2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Ferdian Achsani

The drama script is a type of prose fiction literature that can not only be enjoyed through pen strokes from writers, but also aims to be performed on stage shows. In drama scripts, the topic or story that is displayed is inseparable from the life of society in general. Through the action of the cast of the cast, it is able to show that the story brought in the script seems to reflect the real life. This study aims to describe the form of reality of social life that occurs in the H.A.H drama by Putu Wijaya. This research is in the form of qualitative descriptive, with the method of analysis analysis through the sociological approach of literature. The source of the data in this study is citation text in the H.A.H drama script by Putu Wijaya, which reflects the reality of social life in the village community. Data collection techniques in this study are document techniques. While the data validity technique used in this study uses source triangulation. Triangulangi source is one of the validity test data that is suitable for use in this study. After analysis, the results of this study show that Putu Wijaya's H.A.H drama script reflects the social life of the community such as: moral degradation, cultural shifts, social conflict, crime. This is due to weak economic conditions, lack of understanding of religious teachings about faith, faith and piety, and lack of education.

Diakronika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Sintia Farsalena

This research has a purpose to identify: the impact of changing kudo ritual dance traditions in the social life of people in the village of debai jambi province. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. Sources ie primary data submitted by informants, data sources taken in the form of written notes coming from informants who were interviewed, documentation and literature study. The research findings reveal that the change of kudo rentak tradition in the social life of society in Debai village of Jambi Province has social and moral impact such as the behavior of less polite when dancing, drinking behavior, fights between youth when danced by kudo rentak dance, disturbance of society with Loud music. The social control of the village and community governments is so weak that they are unable to minimize the impact of the tradition.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Marlina Marlina

Reading short stories “Suku Pompong” (Pompong Tribe) and “Rumah di Ujung Kampung” (House at the End of the Village) is like reading a historical reality that is happening on the ground of Riau Malay. The exploitation of forest resources on a large scale in recent decades in Riau Province has changed the land use of the area of intact forest into plantation area. The exploitation process causes friction in the community. The friction is eventually lead to conflict between communities and plantation companies. Their struggle to resolve conflicts and maintain their ancestral land, the strength of the company that has the license to the land and sadness when the public finally has always been on the losing side. This study objected to describe the objective reality of the Malay community in terms of land conversion, the communal land into plantations and reality of imaginative literature contained in the short stories “Suku Pompong” dan “Rumah di Ujung Kampung”. This study applied the sociology of literature approach, while the sociological approach to literature is a literary approach that specializes in reviewing literature by considering the social aspects. Based on these approaches, it can be concluded that short stories Suku Pompong and Rumah di Ujung Jalan are short stories that raised the reality of the Malay community.AbstrakMembaca cerpen “Suku Pompong” dan cerpen “Rumah di Ujung Kampung” seperti membaca sebuah realita sejarah yang terjadi di tanah Melayu Riau. Ekploitasi sumber daya hutan secara besar-besaran pada beberapa dekade terakhir di Provinsi Riau telah mengubah tata guna lahan dari kawasan hutan yang utuh menjadi kawasan perkebunan. Proses eksploitasi tersebut menimbulkan gesekan-gesekan dalam masyarakat. Gesekan-gesekan inilah yang akhirnya menimbulkan konflik antara masyarakat dengan pihak perusahaan perkebunan. Perjuangan masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan konflik dan mempertahankan tanah leluhur mereka, kekuatan pihak perusahaan yang memiliki surat izin atas tanah tersebut, dan kesedihan ketika masyarakat akhirnya selalu berada di pihak yang kalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan realitas objektif masyarakat Melayu Riau dalam hal alih fungsi lahan, dari lahan tanah ulayat menjadi lahan perkebunan, dan realititas imajinatif sastra yang terdapat dalam cerpen “Suku Pompong” dan cerpen “Rumah di Ujung Kampung”. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra, yaitu suatu pendekatan sastra yang mengkhususkan diri dalam menelaah karya sastra dengan mempertimbangkan segi-segi sosial kemasyarakatan. Dari pendekatan tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa cerpen “Suku Pompong” dan cerpen “Rumah di Ujung Kampung” memang merupakan cerpen yang mengangkat realitas masyarakat Melayu Riau.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Driana Leniwati ◽  
Aliya Nur Aisyah

The aimed of this study was to analyze the management of Boonpring Ecotourism by Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in order to increase income of the village (PADes). This study uses a case study design with a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative data obtained by conducting in depth interviews, observations and documentation. The informants in this study were the Head of village, the Head of BUMDes, staff and community. Data reduction, data presentation, trianggulation and conclusion are data analysis  used in this study. The results of the study stated that the management of Boonpring Ecotourism had been carried out well by the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) of Sanan Kerto in accordance with the cooperative, participatory, transparent, accountable, and sustainable principles. Good management of Boonpring Ecotourism is expected to increase Income of village in a sustainable manner by exploring the potential of villages through the tourism sector even though there are obstacles in the application of participatory principles, namely the quality of Human Resources (HR) that need to be trained.Keywords: Management Principles; tourismp; BUMDes; Income of Village. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan desa (PADes). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara secara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Desa, kepala BUMDes, karyawan, dan masyarakat. Reduksi data, penyajian data, trianggulasi dan penarikan kesimpulan merupakan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring sudah dilakukan dengan baik oleh Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Sanan kerto sesuai dengan prinsip kooperatif, partisipatif, emansipatif, transparan, akuntable, dan sustainable. Pengelolaan Ekowisata Boonpring yang baik diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Desa secara berkelanjutan dengan menggali potensi desa melalui sektor pariwisata walaupun ada kendala dalam penerapan prinsip partisipatif yaitu kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang perlu dilatih.Kata Kunci: Prinsip Pengelolaan, wisata, BUMDes, PADes. 

Amal Adel Abdrabo

The plight of refugees fleeing from Palestine in 1948 raises several key questions regarding their historical fragmentation as a nation and their future. From a social anthropological point of view, the existing literature seems to tackle the Palestinian case from different perspectives influenced by the mass exodus of Palestinians from their homeland. Such perceptions took for granted the recognition of the state of “refugeeness” of the exiled Palestinians around the globe, while, in reality, it is a mutual interaction between people, place, and time. In the aftermath of the Arab-Israeli War at the beginning of the year 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians fled their homes in Palestine to the nearby Arab countries, among them was Egypt. Some thousands settled in different areas all over Egypt. Based on a preliminary research on the literature, the author can argue that this is the first ethnographic study of the social life of the village of Jaziret Fadel and its Palestinian inhabitants in Egypt. The chapter is about tackling the historical trajectories, genealogies, memories, and present of the inhabitants of this village who seemed to be torn between two nostalgic pasts. The author's emphasis within this chapter is about how the narratives of the past memories could reveal a lot about the present time of the human societies and their future.

Magdalena Bernat

Marcinowa Wola is a typical locality in Masuria (northern Poland), where a nearly total exchange of citizens took place after WW2. Polish and Ukrainian people coming here after the war had to deal with the sense of strangeness connected with the German presence in the near past. One of the ways of overcoming that impression was appropriation of their surroundings – an act of adapting the cultural landscape to their needs. A very vivid example of this process is the cemetery from the Great War located in Marcinowa Wola. The perception of this place among the local inhabitants changed dramatically over the years. Although it is located in the centre of the village, the cemetery was out of the social life during the first years after the war. As it was not treated as a sacred place any more, it was eroding and overgrowing for years. Everything changed in the 1970s, when the next generation became adolescent. Young people started to use the cemetery as their meeting place and in this way they adapted it to a new, completely different role. However, when the youth grew up, the place was once again forgotten for some time, and only recently did the inhabitants see its value as a cemetery, however, not in sacred but historical terms. It can be assumed that it was assimilated as an element of their own heritage, which means that the process of appropriation has been completed.

NALARs ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 69 ◽  
Primi Artiningrum ◽  
Danto Sukmajati

ABSTRAK.Masyarakat Bugis terkenal sebagai pelaut ulung di Indonesia yang telah menjelajahi seluruh wilayah nusantara.Oleh karena itu permukiman masyarakat Bugis dapat ditemukan di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia, terutama di kawasan pesisir.Di pantai Utara Jakarta juga terdapat satu kampung nelayan Bugis, yaitu di wilayah Kamal Muara.Karakter fisik dari permukiman ini menunjukkan ciri-ciri arsitektur vernacular Bugis yang dapat dilihat dari bentuk rumah-rumahnya.Akan tetapi, kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda dengan di tempat asalnya memaksa masyarakat kampung Bugis tersebut untuk beradaptasi baik terhadap lingkungan fisik maupun lingkungan sosial budayanya.Adaptasi tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan pada bentuk dan pola perkampungannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh adaptasi terhadap bentuk rumah dan pola kampung yang dibandingkan dengan arsitektur Bugis yang asli.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara kepada informan kunci termasuk beberapa pemilik rumah.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya adapatasi bentuk arsitektur dan pola kampung terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan dan sosial budaya. Kata  kunci : adaptasi, vernakular, arsitektur, nelayan, kampung ABSTRACT.Bugis people are famous as the best sailor in Indonesia who have sailed all over the archipelago. Their settlements can be found all over the country especially in the coastal area. Kamal Muara is one of the Bugis fishermen village located in the North coast of Jakarta. The physical character of this settlement demonstrates Bugis vernacular architecture which is especially noticeable in the form of its houses. However, the new place has forced the people to adapt to the physical environment as well as to the social and cultural environment. Consequently, the adaptation caused changes of architectural shapes and the pattern of the village. This objective of this research was to find out the influence of the adaptation to the house form and village pattern that was compared to its original Bugis Architecture. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive research. The data was collected through field study, observation, and interview to the key informants including the owner of the houses. The outcomes of this research is the identification of the adaptation in architectural form and village pattern related to the environmental condition and the sociocultural problem. Keywords:  adaptation, vernacular, architecture, fishermen, village

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Antonio Heltra Pradana

Di Kota Malang terdapat kampung tematik di TPU Kasin yaitu kampung Kramat.Kampung ini telah ada sejak 50 tahun lalu dan dulu dikenal sebagai kampung pelarian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu tentang pola kehidupan social masyarakat Kampung Kramat, dengan mendalami hal-hal terkait cara masyarakat kampung Kramat bertahan hidup ditengah-tengah lingkungan pemakaman, pola hubungan antara masyarakat yang satu dengan yang lain di Kampung Kramat, proses transformasi Kampung Kramat dari Kampung pelarian menjadi Kampung tematik dan basis keberadaan dan keberlanjutan Kampung Kramat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deksriptif-induktif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menggali konsep warga Kampung Kramat bertahan hidup dan cara mereka mempertahankan kampungnya hingga sekarang menjadi kampung tematik. Hasilnya, kampung dapat bertahan keberadaannya karena memiliki konsep meruang-berkehidupan yang kontekstual-kompleks. Konsep-konsep ini menjadi pilar-pilar penyokong keberadaan dan keberlanjutan Kampung Kramat. Adanya studi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan khusus mengenai arahan pemberdayaan kampung kota melalui konsep tematik agar dapat lebih mengena dan berdaya guna. Khususnya bagi kampung yang terletak di area pemakaman. Abstract:  In Malang regency, there is a thematic village in TPU Kasin namely Kramat Village. This village has existed since 50 years ago and was once known as an escape village. The purpose of this research is to find out about the social life pattern of the people of Kampung Kramat, by exploring the things related to the way the village of Kramat survive amid the  funeral environment, the pattern of relationship between Community that is one with the other in Kampung Kramat, the transformation process of Kampung Kramat from the runaway village becomes the thematic village and base of the existence and sustainability of Kampung Kramat. The method used in this research is a-inductive-qualitative dexsriptif with a phenomenological approach. This approach is used to excavate the concept of villagers survive and the way they defend their village is now a thematic village. As a result, the village can survive its existence because it has a contextual-complex living concept. These concepts are the pillars of the existence and sustainability of Kampung Kramat. The existence of this study is expected to be a specific consideration of the direction of empowerment of village city through thematic concept to be more effective and effective. Especially for the village located in the burial area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-42
Novia Ayu Windarani ◽  
Luhung Achmad Perguna ◽  
Abd. Latif Bustami

Tulisan ini menggali rasionalitas penggunaan tradisi sikep penglaris masyarakat Islam Aboge di dusun Tumpangrejo kabupaten Malang dalam perspektif Webberian. Pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam artikel ini dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dengan mendeskripsikan secara mendalam  data yang diperoleh melalui  reduksi, interpretasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa rasionalitas tradisional dan rasionalitas instrumental mengemuka dalam penggunaan sikep penglaris. Salah satu rasionalitas tradisional adalah sikep penglaris merupakan tradisi turun temurun dari nenek moyang sebelum membuka usaha. Tradisi ini menjadi kesadaran kolektif masyarakat Aboge. Secara instrumental, pilihan menggunakan sikep penglaris karena munculnya ketakukan akan gangguan magis yang menyebabkan kebangkrutan atau  usahanya tidak berjalan seperti yang diharapakan. Menariknya antara satu sikep penglaris dengan lainnya memiliki perbedaan. Perbedaan tersebut karena perbedaan guru spiritiual sekaligus media sikep penglaris. Bertahannya sikep penglaris tidak terlepas dari proses konstruksi yang terus berjalan secara dialektis dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat Tumpangrejo.      This paper explores the rationality of using the tradition of sikep penglaris in the Islamic community of Aboge in Tumpangrejo, Malang Regency, from a Webberian perspective. A qualitative descriptive approach is used with data collection techniques through observation and interviews in this article. Data analysis by describing in depth the data obtained through reduction, interpretation, and drawing conclusions. Research founds that traditional rationality and instrumental rationality come to the fore in the use of sikep penglaris. One of the traditional rationalities is that sikep penglaris is a tradition passed down from generation to generation before opening a business. This tradition has become the collective consciousness of the Aboge people. Instrumentally, the choice using sikep penglaris due to the fear of magical interference that will cause bankruptcy or the business does not well as expected. Interestingly, there are differences between one sikep penglaris cycle and another. This difference is due to differences in spiritual teachers as well as sikep penglais media. The persistence of sikep penglaris cannot be separated from the construction process that continues in the social life of the Tumpanrejo community dialectically.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Journal Journal ◽  

Abstract: This study aims to describe and explain: (1) the struggle forgender equality of female characters in Ratih Kumala's novel KretekGirl, and (2) educational values in Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Girl.This type of research is qualitative research. This study used descriptivequalitative method. Qualitative descriptive method is a researchprocedure that produces description data in the form of words. Theresearch data is a novel by Kretek Girl by Ratih Kumala.This study usesa feminism approach to describe the profile of female characters, thestruggle for gender equality, and the sociological approach of literatureto find out about the social conditions of the community in RatihKumala's novel Kretek Girl. The data collection technique used in thisstudy was to read the entire contents of the novel and document analysis.The results of this study are as follows: (1) The struggle for genderequality of female leaders in Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Gadis isagainst forms of gender injustice in the form of (a) stereotypes, (b)marginalization of women, (c) subordination of work, and (d) internalviolence household. (2) Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Girls educationalvalues include: (a) the value of religious education that emphasizesbetween humans and God, (b) the value of social education refers to therelationship of individuals to other individuals in a society (c) the valueof education morals that relate to the good or bad of human behavior,and (d) the value of cultural / customary education that is related totradition, people's habits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-20

Development is a process of social change with broad participation a society that is intended to achieve social and material progress (including increasing the amount of justice, freedom and other valued qualities) for the majority of the people through the greater control they have over their environment. To plan development is not to build ideas and future strategies only without considering the social, cultural, and community adoption ability to change, so a lot of planning has been successful in stimulating economic growth in the short term but failed in building social cohesion, resisting vulnerability and reinforcing the cultural value. In relation to this, the village development planning should be put in a comprehensive manner to bridge the development needs of the region, strengthening the sector and harmonization of development actors.This study aims to see how the results of the evaluation of the Middle-Term Development Plan of the village of LubukSuli, DepatiTujuh District, Kerinci 2018 district. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study using interviews and documentation. the general aspects of planning and implementation are good enough.

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