scholarly journals Dairy Farmers Perception on Cooperatives in East Java, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Hery Toiba ◽  
Rachman Hartono ◽  
Dwi Retnoningsih ◽  
Moh. Shadiqur Rahman

Although past studies have shown that cooperatives can improve the welfare of rural communities. However, many farmers did not aware about the cooperative advantages. This begs a question as to whether cooperatives really contribute to the rural incomes and economies. This study aims to assess farmers’ perception on cooperative membership and how members have adopted innovative technologies. Data were obtained from a survey with 300 dairy farmers in Malang and Batu, East Java. The data were examined using a descriptive analysis. The results showed that farmers who do not join any cooperatives perceive that the institution is not able to determine the quality of their milk produce. Meanwhile, farmers who are members of a cooperative perceive that the institution can maintain stability of milk produce’s sales prices. This implies that education about cooperatives among farmers needs to be improved so that they can objectively view the benefits of cooperative membership and make informed decision in their economic activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Winarsih Winarsih

Branchless banking is a new system which is implemented by banks in Indonesiawith aims to provide services to rural communities in order to access bankingservices such as lending or deposit money in the bank through an intermediaryagent. At first the rural communities are hard to obtain banking facilities such asmicro-credit whereas economic activities are largely actuated by lower-classsector therefore the Financial Services Authority or Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)issued the regulation number. 19/POJK.03/2014 about the financial serviceswithout office in the framework of financial inclusion on November 18, 2014 toface it. In this regulation, there are several things that need to be reviewed suchassessment accountability arrangements of agent as a third party who is notclearly regulated whereas according to some research there are some risk in themechanism of implementation like as potential of fraud due to the using of agentin this system. Though basically branchless banking is one of the strategicnational strategies to provide financing to small businesses in rural areas in orderto increase the competitiveness of products to compete in the ASEAN economiccommunity. Therefore, a legal instrument that can ensure and provide legalcertainty in branchless banking system is a very important thing, more overbranchless banking is the strategic of government to develop the quality of therural economy to face the ASEAN economic community.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Nor Iadah Yusop ◽  
Huda Ibrahim ◽  
Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof ◽  
Zahurin Mat Aji ◽  
Zulkhairi Md. Dahalin ◽  

Accessing required information via the Internet is becoming significant to improve the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to identify the information needs of rural communities. Fieldworks were carried out involving surveys, interviews and observations. The findings show that the types of information requested by these communities include information about business, career opportunity, education, health and ICT. Regardless of their economic sectors, the information needs can be categorized into two: (i) in association with economic activities; and (ii) in relation with daily life. This information can be included in a portal especially designed for the people from different economic sectors to cater their needs.

1969 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Susan Solís Rosales ◽  
Alonso Rodríguez Chaves

En el siglo pasado, el entorno rural dejó de ser escenario exclusivo de generación de alimentos y favoreció el desarrollo de otras actividades económicas como el turismo rural comunitario que reconoce y valora las especificidades patrimoniales de índole natural y cultural. En consideración, el escrito sobrepone el turismo como actividad económica, que bien aprovechada puede incrementar la competitividad de comunidades rurales. En esa dirección, señala, la necesidad de promover y sostener la estructura y la oferta productiva tradicional, aunado al conjunto de factores y recursos naturales y culturales disponibles como verdaderas ventajas. El planteamiento de la comunidad de Frailes en Costa Rica, de ofertar proyectos culturales productivos se percibe como experiencia potencial, dentro del marco de sostenibilidad e integralidad. En este caso, el uso de las capacidades endógenas culturales locales sirve de referente, puesto que la comunidad ha comprendido la necesidad de pertenecer a un sistema socio-organizacional conformado por vecinos con los que establecen relaciones para armonizar intereses y lograr aspiraciones comunes. En ese contexto, la adopción de estrategias empresariales convenidas por el colectivo favorece la promoción y expansión de actividades económicas nuevas; particularmente, para lograr competitividad y mejorar la calidad de vida de las zonas rurales.ABSTRACT Last century saw a change in rural communities that moved from just being generators of agricultural products and food to become developers of other economic activities including rural tourism, an activity that values the specificities of natural and cultural patrimonies. This paper highlights tourism as an economic activity that, effectively oriented, can increase competitiveness in rural communities. It points to keep and promote traditional productive offers and structures and, as the same time, to consider available cultural and natural resources as real advantages. The case of Frailes, a community in Costa Rica that offers productive cultural projects, is seen as a highly potential experience related to sustainability and integrality. In this case, the use of local endogenous cultural capabilities works as a reference since the community has understood the need of being part of an organizational social system formed by neighbors that establish relationships to harmonize their interests and achieve common aspirations. In this context, the adoption of enterprising strategies agreed upon by the collective favors the promotion and expansion of new economic activities, mainly, to achieve competitiveness and to improve the quality of life in rural areas.KEYWORDS: COMMUNITY RURAL TOURISM, CULTURAL HERITAGE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, COMPETITIVENESS, ENDOGENOUS CAPABILITY.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 198
Moh. Holis ◽  
Sayyidi Sayyidi ◽  
Musoffan Musoffan

Many salt farmers who are not eager to produce salt even many farmers are switching professions. This is due to the low price of local salt and the quality is even lower the quality of imported salt is even better so that it can reduce the bargaining power of local salt and consequently the salt farmers lose. This study aims to analyze the economic activities of salt farmers in Pamekasan Regency in order to evaluate the optimization of salt farmers' activities through internal and external factors, so that a development strategy can be designed to optimize the activity of salt farmers in order to support the welfare of salt farmers in Pamekasan. Using qualitative descriptive analysis, IFE and EFE matrix analysis and qualitative SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the level of optimization of the internal and external environmental analysis of economic activity and welfare of salt farmers in Pamekasan district is in quadrant I, which is aggressive, of course, all forms of activities will be optimal and welfare is achieved. The strategies that can be used as policies to increase the optimization of salt farmer activities in Pamekasan Regency are as follows 1) Expanding Salt market share, 2) Increasing productivity, the amount of quality salt production and the interest of Salt Farmers 3) Creating farmer groups 4). Increasing Competitiveness Potential 5). Cooperation with all parties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Iis Yeni Sugiarti

Abstrak. Desa Trusmi merupakan sentra batik sekaligus kuliner di Kabupaten Cirebon. Banyaknya pemegang usaha di bidang produksi batik mengakibatkan persaingan dagang diwilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)  di salah satu usaha batik milik H. Edi Baredi atau sering dikenal dengan EB Batik Tradisional melalui inkuri terbimbing. Analisis meliputi profil usaha, aspek produksi, aspek tenaga kerja, aspek pemasaran dan aspek keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif analisis. Berdasarkan analisis internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT, strategi yang  dilakukan oleh EB Batik Tradisional yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan profit yang disebabkan banyaknya persaingan dagang di kawasan sentra batik Trusmi dengan munculnya inovasi baru. Penguatan karakter pada produksi batiknya dapat mengatasi pesaingan dagang dan menambah daya tarik pembeli. Kata Kunci: SWOT, Inkuiri Terbimbing, dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Abstract. Trusmi village is a center of batik as well as culinary in Cirebon Regency. A large number of business holders in the field of batik production has resulted in trade competition in the region. This study aims to analyze SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) in one of the batik business owned by H. Edi Baredi or often known as EB Traditional Batik through guided injury. The analysis includes the business profile, production aspects, labor aspects, marketing aspects, and financial aspects. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Based on internal and external analysis of the SWOT analysis, the strategy carried out by EB Traditional Batik is to avoid losing sales and profits due to the high level of trade competition in the Trusmi batik center area with the emergence of innovations. Strengthening the character of batik production can overcome trade competition and increase the attractiveness of buyers. Keywords: SWOT, Guided Inquiry, and Economic Activities

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Philip Nababan ◽  
Efendi Napitupulu ◽  
R Mursid

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui tanggapan siswa terhadap kualitas media pembelajaran interaktif pada pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut. (2) Mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran interaktif pada pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut pada siswa program keahlian Teknik Pemesinan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Data tentang kualitas produk pengembangan ini dikumpulkan dengan angket dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualiatatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) uji ahli materi pelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Bubut berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,92%), (2) uji ahli desain pembelajaran berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (85,21%), (3) uji ahli rekayasa perangkat lunak berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (84,03%), (4) uji coba perorangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,75%), (5) uji coba kelompok kecil berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (91,35%) dan (5) uji coba lapangan berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik (88,31%). Hasil pengujian hipotesis membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif  dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan buku teks. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh  thitung sebesar 4,68 dan ttabel sebesar 1,67 pada taraf kepercayaan 95 persen. Maka diperoleh bahwa thitung> ttabel. Disimpulkan bahwa  hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan efektifitas sebesar 72,77 %. lebih tinggi dari hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran menggunakan buku teks dengan efektifitas sebesar 62,13%. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran interaktif, teknik pemesinan bubut Abstract: This study aims to: (1) Determine student responses to the quality of interactive learning media on learning Lathe Machining Techniques. (2) Knowing the effectiveness of interactive learning media on learning of Machining Lathe in students of Machining Engineering expertise program. This type of research is development research. Data about the quality of this development product was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that; (1) Lathe machining engineering subject matter expert test is in very good qualification (88.92%), (2) learning design expert test is in very good qualification (85.21%), (3) software engineering expert test is in in very good qualifications (84.03%), (4) individual trials were in very good qualifications (88.75%), (5) small group trials were in very good qualifications (91.35%) and (5 ) field trials are in very good qualifications (88.31%). Hypothesis testing results prove that there are differences between student learning outcomes using interactive learning media with student learning outcomes using textbooks. This is indicated by the results of data processing obtained by tcount of 4.68 and ttable of 1.67 at a confidence level of 95 percent. Then it is obtained that tcount> ttable. It was concluded that student learning outcomes using interactive learning media with an effectiveness of 72.77%. higher than student learning outcomes taught by learning to use textbooks with an effectiveness of 62.13%. Keywords: interactive learning media, lathe machining techniques

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Fahrurrrazi Fahrurrrazi

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena minat baca siswa dan pengaruh minat baca terhadap pertumbuhan kemampuan belajar siswa pada jenjang-jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Kepala sekolah sebagai lokomotif perkembangan mutu pendidikan memiliki peran strategi bagi pengumbuhan dan pengembangan minat baca peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator, manajer, dan innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi, serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik meliputi meliputi tiga pembinaan, yakni pembinaan mental dan moral, serta pembinaan artistik. 2) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai manajer dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam meliputi penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dengan didasarkan pada pada kerjasama dengan USAID dan UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang meliputi inovasi strategi, pola pikir (mindset) dan struktur. Abstract This research is motivated by the phenomenon of reading interest of students and the influence of reading interest on the growth of students' learning ability in the next level of education. The principal as a locomotive of the development of the quality of education has a strategic role for the growth and development of reading interest of learners. This study aims to determine the role of principal as an educator, manager, and innovator in the development of reading interest of learners in MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City. This research is a qualitative field research, data collected through observation, interview, documentation and triangulation, and analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The role of principal as an educator in the development of reading interest of learners includes three activities are coaching, namely mental and moral coaching, and artistic coaching. 2) The role of principal as manager in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam covers the application of management functions based on cooperation with USAID and UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) The role of principal as innovator in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City includes innovation strategy, mindset, and structure.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Della Arumnitas Sudrajat ◽  
R. Akhmad Munjin ◽  
Irma Purnamasari

This study aims to determine how service quality of Building Permit in District Kramat JatiResidential, East Jakarta. The population in this research is 48 people in the district who filed a Keramat Jati Residential petition. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The sampling technique used in this study is Incidental Sampling, which sampling technique by coincidence, that anyone who by chance met with the researchers can be used as a sample, which is deemed suitable by research. Then the amount used as many as 48 people. Theory framework used in this study is Ratminto and Winarsih 2006. Service is an activity or a description of the activities that take place in the direct interaction between a person with another person or machine physically and provide customer satisfaction. The result is that the services provided by the Kramat Jati’s subdistrict officer for the community applicant Building Permit Residential, located in the Good criteria with interpretation number is 3.52. The conclusion of this study is still a lack of discipline of officers in the service process that makes the event of delay that hinder the implementation of the applicant service Building Permit Residential, the researchers recommend the discipline of officers need to be improved so that every service process can run well and can improve quality of care provided to the public.Keywords : Quality Service, Building Permit, the Applicant Building Permit

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Iskandar

In the era of globalization, the competition in the business world becomes very tight. Companies vying to be able to continue to compete and survive in the business world. Each consumer must have had the expectation that the products they buy are able to provide satisfaction for them to be making purchasing decisions. Consumer purchasing decisions of companies to seeds virtual brand still low due to the brand image and quality of seeds that are still unsatisfactory.This study aims to determine the responses of respondents regarding brand image, product quality, purchasing decisions and how big an impact on the brand image itself against purchase decisions on the PT. Prabu Argo Mandiri Bandung and how much influence the quality of products on the purchase decision.The method by which the samples is Simple Random Sampling consists of 80 respondents. The method of analysis in this research using descriptive analysis and verification which is composed of multiple linear regression analysis. Product moment correlation analysis, and the coefficient of determination used to measure the level of influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions.The results based on descriptive analysis of brand image variable is in good enough category, variable quality of the product is in the unfavorable category, and the purchase decision variable is in the unfavorable category. The results based on correlation test showed that the brand image is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 68% and the product quality is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 13%. Hypothesis test results suggested that the increased purchasing decisions partially and simultaneously influence through brand image and product quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Hastati Hastati ◽  
Hasanuddin Remmang ◽  
Cahyono Cahyono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji, menganalisis menginterprestasi kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, Quality of Work Life Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Perilaku Pada Hotel Dinasti Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriftip analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif. dan metode analisis yang digunakan Analisis Path/ Path Analysis. Data diperoleh dari Hotel Dinasti Kota Makassar dan Responden adalah karyawan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menemukan bebe-rapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan di Hotel Dinasti Kota Makassar, antara lain Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja, Quality of Work Life dan Perilaku. Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku karyawan. Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku karyawan. Quality of Work Life berpengaruh positif dan signifikan ter-hadap perilaku karyawan. Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui perilaku karya-wan. Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui perilaku karyawan. Quality of Work Life berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui perilaku karyawan.  This study aims to examine, analyze leadership interpretation, job satisfaction, Quality of Work Life Against Employee Performance Through Behavior at the Hotel Dynasty Makassar City. This research is a descriptive analysis using a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach. And the analytical method used is Path Analysis. Data obtained from the Hotel Dynasty Makassar City and respondents were employees. The results of this study can find several factors that affect employee performance in the Makassar City Dynasty Hotel. These include leadership, job satisfaction, quality of work life and behavior. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee behavior. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee behavior. Quality of Work Life has a positive and significant effect on employee behavior. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through employee behavior. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through employee behavior. Quality of Work Life has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through employee behavior.

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