scholarly journals Online-Based Arabic Learning Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Plan, Implementation and Evaluation

Muhyidin Yahya ◽  
Maftuhati Maftuhati ◽  
Abdul Hayyi Mustofa ◽  
Zakiyah Arifa

Currently, Arabic language learning is required to be held online. In this situation, the government has forced to announce instructions for implementing online learning since March 2020. However, these instructions have made Arabic teachers experiencing difficulties in implementing online learning. Innovative learning management is highly needed to overcome these problems. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of the management of Arabic language learning, especially in planning, implementing, and evaluating, organized by teachers who are members of the Arabic teachers’ forum. This study used a descriptive method by adopting data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that in planning, the Arabic teachers made a lesson plan which would be held online. As for implementing the lesson plan, the teachers use synchronous and asynchronous models. They also used a combination of two models, a written test presented using Google form and Quizizz media for evaluation. On the other hand, some teachers also conducted oral tests using voice recordings through WhatsApp. This research suggests that teachers can better manage the planning, implementing, and evaluating online learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic following the characteristics and models of online learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-182
Mustolikh Khabibul Umam ◽  
Rifka Khoirun Nada

The realization of Arabic language learning that is generally done face-to-face today must be done online. Not without reason, we realize how the pandemic that began to spread massively led the policy authorities to stop any kind of movement identified with mass social activities. Learning in all institutions from RA/TK level to university level should be discontinued and replaced with online-based learning through internet assistance. This research is categorized as qualitative research and uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, documentation and analyzed with descriptive analysis strategies.  This study is intended to investigate how educational institutions, especially mi education level prepare the arabic learning model applied, researchers want to uncover how the learning steps used by teachers in online-based Arabic learning, student problems during the online learning process and obstacles faced by teachers when the government requires learning to be done online. This research has a purpose direction as a response to the policyholders in overcoming the obstacles of online learning in schools, especially in MIN 1 Yogyakarta. The results obtained in this study are problems faced by educators and students relative to the internal problems of each individual. Educators need to delve deeper into the knowledge of the technology used when learning online, disarming that learners must also focus more on online learning so that the lessons delivered by educators can be absorbed properly. The role of parents is also quite significant in directing and monitoring their children during online learning activities. In addition, the curriculum released by the government in the face of the emergency situation of covid-19 has been quite effective, but in its implementation still requires monitoring and evaluation from policy makers as the initiator of the emergency curriculum.

Taqdir ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-114
Rizal Effendi Putra

This study aims to determine the differences in learning management implemented in Arabic learning by class XI teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Sabdodadi Bantul and class XI at Madrasah Aliyah As Sakinah Hidayatullah Sleman Yogyakarta as well as the factors that support and hinder the realization of effective learning. With this research, it is hoped that it can provide input in improving the learning process for all parties, especially Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Sabdodadi Bantul and Madrasah Aliyah As Sakinah Hidayatullah Sleman Yogyakarta. The results of the study indicate: Arabic learning management can be seen from the management functions carried out by the teacher, namely: lesson planning, research results show lesson planning such as syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), daily program, semester program and annual program. on the academic calendar that has been agreed upon by the regional office (Kanwil). Meanwhile, MA As Sakinah Hidayatullah uses a curriculum that has been prepared by the madrasah, namely the kurikulum diniyah and the Arabic language learning syllabus is also compiled by the madrasah. As for each planning identity, it is only written for class XI A MA and XI B MA. Because in MA As Sakinah, especially in class XI, there are no majors.

Yuni Fitriani

Pandemi COVID-19 menuntut sektor pendidikan untuk melakukan berbagai perubahan maupun inovasi dan adaptasi demi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran tetap berjalan baik. Pandemi COVID-19 mendorong sektor pendidikan terutama perguruan tinggi untuk melakukan perubahan pada model proses pembelajaran dimana proses pembelajaran berpindah dari pembelajaran konvensional atau tatap muka di kelas menjadi pembelajaran online atau daring. Dengan demikian, tenaga pengajar yaitu dosen dan mahasiswa harus siap beradaptasi dan menghadapi terobosan maupun tantangan baru terhadap perubahan sistem dalam  pembelajaran yang diterapkan perguruan tinggi. Learning Management System (LMS) adalah salah satu cara yang digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk mendukung dan mengelola pembelajaran secara online agar proses belajar mengajar tetap berjalan dengan baik selama pandemic COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode semi deskriptif   kuantitatif. Dimana tujuan  dalam  penelitian ini adalah untuk  menjelaskan pemanfaatan Learning Management System sebagai media pembelajaran online yang digunakan selama pandemic COVID-19. Aplikasi Learning Management System seperti Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, serta SEVIMA Edlink dan LMS yang dikembangkan oleh perguruan tinggi maupun yang disediakan oleh pemerintah sangat bermanfaat sebagai media pembelajaran online atau daring selama pandemi COVID-19. Dimana dengan aplikasi LMS ini, sistem pembelajaran dan komunikasi tetap berjalan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang tersedia dalam aplikasi LMS tersebut.   Kata kunci: komponen; Learning Mangement System, Pembelajaran Online, COVID-19   Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic requires the education sector to make various changes and innovations and adaptations for the implementation of the learning process to continue. The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged the education sector, especially universities, to make changes to the learning process model where the learning process moves from conventional or face-to-face learning in the classroom to online or online learning. Thus, faculty, lecturers and students must be ready to adapt and face breakthroughs and new challenges to the system changes in learning implemented by universities. Learning Management System (LMS) is one of the ways used by universities to support and manage online learning so that the teaching learning process continues well during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used in this study is a semi-descriptive quantitative method. Where the purpose in this study is to explain the utilization of Learning Management System as an online learning medium used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Management System applications such as Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, and SEVIMA Edlink and LMS developed by universities as well as provided by the government are very useful as online or online learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where with this LMS application, the learning and communication system continues to run properly by utilizing the facilities available in the LMS application.   Keywords: Learning Mangement System, Online Learning, COVID-19

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-167
Badrudin Badrudin

This study aimed to analyze the management of ICT-based Arabic learning. This study was designed to find the management of ICT-based Arabic learning in MA Daarul Uluum Majalengka. This study proposed that the integration of various fields of studies with ICT, including Arabic language learning, is undeniably vital to be enhanced in this digital era. However, the constraints experienced by some institutions, especially the educators, have not had a clear format of the use of ICT in the integration effort of the both disciplines. This study applied a qualitative research approach. The research method was descriptive method. The data were collected by conducting observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed using the techniques qualitative analysis. The results showed that the design of ICT-based Arabic learning model can be developed at MA Daarul Uluum Majalengka a communicative computer-based Arabic learning model. The materials and other learning tools are designed using a computer program. Through this kind of learning models, a teacher served as learning motivator and facilitator elaborating the materials that need clarification for the learners.

Moh Yusuf Hidayat

This research aimed to determine the form of Arabic language learning realization through audio visual media on Arabic club students in IAIN Pontianak. It focused on the Arabic learning materials and whether this activity can improve the competence of Arabic club students in learning Arabic language which is expected on KKNI Arabic language for university. This research used qualitative approach using descriptive data through interview from informants in IAIN Pontianak. The result revealed that Arabic language learning realization through audio visual media on Arabic club students carried out by mentors in IAIN Pontianak is not more than the realization of learning pattern which determine on the implementation of the Arabic lesson plan and syllabus, and than the materials taught has referred to the standard of competence expected in university on KKNI Arabic language, and teaching realization can measure the competence of Arabic club students expected in university on KKNI Arabic language. Keywords: Arabic Language, Audio Visual Media, IAIN Pontianak

إبراهيم سليمان أحمد (Ibrahim Suleiman Ahmed) ◽  
فكري عابدين حسن (Fikri Abidin Hasan)

 ملخص البحث:لقد وَفَّرَتْ الجامعة الإسلامية وسَهَّلّت كل الطرق لتدريب الأساتذة على استعمال أحدث التقنيات؛ إذ تولى مركز اللغات والتنمية العلمية بالتعاون مع مركز البحوث تدريب بعض الأساتذة من خارج الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا، وهي: كلية الإنسانية الجامعية بولاية قدح بماليزيا، في تطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ مثل مجموعات الأخبار و (نظام ضبط التعلم)، وهو ما يعرف ب(ل. م. س)، ولقد تم الشرح التنويريِّ للوفد الزائر من أساتذة وطلاب وطالبات المعهد الإسلامي بتايلاند. تركز الدراسة على وصف تجربة تدريب الأساتذة في التعليم الإليكترونيِّ (خاصة اللغة العربية) بمركز اللغات، وتدريب أساتذة كلية الإنسانية الجامعية بقدح. وأهمية هذه الورقة تنبع من عدم وجود دراسة من قبل في مركز اللغات اهتمت بتطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ في تعليم اللغة العربية. وقد اُسْتخدمت المقابلاتُ والملاحظة لجمع المعلومات. بعد إجراء الدراسة والمقابلات توصلت الدراسة إلى أن المواد التي ضمتها مجموعة الأخبار تعد مواد غزيرة، وعلى المعلم الاطلاع على المواد قبل أن يشرحها للطلاب، وأن مجموعة الأخبار قد ساعدت على تحسين ظروف التدريب، وتحسين استعمال المعلم لتطبيقات التعليم الإليكترونيّ في تعليم اللغة العربية في تدريسه، وخاصةً اتجاه الجامعة نحو الاهتمام بالتعليم الإليكترونيّ.الكلمات المفتاحية: مجموعات الأخبار- الإنترنيت- مجموعة أخبار معدلة- مجموعة أخبار غير معدلة- المتصفح.Abstract:The paper intends to describe the experience in training the language teachers in learning how to use the online Learning Management System (LMS). Interview method was used to gather the data. The analysis of the gathered data revealed that the news category proved to be very resourceful and that the teacher should initially read them before teaching them to the students. It is noted that the use of LMS in teaching has improved the training significantly.Keywords: News Category- Internet– Corrected News Category– Users.Abstrak:Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia telah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan untuk tujuan latihan tenaga pengajar tentang penggunaan teknologi terkini. Ini terbukti  apabila Pusat Bahasa & Pembangunan Akademik dengan kerjasama Pusat Kajian telah menganjurkan sebuah sesi latihan untuk tenaga pengajar dari luar universiti iaitu Kolej Universiti Insaniah di Kedah tentang aplikasi pengajaran secara elektronik contohnya sekumpulan berita dan sistem pengukuhan pembelajaran yang dikenali sebagai (LMS). Kajian ini tertumpu kepada pengalaman latihan tenaga pengajar tentang pengajaran secara elektronik (khusunya bahasa Arab) di Pusat Bahasa dan di Kolej Universiti Insaniah di Kedah. Kepentingan kajian ini terserlah apabila didapati tiada sebarang kajian seumpamanya yang dibuat sebelum ini di Pusat Bahasa & Pembangunan Akademik. Kajian ini menggunakan temubual sebagai instrumen pemgumpulan maklumat. Setelah dijalankan kajian serta temubual, ia mendapati subjek yang mengandungi sekumpulan berita dianggap sebagai sarat dan padat di mana tenaga pengajar perlu menelitinya terlebih dahulu sebelum menerangkannya kepada pelajar. Juga didapati sekumpulan berita telah membantu memperbaiki suasana latihan dan meningkatkan penggunaan aplikasi pengajaran secara elektronik dalam pengajaran bahasa Arab, seterusnya memenuhi aspirasi universiti yang mengutamakan pengajaran secara elektronik.Kata kunci: Sekumpulan Berita– Internet– Sekumpulan Berita Yang Diubah Suai- Sekumpulan Berita Yang Tidak Diubah Suai– Yang Dibaca.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 385-393
Samsul Maarif ◽  
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Rubhan Masykur ◽  
Ahmad Fauzanand Koderi ◽  

This study aimed to describe the learning management during the Covid-19 pandemic at the STIT Bustanul Ulum Central Lampung. This study employed the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The researchers had collected the data by documenting books, dissertations, theses, magazines, journals, or others that discussed the research problems. Planning for online learning during Covid-19 at the STIT Bustanul Ulum Central Lampung consisted of compiling a syllabus and lesson plan containing elements of Covid-19 with a simplified curriculum and adapted to online methods and media. There were three main activities in implementing online learning during covid-19 at the STIT Bustanul Ulum Central Lampung. These activities were preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities. The online learning evaluation during Covid-19 at the STIT Bustanul Ulum Central Lampung consisted of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rina Susi Cahyawati

Online   learning   is   one   of   the   alternative solutions set by the government in an effort to carry out an educational climate during the Covid-19 pandemic. Online learning patterns at least require teachers to try to find ways to make distance learning fun and can meet the needs of students for scientific material. The combination of voice notes and mind mapping is an alternative that can be used as a means and media for online learning. The assumption is that most of the participants currently have a WhatsApp application so that it will not make it difficult for them with regards to devices or quotas. Meanwhile, for making mind mapping students can make their versions according to their respective versions so that they will get the sensation of learning while playing. Therefore, the problems of this article are Indonesian language learning technical with a combination of voice notes and mind mapping; and strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of learning Indonesian with a combination of voice notes and mind mapping. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis. The result of the research is that a combination of voice notes and mind mapping can be used for learning Indonesian online by following the proper technical implementation. The combination of the two has a positive and negative impact on learning. Keywords: Voice Note, Mind Mapping, Indonesian Language Learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 527-535
Firman Edi ◽  
Ambiyar Ambiyar ◽  
Unung Verawardina ◽  
Samsir Samsir ◽  
Ronal Watrianthos

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed human life dramatically. The new pushes digital technology to become part of the educational system at an accelerated level of growth. This study is meant to build a model of an online-based lesson plan as a learning development in the new normal era. The research method uses a descriptive comparison by observation, interviews, and literature analyses. Results have demonstrated that the development of an online learning plan model for learning tools leads to the needs of potential learning systems. The challenges encountered include the lack of capability of human resources to operate online tools, the limited technology, and the challenge of adapting learning tools to the objectives of the curriculum. The online learning planning model can be applied with the assistance of the government, schools, and teachers.

2021 ◽  
Agelgara Kusumo Putro ◽  
Endah Tri Priyatni ◽  
Yuni Pratiwi

Peace-loving-themed short stories have some potential to reconstruct national characters. Such characters are paramount in response to the lack of tolerance during the millennial era. Such short stories can be implemented through various modes, one of them being short-story appreciation. When the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, the government suggested shifting schools to online learning. One of the online learning platforms used in Indonesia is the Learning Management System (LMS). The purpose of the current research is to develop via LMS instructional materials for short-stories appreciation using peace-loving-themed short stories that aim at strengthening national characters. This study used the research and development design proposed by Borg and Gall. The instructional materials developed are in the form of e-learning website which consists of formulated tasks of short stories appreciation. The validation test shows that this type of learning material is valid and applicable to be used. The instructional material includes contents focusing on the theme of peace-loving stories. Moreover, the aspects of national characters boosted by this type of material includes tolerance, equality, altruism (caring for others), empathy, and sympathy, which are depicted through the characters in the stories. The forms of tasks are also designed in a way to expose the national characters conveyed in the stories. Keywords: materials, peace-loving short stories, national characters, LMS

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