2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Susandro Susandro ◽  
Rika Wirandi ◽  
Hatmi Negria Taruan

Dalupa art emerged from the creative process of the people of West Aceh which can be stretched into three stages. First, Dalupa was originally a folk tale or folklore that was narrated from generation to generation. Second, the Dalupa then manifests (a person wearing the costume of a Dalupa character) so that it can be witnessed in person. At this stage, the Dalupa character does not manifest itself in the form of theater or dance. Its presence is only intended to entertain or enliven an event, such as weddings, processions, campaigns and so on. Third, the Dalupa character is presented by considering the dramatic element; arrangement of a series of events that tell the beginning of the appearance to the end of the Dalupa story. This study aims to record and describe how the process of creating the Dalupa art, as mentioned in the third stage. The method used is qualitative with the dramaturgy approach. This study shows the results that the art of Dalupa presents a story about the origin of the appearance of Dalupa with the manifestation of organized events. On this basis, it can be concluded that Dalupa art can be categorized as dramatic or theater art.Keywords: dalupa, creation process, dramatic, dramaturgy.AbstrakKesenian Dalupa muncul dari proses kreatif masyarakat Aceh Barat yang dapat direntangkan menjadi tiga tahap. Pertama, Dalupa mulanya merupakan cerita rakyat atau folklor yang dinarasikan secara turun-temurun. Kedua, Dalupa kemudian mewujud (seseorang yang mengenakan kostum tokoh Dalupa) sehingga dapat disaksikan secara langsung. Pada tahap ini, tokoh Dalupa mewujud tidaklah dalam bentuk kesenian teater atau tari. Kehadirannya hanya bertujuan untuk menghibur atau meramaikan suatu acara, seperti pernikahan, arak-arakan, kampanye dan sebagainya. Ketiga, tokoh Dalupa dihadirkan dengan mempertimbangkan unsur dramatika; penataan rangkaian peristiwa yang menceritakan awal kemunculan hingga akhir kisah Dalupa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencatat serta memaparkan bagaimana proses penciptaan kesenian Dalupa, sebagaimana disebut pada tahap ketiga. Metode yang dilaksanakan yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan dramaturgi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa kesenian Dalupa menyajikan cerita tentang asal mula kemunculan Dalupa dengan perwujudan peristiwa-peristiwa yang tertata. Atas dasar tersebut, dapat dismpulkan bahwa kesenian Dalupa dapat dikategorikan sebagai seni dramatik atau teater.  Kata Kunci: dalupa, proses penciptaan, dramatika, dramaturgi. Authors: Susandro : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh Rika Wirandi : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh Hatmi Negria Taruan : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh References:Barba, Eugenio. (2010). On Directing and Dramaturgy: Burning the House. New York: Routledge.Harymawan. (1993). Dramaturgi. Bandung: Rosdakarya.Herman, RN. (2016). Dalupa: Teater Tradisional Pantai Barat. Buletin Tuhoe edisi XVII. Banda Aceh: JKMA Aceh.Koster, G.L. (1998). Kacamata Hitam Pak Mahmud Wahid Atau Bagaimanakah Meneliti Puitika Sebuah Sastra Lisan?, dalam Pudentia MPSS (Ed.), Metodologi Kajian Tradisi Lisan. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan Yayasan Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan.Moleong, Lexy J. (2005). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Ed. Revisi cetakan keduapuluhsatu. Bandung: Rosdakarya.Pramayoza, Dede. (2013). Dramaturgi Sandiwara: Potret Teater Populer Dalam Masyarakat Poskolonial. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.Soedarsono, R.M. (2001). Metodologi Penelitian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa. Bandung: MSPI (Masyarakat Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia).SSDR. (2019). “Dramaturgi Kesenian Tradisional Dalupa”. Hasil Dokumentasi Pribadi: _________  2020, Aceh Barat.Stokes, Jane. (2007). How to do Media and Kultural Studies: Panduan Untuk Melaksanakan Penelitian dalam Kajian Media dan Budaya. Terj. Santi Indra Astuti. Yogyakarta: Bentang.Taruan, H.N. (2020). “Dramaturgi Kesenian Tradisional Dalupa”. Hasil Dokumentasi Pribadi: _________  2020, Aceh Barat.  Wirandi, R. (2020). “Dramaturgi Kesenian Tradisional Dalupa”. Hasil Dokumentasi Pribadi: _________  2020, Aceh Barat.

Ольга Викторовна Бегичева ◽  
Александр Васильевич Солянкин

Рассматривается эволюция романтической баллады в баянном искусстве. Впервые обозначены три стадии ее жанровой эволюции. В качестве материала анализа избрана сюита для готово-выборного баяна А. Белошицкого «Из глубины веков». Цель исследования - атрибуция жанрово-балладных элементов в названном произведении. Использованы методы теоретической поэтики, целостного и жанрового музыковедческого анализа. В задачи работы входит установление соотношений между балладной моделью-инвариантом и ее реализацией в названном опусе, для чего даны критерии жанровой идентификации национально-исторической баллады. К ним относятся жанровый код - «Человек и историческая трагедия народа», генеральная интонация жанра - Nordic sublime, балладные персонажи - бард, воин и возлюбленная - и канонический мотивный тезаурус, лежащий в основе ее композиционно-драматургической модели. Делается вывод, что движение от баллады к балладности в сюите соответствует третьей стадии жанровой эволюции, связанной с разрушением «твердой жанровой формы», а ее реактуализация в ХХ веке способна выступить инструментом мифологизации прошлого. This work examines the evolution of romantic ballad in accordion art. For the first time, three stages of its genre evolution are identified. A suite for the converter accordion by A.Beloshitsky “From the Depths of Centuries” was chosen as the analysis material. The purpose of the article is to attribute genre-ballad elements in the named work. Methods of theoretical poetics, holistic and genre musicological analysis were used. The tasks of the work include establishing relationships between the ballad invariant model and its implementation in the named opus, for which the criteria for genre identification of a national-historical ballad are given. These include the genre code - «Man and the historical tragedy of the people», the general intonation of the genre - Nordic sublime, ballad characters - bard, warrior and beloved and canonical motive thesaurus, which underlies its composition and drama model. It is concluded that the movement from ballad to balladness in suite corresponds to the third stage of genre evolution associated with the destruction of the “true genre form” and its reactualization in the twentieth century is able to act as an instrument for the mythologization of the past.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 745-748
Gustiana Gustiana ◽  
Novemi Novemi ◽  
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  
Kartinazahri Kartinazahri ◽  
Iin Fitraniar

BACKGROUND: The third stage of active management has become a standard practice in delivery management. Implementation of childbirth care requires accelerated release of the placenta to avoid bleeding. Placental drainage can shorten the duration of the three stages and reduce blood loss during labor. AIM: The aim of the study is to analyzing the effectiveness of placental drainage in the third stage active management of the third stage of delivery at the midwife’s independent practice (PMB) in the city of Banda Aceh. METHODS: This study used a Quasi Experiment design with a post-test control design. This research was carried out for 12 weeks at the PMB in Banda Aceh City, namely mothers who gave birth at the Erni Munir PMB and the Independent Practice Midwife Mutia Yacob. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The sample in this study amounted to thirty mothers giving birth, divided into two groups, namely, the treatment group with placental drainage as many as 15 mothers and respondents with cord clamping as many as 15 mothers. With the inclusion criteria, the mother is willing to be a respondent, the vital signs of normal mothers, single and live fetuses, term pregnancy, and an interpretation of average fetal weight ≥ 2500 g. Data analysis used the MannWhitney test, with a confidence level of 95%. RESULTS: The results showed a difference in effectiveness between the placental drainage group and the umbilical cord clamping group, as evidenced by a statistical test with p = 0.001. The length of three stages required by mothers to give birth with placental drainage has a mean value of 4.47 min with a standard deviation of 0.516. The average length of time required by the mother to give birth with umbilical cord clamping is 5.40 min with a standard deviation value of 0.828. CONCLUSION: Placental drainage was more effective than umbilical cord clamping to shorten the third stage length in the Independent Practice of Midwives in Banda Aceh City.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Robert Z. Birdwell

Critics have argued that Elizabeth Gaskell's first novel, Mary Barton (1848), is split by a conflict between the modes of realism and romance. But the conflict does not render the novel incoherent, because Gaskell surpasses both modes through a utopian narrative that breaks with the conflict of form and gives coherence to the whole novel. Gaskell not only depicts what Thomas Carlyle called the ‘Condition of England’ in her work but also develops, through three stages, the utopia that will redeem this condition. The first stage is romantic nostalgia, a backward glance at Eden from the countryside surrounding Manchester. The second stage occurs in Manchester, as Gaskell mixes romance with a realistic mode, tracing a utopian drive toward death. The third stage is the utopian break with romantic and realistic accounts of the Condition of England and with the inadequate preceding conceptions of utopia. This third stage transforms narrative modes and figures a new mode of production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Gita Sispratiwi Faja ◽  
Nyoman Miyarta Yasa

The National Agency for the Control of Britain (BNPB) noted that 515 people died from the earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Seeing this problem, the author wants to make an animation of earthquake disaster relief procedures that will be used by the BPBD as an additional medium for socializing and delivering information to increase public knowledge about procedures for saving earthquake disasters, especially children. In the process of making this animation using the pipeline method which includes three stages, namely the first stage of pre-production, the second stage of production The third stage of post-production. After doing all the stages are expected to be able to produce animation procedures for earthquake disaster rescue for children. So that this animated video can be used as a media for information dissemination or information delivery by the West Nusa Tenggara Province BPBD office which is more effective for introducing elementary school students. To determine the feasibility of the animation that was made, a beta test was conducted by submitting questionnaires to 30 respondents. The results obtained are animated procedures for rescuing earthquake disasters for children to be used as media for information dissemination or delivery of information by the West Nusa Tenggara Province BPBD office.

Roger Broetto Rocha ◽  
Lucio Martins Fassini Da Silva ◽  
Cleiton Kenup Piumbini ◽  
Luiz Otavio Buffon ◽  
Marconi Frank Barros

Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar uma atividade didática, realizada no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), envolvendo o ensino de Astronomia numa turma do primeiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola do município de Vitória, ES. A atividade foi planejada e executada pelo subprojeto do Curso de Licenciatura em Física do IFES – Campus Cariacica. A metodologia foi baseada na Gamificação aplicada ao ensino-aprendizagem. A intervenção ocorreu em três etapas, sendo a primeira realizada em dois encontros, através de apresentações dialogadas sobre Astronomia usando slides e gifs, a segunda consistiu na aplicação da Gamificação através de um jogo e finalizando com a terceira etapa, foi aplicado um pequeno questionário. Ao final houve um momento de avaliação e as análises constataram que o ensino de Astronomia através da atividade gamificada do jogo conseguiu motivar os alunos, despertar o interesse pelo assunto e produzir indícios de aprendizagem.Palavras-chave: Gamificação em sala de aula; Ensino de Astronomia; PIBID. Gamification in astronomy teachingAbstract: This work aims to report on a didactic activity, carried out in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), involving the teaching of Astronomy in a class of the first year of high school at a school in the city of Vitória, ES. The activity was carried out by the subproject of the Physics Degree Course at IFES - Campus Cariacica. The intervention took place in three stages, the first being in two meetings, through dialogued presentations on Astronomy using slides and gifs, the second consisted of the application of Gamification through a game and ending with the third stage, a small questionnaire was applied. At the end there was a moment of evaluation and the analyzes found that the teaching of Astronomy through the gamified activity of the game managed to motivate students, arouse interest in the subject and produce evidence of learning.Keywords: Gamification activity in the classroom; Astronomy teaching; PIBID. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (19) ◽  
Abousa Hadoud

Urban planning in Libya in general effectively contributed to preparation of comprehensive and the public plans for all Libyan cities. especially after the issuance of Law No. (5) of 1969, concerning the planning of cities and villages, three key schemes have been developed in three stages starting from the first phase for years 1968 to 1988, and the second stage years from 1988 to 2000, and the third stage years 2000 to 2025. Goal of such schemes is to make a balance between the natural increase of population and urban mass, in order to achieve urban development and environment and preserve of the environment and urban environment from degradation and the spread of degraded areas in Libyan cities. But a number of problems disrupted the planning, and have had effects on the urban development in Libya.

A. V. Tevelev ◽  
A. A. Borisenko ◽  
M. I. Erokhina ◽  
S. S. Popov ◽  
I. A. Kosheleva ◽  

The Katav-Ivanovsk transpression zone experienced at least two stages of tectonic deformations, and the sequence of deformations was approximately the same throughout the entire zone — from the Bakal-Satka fault in the south to the Suleimsky fault in the north. Three stages of the formation of parageneses were identified. The parageneses of the first and the second stages were formed in a pure shear environment, and the paragenesis of the third stage — in a simple shear environment. There are stylolites (S1) parallel to bedding, and mineral veins (V1) in the paragenesis of the first stage. Paragenesis of the second stage combines stylolites (S2), mineral veins (V2) and intergranular cleavage (S2). In paragenesis of the third stage were distinguished schistosity (S3), milonites (S3), cataclasites, mica packets (SC-textures), and the rotation structures of porphyroblasts.

Jinya Zhang ◽  
Yongjiang Li ◽  
K. Vafai ◽  
Yongxue Zhang

Purpose Numerical simulations of a multistage multiphase pump at different operating conditions were performed to study the variational characteristics of flow parameters for each impeller. The simulation results were verified against the experimented results. Because of the compressibility of the gas, inlet volume flow rate qi and inlet flow angle ßi for each impeller decrease gradually from the first to the last stage. The volume flow rate at the entrance of the pump q, rotational speed n and inlet gas volume fraction (IGVF) affect the characteristics of qi and ßi. Design/methodology/approach The hydraulic design features of the impellers in the multistage multiphase pump are obtained based on the flow parameter characteristics of the pump. Using the hydraulic setup features, stage-by-stage design of the multistage multiphase pump for a nominal IGVF has been conducted. Findings The numerical simulation results show that hydraulic loss in impellers of the optimized pump is substantially reduced. Furthermore, the hydraulic efficiency of the optimized pump increases by 3.29 per cent, which verifies the validation of the method of stage-by-stage design. Practical implications Under various operating conditions, qi and ßi decrease gradually from the first to the fifth stage because of the compressibility of the gas. For this characteristic, the fluid behavior varies at each stage of the pump. As such, it is necessary to design impellers stage by stage in a multistage rotodynamic multiphase pump. Social implications These results will have substantial effect on various practical operations in the industry. For example, in the development of subsea oilfields, the conventional conveying equipment, which contains liquid-phase pumps, compressors and separators, is replaced by multiphase pumps. Multiphase pumps directly transport the mixture of oil, gas and water from subsea oilwells through a single pipeline, which can simplify equipment usage, decrease backpressure of the wellhead and save capital costs. Originality/value Characteristics of a multistage multiphase pump under different operating conditions were investigated along with features of the inlet flow parameters for every impeller at each compression stage. Our simulation results have established that the change in the inlet flow parameters of every impeller is mainly because of the compressibility of the gas. The operational parameters q, n and IGVF all affect the characteristics of qi and ßi. However, the IGVF has the most prominent effect. Lower values of IGVF have an insignificant effect on the gas compressibility. Higher values of IGVF have a significant effect on the gas compressibility. All these characteristics affect the hydraulic design of the impellers for a multistage multiphase pump. In addition, the machining precision should also be considered. Considering all these factors, when IGVF is lower than 10 per cent, all the impellers in the pump can be designed uniformly. When IGVF varies from 10 to 30 per cent, the first two stages should be designed separately, and the latter stages are uniform starting with the second stage. When IGVF varies from 30 to 50 per cent, the first three stages should be designed separately, and the latter stages are going to be similar to the third stage. An additional increase in IGVF results in degeneration of the differential pressure of the pump, which will reduce the compressibility of the gas. As such, it can be deduced that only the first three stages should be designed separately, and the latter stages will be similar to the third stage. In addition, for the pump working under a lower volume flow rate than 25 m3/h, the first three stages should be designed individually while keeping the geometrical structure of the subsequent stages the same as the third stage.

Ekaterina Y. MUKINA ◽  
Anastasiya S. MUKINA

The aim of the study is to develop and substantiate the method of recreational activities of adolescents with I-II degree obesity. We assumed that the technique we developed will contribute to reducing this pathology and, in turn, reducing the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. We presented the results of investigation of influence of the proposed technique on morphofunctional state of adolescents with obesity of I-II degree. The entire range of recreational activities consisted of three stages and was complex. The first stage of the technique included general development, health-corrective exercises, which were performed in alternation with respiratory exercises. In the second stage, cyclical exercises were used, and the third stage of the technique included exercises aimed at reducing the fat component, which led to normalization of body weight. Relaxation exercises were used as restorative. Special attention in the methodology we proposed we gave to the sequence of increasing the load and its control during physical exercises, as well as taking into account the degree of obesity of a teenager. We used anthropometry, caliperometry, and body mass index methods to assess the physical development of obese adolescent children. We noted positive dynamics of the influence of the method of recreational activities of adolescents with I-II degree obesity.

10.12737/4830 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Татьяна Шуберт ◽  
Tatyana Shubert

In this article the three stages of development of the Russian Constitution (1918, 1925, 1937), are discussed each of represents a certain phase of the constitutional development of the Soviet state. The first stage (1917—1925) is characterized with the transition from capitalism to socialism, the second one stages (1925—1937) is associated with the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1925, reflecting changes in the state-building — the formation of the unanimous union of the republican states — the USSR and delegating some mostly important items to it, the formation of the new autonomous regions, the end of the civil war and the reconstruction of the national economics. The third stage (1937—1940) is connected with the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937 (based on the Stalin Constitution of the USSR), which was characterized with the victory of socialism, the industrialization of the country and the collectivization in the agriculture, sphere of economics, the construction of a society without exploiting classes based on the alliance of the working class and the peasantry.

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