Марина Александровна Лаппо ◽  
Алина Айжарыковна Уразбекова

Введение. Рассматриваются семантические группы полонизмов в русском художественном тексте XIX–XXI вв. Цель ‒ выявление и систематизация репрезентативных семантических групп полонизмов в художественном тексте XIX–XXI вв., а также анализ экстралингвистических и лингвистических причин их актуализации и ведущих функций. Материал и методы. На первом этапе рассмотрено блее 30 литературных произведений, отобранных по тематическому (о польских событиях), биографическому (авторы имеют польское происхождение) и языковому (тексты должны были быть написаны на русском языке, не являться переводами) критериям. На втором этапе для более детального изучения были взяты романы В. В. Крестовского «Кровавый пуф», З. Шишовой и С. Царевича «Приключения Каспера Берната в Польше и других странах» и В. Р. Мединского «Стена» как наиболее репрезентативные по объему заимствований из польского языка. Систематизация слов польского происхождения по семантическому принципу, дающая базу для изучения их функционирования в динамическом аспекте, подчинена концепции «Большого толкового словаря русских существительных» под ред. Л. Г. Бабенко (2005 г.), при которой общая типовая ситуация является основанием объединения имен существительных в семантическую группу слов. Результаты и обсуждение. Наиболее подробно описаны репрезентативные семантические группы полонизмов «религия», «питание», «социальные отношения», «военная служба». Выявлены как экстралингвистические, так и собственно языковые причины этого процесса: снижение в кругах читающей интеллигенции интереса к Польше в связи с дезактуализацией «польского вопроса», утрата значения религии, изменение жизненного уклада, нейтрализация социального неравенства, фонетическая и смысловая близость полонизмов и исконно русских слов. Показано, что ведущие функции полонизмов, а именно характерологическая, идентифицирующая, оценочная и уточняющая, в целом носят постоянный характер в литературе последних трех веков, их употребление отвечает традициям и задачам художественного повествования. В то же время меняется их количественный и качественный состав. Заключение. Анализ семантических групп польских элементов в русском языке показал устойчивую тенденцию к сокращению их количества в художественном тексте в исследуемом временном отрезке, кроме полонизмов военной тематики. Результаты работы могут быть востребованы в исследовании языковых контактов, динамических процессов русскоязычного художественного дискурса, в лексикографической практике. Introduction. The article deals with semantic groups of polonisms in the Russian literary text of the XIX‒XXI centuries. Aim and objectives. The article aims to identify, describe and systematize representative semantic groups of polonisms in the literary text of the XIX–XXI centuries, as well as to analyze the extralinguistic and linguistic reasons for their actualization and the leading functions. Material and methods. The material selection for this study was carried out in stages. At the first stage about 30 literary works selected by thematic (about Polish events), biographical (the authors are of Polish origin) and linguistic (the texts should have been written in Russian, not translations) criteria were considered. At the second stage for a detailed study the works by V. V. Krestovskii „The Bloody Pouf“, Z. Shishova and S. Tsarevich „The Adventures of Casper Bernat in Poland and Other Countries“ and V. R. Medinskii „The Wall“ were taken as the most representative in terms of borrowing from the Polish language. Systematization of Polish origin words on the semantic principle, which provides a basis for studying their functioning in a dynamic aspect, was subordinated to the concept of a „Large explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns“ edited by L. G. Babenko (2005), in which the general typical situation is the basis for combining nouns in a semantic group of words. Results and discussion. The article describes in detail the following representative semantic groups of polonisms: „religion“, „nutrition“, „social relations“, „military service“. The analysis of semantic groups of Polish elements in the Russian language showed a steady tendency to their number reduction in the literary text of the time period under study, except for polonisms of military subjects. The authors identify both extralinguistic and linguistic reasons for this process: the interest decline in Poland in reading circles due to the deactualization of the „Polish issue“, the loss of religion significance, changes in the way of life, the social inequality neutralization, the phonetic and semantic proximity of polonisms and native Russian words. The study also showed that the leading functions of polonisms, namely characterological, identifying, evaluating and clarifying, are generally permanent in the literature of the last three centuries. These functions of words of Polish origin are not directly related to their semantics, the use of polonisms corresponds to the traditions and tasks of artistic storytelling. Conclusion. The analysis of semantic groups of Polish elements in Russian language showed a steady tendency to reduce their number in the literary text in the studied time period, except for polonisms of military thematic. The results of the work can be used in the study of language contacts, dynamic processes of Russian-language artistic discourse, in lexicographic practice. Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR and FRLC, project number 21-512-23003, „One’s own“ and „somebody else’s“ in modern Russian and Hungarian fiction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 03014
Viktor Shaklein ◽  
Anastasia Skomarovskaya ◽  
Svetlana Mikova

The article attempts to identify the stylistic functions of Greek origin vocabulary in Russian-language texts. The material of the study are selected works of the poet of the second quarter of the XIX century, Alexei Khomyakov as one of the founders of Russian philosophical thought and the Slavophil movement. The method of continuous sampling of the text selected Greekism, found in the poems of the author, regardless of the time of their penetration into the Russian language. Using contextual analysis revealed their expressive functions. Particular attention is paid to the cultural function of Greek vocabulary as a translator of Hellenistic and Byzantine cultures that have had a significant impact on Russian culture.

Анна Владимировна Ковалева

Введение. Рассматриваются особенности изучения фразеологических единиц (ФЕ) русского языка учениками-киргизами. Исследуются методические и лингводидактические основы изучения русской фразеологии школьниками-киргизами в условиях контекста русского литературного произведения. Цель – анализ ФЕ художественного произведения и разработка методов и приемов работы по их усвоению в киргизской аудитории. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужил текст пьесы А. Н. Островского «Гроза», в котором особое внимание было уделено ФЕ и их функциям, выполняемым в контексте данного литературного произведения. Работа выполнена посредством исследовательско-поискового метода, метода сравнения и классификации ФЕ, метода интерпретационного и лингвокультурологического анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. На основе художественного текста выявляются особенности контекстуальных функций ФЕ в речи персонажей. Выстраивается алгоритм работы с ФЕ в процессе чтения литературного произведения. Определяются методы и приемы, благодаря которым интерпретируется произведение и, как следствие, формируется интерес к русской литературе и культуре школьников-киргизов. Основной проблемой является изучение особенностей восприятия и усвоения ФЕ русского языка киргизскими учащимися в условиях контекста литературного произведения (на материале пьесы А. Н. Островского «Гроза»). Предмет исследования – фразеологические единицы в контексте художественного произведения и их интерпретация учениками-киргизами при осмыслении идейно-тематической составляющей пьесы А. Н. Островского «Гроза». Словарно-фразеологическая работа в процессе освоения инокультурного литературного текста учениками-киргизами способствует не только пополнению новыми лексическими единицами их словарного запаса, но и расширению знаний о культуре России, приобщению к моральным и духовным ценностям, что, несомненно, облегчает культурно-языковую интеграцию учеников-киргизов в пространство русского языка и культуры. Результатом исследования стали приемы, которые могут быть применены на практике в процессе чтения русского литературного текста и изучения ФЕ учащимися-киргизами. Заключение. Понимание семантики слов, их функционального значения в контексте произведения может обеспечить правильное прочтение и успешную интерпретацию художественного текста русской литературы учениками-киргизами. В связи с этим на уроках русского языка и литературы тщательным образом должна быть организована работа с этнокультуроведческой лексикой (фразеологизмами). Introduction. The article discusses the peculiarities of studying phraseological units of the Russian language by Kyrgyz students. The methodological and linguodidactic foundations of studying Russian phraseology by Kyrgyz schoolchildren in the context of a Russian literary work are investigated. The purpose of the study is to analyze the phraseological units of a work of art and develop methods and techniques for mastering them in the Kyrgyz audience. Material and methods. The text of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky’s “The Storm”, in which special attention was paid to phraseological units and their functions performed in the context of this literary work. The work was carried out by means of an exploratory and research method, a method of comparison and classification of phraseological units, a method of interpretive and linguocultural analysis. Results and discussion. In this study, on the basis of a literary text, the features of the contextual functions of phraseological units in the speech of characters are revealed. An algorithm for working with phraseological units in the process of reading a literary work is being built. Methods and techniques are determined, thanks to which the work is interpreted, and, as a result, interest in Russian literature and culture of Kyrgyz schoolchildren is formed. The result of our research is a number of techniques that can be applied in practice in the process of reading a Russian literary text and studying phraseological units by Kyrgyz students. Conclusion. Understanding the semantics of words, their functional meaning in the context of a work can ensure the correct reading and successful interpretation of the literary text of Russian literature by Kyrgyz students. In this regard, in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, work with ethnocultural vocabulary (in our case, with phraseological units) should be carefully organized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 445-452
Tatyana Shchuklina

The article is devoted to the study of unusual word-formation as a manifestation of the dynamic aspect of Russian word-formation. The subject of the research are active wordbuilding processes of the modern Russian language, structural-semantic and functionalpragmatic characteristics of occasional units. The research is based on theoretical contributions of W. von Humboldt where the language is considered not only as a product of human activity but as an activity itself, and ideas of E. A. Zemskaya of activity nature of the Russian wordformation as a subsystem of the general language system. Revealing of productive methods and techniques of occasional neologisms formation functioning in the Russian newspaper periodicals testifies that occasional word-formation is one of the most important operating mechanisms of the Russian language derivational system; the dynamics of word-formation processes in the language of mass media reflects general trends of the modern Russian literary language development, taking place within the framework of language democratization and liberalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
pp. 75-84
M. A. Bondarenko

The article is dedicated to the outstanding Russian lexicographer Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov, the creator of the famous one-volume normative «Dictionary of the Russian Language». The article reflects the life of the scholar; describes his personality; presents his work with the team of D. N. Ushakov on the preparation of the «Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language»; considers the main ideas of the scholar, which formed the basis of the «Small Explanatory Dictionary»; characterizes his practical activity in solving the problems of norm codification of the Russian literary language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 79 (8) ◽  
pp. 35-40
M. I. Kuznetsova

One of the goals of the Russian language course in the primary school is the formation of the communicative literacy. The content of the course should be aimed at understanding the wealth of linguistic means by primary school children; the formation of the ability to detect a violation of linguistic norms and the inadequacy of the linguistic means used in the speech situation; the accumulation of the experience in choosing of linguistic means in accordance with the peculiarities of the speech situation; the creation of oral and written texts that meet the criteria of content, connectivity, compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language. The article considers the classification of exercises that contribute to the formation of communicative literacy. The author gives the examples of exercises where the student acts in different roles: the student is an observer of the speech situation and analyzes the adequacy of the choice of linguistic means; the student is a direct participant in the given speech situation and makes a choice of language facilities; the student is offered to create the speech situation himself, to independently construct an oral and written text.

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-25
Nina S. Bolotnova

This article is aimed at presenting a methodology for the conceptual analysis of poetic texts based on their lexical structure using the theory of communicative stylistics. The lexical structure of the literary text is considered to be a means of aсquainting the reader with the values manifested therein. The study of values intertwined within written works is particularly significant for the development of an axiological approach to teaching the Russian language. This article proposes a method for a sequential analysis of the lexical structure of a poetic text, which can be used at Russian language lessons.

Karina Amaiakovna Oganesian

The article discusses the issue of intellectualizing the process of learning a language through the prism of studying literary text, describes the multiplicity of approaches and directions in studying an artistic text in order to reveal its nature in the linguistic aspect, increase the motivational level and update the educational process.

Галина Петровна Бурова ◽  
Елена Николаевна Бельдиева ◽  
Елена Валерьевна Тупович

В статье рассматриваются особенности употребления приложения как синтаксического средства выражения авторских индивидуально-личностных интенций при обозначении фрагментов картины мира в поэтическом тексте Б.Л. Пастернака. Уделяется внимание вопросу о лингводидактическом потенциале приложения при обучении синтаксису русского языка в VIII классе школы. The article examines the features of using the application as a syntactic means of expressing the author's individual and personal intentions in connection with designating fragments of the worldview in the poetic text of B.L. Pasternak. Attention is paid to the question of the linguistic didactic potential of the application when teaching the syntax of the Russian language in the 8th grade of the school.

2020 ◽  
Olga A. Bogdanova ◽  

The book brings together articles by 24 authors, distributed into three problematic and thematic sections: a diachronic view of the Russian estate, estates of the Russian emigration, estates of European countries. A number of constant features of the Russian literary estate and cottages (storehouse of culture, moral space, the core of national identity, the concept of “non-city” in mass society, etc.) are highlighted in a comparative and diachronic analysis. The structure-forming potential and references of the “estate-dacha topos” in the foreign culture of Russian emigrants of the ХХth century disclosed in the works by I.A. Bunin, V.V. Nabokov, B.K. Zaitsev, L.F. Zurov, I.S. Shmelev, V.A. Nikiforov-Volgin of the 1920–1960s and in the Russian-language periodicals of France, Germany, Latvia, Estonia of the 1920–1930s. The most important topic of the book is the search for the origins of the Russian estate phenomenon in world culture, along with its involvement in the spectrum of similar phenomena in other national literatures (Greek, Polish, English, Belgian). The isomorphism of the estate space in Russia and other European countries allows us to speak of the “estate topos” as a universality. The publication is addressed to humanities professionals, primarily philo- logists, and at the same time to a wide circle of students and interested readers.


This article examines the linguistic means of representing the category of everyday life in the novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha opens her eyes” and in its translation into Chinese. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the anthropology of everyday life, a broad line of research into everyday life. Comparative study of linguistic units, which reveal the essence of everyday human existence, makes it possible to identify lacunar units that are difficult to translate fiction in the context of the Russian-Chinese language pair. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the involvement in the analysis of linguistic methods of conveying the category of everyday life in the aspect of translating a Russian literary text into Chinese. The work used the methods of comparative, component, contextual analysis, the method of linguoculturological commenting. As a result of the study, the lexical-semantic, lexical-stylistic and grammatical lacunar units were identified, which demonstrate linguocultural barriers in the process of translating a text into Chinese. A comparative analysis of the texts was carried out in order to comprehend the lexical and grammatical transformations performed in the process of translation. As a result, the main ways of compensating for the lacunae of everyday life in Russian-Chinese translation were identified: transcription, tracing, descriptive translation, lexical-semantic replacement. In addition, it was found that the study of various options for depicting everyday life in a literary text not only makes it possible to identify lacunar units of everyday life, but also reveals the artistic and philosophical intention of the work.

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