scholarly journals Research of the Ukraine light industry main market segments during the COVID-19 pandemic

Olena Shandrivska ◽  
I. Yunko ◽  

This article aims to improve the theoretical and applied bases of activating the development of the light industry market in Ukraine by determining the factors that influence this process. Design / methodology / approach — In the article, authors use a set of scientific methods that ensured the conceptual integrity of the study, in particular: logic — to study the evolution of development of the light industry market; system аnd observation -to highlight the conceptual foundations of the light industry market; methods of dialectical reasoning, induction, deduction — to justify principles of development; statistical analysis — to study the peculiarities of the development of the light industry market in Ukraine (under the influence of the COVID pandemic — 19). The concept of sustainable development of the industry is adhered to in the work. Ukraine’s light industry is a multi-segment industry for the production of final consumer goods with rapid capital turnover. This industry has significant production potential in the process of meeting the domestic needs of consumers in non-food products. Nevertheless, the demand of the domestic market is predominantly met by imports. Only certain segments of light industry (for example, textile, etc.) have a promising growth in terms of entering foreign markets, but with a high share of tolling operations in Ukrainian exports. The light industry market needs to overcome the high dependence of imported raw materials; increase price competitiveness of domestic goods, reduction of illegal imports and shadow production of goods in the domestic market of light industry. The analysis of the influence of factors on the development of the light industry market revealed the following main trends in the industry: reduction of aggregate demand and production of goods (through consumers’ appeals to meet basic needs during the pandemic); consolidation of participants in the domestic market of light industry and exit from the market of weak counterparties; high dependence on world prices for raw materials, which has a low level of quality; growth of consignments of groupage cargoes; emergence of logistical and transport problems; deepening outsourcing in value chains; development of contactless delivery of goods to home; intensification of intra-industry competition and a significant share of the shadow sector; low productivity in the industry and shortage of qualified personnel. The industry needs to gain a highly competitive status through the production of high quality goods and increase supplies of products for export with a high share of value added, reduce the flow of used clothing, government support for the development of the sector. Prospects for the development of the sector are supported by the high adaptability of Ukrainian enterprises to changing market conditions, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development potential of the light industry market should be realized in terms of ensuring the competitiveness of Ukrainian products: by improving the quality of raw materials imports, improving the production structure, taking into account the innovative potential of the industry and the prospects for expanding the capacity of the light industry market, through the formation of industrial technology parks, clusters, vertically integrated structures with the involvement of representatives small and medium-sized businesses, as the most adaptable to the light industry market, as well as improving logistics chains for creating added value, a network of wholesale and branded trade, strengthening the marketing and logistics departments of light industry enterprises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-50
S. O. Ishchuk ◽  
L. Yo. Sozanskyy

The light industry is one of the basic strategic segments of the national economy, providing for 5.0% of budget revenues and 2.6% of Ukrainian merchandise exports, and, therefore, has a considerable potential for further development. The purpose of the article is to identify problems and peculiarities of the light industry development in Ukraine on the basis of a statistical comparison with EU countries. According to the research results, the systemic negative dynamics of the light industry output resulted in a lag between Ukraine and EU countries, e. g. 6 times from Poland, 21 times from Germany, and 73 times from Italy. The light industry in Ukraine (like in the leading EU countries) specializes in manufacturing of final consumption products, which share in the output is more than 60%. However, despite such specialization, nearly 90% of the domestic demand for the light industry goods is met by imports. At the same time, the significant export orientation of textile and other light industry industries given that all the production and consumption segments of these industries in Ukraine have a strong import dependence indicates a high share of tolling operations in the Ukrainian exports. The development of the Ukrainian light industry is hampered by the following key problems: high dependence on imported raw materials, supplies and components; low price competitiveness of home-made goods on the domestic market; the reliance of a large part of domestic companies in the industry on consumer-supplied raw materials. Hence, the priority of the government’s industrial policy for the light industry development is to restore (and further increase) raw materials supplies for textile and other domestic industries. The second objective is to create competitive conditions on the domestic market for the light industry by eliminating the shadow turnover in this segment. The third objective is to reduce the commodity exports, along with increasing exports of high quality products with a high share of value added.

Sudirman Zaid ◽  
La Hatani ◽  
Hayat Yusuf

This study aims to explore the problems faced by cocoa oil small-sized industries and develop an empowerment model design from the perspective of business management to increase added value implemented in the Agropolitan Region in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach, where data analysis is performed using the Nvivo 12 Plus software. Exploration results show that the perspective of business management which is a problem in the development of cocoa oil small-sized industries is the supply of raw materials; price of raw materials; variable cost; machine capacity; human resources; capital; institutional; product price; market access; assets legality; and partnership. The results of the design of the empowerment model explained that there was a need for a partnership between cocoa oil small-sized industries and other related parties such as; supplier of raw materials and target markets so that this empowerment effort can go well; and it is hoped that there will be government support in managerial aspects, both physical and non-physical so that cocoa oil small-sized industries can increase the added value

Lucyana Trimo ◽  
Syarif Hidayat

ABSTRAKPeluang berkembangnya agroindustri teh rakyat cukup besar, akibat semakin tingginya permintaan pasar luar negeri dan dalam negeri dalam bentuk“instant tea”.Namun, kondisi tersebut belum dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh petani teh maupun pelaku agroindustri teh rakyat. Ini terlihat dari, rendahnya produktivitas kebun teh milik petani, sehingga kurang dapat memenuhi permintaan pucuk teh oleh pelaku agroindustri the rakyat. Selanjutnya, pelaku agroindustri teh rakyat hanya dapat mengolah pucuk tehnya dalam bentuk teh hijau (curah) dengan harga yang murah. Akibatnya, pihak agroindustri teh rakyat membeli pucuk dari petani dengan harga murah dan mutu rendah. Penelitian  dilakukan untuk mengkaji kendala yang dihadapi dan keberlanjutan agro-industri teh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi deskriptif survey. Tempat penelitian  yang dipilih  adalah Kabupaten: Garut (Kecamatan Cisurupan), Cianjur (Kecamatan Sukanagara) dan Bandung (Kecamatan Pasirjambu), yang  merupakan sentra teh di Provinsi Jawa Barat.Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan:pejabat pada instansi pemerintah, koperasi, pabrikan, asosiasi petani teh, kelompok tani, serta  petaniteh  yang diambil secara purposive. Sedangkan responden diambil secara proposional dari ketiga wilayah penelitian, dansetiap kecamatan diambil 30 orang petani teh. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dengan pendekatan system thinking.  Kendala yang dihadapi agroindustri teh rakyat, yaitu masih kurang dalam: 1) ketersediaan pucuk teh sebagai bahan baku, 2) pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah pucuk teh, 3) kemampuan penyediaan modal dan mesin olah pucuk teh, dan  4) dukungan pemerintah dalam mempromosikan teh olahan rakyat (misalnya: dalam rapat atau kegiatan yang berlangsung di pemerintahan belum memanfaatkan produk olahan teh dari petani). Kondisi ini berdampak terhadap keberlanjutan agroindustri teh rakyat.Kata kunci: agroindustri, berkelanjutan, kemandirian, nilai tambah, teh rakyat. ABSTRACT The increasing market demand, abroad and domestically in the form of "instant tea" (food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics), and also support from the higher government through GPATN program makes the oopportunities of tea small holder groups into tea agro-industry business is quite huge.But infact, this opportunity cannot be utilized properly by tea small holder. Most of the tea small holders still sell their products in the form oftea fresh leaf. This research was conducted to investigate the constrain of tea small holder in agroindustry development.The study was conducted using a survey descriptive study approach. Selected location research is located at the center of tea small holder in West Java province, i.e.District of Garut, Cianjur and Bandung. In this research, the data were collected by interviews with relevant parties, i.e. officials at government agencies, cooperatives, manufacturers, associations of tea farmers, tea small holder groups, and tea farmers.While respondents were taken proportionally from the three study areas, and each district was taken by 30 tea farmers. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a system thinking approach. Constraints faced by the tea tea agro-industry, which are still lacking in: 1) the availability of tea shoots as raw materials, 2) knowledge to increase the added value of tea tops, 3) the ability to provide capital and tea shoot machines, and 4) government support in promoting tea processed by the people (for example: in meetings or activities that take place in the government have not utilized tea processing products from farmers). This condition has an impact on the sustainability of the people's tea agro-industry.Key words : agro-industry, independence,sustainability,tea small holder, value added

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Indrawaty Sitepu ◽  
Nurmely Violeta Sitorus

Kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang merupakan kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah, menghasilkan produk yang dapat dikonsumsi, serta menambah pendapatan dan keuntungan produsen.Tujuan penelitian untuk menguraikan apa saja tahapan pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangukung rendang, menganalisis biaya produksi, penerimaan, dan pendapatan, menganalisis nilai tambah pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang, menganalisis apakah usaha pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang layak diusahakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jalan Bromo lorong Amal Medan Denai Kota Medan. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive, Metode pengambilan sampel secara sensus yaitu usaha Syifa Hidroponik dengan pengambilan data ulangan selama 2,5 bualan sebanyak 10 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian: 1) Tahapan  pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang yaitu:  Penyediaan bahan baku kangkung hidroponik, kangkung dihaluskan, pengadonan kangkung, telur ayam, tepung beras dan garam, kangkung dikukus, kangkung didinginkan, dipotong-potong, digoreng, pemasakan bumbu rendang, pencampuran kangkung yang digoreng dengan bumbu rendang dan pemasaran. Total biaya pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang untuk sekali produksi sebesar Rp 545.291,83, penerimaan sebesar Rp 1.500.000,00, per sekali produksi dan pendapatan sebesar Rp 954.708,17 per sekali produksi. Nilai tambah yang dihasilkan dari pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang tergolong tinggi dengan rasio nilai tambah 75,31% > 50%.Usaha pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai R/C rasio 2,75 > 1.  Abstract  Hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is an activity that can increase added value, produce edible products, as well as increase producer income and profits. The purpose of the research is to describe what are the stages of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang kangukung, analyze production costs, revenue, and income, analyze added value of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach, analyzing whether the business of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is worth the effort. This research was conducted in Jalan Bromo Amal Medan Denai alley Medan City. Determination of the study area was done purposively, census sampling method that is Syifa Hydroponic business with retrieval data retrieval for 2.5 boasting as many as 10 replications. The results of the study: 1) The stages of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach, namely: Provision of raw materials for hydroponic water spinach, crushed water spinach, stirring water spinach, chicken eggs, rice flour and salt, steamed water spinach, water spinach water spinach, cut into pieces, fried, fried spicy water spinach, cooking water spinach kale, chicken egg, rice flour and salt, steamed water spinach, water spinach kangkung cooled, cut, fried, cooking spices, rendang, mixing fried kale with spicy rendang and marketing. The total cost of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach for one production is Rp. 545,291.83, revenue is Rp. 1,500,000.00, per production and income is Rp. 954,708.17 per production. The added value generated from the processing of hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is classified as high with a value added ratio of 75.31%> 50%. The business of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is feasible to be cultivated with an R / C ratio of 2.75> 1.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-152
Tamara Ostashko ◽  
Volodymyr Olefir

Development of the trade between Ukraine and China generates serious challenges for the national economy, because, presently, the trade with China accounts for more than a half of Ukraine's negative balance in this country's international trade in goods (56% in January-November 2018). Despite the risks of further deterioration of trade balance, Ukraine has suggested to start consultations on the Ukraine-China free-trade agreement (FTA). The purpose of the paper is to estimate the possible impact of the liberalization of trade with China and to develop recommendations for raising exports and suppressing China's goods expansion on domestic market. In order to investigate the problem and shape the outlook for domestic exports to China, the following steps have been made: (1) compared the structure of external trade in goods of Ukraine and China; (2) evaluated the trade regimes' symmetry between China and Ukraine; (3) identified the characteristics of China's non-tariff trade regulations; (4) analyzed special ties features of negotiating with China on FTA; (5) analyzed the situation with the development of domestic export to China, and identified prospective markets for domestic goods; and (6) analyzed the dynamics of imports of goods from China during 2004-2018. Also, discussed the groups of import goods that are top items by absolute volume and possess a high share in imports and in local domestic consumption. Analysis of the structure of trade flows between Ukraine and China showed that the most probable development scenario in the trade with China is the increased orientation of Ukrainian export on raw materials and empowering of Ukraine's dependence on the import of Chinese industrial goods. Probability of this scenario is increasing since the trade regimes of Ukraine and China are asymmetrical, which creates unequal conditions of trade that are more preferable for China. It was found that, even in case of trade liberalization as the result of FTA negotiations between China and Ukraine, Ukraine could not expect sustainable increase in exports of agri-food goods, as China has special non-tariff regulations in domestic agri-food markets. Among the core directions of the government policy of supporting the development of agricultural export to China is promotion of corn export in accordance with the credit agreement of 2012 between State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine and Export-Import Bank of China, and soybean export promotion with the purpose to substitute US in the Chinese import soybean market, which opened up as a result of US-China trade disputes in 2017-2018. Negative trends in bilateral trade are the reason for active government policy promoting the export of processed goods to China, first of all the products of food industry and optical photographic instruments and apparatus that are of high demand in local Chinese markets. Import dependence of domestic local market remains high without significant signs of decrease. In 2017, the ratio between import and GDP was the highest for the recent 17 years. During 2013-2017, this ratio increased from 0.51 to 0.56. Dependence of Ukraine's economy on import could increase further as a result of liberalization of the trade with China. Despite the benefits for exporters (mostly exporters of raw goods), cheap Chinese import could delay the renaissance of the domestic light industry that has gradually started after a sharp decline in 2013-2015. Dynamics of goods import from China during 2004-2018 was analyzed, and discussed groups of goods that are the top import items by absolute volume, possess a high share in imports and in local domestic consumption. The research was conducted on agricultural and agri-food goods, and for 4- and 6- digit codes. Presence of Chinese goods in domestic market is constantly increasing. In 2002-2003, balance of trade between Ukraine and China was positive, and the share of China's goods in market was below 2%, but, starting from 2005, the trade balance has been always negative with share of Chinese goods increasing to 13% (2018). Machinery accounted for more than a half of Chinese import in 2018, with machinery, instruments and equipment making the highest share. China is the main exporter of telephone equipment for cellular networks, computers and notebooks, photo-sensitive semi-conductors, light-emitting diodes and other innovative and high technology products. China possesses top positions in imports of household electronics and appliances, light industry goods (shoes, toys, synthetic textiles etc.) and other goods. In 74 out of 178 analyzed 4-digit groups of goods, China's share in import in 2017 was higher than 50%. From the position of domestic market protection, trade liberalization with China could cause high risks for domestic producers. Assortment of industrial goods that are imported from China is very extensive, hence their expansion in domestic market could be quite significant. The publication was prepared during the research work "The modernization of economic policy of field of activities and markets development" (state registration number 0118U007329).

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Zuhardi Perdana Putra ◽  
Reswita Reswita Reswita ◽  
Irnad Irnad Irnad

ABSTRACTAgroindustry is an agriculture based industry that has an important role in economic growth in Indonesia. One of the agricultural subsector is horticultural crops, namely onion. The need for onion consumption in Indonesia has always increased. In the Bengkulu city there is a company engaged in the industry of fried onions are "UD. Safari Bawang Goreng". This research is done with consideration of the company has long standing, big enough company, and produce about 336 kg/day. Fried onions are processed products that are processed from the main source of raw material is onion. The processed onion comes from Brebes Java. To know the process can be done by the method of observation, and participation. Processed red onion products produce added value that can be analyzed by Hayami method. The process of onion processing into fried onions consists of several stages, namely the provision of raw materials, onion gaebage, sorting, slicing onion, affixing onion with flour, frying, pressing, packaging. The process of onion treatment into fried onions is called value added. The added value obtained in this study amounted to Rp 9549.65 / Kg BB.Keywords: Fried Onion, Hayami Method, Added Value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 306-314
Norzalila Kasron ◽  
Musaalbakri Abdul Manan ◽  
Mohd Nur Hafiz Mat Azmin ◽  
Nor Azlina Saari ◽  
Malisah Abd Latip

Fermented beverages have become a powerful player in the global beverage sector because of the increased demand for health products and their nutritional benefits to societies. This study aimed to identify consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for fermented drinks developed by MARDI. It also will evaluate the market potential of products among industry players. In this study, the data was collected using structured questionnaire and face-to-face interviews focused on the population in Peninsular Malaysia. The population's selection by stratified random sampling technique and the major survey locations included mall and hypermarket. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to discover the underlying structure of observed variables. A total of 400 respondents had participated in the study. A field survey conducted showed that 54% of respondents knew about functional foods and 55% of these are aware of functional foods based on fruits were in the market. The survey found that 30% of respondents had taken fermented drinks before, while the rest had never known this drink. Age and income have a significant influence on consumers' willingness to pay fermented drinks at a reasonable price if this product is available in the Malaysian market. Government support is needed to encourage the cultivation of indigenous fruit in Malaysia. It can be done through the provision of seed subsidies and financial resources to farmers in expanding and increasing the supply of these raw materials for the production of value-added products.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Ahsan Mardjudo ◽  
Ade Ayu

This research aims to find out the fumigation process (local: roa fish)and the added value of fumigation processing, and knowing the marketing channels for roa fish in Buajangka village, South Bungku District of Morowali regency in Central Sulawesi Province. Data collection in this research was carried out by census method to all people who conduct fumigation of smoked-baffled fish (roa fish) in Buajangka Village. The data were analysis through qualitative and quantitative descriptive approaches. The research results show that technically, the fumigation process for roa fish starts from receiving raw materials, washing, transporting, clamping and fixing clips, structuring, fumigation process, and packaging or packing. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in Buajangka Village, South Bungku District in per bunch of roa fish is Rp. 6,082. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in the study area was relative low with a value added ratio> 50% (40.54%). While the marketing channel of Roa's fish fumigation business sells smoked roa fish products directly to consumers and collectors who come from outside the region such as Kendari, Bungku Tengah, Tentena, Poso and Palu who come directly to the place of roa fumigation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Inkatama Kharismawanti ◽  
Djoko Soejono

<p><em>Candied fruit is one of the processed foods which favored by many people. One of the sweets agro-industry that exists in Pesucen, Kalipuro, Banyuwangi is Rezeki Moro agro-industry. This study aimed to find out: 1) the stock level of raw materials of candid fruit in Rezeki Moro agro-industry, 2) the optimal time to reorder raw materials, and 3) the amount of added value of fruit after being processed into candied fruit. The data analysis used was the analysis of raw materials availability using EOQ and ROP methods and value-added. The result of the study showed that  the need for raw material such as nutmeg was 30 kilograms, while the number of economical orders with the EOQ method was 73 kilograms. The need for tamarind was 25 kilograms, while the number of economical orders with the EOQ method was 32 kilograms, also the need for ceremai (Phyllantus acidus) was 50 kilograms while the number of economical orders with the EOQ method was 60 kilograms. The level of reordering of raw materials from all sweets product in Rezeki Moro agro-industry was efficient since the ROP point was smaller than the EOQ point. The processing of candied nutmeg provided an added value of Rp. 9,848.00 (39.39%). The added value of processing candied tamarind is Rp. 17,468.00 (46%). Furthermore, the processing of candied ceremai has added value Rp. 12,548.00 with a value-added ratio of 43.5%.</em></p><p> </p><p>Manisan buah adalah salah satu bentuk makanan olahan yang banyak disukai oleh masyarakat. Salah satu Agroindustri manisan yang ada di Desa Pesucen Kecamatan Kalipuro Kabupaten Banyuwangi adalah Agroindustri Rezeki Moro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) tingkat persediaan bahan baku manisan buah pada agroindustri manisan Rezeki Moro, (2) waktu optimal pemesanan kembali bahan baku (3) besarnya nilai tambah buah setelah dijadikan manisan buah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis ketersediaan bahan baku dengan metode EOQ dan ROP serta nilai tambah. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan bahan baku pala adalah sebesar 30 kilogram sedangkan jumlah pemesanan ekonomis dengan metode EOQ adalah sebesar 73 kilogram. Kebutuhan bahan baku asem adalah sebesar 25 kilogram sedangkan jumlah pemesanan ekonomis dengan metode EOQ adalah sebesar 32 kilogram, begitu juga dengan Kebutuhan bahan baku ceremai adalah sebesar 50 kilogram sedangkan jumlah pemesanan ekonomis dengan metode EOQ adalah sebesar  60 kilogram. Tingkat pemesanan kembali bahan baku dari semua produk manisan pada Agroindustri Manisan Buah Rezeki Moro adalah efisien, dikarenakan nilai ROP lebih kecil daripada nilai EOQ. Pengolahan manisan pala memberikan nilai tambah sebesar Rp. 98,48,00 (39,39%). Nilai tambah pengolahan manisan asem sebesar Rp. 17.468,00 (46%). Selain itu, pengolahan manisan ceremai memiliki nilai tambah sebesar Rp. 12.548,00 (43,5%).</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
Hikmah Hikmah

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang potensi dan peluang, p ermasalahan sertapengembagan industri rumput laut. Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan budidayayang mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat, menyerap tenaga kerja dan meningkatkandevisa negara. Potensi sebaran rumput laut di Indonesia sangat luas baik yang tumbuh secara alamimaupun yang dibudidayakan di laut. Peluang menuju pengembagan Industri rumput laut masih terbuka dilihat dari potensi lahan budidaya, ketersediaan bahan baku, maupun dari sisi permintaan produk olahan.Permasalahan dan tantangan terkait kemampuan Indonesia dalam mengekspor dan bersaing dalamperebutan pangsa pasar dunia untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan rumput laut dunia antara lain rendahnyakualitas dan kontinuitas bahan baku, permodalan, lemahnya sumberdaya manusia dan kelembagaan,serta permasalahan pemasaran produk rumput laut. Strategi kebijakan pengembangan industripengolahan rumput laut E. cotonii untuk peningkatan nilai tambah adalah peningkatan produktivitas dankualitas rumput laut, pengembangan industri pengolahan rumput laut setengah jadi (ATC,SRC dan RC)secara bertahap di sentra kawasan produksi rumput laut, dan pengembangan skala usaha pengolahanrumput laut siap konsumsi dari skala tradisoinal menjadi skala industri.Title: Strategy of Commudity Precessing Industry DepelopmentE. cottonii Seaweed to Increasing Value Added in The AreaCenter of IndustrializationThis paper aims to assess the potential and opportunities, problems and developing a seaweedindustry. Seaweed is one aquaculture commodity that is able to improve the economy, provide employmentand increase foreign exchange. Potential distribution of seaweed in Indonesia is very wide both naturallygrown and cultivated in the sea. Opportunities towards developing a seaweed industry is still open inview of the potential for the cultivation of land, availability of raw materials and processed productsfrom the demand side. Problems and challenges related to Indonesia’s ability to export and compete inthe race for market share to meet the needs of the world’s seaweed were low quality and continuity ofraw materials, capital, human resources and institutional weaknesses, as well as marketing problemsseaweed products. Strategy of commudities E. cotonii seaweed processing industry to developmentincrease the added value is increased productivity and quality of seaweed, seaweed processing industrydevelopment of semi-finished (ATC, SRC and RC) gradually in the central area of seaweed production,and the development of business scale processing of seaweed ready for consumption on the scaletradisoinal be scale industries.

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