2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Rahmi Yuniarti ◽  
Arif Rahman ◽  
Moch. Choiri

Rahmi Yuniarti, Arif Rahman, dan Moch. ChoiriJurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya Jalan MT. Haryono 167, Malang 65145, Jawa TimurLaman: [email protected] Kecil Menengah (UKM) memiliki peran yang besar pada perekonomian negara, baik dalam kontribusi terhadap Produksi Domestik Bruto maupun jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja. Dalam usaha mengembangkan bisnisnya, UKM keripik tempe Sanan harus melakukan inovasi dan perbaikan untuk dapat bersaing dengan bisnis lainnya. Dengan adanya persaingan-persaingan dari berbagai merk keripik maka UKM keripik tempe Sanan harus melakukan peningkatan dalam hal penentuan strategi pemasaran. Analisis strategi yang dapat digunakan yaitu dengan mengunakan elemen pada bauran pemasaran. Hal ini yang mendorong perlunya untuk dilakukan penelitian mengenai faktor yang menjadi daya tarik program pemasaran, serta mengukur sejauh mana suatu kesatuan elemen bauran pemasaran dijalankan dalam strategi pemasaran yang ada. Sesudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai elemen bauran pemasaran dari hasil kuisioner yang diberikan kepada pihak produsen UKM keripik tempe, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis SWOT dan QSPM untuk menentukan strategi utama pemasaran. Dari hasil penelitian, strategi pemasaran yang harus dilakukan UKM keripik tempe Sanan Malang adalah melakukan diversified product dengan memproduksi berbagai jenis keripik, meluncurkan Brand variants sehingga konsumen memiliki banyak pilihan serta memproduksinya dalam komposisi berat keripik serta kemasan yang bervariasi, melakukan pengembangan jaringan agen penjualan untuk memperluas daerah penjualan, melakukan promosi melalui berbagai pameran dan acara-acara besar di propinsi Jawa Timur, menggencarkan promosi produk melalui iklan gratis dan media sosial yang tersedia.Kata Kunci: strategi pemasaran, bauran pemasaran, analisis SWOT.ABSTRACTSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a major role in the economy of country , both in contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and total employment. In order to develop its business, tempeh SME Sanan Chips has to create an innovation and conduct an improvement in order to be able to compete with other businesses. Due to existence of competition among the competitors with different brand of chips, so SME tempeh chips Sanan should improve properly the determination of marketing strategy. Strategy analysis can be conducted by using element of marketing mix. That triggers the necessity to conduct a research in terms of factors appealing marketing and measure how well a united element of marketing mix is performed according to the marketing strategy. After gaining information related to element of marketing mix from the questionnaire given to the SME tempe chips, then analysis is performed based on SWOT and QSMP to determine the major marketing strategy. According to the result, SME Sanan Chips should adopt the marketing strategy by: focusing on product diversity through producing various chips, launching a brand variant with a various pack and net weight in order to offer different choices to the consumers, developing an agent networks to expand the region of market sale, conduct promotion through exhibitions and major events in the Province of East Java, promoting the product intensively through a free advertisement and social media.Keywords: marketing strategy , marketing mix , SWOT analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
Sinta Virgilenna ◽  
I Putu Anom

The number of tourist arrivals during the low season tends to decline. It also has an impact on sightseeing. Therefore, marketing strategy is very important to be able to increase the number of tourist visit to be able to compete with other tourism object and can give positive impact for society Sembalun. Sembalun tourism is located on Jalan Wisata Rinjani, Sembalun Bumbung, Kab. East Lombok Kec. Sembalun, Sembalun Village of West Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to determine the marketing mix, and marketing strategy at Sembalun Tour. The data collection in this research is done by observation, in-depth interview, document and literature study. The determination of informants was determined on the basis of random purposive sampling in which subjects were chosen on the basis of specified criteria. These criteria are Sembalun tourism managers and communities around Sembalun East Lombok. The result of this research is marketing mix at Sembalun tourism based on product, price, distribution channel, promotion, person, physical proof and process. In this research also discuss about SWOT analysis about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are owned by Sembalun tourism which is related to mix mix (marketing mix), from marketing strategy that is Increase promotion to other market, Increase cooperation with Travel agent good Outside and inside the country, improve access, improve the quality of human resources.   Keyword : Management, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategy , Sightseeing Tour

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Farida Nur Solikhah ◽  
Bambang Mursito ◽  
Supawi Pawenang

This study aims to analyze the effect of the marketing mix strategy on customer decisions at Toko Sugeng. This research uses the mix method. The strategy used is squential explanatory. The research were obtained from questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. The population in this study are all customers who have made repeat purchases. Samples taken as many as 100 customers. Result research shows the effect of price on customer satisfaction is 14,726%. The effect of the product on customer satisfaction is 13.764%. Effect of location on customer satisfaction of 18,470%. The effect of promotion on customer satisfaction is equal to 37.074%. The effect of price, product, location, and promotion on customer satisfaction is 84%. The marketing strategy applied by Toko Sugeng in increasing customer satisfaction, namely by implementing a marketing formulation strategy, segmenting, targeting, positioning and the marketing mix strategy or marketing mix which consists of four elements, namely product, price, place, promotion. The purpose of this is to attract buyers and retain existing customers. Toko Sugeng uses a SWOT analysis for improve customer satisfaction. In the calculation of the SWOT analysis both in terms of the matrix, EFAS and IFAS and the Cartesian diagram, show that Toko Sugeng is in the quadrant I position, namely (+, +). This position proves a strong and likely shop. Tactic recommendations given is progressive. So that it is really possible to continue to expand, enlarge growth and achieve maximum progress. Keywords: marketing mix, strategy, customer satisfaction

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Susni Herwanti

Mangrove syrup is one of the featured product in the Margasari Village. This syrup is made from the flesh pidada famous sour, sweet and fresh. The content of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C is high enough so it is good for health. Although it tastes good and useful enough, but the mangrove syrup has not been widely known, especially in the province of Lampung. Therefore, this study aims to assess the feasibility of mangrove syrup business, analyze marketing strategy and then review the prospect of developing mangrove syrup business. The study was conducted in early 2016 in the village of Margasari. The selecting of the respondent was done purposively to “Cinta Bahari” group. This group is the only group that carries on mangrove syrup business. Financial analysis performed by calculating HPP, NPV, BCR, BEP and the PP while the marketing strategy analysis and prospect of mangrove syrup development is a descriptive qualitative. The results showed that mangrove syrup business financially was feasible. This was indicated by the value of HPP was Rp 4,950 per bottle, while the selling price was Rp8,000 per bottle, NPV> 0, BCR> 1, BEP was Rp 4,950, which means profitable  and PP faster than the life of the project. Furthermore, the group marketing strategies to 4 elements of the marketing mix showed that the place, product and promotion strategy needed improvement, while the pricing strategy had been carried out correctly. Based on this research, mangrove syrup business has good prospects to be developed.Sirup mangrove merupakan salah satu produk unggulan di Desa Margasari. Sirup ini terbuat dari daging buah pidada yang terkenal dengan rasa asam, manis dan segar. Kandungan vitamin A, B1, B2 dan C cukup tinggi sehingga sangat baik buat kesehatan. Meskipun rasanya enak dan manfaatnya cukup banyak, akan tetapi sirup mangrove belum banyak dikenal masyarakat luas, khususnya di Provinsi Lampung. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kelayakan usaha sirup mangrove, menganalisis strategi pemasaran sirup mangrove dan mengkaji prospek pengembangan usaha sirup mangrove. Penelitian dilakukan pada awal tahun 2016 di  Desa Margasari. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara purposive sampling terhadap kelompok cinta bahari. Kelompok ini merupakan satu-satunya kelompok yang menjalankan usaha sirup mangrove. Analisis finansial dilakukan dengan menghitung HPP, NPV, BCR, BEP dan PP sedangkan analisis strategi pemasaran dan prospek pengembangan sirup mangrove dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara finansial usaha sirup mangrove layak untuk dijalankan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai HPP sebesar Rp 4.950 per botol sedangkan harga jual sebesar Rp8.000 per botol , NPV > 0, BCR > 1, BEP sebesar  Rp 4.950 yang berarti menghasilkan keuntungan dan PP lebih cepat dari umur proyek. Selanjutnya strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan kelompok terhadap 4 unsur bauran pemasaran menunjukkan bahwa strategi tempat, produk dan promosi memerlukan perbaikan sedangkan strategi harga sudah dilakukan secara tepat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, usaha sirup mangrove memiliki prospek yang cukup baik untuk dikembangkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Junyan Du ◽  

This paper takes the RT-Mart supermarket under the background of epidemic as the research object, analyzes the current situation of online and offline operation, and finds out the existing problems. Through SWOT analysis and Porter five force model analysis, the paper discusses the challenges that the supermarket of RT-mart is facing at present. And through two questionnaires, we can find the weak points of marketing in RT-Mart more accurately. According to this, we put forward constructive suggestions and some safeguard measures.

Catherine Koryuhina ◽  
Oleksij Sorokin

UDC 339.138:640.41   Koryuhina Catherine, Mg.oec., Mg.Phil. Assist.Prof. Oleksij Sorokin. ISMA University. Latvia. Developing Marketing Strategy for Ramada Encore Kiev. The article gives the analysis of marketing strategy of Ramada Encore Kiev Hotel, highlights the importance of marketing concept, and marketing strategy, and formulates the ways of improving the situation with the help of marketing activities.The hospitality marketing mix model is used as the theoretical basis. Besides, financial reports, international organisations statistics, SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis and other methods are used. Nowadays hospitality is fast growing and developing industry. The aim of this work is to find suitable new advertising strategies that can make for hotel’s development.   Keywords: marketing strategy, concept, improving, hospitality, theoretical issues, statistics, suggestions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Inten Larasaty

Keberadaan museum selama ini sering dianggap hanya sebagai tempat memamerkan koleksi budaya maupun sejarah saja, padahal sebenarnya dapat menjadi alternatif yang menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan. Kesan membosankan yang menjadi polemik di berbagai museum di Indonesia harus ditepis dengan melakukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat. Salah satunya yaitu UPT Museum Balanga yang merupakan museum budaya di Kota Palangkaraya. Museum Balanga selain memiliki tempat yang strategis juga memiliki keunikan dari berbagai koleksi yang menunjukkan siklus hidup suku Dayak. Kenyataannya dari data pengunjung yang dihasilkan pada setiap tahun ternyata masih belum mencapai peningkatan yang maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Tahap penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data, kemudian tahap analisis dengan membandingkan antara faktor eksternal peluang dan ancaman dengan faktor internal kekuatan dan kelemahan, dan yang terakhir yaitu tahap penetapan strategi berdasarkan marketing mix 7p yaitu product, price, place, promotion, process, people, dan physical evidence. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kelebihan dan kekurangan pada UPT Museum Balanga serta memformulasikan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan daya tarik dan jumlah pengunjung lokal maupun mancanegara. Pada hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UPT museum balanga perlu meningkatkan servis excellence dengan melakukan training dan menetapkan standar operasional pegawai, pembenahan terhadap interior dan eksterior desaign, melengkapi berbagai fasilitas penunjang seperti ruang multimedia, cafe dan lainnya, serta meningkatkan promosi dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media sosial dan bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak terkait.The existence of museums has often been considered only as a place to display cultural and historical collections, when in fact it can be an interesting alternative place for tourists to visit. The boring impression that became polemic in various museums in Indonesia must be erased by carrying out the right marketing strategy. One of them is UPT Museum Balanga which is a cultural museum in Palangkaraya City. Besides having a strategic place, Balanga Museum also has uniqueness on various collections that shows the life cycle of Dayak tribe. But the fact is that the visitor data generated each year has not yet reached the maximum increase. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach using SWOT analysis. The research stage is carried out by collecting data, then the analysis phase by comparing the external factors of opportunity and threat with the internal factors of strengths and weaknesses. In the last step to support the SWOT analysis, the writer uses marketing mix 7p, which are product, price, place, promotion, process, people, and physical evidence. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the UPT Museum Balanga and formulate an appropriate marketing strategy to increase the attractiveness and the amount of local and foreign visitors. The results of this study indicate that the UPT Museum Balanga needs to improve service excellence by conducting training and establishing operational standards for employees, improving the interior and eksterior design, equipping various supporting facilities such as multimedia rooms, cafes and others, and increasing promotion by utilizing various social media and collaborating with related parties.

Eugeniusz Michalski

The main goal of this article is to present how the new conception of marketing mix affects delivering value to customers and benefit an enterprise. The task of marketing management is to make the good and service available when a customer is ready to buy it. An enterprise needs timely, accurate and relevant information on customers, competitors and new socio-economic trends in the country and the world. The analysis of marketing management paradigm and creation of value based management were carry out. Next, the concept of marketing strategy and SWOT analysis were under consideration. Lastly, the impact of information technology on marketing management were described.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-126
Cevdet Kızıl ◽  
Valorie Eddy ◽  
Laura Clary ◽  
Katrina Crowell

This paper discusses the entry of Hershey’s Chocolates Company tothe Australian market with a new brand. For this purpose, background information and key performance indicators about the firm are presented. Also target customers and market summary, market demographics and target customer profile of the firm are mentioned in the context of situational analysis. Then,Hershey’s entry to the Australian market with a new product is proposed by providing and commenting on SWOT analysis, competition environment, accounting-finance indicators, marketing strategy and marketing mix (4P) factors. Thus, a deeper focus on the organization is realized and shared. As aresult, firm’s entry to the Australian market is discussed with a new product by suggesting recent and altered target customer base, customer profile,marketing strategy and marketing mix. Our study evaluates the potential disadvantages and advantages in detail and argues that there is a need for Hershey’s to enter the Australian market with a new product. In general, this article discusses and defends the entry of Hershey’s to Australian market witha new product by logical reasoning and draws a strategic roadmad to reach this goal.

Wulan Probo Bintari ◽  
Agus Dwi Cahya ◽  
Novita Wulandari

Marketing strategy has an important role for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The important role of the right marketing strategy will be able to attract consumers to buy the products. Currently, MSMEs in Indonesia are experiencing very rapid development, especially in the culinary field. "Sari Menir" is a MSME that produces peyek snack which is located at RT005/RW002, Plembon Lor, Logandeng, Playen, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of marketing strategies in an effort to attract consumer buying interest in Sari Menir MSME. This study uses a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. The technique of determining the place using purposive area method. The research source was selected by purposive sampling method. The resource person in this study were Mrs Ratna Anjarwati as the manager and the daughter of MSME Sari Menir founder. Data collection techniques using interview and documentation methods. The data analysis technique was carried out through stages of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that Sari Menir MSME using the marketing mix strategy in an effort to attract consumers buying interest. The marketing mix strategy carried out by Sari Menir MSME as follows: Maintaining product quality by using good quality raw materials; Set the right and appropriate price; Using direct and indirect distribution channels to reach strategic locations; Take part in exhibitions and apply word of mouth as promotional advice.

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