scholarly journals Историческое и лексико-семантическое развитие цветообозначения al ‘алый, розовый’ в тюркских языках

Rimma T. Muratova ◽  

Introduction. The article examines the color term al ‘pink; scarlet’ in Turkic languages. Goals. The study aims at considering the lexeme in comparative historical and lexical-semantic perspectives. This involves a number of objectives, such as to review and analyze hypotheses on etymology of the word, identify the functioning of the lexeme in ancient and modern languages, determine characteristics of use of the word’s meanings in certain Turkic languages, delineate common Turkic and specific (belonging to a separate subgroup) development trends of the lexeme al. Materials and Methods. To facilitate the latter, an extensive theoretical and source base on Turkic languages is employed: when it comes to origins of the word, special attention is paid to fundamental scientific works on Turkic and Altai etymologies; ancient Turkic, medieval written monuments, lexicographic works on particular Turkic languages are examined to reveal semantic features of the word in ancient and modern languages. In general, the work proves topical due to the absence of any comprehensive study dealing with etymology, development and functioning of the token in Turkic languages. Results. The study reveals that the al lexeme is essentially ancient: scholars have restored its Pre-Turkic (*Āl) and Pre-Altaic (*ŋiōle) forms, with its Nostratic origin identified. The word is frequently traced in written sources of the Turks from earliest monuments. The token al is integral to most Turkic languages, except for the Chuvash, Altai, Tuva, Karachay-Balkar, and Karakalpak ones. In Yakut and Khakass, the lexeme ālaj is perceived as a loanword. Thus, the gloss al was widely used mainly in Western Turkic languages. In ancient and modern Turkic languages, the word al has meanings as follows: ‘scarlet, pink, ruddy’, ‘orange’, ‘brown’, ‘red, bay (horse coat color)’, ‘young’, ‘yellow’, ‘noble’, ‘magical’, ‘bright, motley’, and some substantives ― ‘seal, credential issued by Khans’, ‘rouge’, ‘woman’s headwear’. Conclusions. The ancient Turkic colour term al is (was) not universally distributed in all Turkic languages. The wide (though uneven) use of the word and further development of its semantics occurs in the Kipchak and Oghuz languages where the gloss al has a number of additional connotative and metaphorical meanings.

Rimma Muratova

Статья посвящена изучению формирования, развития и описанию семантических особенностей цветообозначения aq ‘белый’ в башкирском языке, которое в силу своей архаичности обладает рядом номинативных и денотативных значений. При изучении происхождения и эволюции слова обращались к трудам по истории языка и этимологии. Источниками примероя для выявления значений слова послужили словари башкирского языка и данные корпуса башкирской прозы и фольклора. Сравнительно-историческое исследование значений слов на общетюркском фоне проводилось опираясь на данные, извлеченные из словарей по тюркским языкам. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью изучения лексемы как в сравнительно-историческом аспекте, так и в плане синхронии с выявлением общих тенденций и специфических особенностей в развитии и семантике слова. В ходе исследования выявлено, что цветообозначение аq представляет собой рефлекс пратюркской формы *āk ‘светлый’, которая, в свою очередь, восходит к праалтайскому *iāk’V ‘светлый, белый’. Лексема аq появляется уже в самых ранних письменных источниках – древнетюркских памятниках. В них аq, в основном, употребляется относительно масти лошади, а для цветообозначения ‘белый’ встречается слово ürüŋ. Считается, что аq было словом, характерным для западной ветви тюркских языков и со временем оно получило широкое распространение во всех тюркских языках после отделения от них чувашского и якутского. Большинство значений слова аq, выявленных в башкирском языке, имеют общетюркский характер: цвет и масть (белый, светлый, сивый, седой), вторичные значения (чистый, святой, безгрешный, святой, добрый, счастливый, радостный, благородный, гостевой); субстантиваты (молоко, белок, бельмо). Предполагается значение, имеющее ареальный характер: старый, мудрый (у тюрков Кавказа и Средней Азии). В башкирском языке имеется отличающееся от общетюркского значение белого цвета – ‘южный’, в то время у тюрков в древности белым обозначался запад, западная сторона.The article is devoted to the study of the formation, development, and description of the semantic features of the color term aq ‘white’ in the Bashkir language, which, due to its archaic nature, has a number of nominative and denotative meanings. When studying the origin and evolution of the word, we turned to works on the history of language and etymology. Dictionaries of the Bashkir language and the corpus of Bashkir prose and folklore served as sources of examples for identifying the meanings of a word. A comparative historical study of the meanings of words on a common Türkic background was carried out based on data extracted from the Turkic languages dictionaries. The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the lexeme both in the comparative historical aspect and in terms of synchrony with the identification of general trends and specific features in the development and semantics of the word. The study revealed that the color designation aq is a reflex of the Pre-Turkic form *āk ‘light’, which, in turn, goes back to the Pre-Altai *iāk’V ‘light, white’. The lexeme aq appears already in the earliest written sources - ancient Turkic monuments. In them, aq is mainly used with respect to the suit of a horse, and for the color designation “white” there is the word ürüŋ. It is believed that aq was a word characteristic of the western branch of the Turkic languages and, over time, it became widespread in all Turkic languages after the Chuvash and Yakut branches were separated from them. Most of the meanings of the word aq, identified in the Bashkir language, have a common Türkic character: color and color shades (white, light, gray, gray), secondary meanings (pure, holy, sinless, holy, kind, happy, joyful, noble); substantives (milk, protein, thorn). It assumes the significance of an areal character: old, wise (among the Turks of the Caucasus and Central Asia). In the Bashkir language, there is a white color different from the general Türkic language – ‘southern’, while in ancient times among the Türks it was the west, the western side connotation in white.

Maiya D. Abzhaparova ◽  
Nataliya N. Shirobokova

The purpose of the article is to determine the origin of the color term kөk / kӧk in the Kazakh and Altaic languages, to trace the development of these tokens in Turkic languages and cultures, and to identify their specific usage. The research was conducted on the basis of the dictionaries of the Kazakh and Altaic languages as well as the samples from Kazakh and Altaic prose. A historical comparative and descriptive methods have been used. The study highlighted the main meanings of the color designations kөk ~ kök in the Kazakh and Altaic languages: blue, green and grey. They are equally common in the Kazakh and Altaic languages. Based on the meaning ‘green’ developed the meaning ‘unripe’. As for the meaning ‘gray-haired’, in the Altaic language it is used to indicate the color of the hair, while in the Kazakh language – only a beard and mustaches. In general, this meaning is manifested in contexts related to age: in the Altaic language it is old age, in Kazakh – mature age. Further the article describes synonyms of color designation kөk ~ kök. It has been shown that the color synonyms kөgіldіr, zеngіr (‘blue’) are used only in the Kazakh language, in Altaic kӧk means both blue colors. In the Kazakh language comparison of the color with such natural objects as the sky, ice, and salt was found to be more developed, for example: aspan (dai) kөk (lit.: like blue sky). The paper presents an interesting function of color designation kөk / kӧk which is intensification. It is observed in both languages; with the help of these tokens negative characteristics of the object are enhanced, for example: kaz. kөk zhalkau (lit.: blue lazy – bones), alt. kӧk tenek (lit.: complete fool). More significant differences are manifested in phraseological units, i. e. by further development of semantics in the languages. In the Kazakh language, the lexeme kөk functions as a component in phraseological units, denoting thinness and emaciation of a person, for example: kөk jambas (lit.: blue thigh) 1) very thin; 2) weak from old age, a feeble old man. In the Altaic language, such use of the lexeme kөk has not been noted. In general, we can speak of rich idiomaticity of the color scheme kөk in the Kazakh language in contrast to the Altaic language. There are also differences in the figurative use of these tokens in the structure of phraseological units: in Kazakh, these, as a rule, denote negative values, negative emotions, or associations with height, a cherished dream; in Altaic – they are used as the intensifiers ‘quite, completely”: kӧk ӱlӱsh (completely wet; lit.: blue wet). Comparing the two languages, we came to the conclusion that their greatest specificity is observed in phraseological units, which confirms the ability of phraseological units and fixed word combinations to reflect an ethnic world view and to be true keepers of the culture of the people.

Nadezhda G. KANTYSHEVA ◽  
Inna V. Solovyova

This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the structural and semantic features of dish names and their descriptions in German in the field of restaurant discourse. The study employs cognitive discourse analysis, elements of comparative and contextological approaches, taking into account linguocultural parameters. The relevance of the comprehensive study of the names of dishes in restaurant discourse is due to an increased interest in the parameterization of lexical units in different types of institutional discourse. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that for the first time, within the framework of a restaurant menu, not only the nomination of a dish is considered, but also the structural and semantic characteristics of its description are analysed. An attempt is made to analyse a connection between the nominations of dishes and their description in the restaurant menu, as well as to determine the semantic dominants of the genre under study. It is concluded that the text of the menu as a whole presents a combination of the language for special purposes and the language of advertising. In interaction with extralinguistic factors, the nominations of dishes and their descriptions not only document the culture of food in society, but also reflect the ethnocultural picture of the world. Based on the analysis of the menu texts, it is established that structurally the names of dishes are complex words or phrases, built mainly according to the attributive model. The description of dishes performs the function of verbalizing the sensations of taste and clarifying the method of preparing dishes, characterizing the quality of dishes, their ingredients, and the intensity of taste. Evaluative parameters in descriptions are expressed at the lexical, grammatical, syntactic and stylistic levels.

Aleksandra T. Bayanova ◽  

Introduction. Color terms constitute a most archaic lexical stratum of any language. Being characterized by vivid ethnocultural specifics, those serve as important elements to the linguistic view of the world. Goals. The paper seeks to analyze semantic features of the Kalmyk color term улан ‘red’ and its German translation equivalents. Materials and Methods. The work explores Kalmyk folktales recorded by the Finnish scholar G. J. Ramstedt during his 1903 scientific expedition to the Kalmyk Steppe. The analysis of the color term comprises both general research methods and specifically linguoculturological ones, such as linguoculturological and conceptual insights into folklore texts. Results. Impacts of color in world perception of the Kalmyks — just as for any other nation — are diverse enough. The folktale texts recorded by G. J. Ramstedt contain a total of five shades of the color, the lexeme улан ‘red’ being largely characterized by positive semantics. German translation variants are not always complete semantic equivalents of the color term which results from that color denoting lexemes — and those of red in particular — are integral to a certain ethnic worldview, this leading to some ambivalence of the color under study. Conclusions. The lexeme улан ‘red’ in its first nominative meaning denotes a color of an object, e.g., red proper, scarlet, ruddy, etc. In the Kalmyk language, it also serves to denote the prototypic color of blood and is often used to describe animal coat colors. The Finnish scholar employed different German translation means. In most cases, the selection of translation equivalents depends on the translator’s associative/visual thinking and perception of the world, as well as on lexical, semantic and morphological patterns of Kalmyk and German. Folklore texts are structured specifically, and a translator needs utmost attention and linguistic intuition to avoid any inaccuracies when communicating a color paradigm from the original text. The challenge be tackled by a translator of color terms in a folklore text is that he/she is supposed to bear both the linguocultures examined.

2021 ◽  
Ibrokhim Omonovich Darveshov

Abstract Today, in carrying out the reforms for the development of our society, there are created full opportunities and conditions for the fulfillment of the tasks set before the Uzbek linguistics, purposeful research work is carried out on the issue of comprehensive study of our language. At the same time, the study of the features of Uzbek dialects, relying on the theoretical bases of areal linguistic research, is defined as one of the priority directions in the historical-comparative and ethnolinguistic aspects.This sphere consists of imperfect, simple descriptive and illustrative aspects, indefinite places need to learn and fill on the basis of new views, from a mental point of view. The article gives an idea of the peculiarities of the Namangan Kipchak and Karluk dialects, the historical genesis of the system of vowels, the issues areal of their prevalence and application. The phonetic-phonological linguistic character of the dialect is a comparative-historical reflection of the processes of events of features and laws. In its turn, there are described opinions about the events of umlaut in the Turkic dialects of synharmonism and Karluk dialects in Kipchak dialects related to the vowels in the Turkic languages. Key policy insights.The study through areal-typological and areal-linguistic methods, which gave Mahmud Kashgariy in Turkic languages, the initial point of any linguistic theory and conceptions, the study of dialects, their specific features, is still one of the important issues today. The emergence of areal linguistics has opened up a wide way to evaluate new issues and concepts in the field of dialectology, to solve them in new ways. Relying on the theoretical basis of dialect and slang areas in the holistic study of the language system, the fact that historical-comparative and ethnologic research is defined as one of the priority areas imposes new responsibilities on Uzbek linguistics and Uzbek linguists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-62
T. N. Borgoyakova ◽  
K. N. Burnakova ◽  

The article is devoted to the Khakass participle form – galah. It is one of the secondary participle forms, which is found only among the speakers of the Turkic languages of Southern Siberia. The relevance of the research theme is because this form is distinguished by its complex structural organization. It includes no less complex functional and semantic features that were not received the most serious analysis in earlier studies. In the scientific literature, there are different points of view on its origin, which indicates the lack of scientific knowledge about this participle. The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the main characteristics of this form in order to identify specific meanings using materials of the Khakass language. In the course of the research, a theoretical and analytical review of the studies on participle form ending in – galah was carried out in other Turkic languages. Comparative and typological methods ensured the comparability of the results and confirmed the evidence foundation based on the original examples of the Khakass language. A comprehensive analysis of syntactic constructions with the participation of the participle form on -galah revealed the features of its structural characteristics in the Khakass language. As a result of the study, the components of the structural organization of the indicator on -galah, which form the specifics of its semantics and affect the appearance of various functions have been clarified in the sentence. Information about the specifics of the semantics of this form is generalized and systematized, which expresses the action located in the time interval between the past and the present. Its main function is to state the absence of the result of the action at the time of speech, as well as to express the speaker’s attitude to this fact

2020 ◽  
pp. 31-41
Anastasia Balatska

The article defines the essence, goals and features of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine. Investigated the influence of macroeconomic indicators on the activity of small business is. Analyzed the correlation of the rates of growth (decrease) of the advanced capital, the volume of sales and the income before taxation for the analysis of the tendencies of the businesses’ development. Was carried out the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators characterizing the state and tendencies of development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Revealed the influence of small business on innovative tendencies in the economy of the country. Outlined the ways of further development of small business and its role in solving the socio-economic problems in society.

Valentin Rassadin ◽  
Svetlana Trofimova

Проведен сравнительный анализ лексики, относящейся к группе молочных продуктов питания, традиционных для кочевых скотоводческих народов Центральной Азии – халха-монголов, бурят и ойратов, а также и калмыков. Материалом исследования послужили современные монгольские языки, а также материалы диалектологических экспедиций, проведенных Валентином Ивановичем Рассадиным с 1970-х годов по 2000-е годы на территории Республики Бурятия, Западной Монголии. Все монгольские народы продолжают традиционно разводить пять видов скота – лошади, коровы, овцы, козы и верблюды, от которых получают молоко, как исходный продукт для приготовления самых разнообразных молочных блюд путём сквашивания, перегонки, процеживания, отстаивания, кипячения, высушивания или разбавления чаем или водой. Удалось выяснить, что молочное скотоводство и способы приготовления многих молочных продуктов пришли ещё к древним прамонголам из глубины веков вместе с названиями от древних тюрок и сохраняются у современных монгольских народов до сих пор. Рассматривая термины молочных продуктов в монгольских языках, приводится перечень терминов, представленных и в старописьменном монгольском языке, поскольку наличие в нем слов, имеющих полную аналогию современным терминам, свидетельствует об их древности в монгольских языках. Кроме того, приведенный перечень слов ярко свидетельствует, что термины молочного хозяйства давно сложились в монгольских языках, по всей видимости, еще в общемонгольскую эпоху, когда организовывалось молочное хозяйство у монгольских племен. Дальнейшая разработка этого пласта лексики, особенно в плане ее этимологизации, позволит пролить свет на внешнее влияние, особенно тюркских языков, при котором складывались термины молочных продуктов, поскольку ряд монгольских терминов имеет аналогии в тюркских языках, таких как: тюрк. süt – молоко, ajran – кислое молоко, qurut – сушеные сырки, bїšlaq – сыр домашнего приготовления, irimek – творожистая накипь на стенках котла от кипячения кислого молока, araqї – водка.A comparative analysis of vocabulary related to the group of dairy food products traditional for the nomadic cattle-breeding peoples of Central Asia – the Khalkha-Mongols, Buryats and Oirats, as well as Kalmyks. The research modern Mongolian languages, as well as materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Valentin Ivanovich Rassadin from the 1970s to the 2000s in the Republic of Buryatia, Western Mongolia. All Mongolian peoples traditionally continue to breed five types of cattle – horses, cows, sheep, goats and camels, from which milk is obtained as a starting product for the preparation of a wide variety of dairy dishes by fermentation, distillation, straining, settling, boiling, drying or diluting with tea or water. It was possible to find out that dairy cattle breeding and methods of preparing many dairy products came to the ancient from the depths of centuries, along with the names from the ancient Turks and are still preserved among the modern Mongolian peoples. Considering the terms of dairy products in Mongolian languages, a list of terms in Mongolian language, have a complete analogy to modern. Above list of words clearly testifies that the terms of dairy farming have long been established in the Mongolian languages, most likely, back in the Mongolian era, when dairy farming was among the Mongol tribes. Further development of this layer of vocabulary, especially in terms of its, will shed light on the external influence, especially the Turkic languages, in which the terms of dairy products were formed, since a number of Mongolian terms have analogies in the Turkic languages, such as: turk. süt – milk, ajran – sour milk, qurut – dried cheeses, bїšlaq – home-made cheese, irimek – curd scum on the walls of the boiler from boiling sour milk, araqї – vodka.

R. Т. Мuratova

The purpose of the article is to study the origin of names for piebald and mottley colors in the Bashkir language, to trace their development on the general Turkic background and to reveal the semantic features of these color designations.The relevance of the research is due to the need to study lexemes both in the comparative-historical aspect and in terms of synchronicity with the identification of denotative and connotative components in their semantics. It is revealed that the difference in the semantics of the lexemes ala ‘piebald’ and sїbar ‘mottley’ is that the word ala denotes a combination of colors with large spots, the lexeme sїbar is a color consisting of small mixed colored areas. Both lexemes are of ancient origin: аlа goes back to the Pre-Turk *ala and Pre- Altaic *ā́ lV ‘mottley’; the Pre-Turk form of the color designation sїbar is reconstructed in the form of čоpur, čаp- ‘mottley, pock-marked’ ‘unkempt, untidy’, ‘pour out (about rashes, teals)’, which is derived from the Pre- Altaic *šop`é ‘freckles, spots’. The semantic load of the lexemes ala and sїbar is stable, since in Bashkir, as well as in all other Turkic languages, they retained their original meaning. In all Turkic languages, including Bashkir, they have additional connotative semantics, which characterizes the antiquity of these meanings. Аlа, in addition to the designation of piebald color, is an epithet of fierce eyes and spring blackened snow, pigment spots on the skin, the word is used in the meanings ‘multi-colored’, ‘prominent’; sїbar is used in the meanings ‘mottled’, ‘pock-marked’, ‘flea-bitten’, ‘diverse’, ‘multicolored’, ‘variegated’, ‘changeable’, ‘freckled’. The same meanings are noted in other Turkic languages.

Nematullo Hikmatullaevich Nasrullaev

This article describes the role of ancient written sources in the emergence of the old Uzbek literary language. Our written heritage has an ancient and rich history, and its comprehensive study based on primary sources is more relevant today than ever. Regardless of how much the research carried out in this area to date has enriched the treasury of our linguistics, we still have a lot of work on the ancient Uzbek language and classical texts in this language.

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