scholarly journals Union of Nizhny Novgorod Teachers of Religion: Creation and Activity (1902-1918)

2020 ◽  
pp. 288-307
N. E. Arkhipova

The activity of the first in Russia teachers of religion union of secondary educational institutions of Nizhny Novgorod (since 1915 - all Nizhny Novgorod teachers of religion) is considered. The relevance of the study is due to the revival of religious education in the modern school. The novelty of the study is that for the first time a generalized analysis of the work of the union, designed to rally the teachers of the “Law of God”, is presented, to facilitate the exchange of experience in order to increase the educational value of the course in the context of expanding secularization of public consciousness. It is concluded that the union carried out important work on the analysis of spiritual literature, textbooks, curricula, and sample lessons. It is shown that the lack of power and authority of the union deprived it of the opportunity to influence the choice of new teachers of religion and deputies for exams on the course “God’s Law”, limited its importance in solving the problems of religious and moral education of students. The author has come to the conclusion that the union, becoming an example for other cities, played a role in understanding the teaching theory and practice for harmonizing and optimizing the work of teachers of religion. It was established that in 1917-1918 the union took measures to preserve the institution of teaching of religion at school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 248
Mohammad Al Farabi

<strong>Abstrak:</strong> Misi kolonial Belanda untuk memperkokoh kekuasaan dan ekspansi ajaran Kristen di wilayah Nusantara berlangsung dengan didirikannya lembaga-lembaga pendidikan untuk menyiapkan pegawai di birokrasi pemerintahan dan tidak membenarkan masuknya materi pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah-sekolah Gubernemen. Kondisi demikian mendorong reaksi kaum Modernis Muslim untuk bergegas mendirikan lembaga pendidikan tersendiri yang dianggap mampu beradaptasi sekaligus mengantisipasi berkembangnya misi kolonial tersebut. Reaksi ini buat pertama kali ditandai dengan berdirinya Adabiyah School melalui usaha dan kerja keras Abdullah Ahmad yang didukung oleh teman-teman seperjuangannya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perihal terkait dengan latar belakang  modernisasi di institusi Adabiyah dan upaya-upaya modernisasi yang telah dilakukan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, artikel ini mengungkap fakta historis bahwa Adabiyah School merupakan Sekolah Islam Modern pertama di Indonesia yang menganut sistem klasikal dan berkompetisi terhadap sistem pendidikan kolonial Belanda dengan mengembangkan sekolah modern guna mengurangi jumlah generasi muda muslim mengikuti pendidikan di Sekolah Gubernemen, sehingga terbina kepribadian warga masyarakat untuk mengamalkan Islam dan tidak terpengaruh dengan misi Kristenisasi yang dibawa penjajah Belanda. Meskipun Adabiyah School tidak bertahan begitu lama dalam perkembangan sejarah, namun penularan modernisasi pendidikan yang diawalinya memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap bangkitnya sekolah-sekolah Islam modern hingga saat ini.<br /> <br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Adabiyah School, modernisasi, sekolah Islam<br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> <strong>Modernization of Islamic Education in Indonesia: The Case of the Adabiyah School</strong>. The Dutch colonial mission to strengthen the power and expansion of Christian teachings in the archipelago took place with the establishment of educational institutions to prepare workers in the world of government bureaucracy and do not justify the inclusion of Islamic religious education materials in the Governorate Schools. Such conditions encourage the reaction of Muslim Modernists to rush to establish an independent educational institution that is considered capable of adapting as well as anticipating the development of the colonial mission. This reaction was marked for the first time by the establishment of Adabiyah School through the efforts and hard work of Abdullah Ahmad and supported by his comrades. This article aims to examine matters relating to the background of modernization in the Adabiyah institution and the efforts of modernization that have been made. Using historical research methods, this article reveals the historical fact that the Adabiyah School is the first Modern Islamic School in Indonesia that adheres to the classical system and competes with the Dutch colonial education system by developing a modern school to reduce the number of young Muslims attending education in the Gubernemen's School so that it is fostered personalities of citizens to practice Islam and not be influenced by the mission of Christianization brought by the Dutch invaders. Although the Adabiyah School did not last so long in historical development, the transmission of the modernization of education that it started had a strong influence on the rise of modern Islamic schools to this day.<br /> <br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Adabiyah School, modernization, Islamic school

László Holló

"In less than one year, the Catholic Church, just like the other denominations, lost its school network built along the centuries. This was the moment when the bishop wrote: “No one can resent if we shed tears over the loss of our schools and educational institutions”. Moreover, he stated that he would do everything to re-store the injustice since they could not resent if we used all the legal possibilities and instruments to retrieve our schools that we were illegally dispossessed of. Furthermore, he evaluated the situation realistically and warned the families to be more responsible. He emphasized the parents’ responsibility. First and foremost, the mother was the child’s first teacher of religion. She taught him the first prayers; he heard about God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the angels from his mother for the first time. He asked for the mothers’ and the parents’ support also in mastering the teachings of the faith. Earlier, he already instructed the priests to organize extramu-ral biblical classes for the children and youth. At this point, he asked the families to cooperate effectively, especially to lead an ardent, exemplary religious life, so that the children would grow up in a religious and moral life according to God’s will, learn-ing from the parents’ examples. And just as on many other occasions throughout history, the Catholic Church started building again. It did not build spectacular-looking churches and schools but rather modest catechism halls to bring communities together. These were the places where the priests of the dioceses led by the bishop’s example and assuming all the persecutions, incessantly educated the school children to the love of God and of their brethren, and the children even more zealously attended the catechism classes, ignoring their teachers’ prohibitions. Keywords: Márton Áron, Diocese of Transylvania, confessional religious education, communism, nationalization of catholic schools, Catholic Church in Romania in 1948."

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-70
Nur Laily Fauziyah

Morality is a trait attached to a person and becomes his identity. Noble character is the main foundation in the formation of a perfect Muslim. In order to form a noble person, it is very important to do an early effort in building the values of noble morals, including through education. However, it is not easy to instill good morals through education. There are a number of problems encountered, namely the lack of teacher exemplary (educator); school atmosphere that is not conducive; schools are less than optimal in the actualization of morals; diverse student characters who come from diverse families; lack of communication between parents of students and schools (institutions); and the negative impact of the current modernization which is increasingly unstoppable. In this case Rasulullah SAW through some of the hadith gives a picture of morals that should be applied by educators and students in everyday life, such as; respect for educators and students, good manners in the majlis of science, being gentle and so on. The implementation of moral values can be done with the method of habituation, giving examples (daily practice), direct advice as well as criticism or satire subtly into all relevant subjects especially in religious education and citizenship, integrating moral education into activities that are programmed or planned, establishing communication or collaboration between educational institutions and parents of students, and optimizing the role models of educators.

Сергей Козин ◽  
Sergey Kozin ◽  
Анна Мустафина ◽  
Anna Mustafina

The present paper gives a review of such terms as "value" and "extracurricular activities". Secular values are to be passed from generation to generation. Family is the most traditional means of the transfer. However, educational institutions are of equal importance, though criticized at all times and under all regimes. Therefore, school must build spiritual and moral values in schoolchildren, taking in consideration the current conditions. The authors tried to answer the question how exactly the modern school should do it. The research contains an analysis of numerous foreign and domestic scientific sources, as well as the authors’ own empirical research. The research objective was to identify the psychological and pedagogical conditions for orientation of adolescents to moral values during extracurricular activities. The empirical basis was the data obtained from a survey conducted at a secondary school (Romanovskaya Station) in 2018 (N=43). The research employed methods of analysis and synthesis. The results of theoretical and empirical research can find direct application in the educational process. They may also be useful for humanitarian departments of Russian pedagogical universities that prepare students for spiritual and moral education of students. In addition, the data can be used in the system of training and retraining of teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-231
Ni’mah Setya Asih

The integration between science and Islam is considered to have many advantages. There are many institutions that apply integration between Islam and science, especially educational institutions. There are various kinds of knowledge that can be integrated with Islamic Religious Education, one of integration of scienceand Islam is the integration of Islamic Religious Education with entertainment, Specifically entertainment in this research is the Naruto anime, this research aims to find out the integration between the values of life in the Naruto anime that originates in humanity and the values contained in Islamic Religious Education.This research is a library research by taking the main data sources namely Naruto anime and supporting data in the form of articles and relevant studies. After the data is collected, then the data are analyzed using content analysis methods which are then drawn conclusions using the theory of integration.In this study it was found that there are points of similarity between the values in the life of the Naruto anime with the values in Islamic Religious Education, Following some values can be integrated between the values of life in the Naruto anime with the value of Islamic Religious Education, there are: the spirit of life, courage, compassion, solidarity, sacrifice, love of the homeland, work ethic, learning, self-confidence. These nine values have a common point in terms of both Naruto anime life values and Islamic Religious Education values, which are both teaching about humanity More specifically, the value of Islamic Religious Education integrated with Naruto Anime life values is the value of moral education to fellow humans (hablum minannnar)

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-12
Zhamilya Namazbayeva ◽  
Aigerim Kalymova ◽  

This article discusses the general issues of the state and development of inclusive education in the Republic of Ka- zakhstan. The basic psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of inclusive education are disclosed, a significant place is given to solving specific problems regarding the activities of subjects of education. For the first time, an attempt has been made conceptually to reveal the complex relationship between the theory and practice of inclusive education by means of various sciences. A special role is given to highlighting the issue of readiness of the society, future specialists, the socio-psychological and legal aspects are disclosed. In addition, questions of the attitude of society towards people with special educational needs (SEN) were examined and a special place was em- phasized in this process for the psychological support of working with them. The components of psychological readi- ness are highlighted, some forms and methods of its formation in the country’s education system are presented. The development of public consciousness, the formation of a creative, comprehensive personality of persons with special needs is possible only with the implementation of the indicated theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of this great work.

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-318
Qolbi Khoiri

The pattern of implementation Islamic Religious Education for Children in the Middle Village Bengkulu city of Padang is in the form of religious education teaching and guiding the implementation of religious orders, supervise the child's behavior and reprimand them when doing that are not good. In addition, the family attempt provide all the needs of the children like to send them to a religious school and meet the needs of the child. Significantly shows that Islamic religious education in the family was instrumental in shaping the behavior of children, but not fully be seen in reality. The result of this discussion also shows that there are still many parents who do not understand the urgency of religious education in the family, because the majority of the parents surrender completely moral education of children in educational institutions.

Ta dib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Mubasyaroh Mubasyaroh

Religious and moral education from an early age so needs to be invested for the child, so that in the future they will have a strong and deep understanding of the norms and teachings of Islam. Age children early childhood and kindergarten (TK) is a time to play, so education is implemented particularly religious education should be designed properly by the teacher so that the education process into an active and fun activities. Kindergarten (TK) Putra Harapan Nalumsari Jepara is one of the educational institutions that provide education for early childhood, with one lesson material is a moral and religious education. Moral education is one of the materials is very important because in load values, morals and religion, so this will be a guide for students in later life. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research to describe in detail the subjects and issues to be studied. The findings in this study is the cultivation of religious values and morals for children Kindergarten revolves around the activities of daily life. In particular cultivation of religious values with laying the foundations of the faith, personality or character that is commendable and devotional practices, in accordance with the child's ability is implemented. As one of the early childhood education institutions, in conducting the study, have several models of delivery Edutainment, habituation and uswah hasanah as a reference implementation of teaching and learning.Pendidikan agama dan moral sejak usia dini perlu ditanamkan bagi anak, sehingga di masa depan mereka akan memiliki pemahaman yang kuat dan mendalam dari norma-norma dan ajaran Islam. Usia anak-anak usia dini dan taman kanak-kanak (TK) adalah waktu untuk bermain, sehingga pendidikan diimplementasikan khususnya pendidikan agama harus dirancang dengan baik oleh guru sehingga proses pendidikan menjadi kegiatan yang aktif dan menyenangkan. TK (TK) Putra Harapan Nalumsari Jepara merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang memberikan pendidikan bagi anak usia dini, dengan satu bahan pelajaran adalah pendidikan moral dan agama. pendidikan moral adalah salah satu bahan yang sangat penting karena di nilai beban, moral dan agama, jadi ini akan menjadi panduan bagi siswa di kemudian hari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan secara rinci subyek dan isu-isu yang akan diteliti. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah penanaman nilai-nilai dan moral agama untuk anak-anak TK berkisar pada aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam budidaya tertentu nilai-nilai agama dengan meletakkan dasar-dasar iman, kepribadian atau karakter yang praktek terpuji dan kebaktian, diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kemampuan anak. Sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini, dalam melakukan pendidikan, memiliki beberapa model pengantar Edutainment, pembiasaan dan uswah hasanah sebagai acuan pelaksanaan belajar mengajar.

2021 ◽  

The purpose of this study was to identify the educational value of the novel Partikel by Dewi Lestari. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a dynamic structuralism approach. The method used in this research is the observation method with the note-taking technique. The data was collected by classifying and describing the elements of literary works that were the subject of the study which emphasized the values that exist in the novel Partikel. The data source is the novel Partikel by Dewi Lestari, while the research data is sentences, phrases, and words that contain an educational value. The results showed that the educational value contained in the novel Partikel by Dewi Lestari is 1) the value of religious education; 2) the value of moral education; 3) social education value is a value that teaches people to be better towards themselves, other people, animals, and nature. The educational value contained in the novel Partikel by Dewi Lestari includes attitudes and ways of life of a person such as being loyal to friends, tolerance, determination, helping and preserving animals and nature; 4) the value of cultural education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 309
Harmita Sari ◽  
Andi Rizkiyah Hasbi ◽  
Sukmawati Tono Palangngan

One community that has a complex marriage system is Toraja, it is one of the tribes in Indonesia who still maintains their ancestral cultural traditions in their social life. The institutions in the Toraja communities are always associated with aluk (teachings or rules of life). This study aims to describe the educational values and functions in the text ma’parapa (silence) in the procession of rampanan kapa’ (wedding ceremony) in Tana Toraja. This type of research is qualitative research, and the research data is in the form of text quotations that describe the educational value contained in the ma’parapa text in the procession of the rampanan kapa’ in Tana Toraja. The results of this study indicate that the educational value contained in the text ma’parapa in the procession of rampanan kapa’ consists of 1) the value of religious education, namely to educate all people always to be grateful, to trust, and to exalt God’s power, 2) moral education, namely to express respect or in the sense of asking for permission before doing something in front of others by saying the word tabe, 3) social education, which is useful for the community to foster life with its environment, 4) cultural education, namely inviting all people to always maintain and develop marriage customs in it there are procedures for getting married which contain many moral messages that need to be applied in everyday life. The educational function of the ma’parapa text in the procession of rampanan kapa’ in Tana Toraja includes 1) the function of education for family and cultural groups, which is to encourage the younger generation to dare to speak in public, to be able to implement good behavior in daily life -day, and so that the younger generation can interpret advice, and relationships with God Almighty, and 2) to understand aluk rampanan kapa’ as a very sacred level of the ceremony where if there is a violation it will be sanctioned by fellow humans and also from the Creator.

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