scholarly journals PROBLEMATIKA TAFSIR FEMINIS: Studi Kritis Konsep Kesetaraan Gender

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 367
Adian Husaini ◽  
Rahmatul Husni

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong><em> Gender equality is a discourse that is still warm to be discussed by Muslim feminists. Initiators and supporters of gender equality often questioned about Islamic laws that were considered to be unfair since they had positioned men and women differently such as the obligotary for  adhan (call for prayer), the Friday prayers, the number of goats in aqiqah (welcoming celebretion of child’s</em><em> </em><em>birth), and the compulsory of breastfeeding and caring for the child. Through content analysis, this study tried not only to elaborate a number of products of reintepretation based on Qur'anic Hermeneutics version of the female models but also show the history of the ideology of feminism and the inappropriateness of using hermeneutical exegesis. Feminism departed from the ideology of hatred as a form of resistance against the oppression of women that occurred in Western</em><em> </em><em>Christian civilization in th past. Hermeneutical exegesis approach also came from an academic</em><em> </em><em>Christian tradition that considered Bible text not as a God’s revelation. Both conditions were diametrically opposed to the fact in the Islamic tradition. The text of the Qur’an in Islam, was not a cultural product, but as a revelation of God to human being in the world. Historically,  Islam never surpressed to women, but it placed women in a glorious position. Meanwhile, different roles given to men and women were aimed at getting maximum benefits to the world so that they could work together and complement each other to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter.</em></p><p dir="RTL"><strong>الملخص</strong> :أصبح موضوع المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة موضوع حديث حارّ بين نساء النسوية المسلمات. قد تتسائل مؤسِّسات المذهب النسوي ومؤيّدوها الشريعة الإسلامية التي – في نظرهن – لم تكن عادلة وتضع الرجل والمرأة في مستوى ومكان غير متواز ، مثل مشروعية الأذان وأداء صلاة الجمعة للرجال وعدد الغنم في العقيقة مختلف بينهما، وتكليف حضانة الأولاد ورعايتهم على النساء. حاولت هذه الدراسة – عن طريق تحليل المضمون ليس فقط دراسة نتائج من إعادة تفسير القرآن بنمط الهرمينيطيقا لدى النساء بل عرضت كذلك تاريخ إيديولوجية النسوية وعدم صحة استخدام التفسير الهرمينيطقي في هذا المجال. اعتمدت النسوية على إيديولوجية الكره والحقد كشكل معارضات على أنواع الظلم تجاه المرأة في المجتمع الغربي المسيحي في القرون الماضية. وأصل التفسير الهرمينيطقي  كذلك من التقاليد الأكاديمية المسيحية المعتبرة أن الإنجيل ليس وحيا يوحي. هذان الشيئان متناقضان بما في الإسلام من أن القرآن ليس انتاجا ثقافيا بل وحي من الله. ليس في الإسلام التاريخ عن ظلم الرأة بل هو وضعها في مرتبة رفيعة. أم تفريق الدور بينهما ليس إلا ليكون كل منهما نافعا في هذه الدنيا ويتعاونان ويتكاملان للحصول على السعادتين في الدنيا والآخرة.</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong>:<em> Kesetaraan gender merupakan diskursus yang tetap hangat diperbincangkan para feminis muslim. Penggagas dan pendukung kesetaraan gender tidak jarang mempersoalkan hukum Islam yang dianggap kurang adil dan memposisikan laki-laki dan perempuan secara berbeda seperti pembebanan adzan, shalat Jum’at, jumlah kambing saat aqi</em><em>&gt;</em><em>qah di satu sisi, dan pembebanan menyusui dan merawat anak di sisi yang lain. Melalui content analysis kajian ini mencoba tidak saja untuk mengelaborasi sejumlah produk reintepretasi al-Qur’an model Hermeneutika versi kaum perempuan tetapi juga menunjukkan sejarah ideologi feminisme serta ketidaktepatan penggunaan tafsir hermeneutika. Feminisme berangkat dari ideologi kebencian sebagai bentuk perlawanan terhadap penindasan perempuan yang terjadi dalam peradaban Barat-Kristen di masa lalu. Metode tafsir Hermeneutika juga berasal dari tradisi akademis Kristen yang menganggap teks Bible bukan sebagai wahyu. Kedua kondisi ini berseberangan secara diametral dengan fakta dalam tradisi Islam. Teks al-Qur’an, dalam Islam, bukanlah produk budaya, melainkan wahyu. Islam tidak memiliki sejarah penindasan terhadap kaum perempuan, bahkan memposisikan perempuan dalam posisi yang mulia. Perbedaan peran yang diberikan kepada laki-laki dan perempuan ditujukan agar keduanya dapat bermanfaat secara maksimal di dunia, untuk saling bekerja sama dan melengkapi demi mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>kesetaraan, gender, perempuan, feminisme, tafsir, hermeneutik.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 408
Winda Khoirun Nisak ◽  
Furaidah Furaidah ◽  
Gunadi Harry Sulistyo

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research is a study of assessing the representation of gender in elementary school textbooks used by an international curriculum that is widely used in 160 countries throughout the world. The content analysis used to lead the representation of the male and female on the textbooks. The findings of this study indicate that the gender representation formed in the textbook shows the existence of gender equality which is reflected in the balanced emergence of male and female characters that appear in textbooks, the prevalence of the professional picture of men and women and the balance of household activities reflected in the textbook.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mengenai representasi gender di buku teks siswa sekolah dasar yang dipakai oleh kurikulum internasional yang tersebar luas di 160 negara di seluruh dunia. Konten analisis dipakai untuk melihat representasi dalam buku. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi gender yang terbentuk dalam buku teks tersebut menunjukkan adanya kesetaraan gender yang tercermin dari berimbangnya kemunculan karakter laki laki dan perempuan yang muncul dalam buku teks, meratanya gambaran profesi laki-laki dan perempuan serta berimbangnya kegiatan rumah tangga yang tercermin dalam buku teks.

1997 ◽  
pp. 3-8
Borys Lobovyk

An important problem of religious studies, the history of religion as a branch of knowledge is the periodization process of the development of religious phenomenon. It is precisely here, as in focus, that the question of the essence and meaning of the religious development of the human being of the world, the origin of beliefs and cult, the reasons for the changes in them, the place and role of religion in the social and spiritual process, etc., are converging.

GIS Business ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-206

Food is one of the main requirements of human being. It is flattering for the preservation of wellbeing and nourishment of the body.  The food of a society exposes its custom, prosperity, status, habits as well as it help to develop a culture. Food is one of the most important social indicators of a society. History of food carries a dynamic character in the socio- economic, political, and cultural realm of a society. The food is one of the obligatory components in our daily life. It occupied an obvious atmosphere for the augmentation of healthy life and anticipation against the diseases.  The food also shows a significant character in establishing cultural distinctiveness, and it reflects who we are. Food also reflected as the symbol of individuality, generosity, social status and religious believes etc in a civilized society. Food is not a discriminating aspect. It is the part of a culture, habits, addiction, and identity of a civilization.Food plays a symbolic role in the social activities the world over. It’s a universal sign of hospitality.[1]

Philosophy ◽  
1937 ◽  
Vol 12 (48) ◽  
pp. 424-431
Alfred E. Garvie

Inhis greatest work (The Republic) the greatest thinker of his era, if not of all time, Plato, writing in one of the greatest, if not even the greatest epoch in the intellectual, artistic, and literary history of mankind, held up a mirror not only to his own age but to every age, not least our own, in the glowing radiance of his unsurpassed genius. This essay is an attempt to look on the world around us with his searchlight. Addressing on this subject a select company of educated and intelligent men and women, I discovered that several of them had attempted but had failed to read throughThe Republic. They could not see the wood for the trees, lost their way, and gave up the guest.

Al-Albab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-68
Suraya Sintang ◽  
Rosdiana Onga ◽  
Siti Aidah Hj Lukin ◽  
Asmady Idris

Borneo Island is the third largest island in the world, rich in natural resources, biodiversity and cultural diversity. The uniqueness of Borneo is that it is home to three countries; Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, each with their own valuable cultural heritage. One of the unique aspects of the Borneo archipelago is the shared wealth of civilizations derived from the dissemination of Islam. Treasures known as the “Borneo Islamic Heritage" are not only valuable as cultural artefacts that need to be preserved, but they can also be elevated and commercialised as regional economic drivers. This paper discusses the Idahan manuscript written in Jawi script as one of the treasures of Islamic intellectual legacy in Borneo. The method of study is based on content analysis which depicts the descriptive history of the discovery of the Idahan Jawi manuscript. This manuscript not only serves as evidence of the early embrace of Islam in Sabah, but also as a reference to matters pertaining to religion and the laws of Islamic jurisprudence. This factor leads the Idahan community be considered as the first native people embracing Islam at the east coast of Sabah. The contribution of this study is to enhance understanding of the development of Islamic heritage in Borneo Island and to inculcate the spirit of solidarity among the people living in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-175
Warseto Freddy Sihombing

AbstractNo one can be justified before God for doing good deeds. No matter how good a man is, if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, he will not be saved from the wrath of God to come. There is no human being who is right before God, and no sinful man can save himself in any way. The only way out is in the way that God has given to the problem of all sinners, by sending Jesus Christ to the world to die for sinners. "And for this he came, so that every man believed in him, who was sent by God" (John 6:29). The Bible teaches that salvation is only obtained because of faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the object of that faith. This salvation is known as the statement "Justified by faith. Paul explained this teaching in each of his writings. This teaching of justification by faith has been repeatedly denied by some people who disagree with Paul's opinion. The history of the church from the early centuries to the present has proven the variety of understandings that have emerged from this teaching, but one important thing is that sinful humans are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ before God.Keywords: Paul;history; justified by faith.AbstrakTidak ada seorang pun yang dapat dibenarkan di hadapan Allah karena telah melakukan perbuatan baik. Sebaik apa pun manusia, jika dia tidak percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah maka ia tidak akan selamat dari murka Allah yang akan datang. Tidak ada seorang pun manusia yang benar di hadapan Allah, dan tidak ada seorang manusia berdosa yang dapat menyelematkan dirinya sendiri dengan cara apa pun. Satu-satunya jalan keluar adalah dengan cara yang Allah telah berikan untuk masalah semua orang berdosa, yaitu dengan mengutus Yesus Kristus ke dunia untuk mati bagi orang berdosa. “Dan untuk itulah Dia datang, yaitu supaya setiap orang percaya kepada Dia, yang telah diutus oleh Allah” (Yohanes 6:29). Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan hanya diperoleh karena iman kepada Yesus Kristus. Yesus Kristus adalah obyek iman tersebut. Keselamatan ini dikenal dengan pernyataan “Dibenarkan karena iman. Paulus menjelaskan ajaran ini dalam setiap tulisannya. Ajaran pembenaran oleh iman ini telah berulang kali disangkal oleh beberap orang yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat Paulus. Sejarah gereja mulai dari abad permulaan sampai pada masa sekarang ini telah membuktikan beragamnya pemahaman yang muncul terhadap ajaran ini, namun satu hal yang terpenting adalah bahwa manusia berdosa dibenarkan oleh iman mereka kepada Yesus Kristus di hadapan Allah.Kata Kunci: Paulus; sejarah; iman; dibenarkan oleh iman.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

In the history of women's life, the woman has never cracked from the wild cry of helplessness. Woman always become victim of men’s egoism, marginalized, hurt, unfettered, fooled and never appreciated the presence and role. This situation troubles many intellectual Muslims who have perspective that Islam teaches equality, equality for all human beings in the world. The difference in skin color, race, tribe and nation, as well as gender does not cause them to get the status of the different rights and obligations. The potential and the right to life of every human being and the obligation to serve the Lord Almighty is the same. Indeed, all human beings, as caliph in the world, have the same obligation, namely to prosperity of life in the world. No one is allowed to act arbitrarily, destroying, or hurt among others. They are required to live side by side, united, and harmonious, help each other and respect each other. However, that "demand" never becomes a reality. The differences among human identities become a barrier and the cause of divisions. For them, those who are outside environment, different identities are "others" who rightly do not need them "know". The difference of identity has become a reason to allow "hurt" each other. Several intellectual Muslims who recognize the wrong (discrimination against women), and then they attempt to formulate a movement for women's liberation. All the efforts have been done on the basis of awareness that arbitrary action by any person can never be justified. They also realize, that the backwardness of women are "stumbling block" that will lead to the resignation of a civilization. However, this struggle found a lot of challenges; including the consideration of "insubordination" to conquer the power of men, despite it had done by using many strategies. Starting from the writing of scientific book and countless fiction themed women has been published in order to give awareness of equality between men and women. This paper seeks to reexamine the process of the empowerment struggle to give a brand new concept, so that the struggle of women empowerment is not as insubordination and curiosity process in an attempt to conquer the male. Through approach of literature review and observations on the relationship between men and women, the writer finally concluded that the movement of Islamic feminism is not a movement to seize the power of men, but an attempt to liberate women from oppression so that they get the rights of their social role, giving freedom for women to pursue a career as wide as possible like a man, without forgetting a main duty as a mother: to conceive, give birth and breastfeed their children.

Yelena I. Barysheva

The article is devoted to the problem of studying the worldview and features of its components change under extremal conditions. The author studies features of the attitude to the inner world of people involved in a war confl ict, their ideas about good and evil. The sample of the study is 95 men and women of mature age. The article describes results of the qualitative analysis of the experiment participants’ answers. A content analysis of the respondents’ answers gave a representation of the substantial characteristics of the perception and understanding of the world, about the feeling of a comfortable or uncomfortable presence in the world. The statements of the respondents refl ected the characteristics of the value-semantic sphere of personality. The study notes the difference and specifi city in the presentation of the material by men and women, which is consistent with ideas about the characteristics of motionality, the dynamics of experiences, the specifi cs of the reality refl ection by men and women. The transformations that took place in the picture of the world of a person under the infl uence of an extreme situation of a military confl ict show that the experiences have led not only to traumatising the psyche but also to the understanding of the important existential meanings, awareness about the global values. During the study of the substantial features of the picture of the world, a connection was found with the characteristics of the hardiness of a person.

2009 ◽  
pp. 5-46
Silvio Ferrari

- An examination of a country's Constitution offers useful pointers for understanding how the state in question conceives and regulates its relationship with religion. In this essay, the author analyses the constitutions of all the countries of the world, considering three groups of enactments: the ones that concern a constitution's inspiring ideals and principles, the ones that deal with the sources of law and, lastly, the ones that regulate the relationships between the state and religions. An examination of this material paints a picture of the position accorded to religion in each country's legal system and above all highlights the differences attributed to the cultural and religious background that inspires them: in particular, the differences between the Western countries with a Christian tradition and the Arabian countries with an Islamic tradition, but also the differences found, within the Islamic world itself, between Arabian and non-Arabian countries. While recognising that any comparison between constitutions needs to be completed by an analysis of other sources of legislation and jurisprudence, this article indicates several directions for future research to develop on this work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-153
Ingrid Ryberg

This article provides a critical discussion of the world-famous, much-celebrated gender equality work in the Swedish film industry. Since the Swedish Film Institute launched a program for gender equality in 2013, redesigned in 2016 as the action plan 50/50 by 2020, Sweden has been held up as a model country and the Film Institute’s CEO Anna Serner has held several widely publicized seminars in Cannes and elsewhere. This article aims to contextualize the Swedish case, as influential curators, jury chairs, and festival directors around the globe have signed the 50/50 by 2020 campaign with no evidence of its primary goal of dividing production support evenly between men and women by 2020 being within reach. I show that the notion of Sweden as an egalitarian haven obscures remaining injustices, norms, and, not least, the equality program’s lack of intersectional analysis. Unraveling “the myth of gender equality” in Swedish film, this essay shows how this myth operates in the context of Swedish foreign policy and self-promotion in the neoliberal present. As much as the current mobilization for change is worth applauding, I argue that it is crucial to critically examine actual measures and push for redistributive results beyond symbolic commitment, individual recognition, and positive publicity.

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