scholarly journals Konsepsi Kepemilikan dan Pemanfaatan Hak atas Tanah Harta Bersama antara Suami Istri

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Layyin Mahfiana

AbstractArticle 9 paragraph (2) of UUPA gives equality for Indonesian men and women, one of them is related to ownership, utilization of HAT whether for men or women who is given the equality in family by the law. However in fact the wife often finds difficulties in the ownership and utilization of the land rights, especially the property and its causing factor, such as the gender inequality of the social and cultural values , which commonly gives more priority to the men than the women (patriarchal ideology); Most of the constitutional regulation still takes the part of one gender, in other words, it does not reflect the gender equality; Moreover the interpretation of religious lessons that are less comprehensive, contextual and holistic, or inclined to be textual and partially understood also very influence the mindset that the ownership, utilization of HAT for women is different from the men.Keywords: wives rights, HAT & Collective PropertyAbstrak Pasal 9 ayat (2) UUPA memberi kedudukan yang sama bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan warga negara Indonesia, salah satunya berkaitan dengan kepemilikan, pemanfaatan HAT baik laki-laki maupun perempuan yang diberi kedudukan sama oleh hukum di dalam keluarga. Tetapi di dalam kenyataannya seringkali isteri kesulitan dalam kepemilikan dan pemanfaatan hak atas tanah khususnya harta bersama faktor penyebabnya, diantaranya kesenjangan gender dalam tata nilai sosial budaya masyarakat, umumnya lebih mengutamakan laki-laki daripada perempuan (ideologi patriarki). Kebanyakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada masih berpihak pada salah satu jenis kelamin dengan kata lain belum mencerminkan kesetaraan gender. Selain itu, penafsiran ajaran agama yang kurang komprehensif atau cenderung tekstual dan kurang kontekstual, cenderung dipahami parsial kurang holistic juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap pola pikir bahwa kepemilikan, pemanfaatan HAT perempuan memang berbeda dengan laki-laki.Kata Kunci: Hak Istri, HAT & Harta Bersama

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Umar Ali ◽  
Ridho Ridho

The focus of the study in this paper is M. Quraish Shihab's thoughts in the field of inheritance law. M. Quraish Shihab's (hereinafter referred to as Shihab) thought deserves to be appointed as a target study in relation to his views on gender equality. In various published writings, especially in his book entitled "Women: from Love to Sex, from the Mut'ah Marriage to the Sunnah Marriage, from the Old Bias to the New Bias", it is very clear how Quraish tried to get out of the mainstream of "right" thinking. who want to lock up women in domestic sectors as well as "left" thinking that tends to go too far in understanding equality between men and women, in other words, Shihab is classified as a moderate thinker in the study of gender equality. That is the conclusion of several studies examining Shihab's thoughts. In contrast to these conclusions, this article concludes that Shihab can actually be classified as an eco-feminist who tries to maintain the status quo of gender inequality that is being sued by feminists. This can be seen very well in Shihab's rejection of feminist claims about equality in quantity in the distribution of inheritance between men and women, which in the sacred text is stated as two to one. For Shihab, the provisions in the distribution of inheritance are final because the details about the law of inheritance are closed with a firm statement "that is the limits of Allah" and a series of other arguments expressed by Shihab. This issue will be presented in the following descriptions so as to reinforce the above conclusions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth

<p>Visual expression is something un-denayable in social life because the viasuality is the expression of the social life. This article has the purpose to explore how visual expression of women resistance toward gender inequality. Applying qualitative research with the method of documentation study this article in detail analyses the interpretation of religious text as the source of inequality and gender reality in social context. It is revealed that visual expression of the poster suggesting to treat men and women respectfully is the resistance toward religious text interpretation which is inequally treat men and women.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sri Harti Widyastuti

This study aims to describe Javanese women’s personality in the perspective of feminism and gender equality and inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya and Serat Wulang Putri. It employed the qualitative research design and modern philology. The findings are as follows. Javanese women’s personality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes their images. Gender inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes subordination, woman stereotype, rights to use but not to possess, women as sexual objects, and polygamy. Gender inequality in Serat Wulang Putri shows that women must have a lot of children. Gender equality in Sera Wulang Putrishows that men and women have equal rights to be ascetic, knowledgeable, skillful, brave and great, and wealthy.

The chapter argues that inequality between men and women has led to the gap in income and poverty for women. Gender inequality and women's empowerment have, therefore, become one of the 17 pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030. This chapter, therefore, examines the global performances on gender inequality index (GII) and the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030, regional performance and the Sustainable Development Goals, the top best performers on gender gap parity versus the worst performers on gender gap parity, and sub-national performances and global rankings. Also, this chapter examines the challenges of achieving gender equality by 2030 along with policy options for achieving gender equality in the year 2030.

Kodifikasia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Wilis Werdiningsih

Kesetaraan dan keadilan gender harus diwujudkan dalam segala aspek kehidupan, termasuk dalam kegiatan pendidikan. Pendidikan responsif gender penting untuk diterapkan di seluruh lembaga pendidikan, sebab baik laki-laki maupun perempuan adalah sama dan berhak untuk memperoleh segala manfaat dalam pendidikan sesuai dengan minat dan bakatnya. SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo merupakan salah satu sekolah kejuruan di Ponorogo dengan jumlah siswa perempuan yang minoritas.Perempuan sering kali dianggap lebih banyak memiliki kelemahan di dalam kegiatan praktik dibandingkan laki-laki.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesetaraan dan keadilan gender pada pembelajaran program keahlian teknik di SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Sumber data berasal dari kata-kata, tindakan, sumber tertulis dan foto yang berkaitan dengan proses kegiatan pembelajaran jurusan teknik di SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kesetaraan dan keadilan gender di SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo telah terwujud. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, baik siswa perempuan maupun laki-laki, mendapatkan akses yang sama, kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi, memiliki kontrol dan dapat mengambil manfaat secara maksimal.Namun masih terjadi ketidaksetaraan gender, yakni pada kategori pelabelan, subordinasi dan pemiskinan. [Gender equality and justice are must be realized in all aspects of life, including educational activities. Gender responsive education is important to be implemented in all educational institutions, because both men and women are the same and are entitled to get all the benefits in education in accordance with their interests and talents. SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo is one of the vocational schools in Ponorogo with a number of minority female students. Women are often considered to have more weaknesses in practical activities than men. This study aims to analyze gender equality and justice in learning technical skills programs at SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo. The approach that used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of case study. The source of the data comes from words, actions, written sources and photos that are all forms of data relating to the process of learning activities in the engineering department at SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo. The results show that gender equality and justice in SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo have been realized. In learning activities, both female and male students get equal access, the opportunity to participate, have control and can take maximum advantage. However, there is still a gender inequality, namely in the categories of labelling, subordination and impoverishment.]

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-88
Fatihatul Anhar Azzulfa ◽  
Afnan Riani Cahya A.

In general, the majority of people only know the meaning of the iddah period to see the cleanliness of the uterus. This study aims to determine how the period of iddah of husband and wife after divorce. Iddah is the waiting period before a widow or divorced woman may remarry. This research is included in library research which uses analytical descriptive as a method and is equipped with a gender equality approach. The results of the study explain that the iddah period if is associated with the basis for identifying whether a woman is pregnant or not, then the meaning is irrelevant when viewed using science and technology which has different legal implications for the iddah itself. Cleansing the uterus is not an illat of the stipulation of iddah. Illat is something that can change the situation. Iddah has until now been considered as discrimination against women, which later gave rise to the opinion that iddah is a form of gender inequality. The concept of iddah discriminates against women because it is considered to limit women’s movement after divorce. The implementation of the iddah period for husband and wife is a solution so that gender relations between men and women are well established.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Natalia Kostiuk ◽  
Olena Antoniuk

The article deals with gender inequality in the economic, political and social spheres of Ukraine and the key reasons for gender imbalance in the observation and realization of gender rights. The topicality of the article is predetermined by the necessity of the systemic solution to the problem of gender equality in Ukraine that is declared in the country’s constitution as the pivotal principle of safeguarding legal rights and freedoms of people in a democratic state.The authors have made an analysis of the Ukrainian norms and laws in force as well as some ratified international treaties in the sphere of gender equality insurance. The current state of realization of the main directions of social policy of Ukraine in the sphere of gender equality has been determined on the basis of the World Economic Forum and in particular the analysis of the index of gender discrepancy in certain spheres of human activity as well as the gender monitoring of the representation of candidates in the special election of people’s deputies of Ukraine in 2014 and 2019. The impact of gender discrimination against women on the social economic development of the world countries and their national wealth level has been considered.The study has allowed revealing a positive tendency in the realization of women’s right to participate and be represented in the economic and political spheres of Ukrainian activity and offering further necessary state measures in the social policy pertaining to the eradication of gender asymmetry in the Ukrainian society. The need of redirecting the government gender policy to more effective measures for overcoming gender inequality, gender segregation and multiple forms of discrimination against women under the conditions of the severe economic, political and social upheavals in Ukraine has been pointed to. The authors have come to the conclusion that the development of the political and juridical concept of eradication of gender discrimination against women in Ukraine is the pledge of sustainable development of the Ukrainian society which in its turn is a necessary condition for forming a competitive human capital of the country that has chosen the Eurointergation foreign policy course.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Puji Laksono

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami konstruksi gender diantara para santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori konstruksi sosial dari Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa (1) Konstruksi gender diantara santriwati bisa dikategorikan menjadi 3, pertama santriwati modernis yang menilai bahwa semua pekerjaan itu ideal untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Kedua, kategori santriwati modernis-tradisionalis yang menilai tidak semua pekerjaan ideal untuk laki-laku dan perempuan. Tetapi mereka tidak mempertanyakan adanya pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam batas tertentu. Ketiga, kategori santriwati tradisionalis, kategori ini tidak setuju dengan pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan. (2) Pandangan terhadap kesetaraan gender diantara santriwati, beberapa setuju dan tidak setuju. Pertama santriwati modernis dan tradisionalis-modernis setuju dengan kesetaraan gender. Kedua, kategori santriwati tradisionalis tidak setuju dengan kesetaraan gender.Kata-kata kunci: Konstruksi Gender, Pesantren, Santriwati. Abstracts: The purpose of this research is to understand the gender construction among santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. This study uses qualitative methods. The theory used is the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The results showed that (1). Gender construction among santriwati can be categorized into 3, first modernist santriwati who judge that all work is ideal for men and women. Secondly, the traditionalist-modernist santriwati category, which assesses not all the ideal work for men and women. But they do not question if there is a role exchange between men and women within certain limits. Thirdly, the traditionalist santriwati category, this category does not agree with the role exchange between men and women. (2). A view of gender equality among santriwati, some agree and disagree. First, the modernist and traditionalist-modernist santriwati agree with gender equality. Second, the traditionalist santriwati category does not agree with gender equality. Keywords: Gender Construction, pesantren, santriwati.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 147470491985292 ◽  
Lingshan Zhang ◽  
Anthony J. Lee ◽  
Lisa M. DeBruine ◽  
Benedict C. Jones

On average, women show stronger preferences for mates with good earning capacity than men do, while men show stronger preferences for physically attractive mates than women do. Studies reporting that sex differences in mate preferences are smaller in countries with greater gender equality have been interpreted as evidence that these sex differences in mate preferences are caused by the different roles society imposes on men and women. Here, we attempted to replicate previously reported links between sex differences in mate preferences and country-level measures of gender inequality in a sample of 3,073 participants from 36 countries (data and code available at ). Although women preferred mates with good earning capacity more than men did and men preferred physically attractive mates more than women did, we found little evidence that these sex differences were smaller in countries with greater gender equality. Although one analysis suggested that the sex difference in preferences for good earning capacity was smaller in countries with greater gender equality, this effect was not significant when controlling for Galton’s problem or when correcting for multiple comparisons. Collectively, these results provide little support for the social roles account of sex differences in mate preferences.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144078332110482
Pam Papadelos ◽  
Chris Beasley ◽  
Mandy Treagus

Understanding social change remains a challenge in the social sciences. This has resonance when considering the continuing significance of gender inequality in Australian society despite decades of political and social reform. Our aim is to elaborate a framework regarding social change which engages with major debates in masculinity studies, with applications beyond gender and masculinity. The potential of favourable spaces for social innovation is explored by outlining a dynamic taxonomy of masculinity and change. This framing of social change is located in a material social context involving specific actors. While popular media accounts of boys’ schooling and the specific instance of private boys’ schools indicate the maintenance of hegemonic norms upholding masculine dominance, we investigate illustrative instances of Catholic boys’ schools committed to gender equality. Yet, constructions of masculinity shift between and/or incorporate hegemonic styles and gender equitable styles, even in situations where gender equality is publicly promoted.

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