scholarly journals Rendahnya asupan zat besi dan kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas I Kembaran, Banyumas

Ari Purwoko Widji Utomo ◽  
Detty Siti Nurdiati ◽  
Retna Siwi Padmawati

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Background: One of the nutritional problems that frequently occur in pregnant women is anemia, which is the biggest problem of micronutrient and the most difficult to overcome in the world. Anemia occurs at all stages of the life cycle, more commonly attacked pregnant women and children. The cause of anemia<br />is iron deficiency which is needed to the formation of a hemoglobin (Hb). Deficiency of iron in the body is due to lack of consumption of food sources of iron and the non-compliance of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets. Supplementation of iron tablets and improvement of nutrient intake especially<br />good source of iron is one of anemia prevention that has been done.</p><p>Objectives: To determine the relationship between nutrient intake and the level of compliance in consuming iron tablets with incidence of anemia in pregnant women at work area of Puskesmas I Kembaran Banyumas.</p><p>Methods: This was an observational study (survey) with a cross sectional design with 50 subjects of the third trimester pregnant women. The research used both quantitative and qualitative approaches.</p><p>Results: The percentage of anemia in pregnant women in this study was 56.0%. The results of the multivariable analysis showed that only compliance-related iron tablets consumption significantly had relationship (p=0.001, RP=3.7, 95% CI:2.06-6.82) with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. The high cost of animal food sources, the limitation of animal food sources diversity, and the dislike animal food sources consumption caused pregnant women choosing plant-based foods that where cheap and easily obtainable.</p><p>Conclusions: This study proved that the intake of nutrients, especially iron and compliance of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets was still be the cause of anemia in pregnant women. Therefore, it needs to reduce and prevent maternal anemia by increasing the diversity of the consumption of iron food<br />sources, awareness of pregnant women to consume iron tablets, and the role of husband in encouraging pregnant women to consume iron tablets.</p><p>KEYWORDS: anemia, compliance in consuming iron tablets, nutrient intake</p><p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Latar belakang: Salah satu masalah gizi yang banyak terjadi pada ibu hamil adalah anemia gizi, yang merupakan masalah gizi mikro terbesar dan tersulit diatasi di seluruh dunia. Hasil Riskesdas tahun 2010 menunjukkan 80,7% wanita usia subur (WUS) yang hamil mendapat/membeli tablet besi, namun sebagian<br />besar diketahui tidak patuh mengonsumsinya. Kekurangan besi dalam tubuh disebabkan kurangnya konsumsi makanan sumber zat besi dan ketidakpatuhan ibu hamil mengonsumsi tablet besi. Suplementasi tablet besi dan perbaikan asupan zat gizi terutama sumber zat besi merupakan upaya penanggulangananemia yang banyak dilakukan.</p><p>Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan asupan zat gizi dan tingkat kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas I Kembaran Kabupaten Banyumas.</p><p>Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional (survey) dengan rancangan cross sectional dengan subjek penelitian 50 ibu hamil trimester III. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif.</p><p>Hasil: Persentase anemia pada ibu hamil sebesar 56,0%. Hasil analisis multivariat hanya kepatuhan mengonsumsi tablet besi yang berhubungan bermakna (p=0,001, RP=3,7; 95% CI:2,06-6,82) dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil. Harga sumber makanan hewani yang mahal, keanekaragaman sumber makanan hewani yang terbatas, dan ketidaksukaan mengonsumsi sumber makanan hewani menyebabkan ibu hamil memilih sumber makanan nabati yang murah dan mudah didapat.</p><p>Kesimpulan: Asupan zat gizi terutama zat besi dan kepatuhan ibu hamil mengonsumsi tablet besi masih menjadi penyebab anemia pada ibu hamil. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan anemia ibu hamil dengan cara peningkatan keanekaragaman konsumsi bahan makanan sumber zat besi, kesadaran ibu hamil untuk mengonsumsi tablet besi, dan peran serta suami dalam mendorong ibu hamil mengonsumsi tablet besi.</p><p>KATA KUNCI: anemia, kepatuhan minum tablet besi, asupan zat gizi</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-90
Fiqriah Ayu Awalamaroh ◽  
Leni Sri Rahayu ◽  
Indah Yuliana

Anemia in pregnancy is one of the national problems that reflects the value of the socio-economic welfare of the community which also influences the quality of human resources. Factors that can influence the emergence of anemia among pregnant women include socioeconomic, knowledge, frequency of antenatal care visits, maternal age, distance of pregnancy, parity, infectious diseases, lack of consumption of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, chronic bleeding, nutritional status, diet, compliance to consume Fe tablets, impaired absorption of iron in the body, and gestational age. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of food sources of Fe consumption, compliance to consume Fe Tablets and knowledge about anemia with anemia status in pregnant women. This research used cross sectional design. The number of samples in this study were 51 pregnant women with gestational age ≥ 36 weeks. Analysis of this research data used Fisher’s Exact. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a significant relationship between compliance to consume Fe tablet adherence to taking Fe tablets (p=0,000) and anemia status in pregnant women gestational age ≥ 36 weeks. Meanwhile, the consumption of Fe (p > 0,05) and knowledge about anemia (p > 0,05) had no significant relationship with anemia status in pregnant women ≥ 36 weeks. Thus, the level of compliance with Fe tablet consumption needs to be maintained and improved. Pregnant women still need to be educated about anemia, the effects and food sources of Fe that should be consumed during pregnancy, so that the level of knowledge can increase. Keywords: Anemia, Compliance of Iron Tablet Consumption, Knowledge, Pregnant Women

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-122 ◽  
Dina Mariana ◽  
Dwi Wulandari ◽  
Padila Padila

This study aims to determine the relationship between diet and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in Puskesmas Jalan Gedang Kota Bengkulu. Based on the preliminary study conducted on 10 people pregnant women in the work area of ​​gedang puskesmas got 5 mother mother had pregnancy anemia in trimester 1 and 2I, when asked this matter because of the food menu that potluck.The study method used was a descriptive analytic cross sectional design. This studywas conducted in Jalan Gedang health center Bengkulu City from March 1 until May 1, 2017, with the samples of 30 respondents. Retrieving data was done using a questionnaire sheet and documentation of patient status and then analyzed by univariate and bivariate using Chi Square test. Results of the 30 respondents were half of the respondents 50.0% had unhealthy eating patterns, almost half of respondents 26.7% had anemia. Based on Chi-Square test pvalue 0.035, which shows there was a correlation between the diet and the incidence of anemia among pregnant women in Jalan Gedang health center Bengkulu City. Keywords: Anemia of Pregnant Women, Diet,    

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Nuhdi Arfarisy

Filariasis (elephantiasis) is a contagious disease caused by filarial worms that lives in the channel and lymph nodes (lymph) in the human body. The disease in transmitted through mosquito bites. Sub District Muara Pawan in Ketapang district is endemic region of filariasis so than Bulk Drug Prevention (Diethyl Citrate Carbamazine) against the whole of society in needed except in pregnant women because of the side effects of these drugs for pregnant women and fetus. Based on the preliminary survey and information from Ketapang District Office there were a few factors that play a role in the transmission, that were environmental factor and social behavior. This research was a descriptive cross sectional design conducted at Sub District Muara Pawan Ketapang District. Data were collected through observation and interviews. The research objective was a determine the potential transmission of filariasis in pregnant at Sub District Muara Pawan Ketapang District in West Kalimantan. Result showed that finger blood test results conducted on 53 samples of pregnant women did not find microfilaria in the blood. The results of the identification of mosquitoes are found is the dominant mosquito species Anopheles letifer. Results of laboratory tests were conducted by B2P2VRP Salatiga to 399 mosquitoes are not found filarial worms in the body of the mosquito. There are five variables that have the potential for transmission of filariasis in pregnant women in Puskesmas Tanjung Pura Sub Muara Pawan namely the level of knowledge is less (66.0%), there is mosquito habitat (75.5%), there is a place resting mosquitoes (71.7%), the habit of not using anti-mosquito drugs (66.0%), the habit of not using a closed clothes at home (73.6%). The conclusion of this study is the environmental factors and poor public behavior turned out to be very influential on the potential transmission of filariasis incidence in pregnant women.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-122
Iffah Iffah ◽  
Nova Hasbani Prima Dewi ◽  
Mariamu Mariamu

Mitos kehamilan adalah satu cerita, pendapat atau anggapan dalam sebuah kebudayaan yang dianggap mempunyai kebenaran yang isinya tentang anjuran maupun larangan mengenai kehamilan yang pernah berlaku pada suatu masa dahulu hingga sekarang yang kebenarannya belum tentu benar adanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu hamil dengan mitos kehamilan di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat Kota Langsa tahun 2018. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan rancangan bedah lintang. Populasi penelitian diambil dari seluruh ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat Kecamatan Langsa Barat Kota Langsa pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember tahun 2017 yang berjumlah 831 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin yang diperoleh sebanyak 89 sampel dengan menggunakan teknik acak stratifikasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari tanggal 15-11 Juli tahun 2018 dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas tidak ada mitos kehamilan pada responden yaitu sebanyak 56 responden (62,9%). Secara statistik ada hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu hamil dengan mitos kehamilan di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat Kota Langsa tahun 2018 dengan p value 0,000 (P < 0,1). Bagi ibu hamil agar tidak harus selalu menerima mitos-mitos yang dapat merugikan kesehatan ibu hamil. Ibu hamil harus rutin melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan dan mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya dari tenaga kesehatan seputar kehamilan.Keyword : Pregnancy Myths, Knowledge, AttitudesABSTRACTPregnancy myth is a story, opinion or assumption in a culture that is considered to have the truth about the contents of the suggestions and prohibitions on pregnancy that had prevailed in a time ago until now that the truth is not necessarily true. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitude of pregnant women with the myth of pregnancy in the Work Area UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat Langsa City 2018. The design of this study was analytic with cross sectional design. The study population was taken from all pregnant women in the Working Area of UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat Langsa Barat Sub-district Langsa City from January to December of 2017, amounting to 831 people. Sampling was done by using Slovin formula obtained by 89 samples by using random stratification technique. The study was conducted from July 15-11, 2018 by interview using questionnaire. Statistical test using chi square test. The results showed that the majority of no pregnancy myths on respondents that as many as 56 respondents (62.9%). Statistically there is relationship of knowledge and attitude of pregnant mother with pregnancy myth in Work Area UPTD Puskesmas Langsa Barat City Langsa year 2018 with p value 0,000 (P <0,1). For pregnant women not to always accept the myths that can harm the health of pregnant women. Pregnant women should routinely perform pregnancy checkups and seek as much information as possible from health workers about pregnancy.Keyword : Pregnancy Myths, Knowledge, Attitudes

Nurbaiti Nurbaiti ◽  
Donal Nababan ◽  
Asima Sirait

During pregnancy routine monitoring can be done using K1 and K4 coverage. In 2017 K4 coverage was 96.7%. Whereas in 2018, K4 coverage for pregnant women amounted to 356 (68.5%) of the target pregnant women amounted to 519 (100%). From these data it can be seen that in 2018 the coverage of K4 in pregnant women decreased compared to the K4 coverage in 2017. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, parity, family support, availability of pregnancy check-ups, coverage of health services, support of health workers and other factors. most dominant on K4 visits for pregnant women in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center, Aceh Tamiang Regency. This type of research is analytic with cross-sectional design methods. The population of this study was the third trimester pregnant women who examined their pregnancies in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center in Aceh Tamiang Regency with a total of 356 samples using a Slovin formula of 78 people. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling technique. From the results of multiple logistic regression tests with a value of value = 0.25, it was found that there was a significant relationship of knowledge (p = 0.000, PR = 0.075), parity (p = 0.001, PR = 15,863), the availability of a pregnancy checkup (p = 0.011, PR = 0.132), range of health services (p = 0.006, PR = 0.112), support (p = 0.007, PR = 0.084), the most dominant variable is parity (p = 0.001; PR = 15,863; 95% CI: 3,221- 78,114) which means that respondents with multigravida parity have a risk of not doing K4 visits 15,863 times greater than primigravida parity. It is expected that pregnant women will be more active and active in conducting K4 visits in order to detect all possibilities that can occur so as to avoid danger during pregnancy or before delivery.ABSTRAKSelama kehamilan dapat dilakukan pemantauan rutin dengan menggunakan cakupan K1 dan K4. Tahun 2017 cakupan K4 berjumlah 96,7%. Sedangkan pada tahun 2018, cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil berjumlah 356 (68,5%) dari sasaran ibu hamil berjumlah 519 (100%). Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pada Tahun 2018 cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil menurun dibandingkan dengan cakupan K4 di Tahun 2017.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, paritas, dukungan keluarga, ketersediaan alatpemeriksaan kehamilan, jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan, dukungan petugas kesehatan serta faktor yang paling dominan terhadap kunjungan K4 pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik dengan metode rancangan crossectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang berjumlah 356 dengan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin sebanyak 78 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Dari hasil uj iregresi logistic berganda dengan nilaip value = 0.25, diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan pengetahuan (p=0.000, PR=0.075), paritas (p=0.001, PR=15.863), ketersediaan alat pemeriksaan kehamilan (p=0.011, PR=0.132), jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan (p=0.006, PR=0.112), dukungan (p=0.007, PR=0.084), variabel yang paling dominan adalah paritas (p=0.001; PR=15.863; 95%CI:3.221-78.114)yang berarti bahwa responden dengan Paritas multigravida mempunyai risiko tidak melakukan kunjungan K4 15.863 kali lebih besar dibandingkan paritas primigravida. Diharapkan kepada ibu hamil agar lebih aktif dan giat dalam melakukan kunjungan K4 agar terdeksi segala kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi sehingga terhindar dari bahaya selama kehamilan maupun menjelang persalinan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Afridon Afridon

Rheumatic disease is a disease affecting the joints and surrounding structures, consisting of more than 100 types. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a progressive autoimmune disease with chronic inflammation that attacks the musculoskeletal system but can involve the organs and systems of the body as a whole, characterized by swelling, joint pain and destruction of synovial tissue accompanied by movement disorders followed by premature death. This type of research is analytical, with a cross sectional design, where in this study, the dependent and independent variables will be observed at the same time, this method is expected to be known "Factors Associated with Rheumatic Incidence in Rheumatism Patients in Village VI Ethnic Work Area. Puskesmas Tanah Garam Kota Solok ". Based on the results of research conducted on 40 respondents, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between genetics and the incidence of rheumatism, there is a relationship between age and the incidence of rheumatism, there is a relationship between sex and the incidence of rheumatism, there is a relationship between obesity and the incidence of rheumatism and a relationship between lifestyle and incidence rheumatism in Kelurahan VI Tribe, Tanah Garam Public Health Center, Solok City.

Shinta Novelia ◽  
Rosmawati Lubis ◽  
Reni Apriyanti

Background: In Indonesia, there are 107,000 pregnant women who experience anxiety in facing labor. Based on a preliminary study conducted on 10 respondents, 7 of them said they felt anxious about getting pregnant during the Covid-19 pandemic because they were afraid of being exposed to the Covid-19 virus and it could endanger pregnant women. Objective: To determine the factors related to anxiety of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Banjar Pandeglang Health Center work area in 2021 Methodology: The study used cross sectional design. The population in this study was 112 pregnant women in January in the Banjar Health Center working area. The sample used in this study was a total population with an accidental sampling technique, 112 pregnant women in January at the working area of ​​the Banjar Health Center with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: There was a significant relationship between knowledge p-value ( .004), family support ( .000) and health facilities ( .003) with the level of anxiety of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Banjar Pandeglang Health Center work area. Conclusions and Recommendations: There was no relationship between health information and the level of anxiety of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that pregnant women can pay more attention to their condition both physically and psychologically and ask their husbands or families to always provide support, participate in maintaining pregnancy and in preparing for childbirth and still comply with health protocols to avoid the Covid-19 virus. Keywords: anxiety; knowledge; family support; health facilities; health information; pregnant women      

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Sundari Sundari ◽  
Nurul Husnah ◽  
Suci Avnalurini Sharief ◽  
M. Akbar Alwi

Background: The condition of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is exacerbated by the habits of consuming tea. Anemia in pregnant women is still a health problem and a high-level cause of death that causes maternal bleeding indirectly. In Indonesia, tea is the most consumed beverage after water. The aroma of fragrant tea and its distinctive taste make this drink widely consumed. Tea can also be used as an antioxidant, improve skin, and slim the body. However, tea-drinking habits in pregnant women can affect the risk of anemia because tea contains tannins that can inhibit the absorption of iron. Purpose: To analyze the association between tea-drinking habits and anemia on pregnant women in Makassar, Indonesia. Methods: This was a quantitative study with cross-sectional design. The subject in this study was 36 pregnant women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy that was chosen by accidental sampling. The analysis that used was chi-square test to examine the association between tea-drinking habits and anemia. A systematic questionnaire was used to collect data by interviewing respondents. Result: Of the 36 pregnant women who always drink tea, 22 respondents (48%) had anemia and 14 respondents (30%) were not anemic.  Meanwhile, of 10 respondents who did not have tea consumption habits, 6 respondents (13%) had anemia and 4 respondents (9%) did not suffer from anemia.  Chi-square test showed p=1,000 (p>0,05), which means that there was no association between tea consumption and anemia. Conclusion: Tea-drinking habit was not related to anemia in pregnant women in Makassar, Indonesia. Pregnant women may consume tea after eating but they need to control the interval, at least one hour after having a meal to avoid anemia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Handri Baharutan ◽  
Supit Siantan ◽  
Supit Siantan ◽  
J. J. V. Rampengan

Abstract: Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells that serve the distribute of oxygen throughout the body. The decreasing of hemoglobin can cause anemic. In pregnant women usually experience hemodelusi. In Indonesia, the prevalence of anemic in pregnancy is relatively high at 38% - 71.5% with an average of 63.5%. This study aims to determine the level of hemoglobin in pregnant women in Public Health Center Bahu Subdistrict Malalayang Manado City. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The inclusion criteria were second and third trimester pregnant mothers. The study was conducted at the Public Health Center Bahu subdistrict Malalayang Manadoin from November to December 2014. The number of samples that met the criteria were 30 patients. The results showed that of the 30 pregnant women of second and third trimesters, 25 had normal hemoglobin level. The average age of the women who underwent antenatal care examination was 26 years old. Most of the pregnant women were in the second trimester with nulliparity. Conclusion: In this study, most of the pregnant women of the second and the third trimesters had normal hemoglobin level and in healthy reproductive ages (20-35 years old).Keywords: Hemoglobin levels, pregnant womenAbstrak: Hemoglobin merupakan komponen sel darah merah yang berfungsi menyalurkan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Berkurangnya hemoglobin menyebabkan anemia. Pada ibu hamil biasanya mengalami hemodelusi. Di Indonesia prevalensi anemia kehamilan relatif tinggi, yaitu 38%-71,5% dengan rerata 63,5%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang, Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Kriteria inklusi ialah ibu hamil trimester II dan trimester III. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Puskesmas Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado dalam periode November – Desember 2014. Jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 30 pasien. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa ibu hamil trimester II dan III yang memiliki kadar hemoglobin normal 25 dari 30 orang. Rerata umur ibu yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal care 26 tahun. Umumnya ibu hamil yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal care ialah ibu hamil trimester II dengan paritas nulipara. Simpulan: Sebagian besar ibu hamil trimester II dan trimester III mempunyai kadar hemoglobin normal dan berada dalam usia reproduksi sehat yaitu usia 20-35 tahun.Kata kunci: hemoglobin, ibu hamil

2008 ◽  
Vol 137 (7) ◽  
pp. 980-987 ◽  
S. NUNN ◽  
A. GRANT ◽  

SUMMARYSurveillance reports and prevalence studies have indicated that injecting drug users (IDUs) contribute more to the hepatitis C epidemic in the United Kingdom than any other risk group. Information on both the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis C in IDUs is therefore essential to understanding the epidemiology of this infection. The prevalence of hepatitis C in specimens from the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme collected in 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 was determined using residual syphilis serology specimens from IDUs attending 15 genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in and outside London. These specimens were tested for antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV). Using this cross-sectional design, anti-HCV-negative specimens were tested for HCV RNA to identify incident infections during the ‘window’ period of infection, and thus to estimate HCV incidence. Results of the multivariable analysis showed that there was marked variation in prevalence by clinic (P<0·0001) and age (P<0·0001). Overall the majority of infections were in males and the overall prevalence in injectors declined over the study period from 36·9% to 28·7%. The annual incidence in these injectors was estimated as being 3·01% (95% CI 1·25–6·73). Over the study period HCV incidence decreased by 1·2% per year. Genotyping of the incident infections identified the most common genotype as type 1 with type 3 being more frequently seen after 1998. Of the prevalent infections, genotype 1 was the most common. The study has confirmed a higher prevalence of anti-HCV in IDUs in the London area compared to those outside London. How representative of the current injecting drug user population are IDUs attending GUM clinics is unclear. Even so, such studies allow prevalence and incidence to be estimated in individuals who have ever injected drugs and inform ongoing public health surveillance.

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