2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Elvera Chrismiseri Purba ◽  
Pulung Sumantri

Research title "Change in Simalungun Ethnic Death Ceremony in Sondi Raya Village". The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out the function of the death ceremony in the ethnic Simalungun, the value contained in the death ceremony, and the changes contained in the process of the death ceremony in the ethnic Simalungun in the village of Sondi Raya. The method used in this study is a historical method that uses written and oral sources, in the form of books and photographs of the Simalungun ethnic death ceremony. Oral sources were obtained through interviews with Raja Parhata (traditional leaders) and religious leaders, as well as laboratory studies using video of death in the village of Sondi Raya. The results obtained are (1) The function of the death ceremony in Simalungun is as a final tribute to the deceased especially to someone who has the title of Sayur Matua. (2) The value contained in the ceremonial death in the ethnic Simalungun namely the value of Sapangahapan is still thick in the Simalungun community, where every misfortune of the surrounding community provides consolation so that families who are grieving do not continue to dissolve in sadness. (3) Changes in the Simalungun death ceremony experienced some of the most striking changes is the gual vegetable matua which was always used during the death ceremony became rare and even changed into modern music, and the size of the porcelain (white cloth) before the size of the porcelain varies depending on the closeness of kinship with deceased person. While now the size is the same for all those who are still close relatives and community mourners in the same village.Keywords: Sayur Matua, Simalungun

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Rara Anggraini

<p>This study describes the cultural adaptation carried out by the factory worker community consisting of various ethnicities and religions at PT Satya Krisma in Tebo Ilir Jambi, in maintaining religious harmony. This research uses qualitative research that emphasizes the depth of information obtained through interviews and is also supported by field observation methods. The results of the study show that first, the reality of life that occurs in the community of factory workers in the village of Betung Bedarah Barat is very harmonious and harmonious until now, because the community always respects and respects, and always prioritizes mutual assistance and cooperation. Second, factors that influence the occurrence of harmony are internal and external factors, internal factors are tolerance, dialogue between communities and there is also awareness of diversity. The external factor is that there are institutions that support religious harmony, namely the involvement of the government, traditional leaders and religious leaders. Third, in maintaining harmony, they have strategies including strengthening brotherhood, the role of traditional leaders, religious leaders, and maximizing regulations and the role of local governments.</p><p><em>Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang adaptasi budaya komunitas buruh pabrik dalam menjaga kerukunan umat beragama di PT Satya Krisma di Tebo Ilir Jambi. P</em><em>eneliti</em><em>an ini</em><em> menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang menekankan pada aspek kedalaman informasi yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan didukung pula oleh metode observasi lapangan.</em><em> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  pertama, realita kehidupan yang terjadi pada komunitas buruh pabrik di desa Betung Bedarah Barat sangat rukun dan harmonis sampai saat ini, karena masyarakat selalu menghargai dan menghormati, dan selalu mengedepankan sikap saling bantu dan bekerja sama. Kedua, </em><em>faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya keharmonisan yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal, faktor internal yaitu adanya sikap toleransi, dialog antar masyarakat dan juga terdapat kesadaran. Faktor eksternal yaitu terdapat lembaga yang menjadi pendukung dalam kerukunan umat beragama yaitu adanya keterlibatan pemerintah, tokoh adat dan tokoh agama. </em><em>Ketiga, </em><em>dalam mempertahankan kerukunan, mereka mempunyai strategi di antaranya memperkuat tali persaudaraan, melibatkan tokoh adat, tokoh agama, dan memaksimalkan peran regulasi pemerintah daerah</em>.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Luthfi Salim ◽  
Idrus Ruslan

The transmigration program forms Lampung society to be multicultural that easily triggers the emergence of ethnic conflicts. In Lampung, it has unexpectedly formed enclaves that cause migrants and local people to not be integrated so that there is polarization and an economic gap between migrants and local people. This is because the economy of migrants advances which causes social jealousy. This study aimed to explain muakhi as conflict management from pre-conflict to post-conflict. This study was qualitative research with phenomenology and multiple case approaches. The research data were obtained by in-depth interviews. The results of this study are first, muakhi in pre-conflict management is managed by the traditional leaders to conduct deliberation and agreement. Second, muakhi in post-conflict management is managed and controlled by all elements of the community. The village officers, traditional leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, or mass organizations remind each other by means of cooperation with the conflicting parties. This study concluded that muakhi is able to create social and media integration and a forum for creating peace in accordance with the values and norms in the lives of the community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Yohanes Boanergis ◽  
Jacob Daan Engel ◽  
David Samiyono

The mitoni tradition is a Javanese cultural heritage that is still being held by Javanese people in the village of Tuntang, Tuntang District, Semarang District, Central Java until now. The mitoni ceremony is carried out in the seventh month of Javanese pregnancy. This study aims at examining the spiritual values of the mitoni tradition as socio-cultural “glue.” This research was motivated by dangerous facts, namely the threat of disharmony in the social community. The method applied in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were used in-depth interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted by giving open questions to community leaders in the village of Tuntang. In this study, the sources of information were traditional leaders as representatives of the Tuntang village community. This research was tested as a socio-cultural adhesive in Tuntang village through spiritual values, namely: 1). Ngruwat sukerta. 2). Cecawis. 3). Sembada. 4). Panampi. 5). Wilujeng. 6). Ngrumat bumi. 7). Pitutur. 8). Rukun. 9). Pitulungan. These spiritual values are symbolic of Javanese ideology which is eschatological. This value serves to maintain social harmony. The results of this study are recommended for religious leaders and traditional leaders to apply this cultural approach, by making mitoni as a socio-cultural “glue.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-30
Bustami Abubakar ◽  
Ikhwan Ikhwan ◽  
Sugiarso Sugiarso

This study discusses the implementation of liké geleng and its relationship with strengthening social cohesion among the Aneuk Jamè ethnic group in Kampung Balai, Samadua, South Aceh. The research objective is to find a link between the implementation of liké geleng and the strengthening of social cohesion in the Aneuk Jamè ethnic community. This research uses a qualitative approach. The informants consisted of religious leaders, traditional leaders, women leaders, and the community involved in carrying out the Maulid Nabi memorial in the village. The results of the study concluded that the implementation of liké geleng among the Aneuk Jamè ethnic group as an activity in commemoration of the Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW is an activity that can strengthen social cohesion among the community. This is indicated by the development of closer friendship and kinship, increasingly frequent social interactions, and stronger cooperation between communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
H. Anwar ◽  
Pendais Hak

ABSTRAK: Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini mengetahui  latar belakang pelaksanaan kegiatan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna, mendeskripsikan ritual-ritual apa saja yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna, mendeskripsikan proses kegiatan ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna dan mendeskripsikan perubahan yang terjadi saat ini dalam proses Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah menurut Helius Sjamsuddin yang terdiri atas: (1) Heuristik (pengmpulan sumber), (2) Kritik sumber (verifikasi), (3) Historiografi (penulisan sejarah).Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar belakang pelaksanaan ritual dalam tradisi pertanian pada masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo adalah dalam bercocok tanam (degalu) masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo memiliki keyakinan bahwa hutan di Muna banyak dihuni oleh makhluk ghaib yang berpotensi mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat. Maka secara intensif masyarakat melakukan hubungan komunikasi dengan melalui upacara yang tradisional yang dimana harus dilakukan sebelum bercocok tanam. Dengan maksud mendapatkan keselamatan dalam kegiatan perladangan terhindar dari marabahaya serta hasil panen yang melimpah. Ritual dilakukan karena adanya pantangan dan larangan yang apabila jika tidak dipatuhi akan menimbulkan dampak negatif. (2) Ritual-Ritual yang dilakukan dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo ritual pembukaan lahan kawasan hutan baru yaitu desolo. Ritual kaago-ago yang dilakukan saat lahan sudah bersih dan siap untuk ditanamkan, ritual dilakukan untuk memindahkan makhluk ghaib, permohonan dan sebagai rasa syukur. Ritual kasambuno wite (deghoti wite) dan ritual kafematai, (3) Proses pelaksanaan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo yaitu semua proses ritual dilakukan pada hari baik yang dipimpin oleh dukun (parika), menyiapkan alat dan bahan (sesajian) yang dibutuhkan tiap-tiap upacara ritual yang akan dilaksanakan. (4) Perubahan yang terjadi saat ini dalam proses pelaksanaan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo, dapat dilihat pada ritual kaago-ago, dimana saat ini sabagian ritual tersebut tidak lagi dijalankan. Perubahan-perubahan lain adalah terkait dengan konsistensi ritual yang sebagian masih ada yang melakukan secara utuh namun ada juga yang hanya menjalankan 2 atau 3 ritual saja. Kata Kunci: latarbelakang, jenis, proses dan perubahan, galu ABSTRACT: The main objective in this study is to find out the background of the implementation of Ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District of Muna District, describing the rituals performed in the implementation of ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Village Community Bone Tondo, Bone District, Muna Regency, describes the process of ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District Muna District and describes the changes that occur currently in the Ritual process in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District, Muna Regency. The method used in this study is the historical method according to Helius Sjamsuddin which consists of: (1) Heuristics (collection of sources), (2) Criticism of sources (verification), (3) Historiography (history writing). The results of the study show that: (1 ) The background of ritual implementation in the agricultural tradition of the Bone Tondo Village community is in farming (degalu). Bone Tondo Village community has the belief that the forests in Muna are inhabited by unseen creatures that have the potential to disrupt people's lives. So the community intensively communicates through traditional ceremonies which must be carried out before planting. With the intention of obtaining safety in farming activities to avoid danger and abundant harvests. The ritual is carried out because of restrictions and prohibitions which if not obeyed will cause a negative impact. (2) Rituals carried out in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community in the ritual of opening a new forest area, namely desolo. Kaago-ago rituals are carried out when the land is clean and ready to be planted, rituals are performed to remove supernatural beings, requests and as gratitude. Kasambuno wite rituals (deghoti wite) and kafematai rituals, (3) The process of implementing Rituals in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, namely all ritual processes carried out on a good day led by a shaman (parika), preparing tools and materials (offerings) ) required each ritual ceremony that will be carried out. (4) Changes that occur at this time in the process of carrying out the Ritual in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village community, can be seen in the kaago-ago ritual, where at present the ritual portion is no longer carried out. Other changes are related to the consistency of the ritual, some of which still do the whole, but there are also those who only carry out 2 or 3 rituals. Keywords: Background, type, process and change, galu

Ida Bagus Sudarma Putra

Community life in Bali is inseparable from the customs inherent in the life of society itself. Religion and culture become a crucial factor to implement the order of indigenous people. Social change has an impact on the life of indigenous people.  Many custom cases that occur, one of them is having sexual relation / marriage with close relatives called Gamia Gamana. Sanctions toward this custom offense generally carry out by cleaning up the village or prayascita village. The purpose of this ceremony is to restore the sanctity and balance of the village; therefore, it becomes pure again. This sanction is given as a fine to the person who does custom offense called Sangaskara Danda. The research questions of this study can be formulated as follows; how is the nature of Sangaskara Danda? And how is the implementation of Sangaskara Danda sanction toward customs offenses Gamia Gamana? The method used in this study was an empirical law derived from primary data and secondary data. The nature of this study was descriptive, with qualitative data analysis. Overall results of these analyses were presented in the description which described the complete problem under study along with a critical discussion. The nature of custom sanction Sangaskara Danda can be seen from the form of sanction, the purpose of the sanction, and the implementation of the sanction. The sanction Sangaskara Danda is in the form of Prayascita Sangaskara Danda and Matirta Gamana (for Hindu Priest). The purpose of this sanction is restoring the cosmic balance (sekala-niskala); moreover, cleansing and purifying themselves, their family and village environment. The implementation of these sanctions is done by imposing the perpetrator of custom offenses either in material or immaterial.  Similarly, in implementing sanction Sangaskara Danda toward custom offenses Gamia Gamana is to continue to implement Sangaskara Danda in the form of Prayascita Desa and impose other sanction such as not allowed joining as the member of the village, pay fines, bathed in the sea or even “diaben” (symbolically).

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-41
Syafiqurrahman Syafiqurrahman ◽  
Mohammad Hosnan

Besides being a Qur’an teacher, the leader of village (Kiai) become community leaders; almost all aspects of people's lives were deferred to the kiai, ranging from religious, educational, social, political, and so on, including the village kiai becoming the traditional leaders of the Kompolan. village kiai use the characteristics of charismatic-collective leadership and transformative leadership. While the capital used is cultural, symbolic modality, which then gives birth to economic capital. Under his leadership, Kompolan was able to contribute to creating an atmosphere of togetherness and unity among individuals in society, developing and strengthening religious knowledge, contributing to empowerment in the economic sector of society, creating a space of actualization for the community.   Selain menjadi guru ngaji, kiai kampung juga menjadi pemimpin masyarakat; hampir dalam semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat ditangguhkan kepada kiai, mulai dari persoalan keagamaan, pendidikan, sosial, politik, dan seterusnya, termasuk kiai kampung menjadi pemimpin tradisi kompolan. kiai kampung menggunakan karakter kepemimpinan karismatik-kolektif dan kepemimpinan transformatif. Sedangkan modal yang digunakan adalah modalitas kultural, simbolik, yang kemudian melahirkan modal ekonomi. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, kompolan mampu memberikan kotribusi dalam menciptakan suasana kebersamaan dan kebersatuan antar individu di masyarakat, pengembangan dan pemantapan ilmu keagamaan, memberikan sumbangsih pemberdayaan di bidang ekonomi masyarakat, menciptakan ruang aktualisasi bagi masyarakat.   Kata Kunci (Keyword): Kepemimpinan, Kiai Kampung, Tradisi Kompolan.

Oksana Kolomiets ◽  
Vladislav Nuvano

В настоящей статье исследуются погребальные чукотские традиции, сохранившиеся до настоящего времени. Многие ученые полагали, что архаичные формы похорон уступят место современному унифицированному обряду. Однако, в некоторых национальных селах Чукотки попрежнему хоронят путем сожжения или оставления тела умершего на холме или на открытой местности; современный похоронный обряд также часто сопряжен с некоторыми элементами традиционной культуры. Авторы рассматривают мировоззренческие установки, связанные со смертью, отношение к смерти у чукчей и соседних этнических групп. Для сравнительного анализа обрядов, бытующих в разные годы, авторы приводят описания погребального обряда учеными и путешественниками XVIII–XX вв. Существующие обрядовые практики в современной чукотской культуре представлены следующими способами погребения умерших: сожжение, оставление тела под открытым небом, захоронение «по-русски». Среди традиционных погребальных практик наиболее распространен обряд сожжения. Причем, в с. Ваеги Анадырского района, похороны «по-чукотски» наиболее предпочтительны для коренных жителей. Исключения составляют случаи, когда супруги, близкие родственники – представители другой национальности, могут не исполнить волю умершего на обряд сожжения. Остальные традиционные способы погребения немногочисленны, однако еще встречаются в с. Илирней (Билибинский район), с. Рыткучи (Чаунский район), в некоторых селах Анадырского и Чукотского районов. Опросы жителей показали, что чаще всего «по-чукотски» хоронят стариков, которые озвучили свою волю еще при жизни, или «тундровиков», занимающихся традиционным хозяйством вдали от поселков. Следует отметить, что сейчас мало кто из информантов может описать обряд целиком, многие знают порядок ритуальных действий, но при этом не могут раскрыть их смысл. Да и сами погребальные обряды не редко проводятся в «усеченном» варианте (некогда обязательные манипуляции с умершим уже не производят, например, надрез сухожилий, «открывание» груди и т. д.). В сельской местности до сих пор остаются знатоки, владеющие традиционными погребальными практиками. Они участвуют в подготовке и проведении обряда, учат молодое поколение проведению ритуалов.This article examines the funeral Chukchi traditions that have survived to the present time. Many scientists believed that archaic forms of funerals would give way to a modern unified ritual. However, in some national villages of Chukotka people are still buried by burning or leaving the dead body on a hill or in an open area; modern funeral rites are also often associated with some elements of traditional culture. The authors consider the worldview associated with death, the attitude to death in the Chukchi and neighboring ethnic groups. For a comparative analysis of the rites occurring in different years, the authors give descriptions of the funeral rites by scientists and travelers of the XVIII–XX centuries. Existing ritual practices in modern Chukchi culture are represented by the following methods of burial of the dead: burning, leaving the body in the open air, laying the body with stones, burial "in Russian". Among the traditional burial practices, the most common is the ritual of burning. Moreover, in the village of Vaegi of Anadyr districts the funeral "in Chukchi" is the most preferable for residents. The exceptions are the cases when the spouses and close relatives of the representatives of other nationalities can not do the will of the dead in the ceremony of burning. Other traditional methods of burial are few but still occur in the village of Ilirney (Iultinsky district), Rytkuchi village (Chaunsky district), in some villages of Anadyr and Chukotka district. Surveys of residents showed that most often "in Chukchi" they bury the old people, who voiced their will during his lifetime, or "tundra-people" engaged in traditional farming away from the villages. It should be noted that nowadays few informants could describe the ritual as a whole, many people know the order of ritual acts, but cannot disclose their meaning. The funeral rites are frequently held in a "truncated" version (once the mandatory manipulations with the dead are no longer produced, for example, tendons cut, "open" chest, etc.). In rural areas, there are still experts who own traditional burial practices. They participate in the preparation and conduct of the rite, teach the younger generation to conduct rituals.

Diakronika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zaid Munawar

This article examines issues of land, political authority, and economic stability of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom during the reign of Sultan Agung (1613-1645 AD). This study uses the historical method by carrying out steps such as topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. This research shows that Sultan Agung as a king has full authority over land management in the entire territory of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom. So that the land can be managed properly, the Sultan Agung divides the land based on concentric circles of the territory, both in the territory of the Negara Agung, Mancanegara, and Pasisiran in order to build a community under the auspices of his government. There are three types of land that are known in this division, namely narawita land (land in the core area of ​​the kingdom which is used as agricultural land and plantations to produce rice, flowers, grass, oil, etc. for palace purposes), lungguh/apanage land (land in the territory of the Negara Agung, Mancanegara, and Pasisiran distributed to the nobles and royal officials as land salaries for their role in the continuity of the administration, and perdikan land (village land in which there are royal sacred buildings, such as places of worship, tombs, and the like, which are exempt from taxation as given to religious leaders (ulama and penghulu). These lands are mainly managed for agriculture as the most important economic source for the kingdom. The maximization of land management is able to have a positive impact on economic stability and governance in the Islamic Mataram Kingdom. Keywords: Land, Political Authority, Economic Stability, Islamic Mataram Kingdom Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji tentang persoalan tanah, otoritas politik, dan stabilitas ekonomi Kerajaan Mataram Islam pada masa kekuasaaan Sultan Agung (1613-1645 M). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan melakukan langkah-langkah seperti pemilihan topik, heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sultan Agung sebagai seorang raja memiliki otoritas penuh terhadap pengelolaan tanah di seluruh wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Mataram Islam. Agar tanah tersebut dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka Sultan Agung membagi tanah berdasarkan lingkaran konsentris wilayah kekuasaan, baik di wilayah Negara Agung, Mancanegara maupun Pasisiran demi membangun masyarakat yang berada dalam naungan pemerintahannya. Ada tiga jenis tanah yang dikenal dalam pembagian tersebut, yaitu tanah narawita (tanah di wilayah inti kerajaan yang digunakan sebagai tanah pertanian dan perkebunan agar menghasilkan padi, bunga, rumput, minyak, dan lain-lain untuk keperluan istana), tanah lungguh/apanage (tanah di wilayah Negara Agung, Mancanegara dan Pasisiran yang didistribusikan kepada para bangsawan dan pejabat tinggi kerajaan sebagai tanah gaji atas perannya terhadap kelangsungan jalannya pemerintahan), dan tanah perdikan (tanah desa yang di dalamnya terdapat bangunan suci kerajaan, seperti tempat ibadah, makam, dan semacamnya, yang dibebaskan dari pungutan pajak sebagaimana diberikan kepada para tokoh agama (ulama dan penghulu). Tanah-tanah tersebut dikelola terutama untuk pertanian sebagai sumber ekonomi terpenting bagi kerajaan. Maksimalisasi pengelolaan tanah tersebut mampu memberikan dampak positif bagi stabilitas ekonomi dan pemerintahan di Kerajaan Mataram Islam. Kata Kunci: Tanah, Otoritas Politik, Stabilitas Ekonomi, Kerajaan Mataram Islam

D. Sh. Toybazarova ◽  

In this article the author analyzes the materials on the gravestones obtained during the expedition to the aul Segizbai. To a greater extent, mazars — four-walled funerary mausoleums reaching two or more meters in height — were investigated. In Kazakh tradition gravestones always serve as a home for the deceased person, so they often resemble a house in their appearance. Two-meter-high mausoleums are difficult to refer to the traditional form of gravestones, but recently there has been a tendency to erect mazars. The author in this study tries to identify the reasons for such metamorphosis of the Kazakh tradition.

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