2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Sunanto Sunanto ◽  
Salim Salim ◽  
Abdul Wahid Rauf

AbstrakPeningkatan produktivitas kopi merupakan upaya untuk memberikan penambahan mutu atau kualitas produk, melalui penerapan teknologi sesuai pedoman pengelolaan tanaman dengan baik dan benar. Pencapaian produktivitas kopi di Indonesia masih rendah yaitu baru mencapai 700 kg/ha/tahun. sedangkan potensi yang dimilikinya yaitu 1.200 kg/ha/thn. Petani sebagai pelaku utama usahatani kopi Arabika memiliki peranan yang sangat kuat dalam mengambil keputusan pelaksanaan kegiatan usahatani kopi Arabika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari hingga Desember 2018. Pelaksanaannya  di Kecamatan Kapalapitu Kabupaten Toraja Utara. Penentuan lokasi ini berdasarkan bahwa lokasi kegiatan sebagai lokasi pengembangan tanaman kopi Arabika. Jumlah petani yang diambil sebagai sampel sebanyak 60 petani yaitu Kelompok Tani Harapan (30 petani) dan Kelompok Tani Marannu (30 petani). Metode analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengetahui biaya pada tahun berjalan. Sedangkan analisis respon  petani terhadap peningkatan produksi kopi Arabika, menggunakan analisis uji  kesepakatan konkordansi kendall’s. Hasil penelitiaan menujukkan Karakteristik petani kopi Arabika di wilayah Kabupaten Toraja Utara memiliki kelompok usia produktif. Tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki sebagian besar pada pendidikan 7-9 tahun. Anggota rumah tangga tani sebagian besar berkisar 3-5 anggota/kk. Penerapan kegiatan usahatani kopi Arabika yang dilakukan oleh petani belum optimal. Seperti penggunaan bahan tanam petani masih menggunakan bibit yang tumbuh disekitar tanaman kopi dari biji yang dipetik jatuh. Petani menilai terhadap kesubutan tanaman kopi Arabika pada kelompok sedang. Sedangkan tingkat produktivitas tanaman kopi dikelompokkan sedang. Petani mengenal terhadap pupuk organik  sudah bagus. Upaya peningkatan produktivitas kopi Arabika petani sepakat melalui:  penyuluhan/pelatihan yang intensif dan penyebaran informasi teknologi produksi kopi Arabika. Usahatani kopi dengan penerapan teknologi dapat meningkatkan produksi dan pendapatan petani dengan MBCR 2,01. Kata Kunci : Kopi Arabika, produktivitas, kesepakatan. abstractIncreased coffee productivity is an effort to provide additional quality or product quality, through the application of technology in accordance with the guidelines for managing plants properly and correctly. The achievement of coffee productivity in Indonesia is still low,  reaching only 700 kg/ha/year. While its potential is 1,200 kg/ha/year. Farmers as the main actors of Arabica coffee farming have a very strong role in making decisions regarding the implementation of Arabica coffee farming activities. This research was conducted from January to December 2018. The implementation was in Kapalapitu District, North Toraja Regency. Determination of this location is based on the location of the activity as a location for developing Arabica coffee plants. The number of farmers taken as a sample is 60 farmers, namely the Harapan Farmers Group (30 farmers) and the Marannu Farmers Group (30 farmers). Data analysis method used to determine costs in the current year. While the analysis of farmers' responses to the increase in Arabica coffee production, using a test analysis of Kendall's  agreement. The results of the research show the characteristics of Arabica coffee farmers in the North Toraja Regency region that have a productive age group. The level of education held is mostly for education 7-9 years. Most members of farm households range from 3-5 members/family. The application of Arabica coffee farming activities carried out by farmers is not optimal. Like the use of planting material, farmers still use seeds that grow around the coffee plant from the seeds that are picked down. Farmers assess the fertility of Arabica coffee plants in the medium group. While the productivity level of coffee plants is classified as medium. Farmers know about organic fertilizer is good. Efforts to increase the productivity of Arabica coffee farmers agree through: intensive counseling/training and information dissemination on Arabica coffee production technology. Coffee farming with the application of technology can increase the production and income of farmers with MBCR 2.01.Keywords: Arabica coffee, productivity, agreement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Riskawati Riskawati ◽  
Ahmadin Ahmadin ◽  
Bustan Bustan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Petani Kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu 1986-2018 dengan memaparkan latar belakang petani kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu, dinamika pertanian kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu tahun 1986-2018, serta kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi Petani kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum tahun 1986 sudah ada tanaman kopi yang tumbuh di Desa Ujung Bulu, masyarakat yang ada disana menyebutnya dengan Kopi Arabika Bantaeng. kopi yang kini dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat setempat adalah Kopi Arabika Gowa yang dibawa Oleh Bapak Lompo pada tahun 1986. Pembudidayaan kopi Arabika Gowa dimulai pada tahun 1989 dan pada tahun 1990an mulai banyak masyarakat setempat yang beralih profesi menjadi petani kopi. beralihnya masyarakat di Desa Ujung Bulu menjadi petani kopi disebabkan karena harga jual kopi lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanaman yang mereka tanam sebelumnya. Proses produksi dan pemasaran kopi arabika di Desa Ujung Bulu membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan proses yang tidak mudah. Produksi kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu tidak menetap atau mengalami peningkatan dan penurunan hasil produksi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah mulai masuknya bibir bawang merah di desa ini pada tahun 2015.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembudidayaan kopi Arabika di Desa Ujung Bulu memberikan dampak baik dalam bidang sosial maupun dalam bidang ekonomi terutama dalam mensejahterakan kehidupan masyarakat yang ada di Desa Ujung Bulu.Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara dan kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah dengan menempuh beberapa tahapan yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Wawancara dilakukan dengan aparat Desa Ujung Bulu dan beberapa Petani kopi di Desa Ujung Bulu.This study aims to describe the Coffee Farmers in Ujung Bulu Village 1986-2018 by describing the background of coffee farmers in Ujung Bulu Village, the dynamics of coffee farming in Ujung Bulu Village in 1986-2018, and the social and economic life of coffee farmers in Ujung Bulu Village. The results showed that before 1986 there were coffee plants growing in Ujung Bulu Village, the people there called it Bantaeng Arabica Coffee. coffee which is now cultivated by the local community is Gowa Arabica Coffee which was brought by Mr. Lompo in 1986. The cultivation of Gowa Arabica coffee began in 1989 and in the 1990s many local people began to switch professions to become coffee farmers. the conversion of people in Ujung Bulu Village into coffee farmers was due to the higher selling price of coffee compared to the crops they had planted before. The process of producing and marketing Arabica coffee in Ujung Bulu Village takes a long time and is not an easy process. Coffee production in Ujung Bulu Village does not settle or has increased and decreased production yields. This is caused by several factors, one of which is the entry of onion lips in this village in 2015. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the cultivation of Arabica coffee in Ujung Bulu Village has an impact both in the social and economic fields, especially in the welfare community life in Ujung Bulu Village. This research was conducted through interviews and literature review using historical research methods by taking several stages, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Interviews were conducted with Ujung Bulu Village officials and several coffee farmers in Ujung Bulu Village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Jef Rudiantho Saragih

Monoculture farming of arabica coffee plantation does not support environmental sustainability. International market demands arabica coffee product in compliance with an environmentally friendly standard which promotes ecological-based management. This study aims to identify the ecological aspects of specialty arabica coffee cultivation, and to analyze the effect of shade tree population, the use of organic fertilizer, the pruning of coffee crop, land conservation, and the control of coffee berry borer on specialty arabica coffee production. The data of ecological aspect was collected from three regencies in North Sumatera Province, namely Simalungun, North Tapanuli, and Dairi. Production determinant was analyzed concerning farming cultivation in three districts of Simalungun Regency namely Sidamanik, Pamatang Sidamanik, and Dolok Pardamean. The location was determined with multi-stage cluster sampling and the farmer samples with simple random sampling. The ecological aspect was analyzed descriptively while the determinant of arabica coffee production was analyzed with multiple regression method. The result shows that the shaded arabica coffee farming covers only 32% of the total arabica coffee production in the study area with a population of 54 trees/ha. Land conservation conducted by the farmers utilizes coffee fruit mulch (92%), individual terrace (3%), rorak (4%), and bench terrace (1%). The arabica coffee farming system managed by the farmers consists of monoculture (30%), mix farming (24%), shade coffee (32%), and multistrata coffee (14%). The pruning of coffee plants and integrated control of coffee berry borer has a significant effect on specialty arabica coffee production. Land conservation, population of shade tree, and organic fertilizer are an important production determinant on arabica coffee production in the short-term. These three ecological variables play a role to maintain land preservation and support sustainable arabica coffee production in the long-term.

Puspitawati Puspitawati ◽  
Noviy Hasanah ◽  
Ayu Febryani

This paper is about strategies for how to process coffee in the coffee farming system in Temas Mumanang Village, Permata District, Bener Meriah Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. This paper thoroughly and in-depth describes the ways of planting and maintaining coffee plants carried out from the first period to the fourth period, starting from making coffee seeds, planting coffee seeds, maintaining coffee plants, and harvesting and handling post-harvest (processing). The whole period has special ways that are the local wisdom of Gayo coffee farmers. This local wisdom is used as a reference to the farming system which until now is able to make the Gayo High Region as a coffee producer with Robusta and Arabica Coffee varieties to foreign countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Evizal Rusdi ◽  
Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi ◽  
Sarno Sarno ◽  
Otik Nawansih ◽  
Dedy Miswar ◽  

Lampung Province is the center of Robusta coffee production while Arabica coffee has begun to be developed in the area, including in Harapan Jaya Village, Way Ratai Subdistrict, District of Pesawaran. This village is an ecotourism destination and also has a potential of agrotourism, especially Arabica coffee farming. The objectives of the Community Service Activities are: 1) Increasing knowledge and skills of farmer group members in Arabica coffee agrotechnology; 2) increasing coffee plantation productivity through proper maintenance; and 3) Formulating a model of strengthening farmer group based on coffee agrotourism. This program was carried out at the Karya Subur Farmer Group, in Harapan Jaya Village in year 2018–2019. The methods used are discourse, training, demonstration plots, mentoring, and discussion. The results of this program conclude that: 1) Increasing the knowledge and skills of farmer group members in Arabica coffee agrotechnology; 2) Increasing productivity of coffee plantations plot belonging to the group members assisted; and 3) a model of strengthening of farmer groups based on coffee production and agrotourism is through increasing group capacity in tourism and tourism activities related to the coffee production process from upstream to downstream, increasing accessibility and facilities coordinated with village officials, and increasing agro tourism promotion especially to educational institutions, professionals, and communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 493-502
Asis Asis ◽  
Rizki Ardiansyah ◽  
Rachman Jaya ◽  
Ishar Ishar

Gayo Highlands region had a potential area for the development of Arabica coffee because of the topographical conditions of the land that support the cultivation of Gayo Arabica coffee, but production of plants ranges from 650–750 kg ha-1, lower than some existing varieties which reach 1,5–2 tons ha-1. One way to increase production is the application of biourine and biocompost. This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of biourine and biocompost technology packages on the growth and production of Gayo I and II Arabica coffee plants. This study used a factorial separate plot design (RPT) consisting of Arabica Gayo I (A1) and Gayo II (A2) with a dose of NPK 150 kg ha-1 (farmer/control treatment) (C1), 150 mL-1 (biourine) + 5 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C2), 125 mL plant-1 (biourine) + 7.5 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C3), and 100 mL plant-1 (biocompost) + 10 ton ha-1 (biocompost) + NPK 100 kg ha-1 (C4). The results of the observations were analyzed by ANOVA and 95% DMRT. The results showed that the doses of biourine and biocompost fertilizers did not have interaction with Gayo I and Gayo II Arabica coffee, but for independent treatment of biourine and bicompost fertilizers, the dosage significantly affected the production of Gayo Arabica coffee. Application of 100 mL ha-1(biourine) + 10 tons ha-1 (biocompost) + 100 kg ha-1 NPK (C4) was able to increase the Gayo Arabica Coffee production by 41% when compared with NPK fertilizers of 150 kg ha-1 without biourine and biocompost (C1). Regression analysis showed that the level of 80% of Gayo Arabica Coffee was affected by the different application of biocompost dosages. Keywords: Arabica Gayo, biourine, biocompost, productivity

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 339
Elvin Desi Martauli

Entrepreneurship is a very important element in development, including in agriculture. One of the agriculture subjects that must have entrepreneurship characteristics to be able to encourage the improvement of farm performance is the farmer. The farmers in Tigapanah Sub-district, Karo District are farmers who are able to survive in performing coffee farming activities within various risks. The aim of this study was to analyze the cennection between entrepreneurship characteristics of Arabica coffee farmers in Tigapanah District to the farming performance. The method of sampling respondents was determined by the simple random sampling which involved 850 Arabica coffee farmers. The farmers in this study were 5% of the total respondents, which approximately 43 people. Based on the correlation analysis of Spearman Rank, on SPSS 20 was used to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship characteristics to the farming performance. Based on the correlation analysis Spearman’s Rank, the results obtained that there was a positive and significant correlation between the characteristics of entrepreneurship with the performance of Arabica coffee farming. Positive and significant correlations were described by risk-taking, self-confident, task-and-outcome-oriented variables, leadership, future oriented and hard work towards the performance of Arabica coffee farming, which are market share, sales quantity, and income.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Andi Nuddin ◽  
Reskiana Reskiana ◽  
Arman Arman ◽  
Syarifuddin Yusuf ◽  
Nuringsih Nuringsih ◽  

One of the causal factors affect coffee production declining in Indonesia is the decline in harvest area of coffee plants. The decline in the area of coffee farming is caused by the shift of farmers from coffee to other commodities, such as corn, vegetables and fruit. The research was conducted to determine new strategic steps in order to enhance robusta coffee production. To achieve the research objectives, Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis and modeling techniques are carried out. This modeling technique does not require a large sample, so the sample used in this study is limited to 22 people from several related agencies. Data processing in research is carried out according to the needs of Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis. The results show that the new strategy in developing Robusta coffee production is (1) rehabilitation of coffee plants, (2) rejuvenation of coffee plants, (3) selection of superior coffee varieties, (4) provision of farming roads, (5) coffee price stabilization, (6) intensification of coffee plants, (7) pest control, and (8) increased knowledge of farmers. These new combinations strategy can be strongly expected to enhance robusta coffee production in the country.

Agric ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Syahruni Thamrin

<p>This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that affect the production of Arabica coffee in Enrekang. This study used survey method to conduct interviews with 100 randomly sampled Arabica coffee farmers and site visit to their farms. Factors affecting farm production were analyzed using the Cobb Douglass production function and estimated using least squares method . There were ten coffee production factors assessed: land size, number of productive plants, quantities of Urea, ZA, SP36, KCl, pesticides, herbicides, manure, as well as labor force. Variables that significantly affect Arabica coffee production in Enrekang are the amount of urea, ZA, herbicides, manure, and labor.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Jef Rudiantho Saragih ◽  
Ummu Harmain

Arabica coffee is a leading commodity in Simalungun Regency, where entrepreneurship becomes one of the important aspects in arabica coffee farming management. This study aims to understand the influence of internal factors (farmer age, education, experience, number of family members, family motivation, and work culture) and external factors (government support, community support, access to production facilities, and climatic conditions) on entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers. The research was conducted in two villages (Bangun Pane village and Bintang Mariah village) in Dolog Masagal district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province during March to May 2018. The study sample covers 60 farmer households who have Arabica coffee farming with at least 300 arabica coffee plants and minimum plant age of three years, determined by snowball sample method. The study used ratio and scale data (Likert scale), which was analyzed using multiple regression equations. Data were processed using SPSS 24. Results show that internal factors have positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers (value Sig.=0.005), while external factors have positive and insignificant effect (value Sig.=0.313). Local governments through relevant technical agencies are recommended to provide facilitation in improving farmers' access to production factors, increasing quantity and quality of extension, technical guidance, and relevant training.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-57

Purpose: To establish determinants of coffee production in the Kenyan economy  Methodology: The study adopted descriptive survey research. The target population consisted ofResults: Results from the first model indicate that there exists a negative relationship between coffee output with credit advanced to farmers. Findings also did show there also exists a positive relationship between coffee output with coffee price, hectarage planted and price of input (fertilizer). Results further indicate that there is a significant negative relationship between the depreciation of the exchange rate and the coffee output.Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that the Kenya government may put in place measures and policies aimed at improving coffee production in Kenya, ie, financial institutions may be encouraged to lend loans to coffee farmers at no low interest rates. The study recommended that the government should introduce subsides aimed at reducing cost of inputs hence encouraging farmers to increase areas under coffee production as well as providing incentives to the farmers to encourage them engage in coffee farming. The sturdy also recommended that government may also set up factories or encourage investors, both local and foreign to set up factories that will process coffee to the final product within the country.

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