Family Relations and Psychosocial Risk in Families with an Obese Adolescent

1998 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
pp. 251-260 ◽  
Giovanni G. Valtolina ◽  
Elena Marta

The aim of the present study is a comparison of family relations in families with an obese adolescent and families with a normal-weight adolescent. Particularly, we studied the parents' and children's perceptions of some crucial areas of their relationship, e.g., communication, support, and some factors of “psychosocial risk” for the adolescents. We compared 30 family triads each with an obese child and 30 family triads each with a normal-weight child. We used a questionnaire aimed to evaluate some crucial variables of family functioning such as communication, family climate, support and satisfaction. A multivariate analysis of variance yielded no difference between obese and nonobese adolescents concerning communication with their mothers and fathers and concerning support given and received from them. In particular, analysis indicated no difference between parents of obese adolescents and parents of normal-weight adolescents regarding openness and problems in communication. As a protective factor against psychosocial risk, in both the samples the relationship with the mother arises as relevant, but, for the nonobese adolescents, both support and communication with this parent were important, whereas for the obese adolescents only support seemed to be really important. The results are discussed with respect to this approach which considered the family as the unit of analysis both from a theoretical and a methodological point of view.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-69 ◽  
Isabelle Albert ◽  
Dieter Ferring ◽  
Tom Michels

According to the intergenerational solidarity model, family members who share similar values about family obligations should have a closer relationship and support each other more than families with a lower value consensus. The present study first describes similarities and differences between two family generations (mothers and daughters) with respect to their adherence to family values and, second, examines patterns of relations between intergenerational consensus on family values, affectual solidarity, and functional solidarity in a sample of 51 mother-daughter dyads comprising N = 102 participants from Luxembourgish and Portuguese immigrant families living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Results showed a small generation gap in values of hierarchical gender roles, but an acculturation gap was found in Portuguese mother-daughter dyads regarding obligations toward the family. A higher mother-daughter value consensus was related to higher affectual solidarity of daughters toward their mothers but not vice versa. Whereas affection and value consensus both predicted support provided by daughters to their mothers, affection mediated the relationship between consensual solidarity and received maternal support. With regard to mothers, only affection predicted provided support for daughters, whereas mothers’ perception of received support from their daughters was predicted by value consensus and, in the case of Luxembourgish mothers, by affection toward daughters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-40
Ryoko Okamura

Abstract This article examines the relationship between the Japanese American redress movement and the oral interviews of two Japanese immigrant women, known as Issei women. Focusing on the shared images of Issei women in the Japanese American community and the perspectives and self-representations of the interviewees in the oral interviews, it explores how cultural consensus produced stereotypical, collective images of Issei women as submissive, persevering, and quiet persons. As the redress movement progressed in the 1960s to the 1980s, the Japanese American community conducted oral history projects to preserve memories and legacies of their wartime experiences. There are dissimilarities between the original audio recordings and the published transcripts regarding the perspectives of Issei women. This article shows how the community’s desire to preserve idealized images of Issei men and women reduced the accuracy and nuances in the women’s self-representations and the complexities of family relations. Also, contrary to the collective images, Issei women demonstrated how they were independent, assertive, and open individuals expressing their perspectives, complicated emotions, and importance in the family.

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
علي عبد العزيز سيور

يجيب البحث عن إشكالية تتعلق بالعلاقات الأسرية من جهة الاحتكام للأعراف في النفقة والمسكن والملبس وغيرها، مما يترتب على ذلك خلافات تفضي ببعضها إلى المحاكم، وقد تنتهي بالطلاق. وقد هدف البحث إلى : 1 ـ تقديم منظومة معرفية متعلقة بدلالات العشرة بالمعروف من أجل الإسهام في إعادة تشكيل عقلية ناضجة للزوجين تضبط العلاقة بينهما عند الخلاف. 2 ـ تسليط الضوء على أبعاد وحدود المعروف نصًا والمعروف عرفًا في الأسرة. 3 ـ التأكيد على أن العشرة بالمعروف متبادلة بين كل من الزوج والزوجة، لا يقتصر هذا التكليف على واحد دون الآخر. وقد اعتمدت المنهج الاستقرائي عبر جمع الايات القرآنية ذات الصلة وذكر أقوال المفسرين والفقهاء، والمنهج التحليلي في فهم دلالات الألفاظ وتوجيهات المفسرين، والمنهج الاستنباطي بغية الوصول إلى ضوابط جامعة تخدم الهدف العام للبحث، وانتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات ومنها: اعتبار العرف الذي لا يخالف نصًا شرعيًا قاعدة من القواعد المعتبرة في ضبط العلاقات بين الزوجين. بشرط أن يقع تحت قدرة الزوج وطاقته، وأن يكون مما انتشر بين الناس، وينطبق على الأسرة مثله. القرآن الكريم ـ العشرة بالمعروف – العلاقة الأسرية – الحقوق بين الزوجين – العرف وأثره بين الزوجين. Summary The research answers a problem related to family relations in terms of resorting to customs in alimony, housing, clothing, and others...which results in disputes that may lead to some of them in the courts and may end in divorce. The aim of the research was to 1 - presenting a knowledge system related to the semantics of the good-natured in order to contribute to reshaping a mature mentality of the spouses that controls the relationship between them in the event of disagreement. 2 - and to shed light on the dimensions and limits of what is textually known and what is known by convention in the family. 3 - Emphasis on that good practice is mutual. Between both husband and wife, this assignment is not limited to one without the other. The inductive approach was adopted by collecting the relevant Qur’anic verses and mentioning the sayings of the commentators and jurists, the analytical approach in understanding the semantics of the words and the directives of the interpreters, and the deductive approach in order to reach comprehensive controls that serve the general objective of the research, and the research ended with a set of results and recommendations, including: Considering the custom that does not contradict A legal text is one of the considered rules in controlling relations between spouses. Provided that it falls under the husband’s ability and energy, and that it is something that has spread among people, and applies to the family like him. The Noble Qur’an - Ten Laws - Family Relationship - Rights between spouses - Custom and its effect between spouses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 18 ◽  
Yuri Andrea Arango-Bernal

Objetivo: analizar los significados que construyen las madres de personas en condición de hemofilia, sobre ser portadoras de la enfermedad. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque del interaccionismo simbólico que, a través de una etnografía particularista y el uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciones y revisión documental, rescató el punto de vista de 17 madres pertenecientes a la Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos que participaron de manera voluntaria y residen en diferentes municipios del departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Las participantes se reconocen a sí mismas como seres potenciales, es decir, no sólo como trasmisoras o cuidadoras de la enfermedad de sus hijos, sino como sujetos cognoscentes de su realidad dispuestas a reflexionar sobre sus aprendizajes e incorporarlos a favor de la relación consigo mismas y con los demás. Los significados más relevantes son: empezar a vivir con hemofilia, asumir la enfermedad, la familia, el cuidado y la crianza, la relación con los servicios de salud, caminando con algo que no se puede desprender y darse cuenta. Conclusiones: La salud colectiva es la posibilidad de tener un acercamiento más comprensivo al proceso salud – enfermedad – atención de los colectivos humanos, tomando en cuenta las condiciones económicas, sociales y culturales en las que estos se inscriben. La pregunta por los significados de estas madres develó el tejido de lo individual y lo colectivo, como un asunto que trasciende el plano biológico de la enfermedad y da cuenta de la construcción social en la que confluyen prácticas, saberes, imaginarios y sentimientos.Palabras Clave: Cuidadores, enfermedad crónica, hemofilia A, madresSignifi cance of being a hemophilia carrierAbstractObjective: Analyzing the meanings that mothers of people with hemophilia, build about being carriers of the disease. Materials and methods: Study based on the qualitative method supported by the approach of symbolic interaction, which through a particularistic ethnography, and the use of semi-structured interviews, observations and document review, rescued the point of view of 17 mothers belonging to the Liga Antioqueña de Hemofílicos. They participated voluntarily and reside in different municipalities of Antioquia. Results: The participants recognize themselves as potential beings, that is, not only as disseminators or carers of the illness of their children, but as cognocentes subject of their reality willing to reflect on their learning and incorporate them in favor of the relationship with herself and others. The most important meanings are: start living with hemophilia, assuming the disease, the family, the care and upbringing, relationships with health services, walking with something that can not be detached and realize. Conclusions: Collective health is the ability to have a more comprehensive approach to process health - disease - care of human groups, taking into account the economic, social and cultural conditions in which they are registered. The question of the meaning of these mothers, unveiled the tissue of the individual and the collective, as a matter that transcends the biological level of the disease and accounts for the social construction that blends practices, knowledge, imaginary and feelings.Key Words: Hemophilia A, chronic disease, mothers, caregivers. Significado de ser portadora de hemofiliaResumo                                   Objetivo: Analisar os significados construídos pelas mães de pessoas com hemofilia, sobre ser portadores da doença. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo qualitativo com foco no interacionismo simbólico, que, através de uma etnografia individualista e o uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações e revisão documental, resgatou o ponto de vista de 17 mães pertencentes à Liga Antioquia de Hemófilos que participaram voluntariamente e residem em diferentes municípios do departamento de Antioquia. Resultados: Os participantes se reconhecem como seres potenciais, ou seja, não apenas como transmissores ou cuidadores da doença de seus filhos, mas como sujeitos cognitivos de sua realidade que estão dispostos a refletir sobre sua aprendizagem e a incorporá-los em favor do relacionamento com eles mesmos e com os outros. Os significados mais relevantes são: começar a viver com hemofilia, assumir a doença, família, cuidados e educação, relacionar-se com os serviços de saúde, caminhar com algo que você não pode separar e perceber. Conclusões: A saúde coletiva é a possibilidade de ter uma abordagem mais abrangente para o processo saúde-doença-cuidado de grupos humanos, levando em consideração as condições econômicas, sociais e culturais nas quais estão registradas. A questão dos significados dessas mães revela o tecido do indivíduo e o coletivo como um problema que transcende o plano biológico da doença e explica a construção social em que as práticas, o conhecimento, o imaginário e os sentimentos convergem.Palavras-Chave: Cuidadores, doenças crônicas, hemofilia A, mães  

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Р. І. Борисов ◽  
І. І. Шеремет

The article deals with the influence of the Ukrainian students’ ascriptive statuses on the course of their professionalsocialization. There are are students’ status positions, educational dispositions and the content and focus of theeducational process among the factors of professional socialization. The ascriptive statuses are considered as socialindicators which may restrict the access of the students to the tertiary education. A number of ascriptive statuses,which may have the restrictive influence, are identified, among which are the sex, the economic and cultural capitalof the family, place of living before the admission to higher education. It was listed the signs of student heterogeneityas a socio-demographic group. The education of students in higher education institutions is considered with the prismof acquiring the competences obtained as a result of the implementation of educational practices. The professionalsocialization is considered as the process of the acquisition of the professional competences during the process of theimplementation of the educational practices. The notion of the professional practice is applied from the standpointof P. Bourdieu’s Constructivist Structuralism and is defined as routineized unconscious acts which are repeated intime and are aimed at the realization of the strategy of the achieving the goal within a certain sphere of social reality.The authors refer to the results of a quantitative survey of Ukrainian students to determine the degree of influence ofascriptive statuses on the process of professional socialization in universities. The relationship between the intensity ofeducational practices contributing to the learning process and academic achievement is analyzed. The existence andhierarchy of educational practices from the point of view of their effectiveness is identified and characterized. Theconclusion is made that there is a significant impact of the set of the students’ ascriptive statuses on the course of theprofessional socialization. As a result the cultural capital of a family of students has the highest “capital intensivity” incomparison with other ascriptive statuses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-123

A task. The author of the article set himself the task of answering the question - what is meant by obligations for material security in family relations. Model. To solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the issues of legal regulation of material content obligations under the family legislation of the Russian Federation and alimony relations, identify the features of legal regulation of material content relations, propose a model for building material content relations between their various participants and understand the relationship between material content obligations and alimentation obligations. Conclusion. A distinction should be made between material support in the family and alimony. They treat each other as general and private. According to the author, there is a contradiction between the rule established by law that certain categories of persons are liable for material maintenance and the assumption of execution under duress of the same obligation, which must be fulfilled voluntarily. Practical significance. The author of the article believes that the conclusions formulated in the submitted article will be useful for a theoretical understanding of legal relations of alimony, an understanding of the relationship between obligations for material maintenance under family law of the Russian Federation and alimony. Social consequences. the theoretical model proposed by the author of the study as the basis for the possible legislative consolidation and subsequent practice of applying material content, including alimentation, between participants in family relations in conjunction with other measures taken in this direction [6] will allow over time to solve the systemic problem of alimony payments. Originality, value. A correct legal understanding of the legal situation, which causes practical difficulties, will strengthen the rule of law and encourage necessary legislative changes to ensure the most effective regulation of family and alimony relations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 407-413 ◽  
Didem Aydogan ◽  
Seval Kizildag

The aim of this study is to present an explanation of relational resilience in families with a disabled child with spousal support, which can be a protective factor, and couple burnout, which can be a risk factor. The study group of the research consisted of 233 married individuals. Of the participants who live in Turkey, 162 (69.5%) were female and 71 (30.5%) were male. In the study, Relational Resilience Scale was used to measure the relational resilience of the participants, Couple Burnout Scale was used to measure the relationship burnout, Spouse Support Scale was used to measure the level of support spouses receive from each other, and Demographic Information Form was used to determine the demographic characteristics. The data were tested with standard multiple regression analysis. According to the findings of the study, spousal support as a protective factor and couple burnout as a risk factor predict the relational resilience in families with a disabled child. Starting from this point of view, relational resilience of married individuals with a disabled child was evaluated with regard to spousal support and burnout within the marriage. Results were discussed in light of the related literature and suggestions were made.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-87
Hannah Callaway

This article examines a particularly interesting inheritance case from late-eighteenth-century France to study the intersection of legal practices and Enlightenment ideas at the end of the Old Regime. The case, involving dispute around the estate of a deceased tax farmer, addresses family relations broadly within the specific context of inheritance and spousal assets. The five briefs produced on appeal to the Parlement of Paris show particular engagement with Enlightenment themes of reason, nature, and sentiment. The family was a locus of particular interest in eighteenth-century France because of its implications for social relations and its connection, through inheritance, to royal sovereignty. However, family law has been primarily studied from the perspective of practices, whereas the present article focuses on ideals. The article argues that the courtroom was an important site where the diverse implications of Enlightenment thought on family law were worked out. The argument that family law was a site for integrating ideals into practices has implications for how we think about the relationship between law and social change, as well as, in particular, the relationship between Enlightenment and Revolution.

Laura Cardia-Vonèche ◽  
Malik von Allmen ◽  
Benoit Bastard

This article deals with the daily health management within the family which, far from involving skills only, is based on the existence and significations or contents of family relations themselves. To study the family/health connection from this point of view enables: 1) to underline that the role played by the family is not only curative but also preventive, 2) to observe that this role resides also in other types of activities which are but indirectly related to health and, 3) to show that this role is also highly dependent on the state of relations within the family cell. This investigation of the family role in health matters is based on studies conducted in various European countries (France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany) and favours the analysis of broken families, since it brings out the unknown dimensions of daily health management and its related specific family forms of sociability.

2011 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Waldemar Świętochowski

Schizophrenia in adolescents and the family system Empirical research shows that chronic diseases have specific, idiosyncratic functions in the family, and give real, psychosocial advantages (like tightening loosened family relations or helping solve interpersonal conflicts). This leaves the question - can schizophrenic disorders have similar function in the family system as a chronic somatic disease? We have analyzed systemic family traits in families with schizophrenic young patients (50 families). The reference samples were two kinds of families: families with schizophrenic adults and families without any chronic disease or chronic illness ("healthy families"). The subjects of analysis were coefficients of the systemic features, identified by factor analysis according to author's proposal. Oneway Anova was used to compare indexes between three groups of families. The results show that mental disorder in adolescents participates in the life of the whole family, having similar functions to the functions of chronic somatic diseases. They also suggest that, from the family members' point of view, schizophrenic disorders in a teenagers has different quality compared to schizophrenic disorders in an adult.

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