scholarly journals Modern tendencies of development of norms of Ukrainian language

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Victor Britsyn ◽  
Tetiana Sukalenko ◽  
Nataliia Ladyniak ◽  
Svitlana Kaleniuk ◽  
Viktoriya Zhelyazkova

The article contains an overview of new trends in Ukrainian literary and colloquial language development in historical retrospect and dynamics. In particular, changes in the lexical structure of language, new phenomena in word formation, morphology and syntax, innovative shifts in styles, etc., in the context of communicative strategies and tactics, rhetorical, stylistic, and linguistic norms and techniques adopted in various spheres of communication are considered. The article is aimed at forming ideas and gaining knowledge in the field of the theory of the modern Ukrainian language in those sections that are distinguished by the greatest significance of the theoretical approach (grammar, syntax), as well as skills and abilities in those parts that require an applied application (culture of oral and written communication, stylistics, rhetoric, genre studies, the principles of spelling). With the dominant idea of the pluralism of norms and an orientation towards their non-rigid codification, there is also an idea of the loosening of the norms of the literary language, of the grave and even dangerous condition experienced by the modern Ukrainian literary language.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102-107

The article presents a fact-based study of the verbalization of medical knowledge, verbal nomination as one of the ways to create a Russian medical dictionary. The linguistic materials collected during the research indicate the ability of the verb to terminate concepts. Verb-terms, in contrast to noun-terms, nominate specific processes, phenomena. Verb terms are included in word-formation nests along with noun terms. Verb terms fall into two groups: 1) branch verbs and 2) common verbs. The first group unites verbs characteristic of the medical field of knowledge, the second group includes verbs, the terminological nature of which is manifested in the composition of a phrase with a dependent noun-term. In such verb-nominal phrases, the verb either expands the meaning, or concretizes the existing one. Verb terms are used mainly in those branches of medicine that are associated with a specif- ic action (for example, surgery). Verb terms have the same grammatical categories as verbs of the general literary language. The results obtained can be used for further research on the cognitive properties of verbs-terms based on new sources.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ksenia Igorevna Komarova

This article examines the analytical approach towards expressing the category of certainty / uncertainty in Slovenian fiction. The analytical forms are comprised by the unchangeable article-type particle “ta”, which is commonly used in the Slovenian colloquial language, but at present is also actively used in the literary language. Special attention is given to the modern Slovenian fiction. The author analyzed ten Slovenian novels published between 2008 and 2018, and revealed all instances of using the article-type particle with both, substantive adjectives and together with adjectives and nouns. The following conclusions were formulated: colloquial elements in fiction perform a stylistic function; therefore one of the key tasks of the article-type particle consists in speech characteristic of the character, including indicating his dialect, since all instanced of using the particle are in the dialogical speech or first-person narrative. However, it is important to note that in most instances, the particle is used with substantive adjectives, which indicates lexicalization of combination of the particle and the adjective, which is used for mentioning a known person/object or indicating a characteristic feature.

Natalia Nikolina ◽  
Larisa Ratsiburskaya ◽  
Venera Fatkhutdinova

The article considers both new functional characteristics of known word-forming formants and new derivational formants. In modern Russian speech, there has been discovered such a new phenomenon, as the mobility of borrowed elements which can be qualified as affixes (ап, аут, ин, овер). Well-known formants of Greek and Latin origin have proved to perform new pragmatic-stylistic functions: prefixoids нано-, кибер-, крипто-; suffix -оид. These formants are mostly characteristic of terms, but, as the study showed, they can participate in the creation of expressive derivatives. The article uses the material of neologisms in fiction and media texts to identify new formants: prefixes мега-, нон-, он-, оф-; suffixes -инг, -раст; suffixoids -гейт, -оголик; movable formants ап, аут, ин, овер. The appearance of new formants and new semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the known formants reflects the dynamics of the word-formation system of the Russian language, due to the processes of internationalization, "ameroglobalization" in different languages at the turn of the 20 th – 21 th centuries. Neo-derivatives testify to the specifics of knowledge and experience acquisition with the help of word-formation methods and means relevant for a certain period of time. The results of the study contribute to derivatology, neology, pragmalinguistics and can be useful for lecturers and students of higher educational institutions majoring in "Philology" and "Journalism".

Language ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 654 ◽  
Zdenek Salzmann ◽  
Leonhard Lipka

1952 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 451-462 ◽  
J. A. Boyle

§ 1. There is in all languages a considerable difference between literary and colloquial usage. Sometimes this difference is so great that one can almost speak of two distinct languages. But even when the contrast is less striking it remains true that a large part of the vocabulary and a number of grammatical forms are to be encountered only in books and do not come spontaneously to the lips in natural speech; just as, on the other hand, there are words and expressions to be heard on every side in ordinary conversation that would be unthinkable in formal writing. All this is as true of Persian as of any other language; but whereas in the West the colloquial idiom has long since achieved literary recognition in the drama and in fiction, this is by no means the case in Persia, where recent experiments in the recording of the spoken language have met with strong opposition from the upholders of the classical tradition. The first shot hi this new ‘Battle of the Books’ was fired more than 30 years ago by Sayyed Mohammad ‘Ali amālzāde with the publication of his celebrated collection of short stories known as Yekī būd yekī na-būd, in which he introduced into Persian literature a host of words and phrases in common use by all classes throughout Persia but unrecorded in dictionaries and carefully avoided by men of letters. ǰamālzāde was content to enrich the vocabulary of the literary language: it was left to men like the late Sādeq Hedāyat and his disciple Sādeq Čūbak to take a second and much more controversial step and to make the creatures of their imagination employ, as nearly as possibly, the actual pronunciation and grammar of the spoken language.

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-16
Kateryna Horodenska ◽  

Abstract: The investigation is grounded on the idea of academic Ukrainian linguistic studies about the absence of active participles with the suffix -ч- in the Ukrainian national language of the XIX century and in the early stages of development of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The paper defines the origin and status of derivatives ending in -ч-(-ий) available in the vocabulary of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The object of study were three types of derivatives: 1) verbal adjectives with the suffix -уч- (-юч-), many of which are former participles that have lost morphological or accent correlation with verbs in the form of the 3rd person plural, and now they denote the attributes of objects or their inherent properties; 2) adjectives formed from qualitative adjectives with the suffixes -уч- (-юч-), -ач- (-яч-), which modify derivatives by word-forming meaning of intense manifestation of the quality; 3) active adverbial participle forms of the present tense with the suffix -ч-, which retain morphological or accent correlation with verbs in the form of the 3rd person plural and are mainly calques from Russian adjectives ending in -щ-(-ий), -ем-(-ый). The author substantiates the normality and expediency of the derivatives ending in -ч-(-ий), which belong to the first two groups and have become a means of expressing the quality of someone or something. At the same time, the author qualifies the derivatives of the third group as non-normative, as they contradict the morphological and word-formation norms of the Ukrainian literary language. This causes their replacement by adjectives with the suffixes -льн-, -івн-, -н- and other equivalent adjectives or complex nouns, which is especially noticeable in terminological systems, as well as in the common usage. These processes reflect the tendency to restore historically formed samples of Ukrainian adjective word formation and the consistent standardization of modern Ukrainian literary language on its national basis. Keywords: derivatives ending in -ч-(-ий), verbal adjectives with the suffix -уч- (-юч-), adjectives with the suffixes -уч- (-юч-), -ач- (-яч-), active present participles with the suffix -ч-, word-formation norm, the Ukrainian national language, the Ukrainian literary language.

Valts Ernštreits

This article explores opportunities for expanding the vocabulary of Livonian through compounds, borrowings, derived words, and calques. It is clear that these methods have been effectively used already throughout the entire period of development of the modern Livonian literary language and, therefore, specific traditions have evolved in forming neologisms in Livonian. So, in forming compounds, one has to pay special attention to whether the singular or plural form is used for each component, the historical genitive is used in select types of compounds, or one or both components must be declined. Borrowings in Livonian are largely connected with internationalisms borrowed through Latvian, but adapted to fit with the unique demands of Livonian pronunciation and morphology. Derivation using suffixes is quite productive, while derivation using prefixes is distinctly limited, despite views to the contrary which are sometimes encountered. Many new concepts have actively entered Livonian through the use of calques. Two major groups of calques can be distinguished, which are those formed based on Latvian and those formed based on Estonian. Word formation in Livonian is still a little studied topic where more in depth studies are needed; however, already existing research into the expansion of the Livonian lexicon ensures the existence of a rich source of material for future study in this area.Kokkuvõte. Valts Ernštreits: Liivi keele sõnavara rikastamise meetodid. Artiklis on vaadeldud liivi keele sõnavara rikastamise viise – liitsõnu, laensõnu, tuletisi ja tõlkelaene. On täheldatav, et neid sõnavara laiendamise võimalusi on efektiivselt kasutatud juba kogu tänapäeva liivi kirjakeele kujunemisaja jooksul ning uudissõnade loomisel on liivi keeles kujunenud välja kindlad tavad. Nii tuleb uute liitsõnade loomisel pöörata tähelepanu ainsuse või mitmuse kasutusele sõltuvas osises, samuti liitsõnade eriliikidele, mis sisaldavad ajaloolist genitiivi lõppu või mille mõlemad osised on käänduvad. Laensõnad on liivi keeles peamiselt seotud internatsionalismidega, mille vahendajakeeleks on läti keel, ning laenatud sõnu tuleb kohaldada liivi keele häälduse ja morfoloogia iseärasustele. Väga produktiivsed on liivi keeles tuletised, mis on moodustatud sufiksitega, kuid prefiksite kasutamine on vastupidiselt kohati levinud arvamusele tugevalt piiratud. Paljud uued mõisted tulevad liivi keelde tõlkelaenudena, seejuures saab eristada kaht suuremat tõlkelaenude rühma – eesti ja läti keele malli järgi loodud tõlkelaene. Liivi keele sõnaloome on praeguseni võrdlemisi vähe uuritud teema, mispärast töö tuleb sel alal jätkata. Siiski annab juba tehtud töö keele rikastamisel mitmekülgset näidismaterjali edaspidiseks liivi sõnavara täiendamiseks.Märksõnad: liivi keel, keelekontaktid, sõnavara, sõnaloome, uudissõnad, laensõnad, sõnatuletus, sufiksid, prefiksid, tõlkelaenudKubbõvõttõks. Valts Ernštreits: Līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz metōdõd. Kēra tuņšlõb līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz võimiži – lītsõņḑi, līensõņḑi, täpīņțõkši, võ’ztõkši ja kālkidi. Nēḑi sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz metōdidi um mȯ’jlistiz kȭlbatõd jõbā amā tämpiz līvõ kērakīel kuojābimizāiga ja līvõ kīelsõ ātõ ka ūd sõnād lūomiz viššõd tradītsijd. Nei um ūd ītsõnād lūomiz jūsõ mõtlõ mõst iļ īdlug ja pǟgiņlug kȭlbatimiz ītsõnā tǟtjags ja neiīž iļ ītsõnād īžkizt kȭrdad, mis sizāldõbõd istōrilizt genītiv lopāndõkst agā kus mȯlmõd jagūd sǭbõd nõtkāstõd. Līensõnād līvõ kīelsõ ātõ pǟažālistõz sidtõd rovdvailizt sõnādõks, kus vaindijiks kīelkõks um lețkēļ, ja līendõd sõņḑi um kȭlbantõmõst Līvõ kīel īeldõmiz ja morfologij eņtšsuglitõks. Väggi sagdizt ātõ līvõ kīelsõ võztõkst, mis ātõ vīțõd sufiksõd abkõks, prefiksõd kȭlbatimi um vastõpēḑõn laigāld laggõnõn arrimizõn vegīstiz sūorantõd. Pǟgiņd ūd mȯistõgõd tulbõd līvõ kīelõ kui tulkõmlīenõd; sīejūs võib tūoistantõ kǭdtõ sūŗimt tulkõmlīenõd jaggõ – ēsti ja lețkīel mudīļ pierrõ lūodõd tulkõmlīenidi. Līvõ kīel sõnālūomi um veitõ tuņšlõt tēm, kus um vajāg jemīņ tõvātuņšlõkst Sīegid siedaigsǭņi tīe kēl rikāstimiz arāl āndab setmiņkilgizt nägțõbainõ līvõ sõnāvīļa tulbiz kazāntimiz pierāst.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Suhardianto Anto ◽  
Fasaaro Hulu

This research is aimed to find a comparison of how each language (colloquail, slang, transformational) are formed, in what context is used, and what is the perspective of the use of these three languages. This research is descriptive qualitative research. At the stage of providing data, researchers use Simak and Cakap technique. In the process of data analysis, the researchers use the method of padan and agih method. The agih method is used to look at the slang language constructs in each period while the method of padan is used to describe the adolescent Perspective in the use of colloquail, slang and transformational language from time to time. The result of the research shows that the way how the three non standard language is different from each other. Colloquail language are formed by changing “a” to “e” in final syllable, Deletion of First Syllable, New word formation, Additional Syllable “nge”, Change “a” to “e” in final syllable and add “an”,  and Additional particle “deh”, “aja”, “kok”, “ama”. Slang language are formed by Initial Each Word Collection, Word letter choosen, Deletion of initial letter and syllable, Change of “s’ to “c”, Change of “k” to “q”, Change of “au” to “w”, Change of “u” to “oe”, Adoption of basic words, English language abbreviation, English-Indonesia Abreviation, Citation and new word construction.Transformational language are formed by Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Go formula after single vowel sound syllable, Ga/G, Gi, Gu, Ge, Go formula before dipthong sound syllable, Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Go formula before last consonant sound, and Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Go formula for cluster consonant. The colloquial language usage context is more influenced by the habitual aspects heard by speakers in their environment such as at home, in markets, playgrounds, and certain other events. Slang languages, its use is influenced by the juvenile community environment where users only on the uses level 12 to 19 years. Transformational language was influenced by the desire to hide speech to people who were not from their groups like parents and strangers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 167-182
Svetlana L. Kravchenko ◽  

In the present article several aspects of development of the terminology of the Amharic language in recent decades are discussed. The period of drastic alterations in the life of the Ethiopian society is characterized by the emergence and rapid development of terminological units used to describe new phenomena and concepts. The activation of prefixal and suffixal formation methods of terminological units plays an important role in the enrichment of the terminology of the modern Amharic language. Great amount of complex words is formed based on original Amharic vocabulary by Amharic word formation models as well as on the basis of loanwords.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(68)) ◽  
pp. 44-46
A. Ibrahimova

The vocabulary of literary language of modern English that becomes rich these days we can see from the development process of its word formation. The role of history of prefixes in forming of new words in the word building is extensive. The article was explored the charachteristics of the history of the English language prefixes. During the Ancient and Middle Ages, prefixes were commonly used less in word formation than before. The decrease in prefixes, of course, is due to certain reasons. Some English prefixes, on the other hand, are derived from OE adverbs and prepositions, and ME and NE are more advanced in number in the creation of new words.

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