A which explains the attractions, accsess, facilities, and additional services. In addition there is a main priority strategy for tourism development in Lebih Village which is to develop the potentials they have, collaborate with another stakeholders, conduct training for the community, build tourism facilities, conduct promotions and improve management. The results of this research is the strategies obtained by the SWOT analysis, which were used as a priorities development strategy of tourism in Lebih Tourism Village, Gianyar. Keyword: Tourism Development Periorities, SWOT analysis, Tourism Village, Lebih Village

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