scholarly journals Penguatan Kelompok Tani Berbasis Produksi dan Agrowisata Kopi di Kecamatan Way Ratai, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Evizal Rusdi ◽  
Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi ◽  
Sarno Sarno ◽  
Otik Nawansih ◽  
Dedy Miswar ◽  

Lampung Province is the center of Robusta coffee production while Arabica coffee has begun to be developed in the area, including in Harapan Jaya Village, Way Ratai Subdistrict, District of Pesawaran. This village is an ecotourism destination and also has a potential of agrotourism, especially Arabica coffee farming. The objectives of the Community Service Activities are: 1) Increasing knowledge and skills of farmer group members in Arabica coffee agrotechnology; 2) increasing coffee plantation productivity through proper maintenance; and 3) Formulating a model of strengthening farmer group based on coffee agrotourism. This program was carried out at the Karya Subur Farmer Group, in Harapan Jaya Village in year 2018–2019. The methods used are discourse, training, demonstration plots, mentoring, and discussion. The results of this program conclude that: 1) Increasing the knowledge and skills of farmer group members in Arabica coffee agrotechnology; 2) Increasing productivity of coffee plantations plot belonging to the group members assisted; and 3) a model of strengthening of farmer groups based on coffee production and agrotourism is through increasing group capacity in tourism and tourism activities related to the coffee production process from upstream to downstream, increasing accessibility and facilities coordinated with village officials, and increasing agro tourism promotion especially to educational institutions, professionals, and communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 423
Rusdi Evizal ◽  
Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi

Lampung Province is the center of Robusta coffee production with an area of 2018 reaching 157.6 thousand hectares while Arabica coffee which has been programmed in 1998 by planting area reached 1.9 thousand hectares did not develop successfully even disappearing. Liberica coffee is commonly grown as a rootstock. This research aims to study the ethno-agronomy of various grafting coffees in Lampung, both Robusta- Liberica and Arabica-Robusta. This research was carried out using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method with the farmer groups and the observation of coffee plantations in the field belonging to group members in each farmer group selected purposively in each district namely Sekincau Sub-district of West Lampung, Sumberejo Sub-district of Tanggamus, and Way Ratai Sub-district of Pesawaran, in May-October 2019. The results showed that farmers developed a various of intraspecific coffee grafting (Robusta/Robusta) using a variety of superior local clones and interspecific grafting (Robusta/Liberica and Arabica/Robusta) with specific agronomy practices such as cloning, planting, pruning, fertilizing, applying pesticide, soil conserving, and being non-resident farmers as creations, local wisdom and adaptation of farmers to site-specific conditions. Keywords : Clone, ethno-agronomy, fertilizing, interspesific grafting, local wisdom, rainfall

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Liana Vivin Wihartanti ◽  
Farida Styaningrum ◽  
Galih Chandra Noegraha

<p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>Kare is a village located on the slopes of Wilis Mountains. The charm of natural tourism that is still natural in Kare is still not managed optimally by the community. The object in this Community Service activity is coffee plantations. The results of local coffee in Kare are a potential resource, but the marketing has not yet reached the Madiun Regency area. The Community Service activity aims to improve the marketing of kare coffee and make the Tambak Lare coffee plantation a tourist destination based on ecotourism. The results of the Community Service show that the marketing of kare coffee has expanded not only around Kare but has reached the Madiun Regency, such as Madiun City, Ngawi Regency, Magetan Regency, to outside the provinces such as Klaten Regency and Sragen Regency. The Tambak Lare coffee plantation located in Kare Village, Kare Subdistrict, Madiun Regency has begun to be initiated to become an ecotourism-based nature tourism, so that there are already people outside Kare who visit these tourist sites.</em><em></em></p><p><strong>Abstrak.</strong><strong> </strong>Desa kare merupakan sebuah desa yang terletak di lereng pegunungan wilis. Pesona wisata alam yang masih natural yang terdapat di desa kare masih belum di kelola secara maksimal oleh masyarakat setempet. Objek dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah perkebunan kopi. Hasil kopi lokal di Desa Kare merupakan sumberdaya yang potensial, namun pemasaran belum sampai keluar daerah Kabupaten Madiun. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemasaran kopi kare serta menjadikan perkebunan kopi Tambak Lare menjadi tempat wisata yang berbasis ekowisata. Hasil kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran kopi kare sudah meluas tidak hanya di sekitar Desa Kare tetapi sudah sampai keluar Kabupaten Madiun, seperti Kota Madiun, Kabupaten Ngawi, Kabupaten Magetan, hingga diluar provinsi seperti di Kabupaten Klaten dan Kabupaten Sragen. Perkebunan kopi Tambak Lare yang terletak di Desa Kare, Kecamatan Kare, Kabupaten Madiun sudah mulai dirintis untuk menjadi wisata alam berbasis ekowisata, sehingga sudah ada masyarakat luar Desa Kare yang berkunjung ketempat wisata tersebut.</p>

Endah Djuwendah ◽  
Tuti Karyani ◽  
Agriani H Sadeli ◽  
Kuswarini Kusno

ABSTRAKKopi merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan   unggulan yang sudah lama dibudidayakan. Selain berperan dalam penyerapan tenga kerja, Kopi menjadi komoditas ekspor yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Kopi terbaik dari Jawa Barat dikenal dunia internasional sebagai Java Preanger kopi. Kecamatan Pangalengan Kabupaten bandung merupakan salah satu sentra produksi kopi Java preanger yang potensial karena selain terdapat perkebunan kopi di wilayah ini juga berkembang    industri pengolahannya.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dinamika perkembangan agroindustri Java Preager Coffee di Desa Margamulya Kecamatan Pangalengan Kabupaten Bandung.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif dan teknis penelitin studi kasus. Pegumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses agroindustri Java preager coffee yang terdapat di Kecamatan Pangalengan Bandung sudah berjalan dengan baik. Ini terbukti dari adanya perubahan yang terjadi dalam : (1) pertumbuhan dari pelaku usahtani, pengolahan hasil pertanian, distribusi dan input pertanian, (2) perubahan kelembagaan dan keorganisasian dalam hubungannya dengan  perusahaan melalui peningkatan koordinasi vertikal dan perubahan dalam komposisi produk, teknologi, perwilayahan dan struktur pasar serta (4) peningkatan nilai tambah.Kata kunci :  Agroindustrialisasi,  kopi arabica, Java preangerABSTRACTCoffee is one of the leading plantation commodities that has long been cultivated. In addition to playing a role in the absorption of work, coffee is a high-value export commodity. The best coffee from West Java is known internationally as Java Preanger coffee. Pangalengan District, Bandung regency is one of the potential Java preanger coffee production centers because in addition to coffee plantations in the region, the processing industry is also developing. The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamics of the development of Java Preager Coffee agroindustry in Margamulya Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative design and technical research case studies. Collect data using the method of observation, interviews and literature studies. The results showed that the Java preager coffee agroindustry process in Pangalengan District of Bandung had gone well. This is evident from the changes that occur in: (1) growth of business actors, agricultural product processing, agricultural distribution and input, (2) institutional and organizational changes in their relationship with companies through increased vertical coordination and changes in product composition, technology, territories and market structure and (4) increase in added value.Keywords: Agroindustrialization, arabica coffee, Java preanger

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 263-269
Tety Desrita Handayani ◽  
Mimi Harni ◽  
Fidela Violalita ◽  
Nurzarrah Tazar

Oyster mushrooms are widely cultivated by Saraso farmer group Kenagarian Batu Balang, Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The purpose of the activity was to increase knowledge and skills and empower the women of the Saraso Farmers Group, in the diversification of processed oyster mushroom products in order to increase the selling value. So far, the oyster mushrooms they cultivate are sold in fresh mushrooms, and only a few sell in processed food. The hope is that with this activity, the community can make various processed oyster mushrooms to add value to the sale which is expected to raise the family economy. The activity method was carried out by demonstration and hands-on practice. The results of community service activities showed that the women of the Saraso farmer group are able to process oyster mushrooms into various ready-to-consume products. Various processed mushrooms are made, namely Dendeng oyster mushroom, oyster mushroom beef, oyster mushroom satay, oyster mushroom shredded and additional materials, namely making sauces and chili sauce. This activity succeeded in arousing the motivation of the Saraso farmer groups in making variations of processed oyster mushrooms.

Syahrul Kurniawan ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto ◽  
Wisynu Ari Gutama ◽  
Novalia Kusumarini ◽  
Noval Adieb ◽  

Sejak tahun 2016, Universitas Brawijaya memperoleh mandat dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk mengelola hutan seluas 544 ha di lereng Gunung Arjuno menjadi hutan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, yang diberi nama UB Forest. Di dalam UB forest terdapat petani penggarap yang menanam kopi dibawah tegakan pinus. Setiap tahun, produksi kopi di UB Forest mencapai 600 kg ha-1, dengan potensi limbah sisa panen kulit kopi antara 50–60%. Limbah sisa panen kulit kopi tersebut hanya ditumpuk saja dan berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran. Kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok tani hutan UB Forest di dalam mengolah sisa panen kulit kopi menjadi pupuk kompos dan pupuk organik granul (POG). Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi: 1) Penyuluhan; 2) Pembuatan rumah produksi kompos; 3) Introduksi mesin granulator; 4) Pelatihan pembuatan kompos dan POG; 5) Pengemasan produk, dan 6) analisa kualitas kompos dari kulit kopi. Hasil kegiatan meliputi 1) tersedianya rumah produksi pupuk organik granul beserta alat pembuat pupuk organik granule (granulator); 2) 85% dari petani hutan peserta penyuluhan dan pelatihan mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan di dalam mengolah sisa panen kulit kopi menjadi kompos dan pupuk organik granul; 3) kelompok tani hutan memiliki modul dan SOP pembuatan kompos dan pupuk organik granul.[Since 2016, Brawijaya University received a mandate from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to manage 544 hectares (ha) of forest, located in the slopes of Mount Arjuno, as a forest for Education and Training, which is named UB Forest. In UB forest, there are forest farmer who planted coffee under the pine trees. Every year, coffee production in UB Forest reaches 600 kg ha-1, with 50-60% of them is coffee peel. The waste of the remaining coffee peel is only stacked and potentially cause pollution. This activity is aimed to increase the knowledge and skills of forest farmer groups (UB Forest) in processing the remaining coffee peel into compost and granular organic fertilizer (POG). The activities included: 1) Counseling; 2) Creating compost production houses; 3) Introducing of granulator machines; 4) Training in composting and POG; 5) Product packaging, and 6) analysis of the quality of compost. The results of the activities included: 1) the availability of houses for the production of compost and POG along with the tools for processing granule organic fertilizers (granulators); 2) 85% of forest farmers participating in counseling and training experience increased knowledge and skills in processing the remaining coffee peel into compost and granule organic fertilizer; 3) forest farmer groups have modules and SOPs for composting and granule organic fertilizer.]

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Jef Rudiantho Saragih

Monoculture farming of arabica coffee plantation does not support environmental sustainability. International market demands arabica coffee product in compliance with an environmentally friendly standard which promotes ecological-based management. This study aims to identify the ecological aspects of specialty arabica coffee cultivation, and to analyze the effect of shade tree population, the use of organic fertilizer, the pruning of coffee crop, land conservation, and the control of coffee berry borer on specialty arabica coffee production. The data of ecological aspect was collected from three regencies in North Sumatera Province, namely Simalungun, North Tapanuli, and Dairi. Production determinant was analyzed concerning farming cultivation in three districts of Simalungun Regency namely Sidamanik, Pamatang Sidamanik, and Dolok Pardamean. The location was determined with multi-stage cluster sampling and the farmer samples with simple random sampling. The ecological aspect was analyzed descriptively while the determinant of arabica coffee production was analyzed with multiple regression method. The result shows that the shaded arabica coffee farming covers only 32% of the total arabica coffee production in the study area with a population of 54 trees/ha. Land conservation conducted by the farmers utilizes coffee fruit mulch (92%), individual terrace (3%), rorak (4%), and bench terrace (1%). The arabica coffee farming system managed by the farmers consists of monoculture (30%), mix farming (24%), shade coffee (32%), and multistrata coffee (14%). The pruning of coffee plants and integrated control of coffee berry borer has a significant effect on specialty arabica coffee production. Land conservation, population of shade tree, and organic fertilizer are an important production determinant on arabica coffee production in the short-term. These three ecological variables play a role to maintain land preservation and support sustainable arabica coffee production in the long-term.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 416
Hermudananto Hermudananto ◽  
Dwiko Budi Permadi ◽  
Ratih Madya Septiana ◽  
Slamet Riyanto ◽  
Andita Aulia Pratama

Banyusoco village in Gunungkidul has more than 60% of its land as state forests managed by several forest farmer groups in Hutan Kemasyarakatan scheme (HKm) majority planted Teak (Tectona grandis). Problem of "delayed" revenue through harvesting slow-growing Teak stands could be resolved by planting a type of tubers or empon-empon under the stand, so that forest floor may earn additional income. Our community service focuses on introduction of Porang tuber plants (Amorphophallus oncocphyllus) to a) increase environmental knowledge and skills of farmers in agroforestry-Porang cultivation; b) increase knowledge and skills of farmers in harvesting and managing post-harvest of Porang; c) increase farmers' income from Porang. Our first of three year activities program included institutional workshops and introduction of Porang cultivation, procurement of Porang seeds, development of demonstration plot, and facilitation on planting Porang under stands. Temporary result was a 0.5 ha-demonstration plot with 4,000 seeds supporting by HKm "Sedyo Makmur" which positively impacts in a) fostering cohesiveness of members with mutual cooperation every Thursday (Kamisan) in preparing and maintaining land; b) increasing members' understanding in cultivation Porang; c) becoming a portfolio in national HKm competition. Following year's community empowerment program continues to be focused on maintaining, harvesting and marketing Porang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-66
Endang Sujana ◽  
Tuti Widjadtuti ◽  
Iwan Setiawan ◽  
Wiwin Tanwiriah ◽  
Dani Garnida ◽  

Loa Village is one of the villages located in Paseh District, Majalaya, Bandung Regency. Loa Village has potential to be developed, in the field of animal husbandry. Many of the resident raising the chicken and duck in groups, but still use the traditional method, which is naturally hatching eggs by the hen so that it is difficult to get Kampong chicken seeds. With the village profile as above, we are challenged to provide the knowledge and techniques of raising Kampong chickens to Loa Village public, especially to farmer group members, through the virtual KKN-PPMD Padjadjaran University. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of breeders in raising chickens, hatching eggs, composing the rations, processing chicken products and increasing the production of day old chicks. Apparently, the enthusiasm of the participants to gain knowledge and skills in raising Kampong chicken was quite high. Knowledge of the participants regarding the management of chickens, the preparation of rations are still lacking, but the enthusiasm of farmers to learn all the knowledge about raising Kampong chickens is very good, so that this activity can increase knowledge about how to hatch eggs and skills to operate the incubator and  have a great passion for the business of  Kampong chickens. Abstrak Desa Loa merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Paseh, Majalaya Kabupaten Bandung. Desa Loa memiliki potensi yang harus dikembangkan, salah satunya yaitu potensi di bidang peternakan. Banyak dari penduduknya yang merupakan kelompok peternak ayam dan entok, tetapi masih menggunakan cara trasional yaitu menetaskan telur secara alami oleh induk sehingga sulit mendapatkan bibit ayam kampung. Melihat profil desa seperti di atas, maka kami tertantang untuk memberikan pengetahuan tehnik beternak ayam kampung kepada para anggota kelompok tani melalui Kegiatan KKN-PPMD virtual universitas Padjadjaran kepada masyarakat Desa Loa khususnya kepada kelompok peternak. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peternak dalam budidaya beternak ayam, menetaskan telur, menyusun ransum, dan pengolahan hasil ternak ayam serta meningkatkan produksi anak ayam untuk bibit. Dari kegiatan ini antusiasme peserta untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan usaha budidaya beternak aym lokal cukup tinggi. Wawasan peserta mengenai tatalaksana pemeliharaan ayam, serta penyusunan ransum masih sangat kurang, tetapi animo peternak sangat baik untuk belajar semua pengetahuan tentang budidaya beternak ayam lokal, sehingga kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai cara-cara menetaskan telur dan keterampilan mengoperasikan cara menetaskan telur dengan mesin tetas dan semangat untuk usaha beternak ayam kampung.

Dani Widjaya ◽  
Yuli Hariyati ◽  
Djoko Soejono

Many factors must be considered in coffee production processes. Use of factors of production must also be efficient in order to produce maximum production.This research was conducted in Panti Sub-district, Jember, as one of larger coffee producer in Jember. This location was also one area in Jember cultivated with Arabica coffee since 2012. Therefore, this study aimed to determine production factors in Arabica coffee smallholders; particularly technical and economic efficiency of Arabica coffee smallholders. Research method including interview and secondary data collection was carried out in three farmer groups in Panti Sub-district. Samples included 36 farmers from Surya Tani, Sejahtera Bersama and Taman Putri farmer groups. Analytical methods used were Cobb Douglass as a function of Stochastic Frontier to see the technical efficiency of farming and analysis of economic the selected efficiency with pricing approach. Technical efficiency in Arabica coffee farming in the selected locations were considered efficient in the level of 71.4% with aminimum of technical efficiency of 24.9% and a maximum efficiency of 93.4%. Economic efficiency showed that factors of labor and use of organic fertilizers were not efficient, thus there should be a reduction in use of labor and organic fertilizers. The factors indicated also that use of inorganic fertilizers was not efficient, with economic efficiency value (NPM/Px) of 1.579. The conditions indicate that there is a need to use of inorganic fertilizers to be an economically efficient manner.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Syamsir Syamsir ◽  
Jumiati Jumiati ◽  
Ideal Putra

This paper was abstracted from writer experiences in conducting the second year Community Service program among farmer group organizations in Anduriang Village at Padang Pariaman Regency. This program was aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of farmer groups’ human resources in processing animal feed made from natural raw materials, especially from the golden snail, which has often been the enemy of farmers all this time. This study was inspired by various conditions that indicated the powerless of the farmer groups in overcoming the problem of golden snail pests in the Anduriang Village at Padang Pariaman Regency. This issue was reflected in part from the lack of understanding and awareness of farmers in controlling the golden snail pests. Based on this condition, various farmer empowerment programs were needed to be implemented in the form of increasing the farmers’ knowledge and skills in economic development of the society, particularly for the farmer group as target groups of this program. These empowerment programs needed to be conducted collaboratively and synergistically between the local government and universities.

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