scholarly journals Improving High School and Vocational School Teachers in Writing Skill

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Awang Surya ◽  
Firmansyah Azharul ◽  
W. Wilarso ◽  
Mustopa Idris ◽  
Yusril Zindar Azziqi ◽  

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Muhammadiyah Cileungsi has the duty of the College Dharma Chess which includes education and teaching activities, research and community service, and AIKA and Al-Islam. The purpose of this research is to teach writing methods to teachers, to facilitate teaching and learning. The method used in this research are identification of the problem, conduct a field survey, finding material, and direct training  to representatives of each high school / vocational school teachers. In this training participants were given the easiest writing method. From telling great writers in life in the world, where they can exist in writing. Then the participants were asked to write an article to get used to writing. After the end of the activity, participants are asked to share in the group or discuss directly with the speaker, so that the writing that has been made can be immediately reviewed. Solutions in writing training, taking the time to write, and frequent discussions with people who often write. The result of this research is the teachers know writing techniques to develop teaching activity in the classroom.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Titik Haryati ◽  
Rosalina Ginting ◽  
Suwarno Widodo ◽  
Kiki Aryaningrum ◽  
Bambang Kumoro

Abstract There are still a few handouts created by the teachers. In fact, teachers feel lazy to make a handout to succeed their teaching and learning process, especially civic teachers who are still low in understanding how to make and design their own handout. A handout is an instrument that teachers supposed to writing it. By writing a handout, teacher can explore his material based on the problems faced in the class. That is way; the Team thought that we need to give them something to train them in writing their own teaching handout. This community service was given to civic teachers of senior high school who has the important role in tranfering knowledge about civic subject. This activity had some sessions, there were; lecturing, discussion, questions answer and feedback. It hopes that by understanding the way in designing a teaching handout, they will be encouraged to make their own handout to support their teaching learning process in the classroom. ?é?á Key words : a teaching handout, a civic subject ?é?á

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Fatchul Mu’in ◽  
Nasrullah Nasrullah ◽  
EKa Putri Elyani ◽  
Elsa Rosalina

Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas guru dalam mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris di Kabupaten Tabalong. Diharapkan para guru dapat mengenal dan mengaplikasikan teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris yang lebih efektif, menyenangkan, dan modern. Adapun sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah guru-guru MGMP SMP mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Tabalong yang berjumlah 30 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dan mendeskripsikan kegiatan pelatihan tentang teknik mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang modern. Pada kegiatan Pengabdian ini ditemukan sebagian besar guru belum mengetahui teknik terbaru dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jadi, pelaksanaan pelatihan dilakukan melalui penyampaian materi, diskusi, dan praktik. Materi yang disampaikan disesuaikan dengan program-program yang sesuai dengan silabus pada tiap sekolah. Materi tersebut berkaitan dengan perancangan dan teknik pengajaran yang diikuti oleh praktik pengajarannya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan ini menjadi salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan inovasi dan kreativitas para guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah, khususnya di tingkat SMP.                              This activity aims to deliver a short training to improve the creativity of junior high school teachers for teaching English in Tabalong District. It is expected that teachers can recognize and apply teaching techniques that are more effective, fun, and modern. The subjects of this activity are 30 junior high school teachers of English MGMP in the district of Tabalong. The method used in this community service is a qualitative method that aims to provide an overview and describe training on modern English teaching techniques. In this community service activity, it was found that most of the teachers did not know the latest techniques in teaching English. As a result, the training was carried out through the delivery of material, discussion, and practice. The material presented was adjusted to the programs which fit the syllabus in each school. The material was related to design and teaching techniques, followed by the teaching practice. It can be concluded that this short training is one way to improve teachers' innovation and creativity in teaching and to learn English, especially in junior high school level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Musdholifah Musdholifah ◽  
Dewie Tri Wijayati Wardoyo ◽  
Sri Setyo Iriani ◽  
Ulil Hartono ◽  
Achmad Kautsar

ABSTRACTThe limited ability of teachers to manage instructional media using technology apparently also happened to teachers in Magetan District. Based on surveys and interviews with the Head of education, youth and sport department Magetan District, the problem of the low use of technology in learning was also experienced by teachers in Magetan District. Especially for high school teachers in Magetan Regency. One of the things that can be use by the world of education, especially teachers in implementing the learning process, is by using google classroom application as a media for online classroom learning. This application is still rarely even unknown to most teachers in Indonesia. The overall output shows the majority of teachers as participants have opened online classes (60.87%) and the remaining 39.13% only made a few meetings but did not run. The obstacle is the low motivation and consistency of the teachers in running online classes. The implementation of community service activities has been going well and smoothly. The results of the implementation of these activities all stages of the implementation of activities run as planned. Keywords: google classroom, teacher, online class ABSTRAKTerbatasnya kemampuan guru dalam mengatur media pembelajaran dengan teknologi ternyata terjadi juga pada guru-guru di kabupaten Magetan. Berdasarkan survey dan wawancara dengan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Magetan masalah rendahnya penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran juga dialami pada guru-guru di Kabupaten Magetan. Terutama pada guru-guru SMA di Kabupaten Magetan. Salah satu hal yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh dunia pendidikan terutama guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan aplikasi google classroom sebagai media pembelajaran kelas online. Aplikasi ini masih jarang bahkan belum diketahui oleh sebagian besar guru di Indonesia. Luaran keseluruhan menunjukkan mayoritas guru sebagai peserta telah membuka kelas online (60,87%) dan sisanya 39,13% hanya membuat beberapa pertemuan namun tidak berjalan. Adapun hambatan adalah masih rendahnya motivasi dan konsistensi para guru dalam menjalankan kelas online. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sudah berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut semua tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Kata Kunci : google classroom, guru, kelas online

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 182
Rifky Maulana Yusron ◽  
Rica Wijayanti ◽  
Anindita Trinura Novitasari

Distance Learning (PJJ) began to be applied by all teachers in Indonesia during the Covid Pandemic including teacher who taughtat the Elementary School (SD) level. The application of this learning is not as easy as what many people talk about, because teachers must be able to select and design instrucctional media using technology. The problem ezperienced by teacher, especially in the regions, is the lack of knowledge in making technology-based learning media, especially learning media that can be used as an evaluation material for Distance Learning (PJJ). As a solution tothis problem, our team conducted training on making google forms for elementary teachers as a medium for evauating Distance Learning (PJJ) during the pandemic. The ethod we provide for this community service activity is by providing direct training to elementary school teachers, making simole modules, and providing assitance in making google form evaluation media. The result of this services activity is that as many as 20 teachers who participated in the training were able to create and design their own google form according to the needs of each subject as a media for evaluation of Distance Learing (PJJ. In addition, based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the teachers who attended the training, it shows that 90% of the teachers understand how to make google forms themselves and 100% of  the teachers   are happy with the training acivities that have been held.Keyword: google form, pjj, evaluation learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38
Suci Yuniarti ◽  
Tri Hariyati Nur Indah Sari ◽  
Husnul Khotimah

The community service activity is conducted in the form ofa counselingabout the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in integral application learning.This activity aims to add knowledge about the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in mathematics learning especially integral application learning to mathematics teachers. The implementation method consists of four stages namely preparation, action, evaluation and report. This one day activity were attended by 26 mathematics teachers from elementary school, junior and senior high school and vocational school in Balikpapan at the 7th Floor G Building of Balikpapan University. The presented material consists of the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in integral application topic namely area of plane regions and volume of solids of revolution. This community service activity run well and smoothly and in accordance with the planning. Based on the carried activities, it is expected for mathematics teachers to create learning modules that appropriate with their students� conditions in the class and integrate various multimedia to support their mathematics learning process.Keywords: modul, geogebra, integral application

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 74-81

Even though the study of polymers is included in the school secondary curriculum in Spain, all the signs are that this topic is not being adequately addressed in the classroom. For this reason, this paper focuses on two key factors for polymers teaching and learning at secondary level: teachers and textbooks. A qualitative methodology, based on semi-structured interviews and a content analysis of textbooks, has been used. Six High School teachers have participated in this research. Attempts have been made to find out teachers' opinion about introducing contents of polymers in the classroom by means of semi-structured interviews. The content analysis of textbooks used in many schools of Spain has been carried out through the application of a assessment questionnaire. The results obtained as regards the polymers suggest that: a) Teachers provide only a limited amount of time for this topic in the curriculum; b) Textbooks do not include a large part of basic contents; and c) The low level of knowledge of students is justified by a) and b).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti ◽  
Retno Marsitin ◽  
Rini Agustina

Abstrak. Kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Matematika SMK, yang merupakan forum profesionalisme untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan kinerja guru matematika SMK. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah; (1) meningkatkan peran dan fungsi MGMP Matematika SMK kabupaten Malang dalam memperbaiki kompetensi dan kinerja guru matematika SMK, (2) meningkatkan pemahaman guru matematika SMK terhadap langkah-langkah pembuatan e-modul dan (3) meningkatkan ketrampilan pembuatan e-modul matematika SMK bagi guru matematika SMK Kabupaten Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah; (1) pendampingan kepada pengurus MGMP untuk mengkaji ulang program kerja yang sudah ditentukan, (2) mengadakan workshop pembuatan modul matematika SMK , (3) pelatihan dan pendampingan secara berkelompok kepada guru matematika SMK pada proses kepenulisan modul matematika SMK, (4) Workshop pembuatan e-modul matematika SMK, dan (5) desiminasi e-modul matematika SMK oleh guru matematika SMK Kabupaten. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan kualitas pertemuan MGMP Matematika SMK Kabupaten Malang dan peningkatan ketrampilan pembuatan e-modul Matematika SMK bagi gurunya. Produk yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah e-modul matematika SMKKata Kunci: MGMP Matematika SMK, Guru Matematika SMK, pembuatan e-modul matematika SMK Abstract. The community service program was conducted to the Vocational School Mathematics Teachers’ Forum (MGMP), a professionalism forum for elevating the competence and performance of the vocational school teachers teaching Mathematics. The program was aimed at: (1) improving the roles and functions of the Vocational School Mathematics Teachers’ Forum in Malang Regency, (2) enhancing vocational school Mathematics teachers’ understanding of the procedures of creating Mathematics e-modules, and (3) upgrading the vocational school Mathematics teachers’ skills in creating their Mathematics e-modules. The methods applied were: (1) mentoring the committees of the teachers’ forum in reviewing their work plans, (2) conducting a writing vocational school Mathematics module workshop, (3) training and mentoring the vocational school Mathematics teachers in writing their Mathematics modules in groups, (4) conducting a workshop of creating vocational school Mathematics e-modules, and (5) disseminating the Mathematics e-modules by vocational school Mathematics teachers in Malang Regency. The results of the program were the quality improvement of Mathematics teachers’ forum’s meetings and the writing Mathematics e-module skills’ improvement of the Mathematics teachers in Malang Regency. The products of this community service program were Mathematics e-modules for vocational school students.  Keywords:       Vocational School Mathematics Teacher’s Forum, Vocational School Mathematics Teachers, vocational school Mathematics e-module writing

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Sari Yuningsih

Batik has been known as a cultural heritage as an oral and non-artistic culture typical of Indonesia. The recognition of batik as one of the cultural heritage faces a challenge that is how the effort of preservation and regeneration of batik in the future. Batik preservation is not just applying batik in daily activities, but it needs conservation in the context of science and skills. In order to preserve Vocational High School (SMK) is the right tool in regenerating batik as insight, knowledge and skill. For that need special attention to continue to foster vocational school in order to continue to exist in the competition. This study contains descriptive description of vocational school of textile craft that holds batik subjects as a form of batik preservation in the world of formal education. Writing method in this study using literature study, observation, interview and documentation at one school in Bandung. With this exposure is expected to provide an overview of the implementation of batik subjects and can be used as a reference in the study of batik development in vocational school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Baiq Rika Ayu Febrilia ◽  
Eliska Juliangkary ◽  
Sri Yuliyanti ◽  
Dwi Sabda Budi Prasetya ◽  
Pujilestari Pujilestari ◽  

Scientific Article Writing Workshop for MIPA Teachers at Al-Abhariyah Islamic Vocational SchoolAbstract. This community service aims to help teachers better understand writing techniques, increase understanding of scientific articles and develop professionalism as instructors through scientific article writing activities. The method in community service activities is to provide workshops to Islamic Mathematics and Natural Sciences Al-Abhariyah Vocational School teachers on writing scientific articles. The results of community service show that participants have the ability to understand the techniques of writing scientific articles, distinguish scientific articles from scientific works and have the desire to conduct research even though it has not been realizedKeywords: Workshop, scientific articles, mathematics and natural sciences teachersAbstrak. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru agar lebih memahami artikel ilmiah secara teoritis baik dari segi karakteristiknya maupun teknik penulisannya, serta mampu membedakan artikel ilmiah, skripsi dan tesis. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah dengan memberikan workshop kepada guru MIPA SMK Islam Al-Abhariyah tentang penulisan artikel ilmiah. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan peserta telah memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami teknik penulisan artikel ilmiah, membedakan artikel ilmiah dengan karya ilmiah serta telah memiliki keinginan melakukan penelitian walaupun belum terealisasikan.Kata Kunci: Workshop, artikel ilmiah, guru MIPA

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-10
Amin Nur Akhmadi ◽  
M. Taufik Qurohman ◽  
Syaefani Arif Romadhon

Vocational High School is the biggest contributor to unemployment in the area, many supporting factors such as the unstable condition of the company. Basically, that is not all, the teaching process for these Vocational Schools is at the forefront of the increase in the unemployment rate of SMK graduates. From the results of community service activities, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) With the community service at Adiwerna District 1 Vocational High School, giving at Adiwerna Nu 1 Vocational School in Tegal Regency, providing knowledge, understanding, and innovation on efficient engine stand overhauls according to operational standards procedure; (2) Speeding up the work when the engine stand overhaul practices in competency subjects overhaul the engine with the SOP tool so as to make students competent in their performance practices.

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