scholarly journals Strategi Produksi “Bom P 100 Live” Untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Studi Di PT. Dahana (Persero) Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat)

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Deden Ependi ◽  
Agus Prasetya ◽  
Armaidy Armawi

 ABSTRACTIndependence in the Field of Major Weapons Systems, especially technology in the defense industry, the government through PT. Dahana in collaboration with PT. Sari Bahari Malang, had developed and produced P 100 Live Bombs. The P 100 Live bomb was a type of high explosive fragmented bomb but was not included in the smart bomb group. The presence of the P 100 Live Bomb was expected to strengthened the Sukhoi Air Force Combat Aircraft storefront for meeting domestic needs to supported the durability of the Weapon System Main Tool. At present the bomb had been mass produced but in its production there were still a number of obstacles this research needs. This study aimed to determined the role of PT. Dahana, knew the inhibiting and supporting factors and formulated strategies in the production of Live P 100 Bombs. The study was conducted using descriptive analysis methods that presented data and facts. Alternative strategies were analyzed by SWOT analysis. The results of the study showed that First, the role of PT. Dahana in the production of Live P 100 Bombs as a lead integrator. Second, six prominent aspects were found, namely technology / machine aspects,  regulatory aspects,  capital aspects, HR aspects,  management aspects, and  material aspects. The six aspects, which made the inhibiting factors were material aspects, HR, and capital, while those that made the driving factors were the aspects of technology / machinery, regulation, and management. Third, the SWOT analysis described Quadrant IV, namely the consolidation strategy, “optimizing opportunities and minimizing weaknesses”.ABSTRAKKemandirian dibidang Alat Utama Sistem Senjata khususnya teknologi industri pertahanan, pemerintah melalui PT. Dahana yang bekerjasama dengan PT. Sari Bahari Malang, telah mengembangkan dan memproduksi Bom P 100 Live.Bom P 100 Live adalah jenis bom berfragmentasi daya ledak tinggi tetapibukan termasuk kedalam golonganbom pintar.Hadirnya Bom P 100 Live diharapkan dapat memperkuat etalase senjata Pesawat Tempur Sukhoi TNI AU untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam negeri guna mendukung ketahanan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata.Saat ini bom tersebut telah di produksi secara massal namun dalam produksinya masih menjumpai sejumlah kendala hal ini diperlukannya penelitian.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran PT. Dahana, mengetahui faktor penghambat dan pendukung serta merumuskan strategi dalam produksi Bom P 100 Live. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis yang memaparkan data dan fakta. Strategi alternatif dianalisis dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaPertama, peran PT. Dahana dalam produksi Bom P 100 Live sebagai lead integrator. Kedua, ditemukan enam aspek yang menonjol yaituaspek teknologi/mesin, aspekregulasi,  aspek modal, aspek SDM, aspek manjemen, dan aspek material. Keenam aspek tersebut, yang menjadikan faktor penghambat yaitu aspek material, SDM, dan modal, sedangkan yang menjadikan faktor pendorong yaitu aspek teknologi/ mesin, regulasi, dan manajemen.Ketiga, analisis SWOT menggambarkan Kuadran IV, yaitu strategi Konsolidasi, “mengoptimalkan peluang dan meminimalkan kelemahan

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Emi Suwarni ◽  
Maidiana Astuti Handayani

This study aims to find the strategy of developing MSMEs based on potential and opportunities in the period of covid-19. The research object is the MSME unit in Bandar Lampung City, especially MSME banana chips. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis. Based on the results it is known that the position of MSMEs is in quadrant I. The strategy of developing MSMEs is to increase the potential and take advantage of opportunities. One of the strategies is the utilization of information technology and social media in the development of MSMEs of the region's flagship banana chip products. The results of this research are expected to be useful as consideration for MSMEs to develop their businesses even during the COVID 19 pandemic. Likewise, for the government to actively socialize the use of digital media for MSMEs so that MSME development will increase. The limitation of this research is that it has not quantitatively calculated the role of social media and information technology in MSME development. This could be an opportunity for further research

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-209
Dwi Agustina ◽  
Edy Mulyadi

The community is responsible for the implementation of the community early awareness, meanwhile the government is obliged to facilitate it. A good role of the Community Early Awareness Forum or Forum Kewaspadaan Dini Masyarakat (FKDM) followed up by the government can save the community from security threat or disaster and minimize losses by anticipating the security threats and disaster. This research uses qualitative approach. Concept operationalization in this research refers to the used strategy, the SWOT analysis. The FKDM strategies in social conflict early prevention are: 1) inserting early warning system by increasing institutional capacities which include three elements; government, private sector, community through dialogue, 2) National Unity and Politics Agency or Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik (Kesbangpol) of DKI Jakarta actively making dialogue persuasively and finding solution, 3) budgeting of conflict handling according to the Government Regulation gives opportunity to strengthen community resilience to protect the community, encourage community participation, handle social conflict, and preserve local wisdom to maintain peace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 86-93
Andriansyah Andriansyah ◽  
Endang Sulastri ◽  
Evi Satispi

Humans in meeting the needs of their lives need natural resources, in the form of land, water and air, and other natural resources that are included in renewable and non-renewable natural resources. However, it must be realized that the natural resources that humans need have limitations in many ways, namely limitations regarding their availability in quantity and quality. Certain natural resources also have limitations according to space and time. The government needs to take alternative steps to determine the potential and problems in the use of natural resources. The purpose of this study is to find out how the role of the government through its policies in managing the environment. This research uses the descriptive analysis method. The results of the study indicate that the creation of a fair and firm environmental law enforcement to manage natural resources and the environment in a sustainable manner with the support of quality human resources, the expansion of the application of environmental ethics, and socio-cultural assimilation are increasingly stable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  

The role of agriculture in the economic development of this country is still very important, besides being a fuel provider, this sector also contributes significantly to the development of workforce which is expected to have an increase in the change in the level of poverty. The Ministry of Agriculture has a vision and mission in alleviating poverty by rolling out various forms of programs to increase capital for farmers. Farmers who have developed their level of education, improved changes in the economic and political structure, began to understand to form a farmer group that had the goal of obtaining and obtaining mutual assistance included in the agricultural program of the government, such as the UPSUS Pajale Program. Farmers who are members of farmer groups will strengthen the ability of their groups to manage and channel the Pajale UPSUS Program assistance that requires improving farm safety consisting of indicators; the role of members of farmer groups, suitability of group services, collectivity, and resolution of local wisdom that still requires in its farming activities. The success of farmer groups can not be separated from social capital which is the main foundation that must be owned by farmers as group members. Mangkuprawira (2010) describes the support of social capital in farmers such as social norms, mutual trust, networking, cooperation, mutual relations, participation, and commitment that will be directly connected to the success of the UPSUS Pajale (soybean) program being rolled out by the government, and seen from three indicators namely; successful output, successful results, and successful benefits. The UPSB Pajale Program in East Lampung Regency is held from February to March 2019. The data used are primary and secondary data with the Mix-method research method. The sampling technique used was the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling with a total sample of 140 farmers who were members of a farmer group receiving the 2017 UPSUS Pajale Kedelai Program in East Lampung Regency. Data processing is done qualitatively and quantitatively. Data is arranged qualitatively using descriptive analysis, while quantitative data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, which uses the LISREL 8.80 program. The results showed the value of R2 = 0.71, which means that the second variable namely Farmer Institutional Performance and the Existence of Farmer Social Capital contributed 71 percent and was significant to the Success of the UPSUS Pajale Program in East Lampung Regency.Keywords: Farming Institution, Existence of Social Capital, and UPSUS Pajale Program

Mona Adria Wirda ◽  
Nurmala Berutu ◽  
Riki Rahmad

This research aims to identify of coastal communities chartered economic potency, explore the human resources potency of coastal communities, investigate the role of coastal communities chartered economic institution, and knowing both of the socio-economic condition and infrastructure support for the economic development of coastal areas in Serdang Bedagai Regency. This research was done in Pantai Sialang Buah Desa Teluk Mengkudu, Serdang Bedagai Regency. respondents took by random sampling method. Data analysis method of this research was applied descriptive analysis. The result of this research shows that communities economics potency at coastal area quite prospective. The social economic condition of communities at coastal area relatively still very lag, although the economic sector is very potential to be developed like fishery sector, cultivation of seagrass, beach tourism, field crop and breeding sector. The role of the government and the private sector in developing the potential of coastal communities is not sufficient, especially in the field of infrastructure.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Akmaruzzaman ◽  
Sumardjo ◽  
Himawan Hariyoga

Natuna regency is a rich area of natural resource products, but still includes underdeveloped areas in Riau Islands Province. Local governments have to make fundamental changes in building the infrastructure aspects, economic, and human resources to eliminate underdevelopment and reduce dependency on central government. The aims of this research are: (1). to evaluate the effectiveness and stakeholders’ perception of the CD program, in terms of participation and partnership; and (2) to formulate a strategy for synergizing the CD Program of Star Energy with the local government’s development program. The analytical methods that are used in this research are descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. This research was undertaken in Palmatak Sub District and Siantan Sub District of Natuna District of Kepulauan Riau Province, from June until October, 2008. The results indicated that the government stakeholders perceived that the participation of the CD program’s beneficiaries was adequate, and that the partnership between Star Energy and the local government was inadequate. The result of SWOT analysis suggested that Star Energy needs to focus its CD program on sustainable activities, such as economic development and education programs. The strategy for increasing synergy with the local development programs is to intensify communication between the company and the local government through the formation of community development partnership forum.Keywords: Community Development (CD), Effectiveness, Policy Strategy

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Satriya Bayu Aji ◽  
Tutut Dwi Sutiknjo ◽  
Elma Dinawati

Acceleration of food self-sufficiency, especially rice, can be performed by providing optimal means of production, mechanization, technology, and intensive assistance to farmers. In order for these activities to be successful as expected, the government has intensively involved various parties to provide escort and assistance. One of the factors that determine the success of escorting and mentoring farmers is the involvement of agricultural extension agents. The speed of application of technological innovations and the way of working in agriculture can be channeled properly through extension activities. “Jajar Legowo” rice planting system is one of the innovations in the rice planting model. This system has been being implemented intensively in Pagung Village, Semen District, Kediri Regency. The successful application of “Jajar Legowo” planting system was the object of the study, especially in terms of the involvement of agricultural extension agents in assisting farmers in this village. This research employed descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods through survey. In addition, the research also utilized descriptive analysis and scoring through a Likert scale approach and simple linear regression. The results revealed that the role of agricultural extension agents was quite successful in encouraging farmers and their groups to apply the “Jajar Legowo” rice planting system.Percepatan swasembada pangan, khususnya padi dapat dilakukan dengan menyediakan sarana produksi secara optimal, mekanisasi, teknologi, dan pendampingan petani secara intensif. Supaya kegiatan tersebut berhasil sesuai dengan harapan, pemerintah secara intensif telah melibatkan berbagai pihak untuk melakukan pengawalan dan pendampinga. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pengawalan dan pendampingan petani adalah dengan melibatkan penyuluh pertanian. Karena kecepatan penerapan inovasi teknologi maupun cara kerja di bidang pertanian bisa tersalurkan dengan baik melaui aktifitas penyuluhan. Sistem tanam padi jajar legowo merupakan salah satu inovasi dalam model penanaman padi. Sistem ini mulai dilakukan secara intensif di Desa Pagung Kecamatan Semen Kabupaten Kediri. Keberhasilan penerapan sistem tanam jajar legowo menjadi obyek dalam penelitian. Terutama dalam hal keterlibatan penyuluh pertanian dalam mendampingi petani di desa ini. Penggunaan metode penelitian yaitu secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif melalui teknik survei. Selain itu juga menggunakan analisa deskriptif dan skoring melalui pendekatan skala Likert dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa peran penyuluh pertanian cukup berhasil dalam mendorong petani dan kelompoknya untuk menerapkan sistem tanam padi jajar legowo.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Agung Lukman ◽  
Atang Sutandi ◽  
Khursatul Munibah

Tea is a common plantation commodity cultivated by the community and developed by Tasikmalaya government.According to Tasikmalaya regency regional planning, tea has been established as one of commodities at but it doesn’t have further policy dvelopment. The aims of this study are (1) to identify smallholdertea plantation; (2) to analyze land suitability and to identify potential development areas for tea crop; (3) to analyze the feasibility of tea farming; (4) to determine policy development of smallholdertea plantation. Satellite image interpretation was used toidentify smallholdertea plantation. A method of matching criteria was used to analyze land suitability for tea crop and the potential development areas weredetermined by using descriptive analytic. SWOT analysis was used to determine the policy development of smallholdertea plantation. The results showed that tea smallholder plantation was about 6,956hectares. The suitable land for tea crop was about 55,310 hectares and its potential development area was about 14,979 hectares. Smallholdertea plantations was feasible to be developed with R/C ratio 1.73. In order to support the development of smallholdertea plantation some recommendations aresuggested consisting of (1) the government should encourage the development of tea processing industry to increase farmers income; 2) smallholdertea plantation should be extended considering land availability and suitability; 3) the role of tea smallholder farmer groups and privates plantation should be enhanced to develop tea plantation as a strategic commodity in Tasikmalaya Regency.

2020 ◽  

Abstract. Community empowerment is one of the efforts undertaken by the community and the government in order to improve the standard of living by enhancing the potential and independence of the community, therefore, the local government is now intensively conducting community empowerment, for example the Purworejo district government. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the success of Purworejo District Government's community empowerment program through the digital market. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that can explain the process of community empowerment through digital market destinations. Data in this study were collected using observation techniques and literature study. Based on descriptive analysis, community involvement and participation in community empowerment programs through the digital market in Purworejo Regency must still be increased and strengthened to be able to achieve sustainability during the empowerment process. The conclusion from the results of this study is the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppurtunities, Threats) can be used as a consideration by local governments in developing community empowerment through digital markets.

Mukesh Chahal ◽  
Dr. Pardeep Kumar ◽  
Dr. Kiran Lamba

Poverty and unemployment remain the main issue in India. These issues are mostly found in rural areas. The Government of India has been formulating various programs for rural growth and poverty eradication. One such programmed is the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), a successful program in promoting gender equality, empowering women, and creating long-lasting infrastructure in rural areas providing employment. The study was conducted in the Kaithal district of Haryana covering a sample of 100 beneficiaries. The collected data has been analyzed using simple frequency and percentage analysis, descriptive analysis, and correlation analysis. The results have revealed that the program was successful in empowering the women of the district.

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