scholarly journals Analysis of relationship between language applications and culture; Angkola- Mandailing community

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-271
Anna Leli Harahap ◽  

This research discussed about the relationship between language application and culture; language as a means of culture in Angkola- Mandailing community, and this research intended to know the relationship between language application and culture in Angkola Angkola- Mandailing community. This research was conducted by qualitative-descriptive method that describes the relationship between language application and culture based on Nababan's theory (Nababan, 1986). The results of this research are that the relationship between language and culture in Angkola ethnic: 1) language as a means of cultural development; for example margondang, mangayun. 2) Language as a pathway for cultural heir; for example: martahi /marpege-pege, makkobar. 3) And language as an inventory of cultural characteristics; markusip which is no longer practiced by young people in Padangsidimpuan, however, in Angkola- Mandailing community knows what that (markusip). So the relationship between language and culture is very clear in this research, because without language it is culture, and culture includes language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Andri Maijar ◽  
Novi Budiman ◽  
Marhen Marhen

This article aims to assess how women in the Minangkabau social structure are represented in the film Tengelamnya Kapal Vanderwijck. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using a scientific approach to cinematography, body language, and culture to analyze the relationship between elements including setting/attributes, ceremonial costumes. This research is dissected by the theory of social structure and feminism in Minangkabau traditional culture. The analysis of this film finds that the film Tenggelammnya Kapal Vanderwijck criticizes the position of women in the form of customary rules in Minangkabau in the decision to choose a life partner, which is determined by Uncle (mamak).

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
Imelda Yance

This study focused on verbal expressions contained in the Pacu Jalur traditional ritual in Kuantan Singingi, Riau Province. The aim is to describe the form and meaning of the Pacu Jalur lexicon, its function and the cognitive system that is reflected in it.. This research was conducted with an anthropological linguistic approach and with a qualitative-descriptive method. The verbal form of Pacu Jalur rituals is a number of lexicons (words and groups of words) that are unique to the culture of the Rantau Kuantan people that are used denotatively or connotatively. The meaning of the lexicon is related to the culture of the Orang Rantau Kuantan. The lexicon includes spells, actions, and objects. Pacu Jalur Ritual is a medium for asking for directions, asking permission, maintaining safety, waking up the mambang, allying with the mambang, predicting, and even defeating the opponent's jalur magically (mamompan). The function of the Pacu Jalur ritual is productive, protective, and destructive. The results of this study show the relationship between language and culture (linguistic relativity). The Pacu Jalur traditional ritual provides an understanding of some of the supporting cognitive systems related to religion, the supernatural, humans, and the environment. Keywords: ritual of Pacu Jalur tradition, anthropological linguistics, Rantau Kuantan People

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Rangga Alfara ◽  
Dasrun Hidayat

Virtual photoshoot is a photography trend nowadays. Where virtual photoshoots are an alternative business activity for photographers in the midst of a social distancing policy due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The method in this study used a qualitative descriptive method, and then a phenomenological study approach was carried out. The research sampling was carried out through purposive sampling method, namely the virtual photoshoot actors in the city of Bandung. The results in this study indicate the creative aspects of the virtual photoshoot which consist of methods, creative processes and obstacles. Meanwhile, the aspect of consumer trust consists of establishing a portfolio, educating the virtual photoshoot stage and targeting new potential markets. Whereas the virtual media photoshoots used consisted of social media references, media technology and the relationship between technology and photography media in order to improve business activities amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-81
Nina Arsilah ◽  
Darwin Lie ◽  
Marisi Butarbutar ◽  
Lora Ekana Nainggolan

The formulation of this research problem is how the influence of Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Work Discipline at Balai Diklat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Pematangsiantar. The research method used in this paper is literature research and field research. Its population is employees of Balai Diklat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Pematangsiantar amounted to 57 people. The data used are data by qualitative and qualitative data, and data collection techniques by questionnaire, interview and documentation. Then the technique of data analysis using qualitative descriptive method and quantitative descriptive method. Results of analysis of multiple linier regression is Ŷ = 26,243 + 1,232X1 + 0,681X2, means there is a positive influence between leadership and job satisfaction on work discipline. The strength of the relationship between the three variables is strong, is r = 0,752. From the coefficient of determination can be explained high low work discipline 56,5%, and the remaining 43,5% explained by other factors that are not discussed in this study. From the results of processing and calculation of the questionnaire, the authors get the conclusion that the leadership and job satisfaction applied Balai Diklat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Pematangsiantar have a positive and significant effect on work discipline. This is proven by hypothesis testing simultaneously, where the test result fhitung (35,062)> fhitung (3,17) with significance level 0,000 < alpha 0,05. Keywords: Leadership, Job Satisfaction And Work Discipline

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Muhammad Abror Rosyidin

However, along with the times, pesantren have not only opened religious-based schools, but also public schools that provide general knowledge (natural, social, and language) to their students. Educational formalities in pesantren were also proposed so that pesantren alumni could continue their education to public schools. There are three main problems in this paper by reconstructing the pesantren education system, as follows; (1) the relationship between pesantren and the outside world, (2) the relationship between pesantren and science and technology, and (3) the epistemology of Islamic Science in Pesantren Sains (Trensains).�The qualitative�descriptive method is the choice in this study. This research is a qualitative field study with case studies. In order to obtain comprehensive data and pay attention to the relationship between the data and the focus and objectives of the research, data collection in this study used three techniques, namely (1) interviews, (2) participant observation: (3) research documentation. Research activities in data analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From this research, it can be found that the interaction of science and technology with science cannot be denied. So pesantren must be prepared to deal with it. There are several Islamic boarding schools that have interacted with science and technology, both of which have greatly influenced the style of education, one of which is the Tebuireng Science Boarding School (Trensains). Santri are invited to study religion (Qur'an) as well as to study the verses of Kauniyah contained in it.Keywords: Interaction, Pesantren, Science, Technology

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-202
Somadi ◽  
Tadjuddin Maknun ◽  
Ikhwan M. Said ◽  
Munira Hasjim

This study aims to examine the relationship between representament and object iconicity in Wardah's cosmetic commercial television commercials, which include shampoo, BB cream, mascara, lipstick, and social activities. Wardah cosmetic commercial television commercials attempt to construct consumers using the concept of “Beauty from the heart”. Meanwhile, the beauty of cosmetic users is always visible physically. Thus, it cannot be proven to be real beauty from the heart when someone uses cosmetics. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze data in the form of verbal and nonverbal text. The researcher uses Charles Sander Peirce's semiotic theory which divides the signs according to the relationship between the representament (sign) and its object (marker) into icons, indexes, and symbols. The results of this study indicate that beauty can be classified into two categories, namely physical beauty and psychological beauty. Physical beauty relates to the body and the head. There are four parts of the head which are icons of beauty for a young woman: 1) the hair, 2) the facial skin, 3) the eyes, and 4) the lips. Meanwhile, psychological beauty is a beauty from the heart that is manifested in the form of attitudes during social activities. In addition, young women as users of Wardah cosmetics are represented by the use of youthful vocabulary and language typical of the millennial generation.

Lire Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Antonio Soares

This research entitled “The Relationship between Syntactic and Semantic : A Study of Linguistic Typology.” is intended to give a clear descriptions related to the relationship between syntactic and semantic on some languages. This research was focused on some clause structures typologycally either syntactically or semantically. The scope of this research was more focused on the transitive verbs to have more descriptions related to the relationship between syntactic and semantic to find out whether a clause structure on syntactic can be accepted or cannot be accepted semantically. The theory of linguistics typology was applied in this research because the principle of linguistics typpology is to find out the similarities and the differences among all the type of languages universally. The introspective reflexive and the descriptive method were applied to gain the data in this research and the qualitative descriptive method was applied to analyse the data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-196
Damayanti Asikin ◽  
Antariksa ◽  
Lisa Dwi Wulandari ◽  
Wara Indira Rukmi

Humans interacting with their physical and social environments always try to adapt individually or in groups. In the adaptation process, a space dynamic will occur and cause space changes. Adaptation elements include the physical environment, socio-cultural environment, and behavior. Interaction among the adaptation elements will form changes to space configuration. Kotalama is the largest Madurese migrant settlement in Malang and was established in the 1950s. Research on space configuration was conducted to study the adaptation elements in the interaction process of the migrants and their environment. The research used a qualitative, descriptive method and inductive analysis to gain insights on the relationship to dwellings on Madura Island. Data were collected through observations of dwelling space configuration. In addition, in-depth interviews with key informants were held. The results show that the space configuration of dwellings in Kotalama contain elements of adaptation and interaction between the migrants and their environment. These elements relate to Madurese ethnic identity, which are influenced by local topographical factors and limited by the size of the settlement area.

2020 ◽  
Charismananda Prasdi Piesa

In the modern era, Javanese culture began to be swept aside by foreign cultures, besides that Javanese also began to be forgotten because many young people lacked much Javanese language, this was due to lack of Javanese language education being applied in schools. The purpose of this study is to provide a way for young people to better understand the importance of Javanese in preserving Javanese culture. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method using an observation and case study approach. The results obtained in this research based on descriptive qualitative methods are increasing the sensitivity of the community, especially young people, about the role of Javanese language education in the preservation of Javanese culture, especially in the modern era. Considering that many young people today do not understand the importance of Javanese language education in preserving Javanese culture. This research is also intended to preserve Javanese culture itself. Through the research objectives, the impact that occurs is the sensitivity of young people to the role of Javanese language education and the preservation of Javanese culture itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-219
Audrizan Wahyu Suprapto ◽  
Didit Kurniadi ◽  
Eko Heriyanto

Indonesia is a country that has many regional languages. The diversity of regional languages is a characteristic of Indonesia. One of them is the Javanese language which is used by the Javanese people and has a variety of dialects. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting research on the characteristics of the Javanese dialect of Blora in accordance with sociolinguistic studies that examines the relationship between language and its speaking community. This is similar to the writer aim to analysis the differences between Blora, Temanggung and Mojokerto dialect. The writer also analyzes the use of Javanese speech level used by the people of Blora. This is because there are still many people who do not know the geographical location of Blora City. In this study, the writer uses a qualitative descriptive method and the data collection methods needed to analysis the data are simak method and cakap method. The analysis results showed that there are characteristics of the Blora dialect and there are differences between Blora, Temanggung and Mojokerto dialect. It can be concluded that the variations of the three dialects have different morphology, phonology, lexical and semantics. This is due to the diversity of dialect differences from the results of regional observations.

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