scholarly journals Model senam lansia untuk kebugaran jasmani dan fungsi otak

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-129
Edo Fralian Putra ◽  
Suharjana Suharjana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah senam lansia untuk kebugaran jasmani dan fungsi otak. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian Borg & Gall dengan tahapan: studi pendahuluan, analisis desain draf awal, validasi ahli, uji coba produk, evaluasi, dan revisi. Subjek uji coba skala kecil 15 orang, subjek uji coba penelitian skala besar 57 orang, dan subjek uji efektifitas produk 12 orang. Penilaian para ahli dan instruktur menggunakan kuisioner. Pengukuran kebugaran jasmani lansia menggunakan tes uji jalan 6 menit, sedangkan untuk mengukur fungsi kognitif lansia menggunakan tes The Montreal Cognitif Assesment  Indonesia (MoCA–Ina). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, model senam lansia valid, serta layak dan efektif untuk kebugaran jasmani dan fungsi otak. Hasil validasi ahli kesehatan lansia dan akademisi sekaligus praktisi kesehatan termasuk “sangat baik” dengan rata-rata 81,87%. Kualitas produk hasil uji coba skala kecil “sangat baik” dengan rata-rata 86,25. Uji coba skala besar juga termasuk “sangat baik” dengan rata-rata 98,12%. Hasil uji efektifitas produk menunjukkan peningkatan kebugaran jasmani lansia 0,32 poin (hasil pretest 4,4092 dan hasil postest 4,7292). Hasil uji efektifitas menunjukkan peningkatan fungsi kognitif lansia dengan 1,72 poin, (hasil pretest 25,58 dan hasil posttest 27,33). A gymnastic older model for pphysical fitness and brain function AbstractThis study aimed to develop an elderly gymnastics model for physical fitness and brain function. This research was research and development  which refered to Borg & Gall's research steps through preliminary study, initial draft design analysis, expert validation, product trial, evaluation, and revision. The subjects of the small-scale trial were 15 people, the subjects of the large-scale trials were 57 people, and the subjects of the product effectiveness test were 12 people. The assessment of experts and instructors used a questionnaire sheet. The measurement of elderly physical fitness used a 6-minute walk test, while measuring their cognitive function used the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Indonesia (MoCA-Ina) test. The results showed that  the developed elderly gymnastics model for physical fitness and brain function was valid. The result of expert validation showed the model was "very good" with an average  score of 81.87%. The quality of the product according to the small-scale test was "excellent" with an average score of 86.25%. Furthermore, based on the large-scale trials the product was "excellent" with an average score of 98.12%. The results of the effectiveness test showed an increase in physical fitness of the elderly by  0.32 points (the pretest score of 4.4092 to the result of postest score of 4.7292). The result of the effectiveness test showed improvement of cognitive function of elderly by 1,72 point (the pretest score of 25.58 to the result of posttest score of 27.33).

2020 ◽  
pp. 116-127
Fadli Surahman ◽  
Rahmat Sanusi ◽  
Tisrin Maulina Dewi

The problem in this research is the availability of textbook teaching physical education for early childhood or manual for sports teachers in schools is still there, in the previous learning still uses the book physical education in general. The aim of this research is generating a guide text book for teacher at PAUD and Kindergarten in physical education and recreation learning. This study is the research of development that refers from Borg and Gall concept which is shortened to seven steps as needed. Small-scale testing involves 10 subjects and field testing involves 35 subjects. In order the resulting product can be valid so in this study involves three validators consisting of motor experts, physical education learning experts and early childhood education learning experts. From the result of small-scale trials of expert validation is obtained an average score of 3.5 with the category of "Good" and large-scale trial result of expert validation is obtained an average score of 3.9 with the category of "Good". Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that product of physical education learning textbooks for early childhood are considered suitable for used. For further research can be conducted effectiveness of textbooks that have been developed so that they can see how much influence this textbook in PAUD physical education learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Evi Rahmawati ◽  
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti ◽  
N Nurhayati

IPA Integrated is a place for students to study themselves and the surrounding environment applied in daily life. Integrated IPA Learning provides a direct experience to students through the use and development of scientific skills and attitudes. The importance of integrated IPA requires to pack learning well, integrated IPA integration with the preparation of modules combined with learning strategy can maximize the learning process in school. In SMP 209 Jakarta, the value of the integrated IPA is obtained from 34 students there are 10 students completed and 24 students are not complete because they get the value below the KKM of 68. This research is a development study with the development model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The use of KPS-based integrated IPA modules (Science Process sSkills) on the theme of rainbow phenomenon obtained by media expert validation results with an average score of 84.38%, average material expert 82.18%, average linguist 75.37%. So the average of all aspects obtained by 80.55% is worth using and tested to students. The results of the teacher response obtained 88.69% value with excellent criteria. Student responses on a small scale acquired an average score of 85.19% with highly agreed criteria and on the large-scale student response gained a yield of 86.44% with very agreed criteria. So the module can be concluded receiving a good response by the teacher and students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-256
Rina Wahyuningsih ◽  
Sri Sukaesih ◽  
Endah Peniati

This study aims to describe the types of learning resources used previously at SMA N 3 Salatiga, describe the feasibility of Biomagz Based on Local Wisdom, and test the effectiveness of Biomagz Based on Local Wisdom on learning outcomes and student’s environmental care attitude. The method used is research development (R & D). Products are validated by material and media validators, and revised before being tested. Small-scale trials (readability test) use 10 students from class X MIPA 1, while large-scale trials use class X MIPA 2 with the experimental design Pre-experimental Design with the type of Pre-test and Post-test One Group Design. The results of the study show the variety of learning resources used previously including biological, teacher, internet, biology books, and the environment around students. The Feasibility of Biomagz Based on Local Wisdom obtained an average score of 92.21% with very decent criteria. Large-scale trials with an average N-gain value 0.49 in the medium category, the average classical completeness is 85.29%, and the environment care attitude of students is based on the observation result of 92.9% with a high category and the result of the inter-student assessment is 86, 18% with a high category. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Biomagz Based Local Wisdom is well worth and effective on learning outcomes and student’s environmental care attitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-188
Laras Gita Kinanti ◽  
Utvi Hinda Zhannisa ◽  
Tubagus Herlambang

The purpose of this research is to modify a simple disc device for learning physical education. The research method used was the development of Borg & Gall, namely (1) collecting information, (2) developing the initial form (in the form of a disc tool model), (3) expert validation testing, namely using 1 validation of athletic experts and one physical education learning expert, and small-scale trials using questionnaires and analysis, (4) revision of the first product design, based on the results of experts and small-scale trials (20 students), (5) field trials (48 students), (6) final product revision, (7) the final result of the modification produced through revision of field trials.The results of expert validation were carried out by 2 validities, namely validation in the field of athletic experts and validation of physical education material experts, and the results obtained in each validity were the first for the validation results in the field of athletic experts getting a percentage of 87.6% calcification (Good) , the second for the validation results in the field of Physical Education material experts got a percentage of 83.0% with the classification (Good). The results of the student questionnaire on a small scale test got a percentage of 86.6% (good). the results of the questionnaire on large-scale test students got a percentage of 81.8% (good).The conclusion and advice is that the development of a modified model of disc throwing tools with iron plate waste media can be used as an alternative to discus throwing. With the modification of disc throwing, teachers and students can be helped in learning discusses, students are interested and more active and excited in learning throw the disc.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muna Aprilianto ◽  
Tomoliyus Tomoliyus

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku pedoman bermain sepakbola untuk meningkatkan aspek psikologis (semangat, gembira, dan disiplin) anak usia 12-13 tahun di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri atas dua tahapan yaitu tahap penelitian pendahuluan terdiri dari kajian literatur, kajian penelitian relevan, studi lapangan dan tahap pengembangan terdiri perencanaan, validasi ahli, uji skala kecil, dan uji skala besar. Peneliti ini mengambil sampel dari sekolah sepakbola di Yogyakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Pada uji coba skala kecil dilakukan di SSB Real Madrid melibatkan 10 siswa dan satu orang pelatih. Pada uji coba skala besar dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu di SSB Real Madrid dan SSB Bina Putra Jaya Sleman melibatkan 38 siswa dan dua pelatih. Analsis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil validasi menunjukkan model bermain sepakbola anak usia 12-13 tahun layak untuk diuji cobakan. Berdasarkan Hasil pelaksanaan pada uji coba skala kecil dan besar secara substansi isi dan pelaksanaan tergolong sangat baik. Hasil penilaian efektivitas model tehadap psikologis anak berupa semangat, gembira, dan disiplin mengalami peningkatan: nilai pertemuan kedua lebih tinggi dari pertemuan pertama. Dapat disimpulkan model bermain sepakbola anak usia 12-13 tahun efektif untuk meningkatkan aspek psikologis berupa semangat, gembira, dan disiplin siswa dalam melakukan latihan sepakbola.Kata Kunci: model, bermain, psikologis, sekolah sepakbola Development a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta AbstractThis research aims to develop a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects (spirit, joy, and discipline) of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta. This study is a research and development which consists of two stages. The Preliminary research stage and development stage. The Preliminary research stage consisted of a literature review, relevant research studies and field studies. The Development stage consisted of planning, validation expert, small-scale test, and test large scale. The Validation involve three people experts. The sampel of take it from soccer school in Yogyakarta. The small-scale tryout was conducted on 10 students and one coach of Real Madrid Soccer School in Yogyakarta. The large-scale trials were conducted with two soccer school on 38 students and two coach of Yogyakarta Real Madrid Soccer School and Sleman Bina Putra Jaya Soccer School. The resul is a playing soccer model for children aged 12-13 years with the title "Playing Soccer in Practice to Improve Psychological Aspects". Based on the small-scale tryout and the small-scale tryout content implementation aspects are in an excellent category. The Psychological development of students assessment resulting in the form of passion, joy, and discipline in playing soccer show improvement: score of the second meeting is greater than the average score of the first meeting, thus it can be concluded thaat the playing soccer model for children age 12-13 years is effective to improve students’ psychological aspects, including the aspects of spirit, joy, and discipline in doing soccer practice.Keywords: models, play, psychological, soccer school

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-401
Titin Setiartin R.

TRANSFORMASI TEKS CERITA RAKYATKE DALAM BENTUK CERITA BERGAMBARSEBAGAI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MEMBACA APRESIATIFTitin Setiartin R.FKIP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalayaemail: [email protected] ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan transformasi teks cerita rakyat ke dalambentuk cerita bergambar sebagai model pembelajaran membaca apresiatif. Penelitianpengembangan ini menggunakan strategi campuran kualitatif-kuantitatif desaineksploratori sekuensial. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan uji validasipola matching pretest posttest. Hasil analisis uji-t antara tes awal and tes akhir kelas uji cobaterbatas, uji coba luas, dan uji validasi menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan.Hasil analisis perbedaan dua rerata terhadap data hasil uji coba pertama/terbatas diperolehnilai t sebesar 11,992 dengan besaran perbedaan antara nilai tes awal dan nilai tes akhirsebesar 16,785 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkanbahwa model pembelajaran transformasi teks cerita yang dikembangkan mampumeningkatkan kemampuan membaca apresiatif. Model pembelajaran transformasi tekscerita efektif dan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca apresiatifsiswa kelas XII SMK.Kata kunci: transformasi teks, model pembelajaran, membaca apresiatifTHE TRANSFORMATION OF FOLKLORE TEXTSINTO ILLUSTRATED STORIES AS A LEARNING MODELOF APPRECIATIVE READINGAbstractThis study aims to describe the transformation of folklore texts into illustrated storiesas a learning model of appreciative reading. This was a research and development studyusing a qualitative-quantitative mixed strategy with a sequential exploratory design. Thedata were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed using a validation test by matchingthe pretest and the posttest. The results of the analysis of the t-test for the pretest and theposttest in the small-scale tryout, large-scale tryout, and validation test showed significantdifferences. The results of the analysis of the difference between two means in the first orsmall-scale tryout showed t =11.992 with a difference of 16.785 between the pretest scoreand the posttest score and a significance value of 0.000. Therefore, it can be concludedthat the developed learning model using the transformation of story texts can improveappreciative reading skills. The model is effective and appropriate to be used to improvethe appreciative reading skills of Grade XII students of the vocational high school.Keywords: transformation of texts, learning model, appreciative reading

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Sayyidah Asmah ◽  
Laili Fitri Yeni ◽  
Titin Titin

Interactive multimedia based on Lectora inspire referred to in this research was learning media of based ICT created to use the Lectora inspire computer program. This research aims to develop learning media and determine students' responses to interactive multimedia based on Lectora inspire that appropriate to be used as learning media in the kingdom monera. This research was the ADDIE development model consisting of five stages of analyzing, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The students response questionnaire consisted of 3 aspects namely cognitive, affective, and conative consisting was 22 items. Research subjects is students of class XI in SMA Negeri 2 Pontianak, SMA Negeri 10 Pontianak, and MAN 1 Pontianak. The results of interactive multimedia based on Lectora inspire validation for the eligibility to obtain a Content Validity Index value was 1.00 and declared valid. A small-scale trial consisting of 18 students received an average rating is a good category. Whereas a large-scale trial consisting of 36 students obtained an average score in the very good category. The results obtained it was concluded that interactive multimedia based on Lectora inspire was suitable for use as a medium in schools and there needs to be implemented to see acheviement.Keywords: Kingdom monera, lectora inspire, interactive multimedia, response

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-303
Rasmita Rasmita ◽  
Shally Amna

The purpose of this research is to produce English language teaching materials 1 through the implementation of poster presentation assisted vlog strategies for improving language skills and student learning outcomes at private Universities in Padang. This research uses research and development (RD) methods. The stages of development in this study using the development procedures of the Puslitjaknov team include; (1) needs analysis, (2) initial product development, (3) expert validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials, (5) large-scale field trials. Data collection methods in this study are the observation sheets, questionnaires, expert validation sheets and evaluation (tests). The results of this development research are effective and applicable English 1 teaching materials used for non-English major students.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Aliyah Tazkiyah ◽  
Maulina Hendrik ◽  
Nurjannah Nurjannah

Banyak siswa tidak tertarik mempelajari cerita fabel yang hanya berupa teks dan belum menggunakan media pembelajaran. Padahal, fabel merupakan salah satu tradisi lisan yang sarat dengan nilai kebudayaan yang diajarkan di sekolah melalui pembelajaran sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media interaktif cerita fabel Mentilin yang Cerdik dengan menggunakan Articulate Storyline 3 untuk siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar yang sahih dan praktis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and development (RD) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Model ini terdiri atas empat tahap, yaitu analisis (analysis), perancangan (design), pengembangan (development), dan implementasi (implementation). Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket validasi ahli materi, ahli bahasa, ahli media, serta angket respons guru dan siswa. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa media yang dikembangkan dinyatakan sangat sahih dan sangat praktis. Media interaktif sangat sahih diperoleh dari validasi ahli media dengan persentase sebesar 97,5%, ahli materi 92,5%, dan ahli bahasa 92,5%. Sementara itu, media interaktif dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan dibuktikannya hasil angket respons siswa pada uji coba skala kecil dengan persentase sebesar 98,75%, uji coba skala besar dengan persentase sebesar 97%, dan hasil angket respons guru memperoleh persentase sebesar 98,75%. This research is motivated by students who are not interested in studying fable stories which are only in the form of text and had not used learning media. Using Articulate Storyline 3 for fourth-grade elementary school students attempted to create valid and practical interactive media for Mentilin yang Cerdik fable stories. The research approach used was Research and Development (RD), which followed the ADDIE development model with four stages: analysis, design, development, and implementation. Material expert validation questionnaires, linguists, media experts, teacher, and student response questionnaires were all used to collect data. Material expert validation questionnaires, linguists, media experts, teacher, and student response questionnaires were all used to collect data. The result of research and development stated that the media was very valid and very practical. Very valid interactive media was obtained from the validation of media experts with a percentage of 97.5%, material experts 92.5%, and linguists 92.5%. While interactive media is stated to be very practical with the evidence of the results of student response questionnaires in small-scale trials with a a percentage of 98.75%, large-scale trials with a percentage of 97%, and the results of teacher response questionnaires obtaining a percentage of 98.75%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yulia Anita ◽  
Saleh Hidayat ◽  
Haryadi Haryadi

This article aimed to determine the practicality, validity, and test the effectiveness of material inquiry-based education. The research development procedure basically consists of two main objectives, namely: (1) develop products and (2) test the effectiveness of products in achieving goals. The results showed that the way to develop inquiry-based learning models  reviewed the source supporting fish classification material, made the initial draft LKPD, do expert validation and revision, small-scale trials and large-scale trials. Based on the validity test, the developed LKPD was very valid category with an average value of 84.6 all aspects of the assessment. Students also gave a positive response to LKPD with was developed with an of 84.7. This indicated that the valid LKPD was used in the learning process. The effectiveness of LKPD has increased the achievement of student learning outcomes with the presentation of the pretest-posttest value gaining a value of 63.64%. The results of the research obtained be concluded that the LKPD developed meets the medium category, so that it was practical, valid and effective to use. Key words: The Development of LKPD, Inqury-Based Education, The Effectiveness of LKPD

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