scholarly journals La negociación política de las recomendaciones. El caso de la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Sonora, 1992-2012

2016 ◽  
Oscar Nicasio Lagunes López ◽  
Juan Poom Medina

Resumen: en este artículo se estudia el proceso por el cual las autoridades públicas de Sonora cumplieron las recomendaciones emitidas por la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos, de 1992 a 2012. En este lapso se distinguen dos formas de nombrar al ombudsman: por el gobernador, en el periodo de 1992 a 2004, y por el Congreso, en el de 2005 a 2012. Los datos muestran que en el primero la tendencia se inclinó más a que las recomendaciones tuvieran el estado de “totalmente cumplidas”, y en el segundo el de “cumplidas parcialmente”. La evidencia hallada reveló que las autoridades públicas y las de la Comisión negocian políticamente las recomendaciones, al simular que se cumplen en su totalidad, cuando en realidad no es así. En los cuatro casos seleccionados, con el estatus de cumplidas, no se logró restituir los derechos vulnerados de las víctimas, a pesar de que era el objetivo principal de las resoluciones.Palabras clave: derechos humanos; recomendaciones en derechos humanos; negociaciones políticas; cooptación económica; simulación política. Political negotiation over recommendations. The case of the State Commission for Human Rights of Sonora, 1992-2012Abstract: this article studies the process by which public authorities of Sonora State fulfilled the recommendations issued by the State Commission for Human Rights of Sonora during the period 1992-2012. In this period two ways of appointing an ombudsman are distinguished: firstly, in 1992-2004, when the ombudsmen were appointed by the state governor, and secondly, in 2005-2012, when they were designated by the State Congress. Data show that in the first period public authorities tended to fulfill more recommendations of the “completely fulfilled” type, and in the second period they were mainly “partially fulfilled”. The evidence found revealed that both public authorities and the Commission negotiated politically recommendations, simulating they were completely fulfilled. In the four cases selected of completely fulfilled recommendations the rights of the victims were not fully restored, despite this being the main objective of resolutions.Key words: human rights; recommendations on human rights; political negotiations; economic co-optation; political simulation. 


LABURPENA: «Giza Eskubideetan Oinarritutako Ikuspegiaren» irismena azaltzeko asmoa dauka artikulu honek, zer-nolako aldagaiak eta kontzeptuak biltzen dituen ulertze aldera. Horren bilakaeraz eta indarraldiaz arituko gara, bai eta horren modalitate aplikatua nola nabarmentzen den azalduko ere. Horretarako, Nazio Batuen Erakundearen esparruan garatu diren ekarpenak eta gaiaren inguruko doktrina aditua erabiliko ditugu. Administrazio Publikoan duen indarra ezin ukatuzkoa da; izan ere, estatuak eta horri atxikitako erakundeek oso kontuan eduki behar dute politika publikoak norbanakoen eta komunitateen beharrei arreta ematen ari zaien jakiteko balio duela ikuspegi horrek, edota politika publiko horiek kontu emanez gardentasun publikoa eratzen ari diren nahiz edozelako diskriminazioa saihesten ari diren jakiteko balio duela. Azkenik, ikuspegi horrek Giza Eskubideen Gorte Interamerikarraren jurisprudentzia-aurrekari batzuetan duen indarraldia eta eragina aztertuko dira. RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene la intención de exponer los alcances del «Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos», con la finalidad de entender que variables y conceptos involucra. Haremos un recuento de su evolución, vigencia y cómo se evidencia su modalidad aplicada, a través de diferentes aportes desarrollados en el marco de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, así como de la doctrina estudiosa del tema. Su vigencia en la Administración Pública es de primer orden, puesto que el Estado y sus entidades adscritas, deben tener muy en cuenta que el enfoque citado, sirve para conocer si las políticas públicas, están atendiendo necesidades de individuos y comunidades concretas; generando transparencia pública a través de rendición de cuentas, así como evitando cualquier tipo de discriminación. Finalmente, se analizará su vigencia e impacto en algunos antecedentes jurisprudenciales de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. ABSTRACT: This article intends to expose the scope of the «Human Rights Based Approach», in order to understand what variables and concepts it involves. We will recount its evolution, validity and how its applied modality is evidenced, through different contributions developed within the framework of the United Nations, as well as the doctrine studious of the subject. Its validity in the Public Administration is of the first order, since the State and its affiliated entities must take into account that the aforementioned approach serves to know if public policies are addressing the needs of specific individuals and communities; Generating public transparency through accountability, as well as avoiding any type of discrimination. Finally, its validity and impact will be analyzed in some jurisprudential antecedents of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Jorge Ernesto ROA ROA

LABURPENA: Kasuen ikerketa-metodologia erabiliz, Santo Domingo vs. Kolonbia epaiari buruzko iruzkinean, nagusiki, inter-amerikar esparruko giza eskubideen babesari lotutako egiturazko alderdiak aipatzen dira; besteak beste, eta bereziki: nola erabiltzen duen Inter-amerikar Auzitegiak Nazioarteko Zuzenbide Humanitarioa barne-gatazka armatuetako egoeretan; zer erlazio dagoen zigor-jurisdikzio militarraren eta Indar Armatuetako kideek egindako giza eskubideen urraketen ikerketaren artean; zein diren Estatuaren erantzukizuna aitortzeko egintzetarako baldintzak, eta zer elkarreragin dagoen nazioetako eta nazioarteko instantzia judizialen artean giza eskubideen urraketen ordainaz den bezainbatean. Egokiera-arrazoiengatik, alde batera utziko da Kolonbiako Estatuak urratu zituen Amerikar Konbentzioko eskubideetako bakoitzari buruz Giza Eskubideetarako Nazioarteko Auzitegiak erabakitakoaren azterketa. RESUMEN: Mediante la aplicación de la metodología de estudio de caso, el comentario a la Sentencia Santo Domingo vs. Colombia se centra en aspectos estructurales sobre la protección de los derechos humanos en el ámbito interamericano, en especial, el uso que la Corte Interamericana hace del Derecho Internacional Humanitario en situaciones que se producen en contextos de conflictos armados internos, la relación entre la jurisdicción penal militar y la investigación de las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas por miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas, los requisitos de los actos de reconocimiento de la responsabilidad del Estado y la interacción entre las instancias judiciales nacionales e internacionales en materia de reparación de violaciones a los derechos humanos. Por razones de oportunidad, se prescinde del análisis del pronunciamiento de la Corte IDH sobre cada uno de los derechos de la Convención Americana que fueron violados por el Estado de Colombia. ABSTRACT: By means of the problem based learning methodology, the analysis of the judgment Santo Domingo vs. Colombia focuses on structural features of the human rights protection within the Inter-American area, specially, the use made by the Inter-American Court of International Humanitarian Law in situations within contexts of internal military conflict, the relationship between military criminal jurisdiction and the investigation of human rights violations committed by Army forces, the requirements of the acts of recognition of the State responsibility and the interaction between the national and international judicial instances regarding the redress for human rights violations. For reasons of practical expediency, we will not analyze the judgment by the Inter-American Court on each of the rights of the American Convention breached by the State of Colombia.

Juan Manuel Goig Martínez

La alimentación adecuada constituye un derecho humano. Así lo han reconocido oficialmente la gran mayoría de los Tratados Internacionales sobre derechos humanos. Pero existe una gran diferencia entre que un Estado reconozca oficialmente la alimentación como un derecho fundamental en su constitución, o lo haga como un principio rector, puesto que ello dotará al derecho a la alimentación adecuada de una mayor protección, o lo convertirá en un principio de actuación de los poderes públicos. Se puede exigir a los gobiernos garantizar el ejercicio efectivo del derecho a la alimentación de conformidad con las disposiciones constitucionales para otros derechos humanos. Pero, la capacidad de la invocación indirecta de otros derechos humanos para lograr la protección efectiva del derecho a la alimentación en el plano nacional dependerá, en definitiva, de la interpretación jurídica que se haga de la Constitución.Adequate food is a human right. Thus the vast majority of treaties have officially recognized it human rights. But there is a big difference between that a State officially recognizes food as a fundamental right in the Constitution, or do it as a guiding principle, since this will provide the right to adequate food of greater protection, or the It will become a principle of action of the public authorities. You may require Governments to ensuring the effective exercise of the right to food in accordance with the constitutional provisions for other human rights. But the indirect invocation of other human rights capacity to achieve effective protection of the right to food at the national level will depend, ultimately, of the legal interpretation that is made of the Constitution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 5-11
N. V. Moskalets

In the article, basing on investigation of the interaction of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in ensuring the rights and freedoms there was proposed the range of instruments of mechanism for interaction based on proper governance, monitoring and evaluation, including performance indicators and effectiveness, individual responsibility of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state. Due to its implementation, the public authorities will provide priority-oriented constitutional guarantees, namely human rights and freedoms in the context of promoting civil society development in Ukraine. In the article, basing on investigation of the interaction of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in ensuring the rights and freedoms there was proposed the range of instruments of mechanism for interaction based on proper governance, monitoring and evaluation, including performance indicators and effectiveness, individual responsibility of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state. Due to its implementation, the public authorities will provide priority-oriented constitutional guarantees, namely human rights and freedoms in the context of promoting civil society development in Ukraine. In order to enhance the implementation of the range of instruments of mechanism for interaction between the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with other public authorities, there was offered the introduction of electronic document management as a preventive anti-corruption measure with integrated monitoring and transparency mechanisms of activity of public authorities in order to reduce the level of corruption and hierarchical influence, for the purpose of openness and transparency, efficiency of activity within the democratic processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 8
Kilza Fernanda Moreira de Viveiros

Artigo trata na construção de reflexões e proposições sobre a relação da educação, direitos humanos e formação de professores para atuarem na educação básica. Aborda a relação entre o poder político e a sociedade a partir da análise do Estado como instância promotora de direitos e pelos mecanismos que o mesmo se apodera para forjá-los na educação. Analisa o papel das reformas curriculares em conformidade às políticas dominantes. Discute a formação de professores e sua relação com a pobreza, com as desigualdades sociais e direitos humanos. Os fundamentos que norteiam as análises são do campo de conhecimento educacional e pedagógico. Para elucidações contextuais apropria-se de referencial sócio histórico, das políticas educacionais e políticas curriculares. Permite o diálogo com o objeto da formação e atuação de professores na área dos direitos humanos. Artigo se organiza metodologicamente em cinco tópicos a saber: Introdução, O Estado e a promoção de direitos, Currículo enquanto princípio político, Formação de professores para os direitos humanos e Considerações. Conclui ponderando a importância do papel do Estado na promoção dos direitos humanos a partir de políticas públicas comprometidas com a educação e com a formação de professores para o trabalho com os vulneráveis, as desigualdades sociais e os direitos humanos. Também chama a atenção da educação para os direitos humanos nos diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino, expansiva à comunidade escolar.Palavras-chave: Educação. Direitos humanos. Formação de Professores. Estado. Currículo.EDUCATION, HUMAN RIGHTS AND TEACHER TRAINING: reflections and propositions.AbstractArticle deals in the construction of reflections and propositions on the relationship of education, human rights and teacher training to work in basic education. It addresses the relationship between political power and society based on the analysis of the State as a promoter of rights and the mechanisms it takes to forge them in education. It analyses the role of curricular reforms in line with dominant policies. It discusses teacher education and its relation to poverty, social inequalities and human rights. The foundations that guide the analyses are the field of educational and pedagogical knowledge. For contextual elucidations it appropriates the socio-historical reference, educational policies and curricular policies. It allows dialogue with the subject of the training and action of teachers in the area of human rights. Article is organized methodologically in five topics: Introduction, The State and the promotion of rights, Curriculum as a political principle, Training of teachers for human rights and Considerations. He concludes by considering the importance of the role of the State in the promotion of human rights from public policies committed to education and teacher training for working with the vulnerable, social inequalities and human rights. It also draws the attention of education for human rights in the different levels and modalities of education, expansive to the school community.Keywords: Education. Human rights. Teacher Training. State. Curriculum.EDUCACIÓN, DERECHOS HUMANOS Y FORMACIÓN DE PROFESSORES: reflexiones y proposicionesResumenArtículo trata en la construcción de reflexiones y proposiciones sobre la relación de la educación, derechos humanos y formación del professora do para actuar en la educación básica. Aborda la relación entre el poder político y la sociedad a partir del análisis del Estado como instancia promotora de derechos y por los mecanismos que el mismo se apodera para forjarlos en la educación. Analiza el papel de las reformas curriculares en consonancia con las políticas dominantes. Discute la formación de profesores y su relación con la pobreza, con las desigualdades sociales y derechos humanos. Los fundamentos que guían los análisis son del campo de conocimiento educativo y pedagógico. Para aclaraciones contextuales se apropia de un marco socio histórico, políticas educativas y políticas curriculares. Permite el diálogo con el objeto de formar y actuar a los docentes en el área de derechos humanos. El artículo se organiza metodológicamente en cinco temas, a saber: Introducción, El Estado y la promoción de los derechos, El currículo como principio político, La formación del profesorado en derechos humanos y Consideraciones. Se concluye considerando la importancia del papel del Estado en la promoción de los derechos humanos a partir de políticas públicas comprometidas con la educación y la formación de docentes para trabajar con las personas vulnerables, las desigualdades sociales y los derechos humanos. También llama la atención de la educación en materia de derechos humanos en los diferentes niveles y modalidades de educación, expandiéndose a la comunidad escolar.Palabras clave: Educación. Derechos humanos. Formación del profesorado. Estado. Plan de estudios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 27-35
Yuriy V. Kim ◽  

The terms “human rights activities” and “human rights system” are widely used in domestic law and law enforcement practice. The human rights dimension is represented in the functioning of almost all public authorities, from the ordinary police officer to the head of State. For many State and non-State organizations, human rights activities are profiling. Between, the category of human rights activities is not established in the special literature, nor is there a legislative definition of the concept, scope and subject of this sphere of activity. Accordingly, there is no proper coordination of human rights activities on the part of public authorities. The article specifies the content of the human rights function of the state and proposes approaches to increase its effectiveness.

V.M. Zavhorodnia ◽  
A.S. Naumov

The paper examines the preconditions for the conclusion, significance and consequences of the implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, also known as the Dayton Agreement between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Four plans for peace achievement are considered, in which the International Community had consistently sought to resolve the Bosnian conflict in 1992-1995. The process of concluding a unique international document that not only put an end to the bloody interethnic confrontation and established new foundations for relations between the three Balkan countries, but defined the principles of the constitutional order of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina is examined. The authors analyze the ambiguous scientific and political assessments of the Dayton Agreement, ranging from unequivocal approval to sharp criticism, and the reasons for the success of the Dayton Process, including joining the U.S. negotiation process and ensuring compliance with NATO’s commitment to violators. The risks inherent in the Dayton Agreement in the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina are also identified. The problem of the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of the Dayton Agreement is vital for the post-Yugoslav space. Despite the declared principle of equality of citizens, in fact, political human rights in the country directly depend on ethnicity, and public authorities are based on the principle of national representation. The sovereignty and independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina raise a number of issues, given their control by International bodies. An analysis of historical experience convincingly shows that the Dayton Accords can only be seen as a temporary mechanism for resolving the crisis and easing tensions, which has made it possible to achieve peace, end ethnic discord and lay the foundations for a democratic system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recognizing the effectiveness of the Dayton Agreement, the authors argue that some of its provisions do not comply with generally accepted principles of International Law, in particular, in terms of the territorial organization of the state and the formation of public authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This approach does not comply with the principle of equality of human rights, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property status, birth or other circumstances. It is also undeniable that the Dayton Accords did not resolve the interethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper also seeks to identify ways to address the Bosnian crisis in the current situation in Ukraine, given the annexation of Crimea and the protracted military conflict in Donbas, and to determine the admissibility and potential limits of external intervention in military conflicts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45
Alvine Longla Boma

Civil Society organisations play key roles in African countries. This is not an exception in the Cameroonian dispensation. Indeed, the existence and operation of civil societies in this jurisdiction is legitimated by a 1990 law allowing the free formation of associations. Even though the state has the primary obligation to promote and protect human rights, there also exists a plethora of associations with the same interest. This paper is motivated by the state’s wanton failure in ensuring the enjoyment and fulfilment of the right. For one thing, the state has maintained a stronghold on the Civil Society through legislation which gives public authorities a leverage over human rights defenders. Moreover, an analysis of existing legal and institutional frameworks available to allow human rights non-governmental organisations thrive, leaves much to be desired. Findings reveal that though there are adequate laws and institutions which ensure the creation and functioning of Civil Society organisations in Cameroon, there are also contradictory laws which give the public authority an edge over these organisations and allow them to sanction the activities of some human rights defenders under the guise of maintaining public order. We argue that there should be adequate protection offered to human rights defenders as well as the relaxation of laws permitting public authorities to illegally sanction the activities of relevant non-governmental organisations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-75
Evgeniya V. Lungu

The subject. Current constitutional legal relations are considered in the context of the objective legal reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is confirmation or confutation of the hypothesis that COVID-19 pandemic impacts on the development of constitutional relations. The methodology. The author uses the method of comparative legal analysis legal measures aiming the minimization of pandemic’s impact on society and formal legal analysis of legislative acts. The main results of the research. It is alleged that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the state of constitutional legal relations and revealed the most acute social and economic problems in all areas of public life. The development of constitutional legal relations in a pandemic will lead, firstly, to a new correlation of collective and individual human rights. As a result of a pandemic, constitutional legal relations in the healthcare sector will move from the category of individual right to life and health to the category of public interest. When the health of an individual citizen is a guarantee of economic and public safety. Secondly, the development of the institution of self-limitation of constitutional human rights. From the position of law, self-restriction of rights allows: to ensure personal and public safety of citizens; avoid introducing restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms; eliminate redundancy of human rights restrictions. Self-limitation of constitutional human rights is considered as conscious voluntary abstinence from the exercise of constitutional rights on the recommendation of public authorities in an emergency or other conditions close to them (high alert, self-isolation) in order to ensure public and personal safety. Self-limitation of constitutional human rights allows us to observe the constitutional balance of personal and public interests. Thirdly, the experience of combating a pandemic has shown that if the population is able to cope with the consequences of a short-term restriction of their rights on their own, then long-term quarantine measures lead to a significant drop in incomes of the population and must be compensated by the state. Conclusions. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on the one hand triggered a new stage of constitutional legal relations, and on the other hand, like any emergency, exposed the most acute social and economic problems in society. The development of constitutional legal relations in the context of the emerging digital society and the state will not only lead to the development of new principles of constitutional development and, as a result, to constitutional legal relations of a new, digital level, but also affect such areas as the ratio of collective and individual human rights; development of the institution of self-restriction of human rights; further improvement of compensatory constitutional legal relations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (13) ◽  
pp. 176-189
Fernando Gómez Forero

El presente artículo sobre la situación actual de las cárce- les, se ocupa específicamente de lo relacionado con el ha- cinamiento y las posibles alternativas para su superación. El objetivo es hacer un análisis crítico sobre el verdadero nivel de hacinamiento en que se encuentran ahora los cen- tros penitenciarios, y la relación que existe con la protec- ción de los derechos humanos por parte del Estado, como un imperativo que requiere de su pleno cumplimiento. Esta problemática es una situación permanente, recurren- te y con tendencia a profundizarse, lo que ha ocasiona- do una crisis en materia del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, que ha supuesto necesariamente una responsabilidad del Estado, producto sin duda del estado de cosas inconstitucional que fue establecido por la Corte Constitucional a través de la sentencia T-153 de 1998. Las conclusiones reflejan en su conjunto el alto nivel de inefi- ciencia con la que se ha actuado por parte del ejecutivo y el legislativo en la solución de la crisis de hacinamiento car- celario y la necesidad de emprender acciones afirmativas, libres del discurso propositivo, que no hace otra cosa que simplificar el problema pero no solucionarlo.This article, about the current situation of prisons, spe- cifically related to prison overcrowding and alternatives to overcome them, are part of the goal to make a critical analysis of the true level of overcrowding in which are now centers prisons and the relationship with the protec- tion of Human Rights by the State as an imperative that requires full compliance, this is a permanent, recurrent and tend to deepen situation, which has caused a crisis in the International Law of Human Rights (HR), which has necessarily meant a state liability in this situation, as a re- sult without question of “Unconstitutional Things in the State” established by the Constitutional Court through the final desition T-153 of 1998. The closures as a whole reflect of the high level of inefficiency with which action has been taken by the Executive and legislative branches in the solution of the overcrowding crisis in prisons and the need to undertake purposeful assertive speech affir- mative action, which does nothing to simplify the problem but not in solving it. 

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