Moh Yusuf Hidayat

This research aimed to determine the form of Arabic language learning realization through audio visual media on Arabic club students in IAIN Pontianak. It focused on the Arabic learning materials and whether this activity can improve the competence of Arabic club students in learning Arabic language which is expected on KKNI Arabic language for university. This research used qualitative approach using descriptive data through interview from informants in IAIN Pontianak. The result revealed that Arabic language learning realization through audio visual media on Arabic club students carried out by mentors in IAIN Pontianak is not more than the realization of learning pattern which determine on the implementation of the Arabic lesson plan and syllabus, and than the materials taught has referred to the standard of competence expected in university on KKNI Arabic language, and teaching realization can measure the competence of Arabic club students expected in university on KKNI Arabic language. Keywords: Arabic Language, Audio Visual Media, IAIN Pontianak

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 83-121
Ashief El Qorny

Arabic is one of the main languages in the world and rich with cultural heritage. Arabic has a strong influence in literature and even in media. According to Ulama or Scholars, Arabic language is the most proper language which can explains a wider meaning with lafaz{ or simple word. The formation of a word can refer to several meanings. The Arabic vocabulary covers all fields. In its development, the Arabic language has borrowed many vocabularies from other languages, however, Arabic has also contributed a great deal to Eastern and Western languages. This can be found on the words which are in the Arabic dictionary. Theory of language that became the foundation of this research can help the writer in choosing the right concept to analyze the object of this research. Moreover, in this research, the writer will use a morph semantics concept which combines morphological and semantic concept. Morph semantic can be interpreted as a branch of linguistics that identifies grammatical units and their meanings. This research uses descriptive-analytical method, a research method that try to describe and interpret object with what it is. The study uses a qualitative approach, namely analytical procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the person or behavior that can be observed. The resultof this study indicates that; (1) Fi'l ma>d}i> in the dictionary does not undergo all changes according to the existing rhymes, only a few can experience the form of the fi'l ma>d{i> to mazi>d. (2) Productivity meaning fi'l mazi>d in Arabic-Indonesian dictionary on wazan فعّل is التعدية, on wazan فاعلisقد يكون بمعنى فَعَلَ المجرد, on wazan أفعل is التعدية, on wazan تفعّل is للتكليف and الصيرورة, on wazan تفاعل is للمشاركة, on wazan انفعل isلمطاوعة فَعَلَ  , on wazan  افتعلis لمطاوعة فَعَلَ, on wazan افعلّ is الدلالة على الدخول في الصفة, on wazan استفعل is للطلب , on wazan  افعوعل is قد يكون بمعنى المجرد.

Akademika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Sahuni Sahuni ◽  
Iffah Budiningsih ◽  
Lisna Marwani P

The research aims to determine the influence of visual media, print media and the interest in learning outcomes in Arabic. The research method used is the method of experiment with sample two classes, which amounted to 39 students. Research samples were taken in a simple randomized basis. The Data was analyzed in descriptive and ANAVA. The results are: a) the learning outcome  of Arabic students who are taught using visual media is higher than using print media; b) there is interaction between the media and learning interest in Arabic language learning outcomes;  c) on students who have a high learning interest, the learning outcomes of Arabic students who use visual media is higher than use print media; d) on students who have low learning interests, the learning outcomes of  Arabic students who use visual media are lower than use print media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 305-316
Siti Muflikhah

Social media is an online media that is used as a means of communication and social interaction through the internet. Someone can easily connect with other people, both those that have been known before and not yet known, either through written messages or talking directly listening to the voice, even through video calls. From social media someone can get the latest information quickly and easily, in the form of news, images, or videos. In this millennial era, the ease of social media has made most people feel the need and motivation to use it. For the world of education, social media can also be used as one of the learning media. Because the goals of social media include self-actualization, forming a community, establishing personal relationships, and marketing media. And the characteristics of social media include user participation, openness, conversation, and connectedness. Learning media in general is a tool for teaching and learning. Everything that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities or skills of students so that it can encourage the learning process. Examples of learning media are audio media and graphic or visual media. In Arabic language lessons, the use of social media as one of the learning media is very supportive and very appropriate to increase learning or development outside of school hours. Management of social media can be used to add lessons about conversations, searching for vocabulary, and translating text. With other social media, it can be used to practice conversations both in writing and orally, practice reading, and so on. So that the learning media becomes fun and in accordance with the times.

Mustolikh Khabibul Umam

The paper focused on the educational institution of al-Irsyad Tengaran which emphasizes the learning process in Arabic. It is among Arabic competence, social identity and religious attitudes become the reason why Pesantren educational institutions are still existing and developing in some parts of Indonesia. As Islamic pesantren they also prioritize teachings based on purification of Islam free from heresy, superstition and khurafat. This research is a qualitative research method, that can be expected to produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from a number of people and observable behavior. While the approach used is a communicative approach that is an approach with the aim of making communicative competencies as the goal of language learning. In the process of data analysis, there are three main components that must be understood and understood by each researcher. The three components are data reduction, data presentation, and inference or verification. The first step is to standardize arabic competencies that are needed as an evaluation material for their teachers to see how far the students have mastered the Arabic language material that has been taught. it will continue with the development of their way of thinking in the community through the implementation of da'wah training spread in the community as a place to prove their identity as santri al-Irsyad who uphold their educational institutions. The cultural identity that is built will shape their religious attitudes in the society since has been the beginning of Islam echo that is free from religious rituals containing heresy, superstition and khurafat. From these components will form a reason why Arabic is particularly important in the progress and development of educational institutions that have the slogan of restoring the glory of Islam through Arabic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Akhmad Aufa Syukron ◽  
R Umi Baroroh

This research aims to: (1) find out the actual conditions of learning Arabic at MTs NU Miftahul Ulum Margasari; (2) explained the development of Learning Management System (Moodlecloud) Arabic language learning on Arabic subjects at MTs NU Miftahul Ulum Margasasri; (3) to find out the form of implementation of LMS (Moodlecloud) -based Arabic language learning at MTs NU Miftahul Ulum Margasari. This research uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. This research used observation and questionnaire on scale of 1-5. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the conditions at MTs NU Miftahul Ulum Margasari support to LMS-based Arabic language learning (Moodlecloud) application; (2) This LMS (Moodlecloud) Arabic language learning was developed according to the needs of LMS users, especially in terms of display and learning materials in Arabic; (3) LMS (Moodlecloud) Arabic language learning at MTs NU Miftahul Ulum Margasari is very acceptable, and can be applied to other subjects.

Mahyudin Ritonga ◽  
Hendro Widodo ◽  
Munirah Munirah ◽  
Talqis Nurdianto

<p>Knowledge of the Islam at every student is supported by many factors, one of which is the Arabic language compentence. This research aimed to evaluate and find Arabic language learning construction in strengthening <em>al-Islam</em> at higher education. The desire to find the construction is because there is no visible connection between Arabic language learning and <em>al-Islam</em> learning so that clarity of learning objectives, learning materials, learning implementation, and evaluation systems of Arabic language learning at higher education is needed. In line with this purpose, this study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The sources of data were facts, Arabic language lecturers, <em>al-Islam</em> lecturers, and students purposively. Data were analyzed by using critical realism. The results of the study proved that the reconstruction of learning objectives, materials, implementation, and evaluation systems is needed to realize Arabic language learning that can strengthen <em>al-Islam</em> at higer education.</p>

Almannah Wassalwa Salwa ◽  
Masykuri Masykuri ◽  
Hamidatul Iflah

This research to find out if audio visual media to writing skills in grade V students Mi Miftahul Ulum The use of audio visual media has a very important role that is: can provide many benefits as long as teachers play an important role in the learning process, in the study more focused on learning Arabic language in class V MI Miftahul Ulum researchers use case studies of the influence of audio visual media in maharoh kitabah which currently uses audio visual as a learning medium, in use of course there is a very good influence and not in arabic language learning. And can be seen from the average value of maharoh kitabah using Audio Visual learning media in grade V, maximal values reached 90 while the average class V was 77.4 while based on thitung = 2,552and ttabel at ά= 5% and dF= 25 = 0.413 therefore t count ≥ t table this indicates that 2,552 ≥ 0.413.

Aulia Rahmanisa ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Slamet Subiyantoro

Character education is the focus of Indonesian education nowadays as people in Indonesia is experiencing a negative character shifting. In order to change negative character, character education should be taught to the young generation through the integration of the character education at school. This study aims to determine the ways of integrating the value of character education in the lesson plan and the process of Indonesian language learning in the high school. This study employed a case study method by implementing a qualitative approach. This research was carried out in State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Surakarta, Indonesia. The technique of data collection comprised of observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this study shows that SMAN 1 Surakarta infuses character education in Indonesian language learning. The character values, which are integrated to the lesson plan, are respect, discipline, care, courage, responsibility, justice, honesty, helping each other, and cooperation. In the learning process, the character values that are infused to the lesson plan had been successfully integrated except for three values, namely justice, helping each other, and cooperation. Those three values should be integrated during group discussion activities, unfortunately, group discussion activities were not carried out.

Susiawati Susiawati

This research aims to find out the effectiveness of learning model of Ashwat. This research employs qualitative approach with a class action research technique. Results of this research is an Arabic language learning product about contrastive sound to improve Arabic language sound mastery for beginner native. The writer also found significant improvement, before and after learning. The comparative result shows, before the learning process participants who get excellent: 0%, very good: 0%, good: 0%, fair: 30%, minus: 10%, bad: 60% and after the treatment (post-test) the result is, Excellent: 90%, very good: 10%, good: 0%, fair: 0%, minus: 0%, bad: 0%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Achmad Sirojul Munir ◽  
Muassomah Muassomah

 This study describes how the implementation of e-learning in Arabic language learning at Islamic Global School Elementary School, Malang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses qualitative research, with data in the form of descriptive. Data collection used is by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are as follows: 1). The implementation of e-learning at SD Islamic Global School uses 5 main media, namely: google classrom, whatsAap, you tube, zoom, and quizizz. 2). The implementation of e-learning in Arabic learning at SD Islamic Global School consists of 3 main steps, namely; introduction, core activities, and evaluation. 3). In implementing e-learning-based Arabic learning at SD Islamic Global School, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are 3 advantages, namely: providing opportunities for students and teachers to be more creative and innovative, providing flexible time, and providing easy access to learning resources. Meanwhile, there are also 3 drawbacks, namely: not all students have an Android cellphone or laptop to support the implementation of e-learning-based Arabic learning. Uneven internet access, lack of supervision and reduced interaction between teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning activities.     Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi e-learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Sekolah Dasar Islamic Global School, Kota Malang selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, dengan data berupa berupa deskriptif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini, sebagai berikut: 1). Pelaksanakan pembelajaran e-learning di SD Islamic Global School menggunakan 5 media utama, yaitu: google classrom, whatsAap, you tube, zoom, dan quizizz. 2). Implementasi e-learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di SD islamic Global School terdiri dari 3 langkah utama, yaitu; pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan evaluasi. 3). Dalam pelaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis e-learning di SD Islamic Global School terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan. Adapun kelebihannya ada 3, yaitu: memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa dan guru untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif, memberikan waktu yang fleksibel, dan memberikan kemudahan akses terhadap sumber belajar. Sedangkan, kekurangannya ada 3 juga, yaitu: tidak semua siswa memiliki HP android ataupun laptop guna menunjang pelaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis e-learning. Akses internet tidak merata, minimnya pengawasan serta berkurangnya interaksi antar guru dan siswa dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar.

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