Principles of formation of the agro-industrial complex in the modern agricultural economy of Russia

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 2345-2359

Subject. This article deals with the issues of development of market relations in agriculture. Objectives. The article aims to consider the research vocabulary used when describing the features of the development of the agro-industrial complex during the period of market reforms. Methods. For the study, I used analysis and synthesis, and the methods of grouping, comparison, and generalization. Results. The article finds that cash and raw material flows, labor and technical resources cannot be allocated on a centralized basis, as it was usually done during the emergence of the structure of the agro-industrial complex. Conclusions. The traditional category of Agro-Industrial Complex is losing its economic relevance. For scientific observation and practical use, other generalizing categories should replace it.


Согласно данным проекта Стратегии развития физической культуры и спорта в Российской Федерации до 2030 года, в 2008–2019 гг. численность систематически занимающегося физической культурой и спортом населения выросла в 2,5 раза. Это обусловливает необходимость создания инновационных продуктов для людей занимающихся спортом. Для определения перспектив создания продуктов специального назначения, в частности функциональных напитков для спортивного питания, проведен анализ патентов в этой области. Объектом анализа были 59 патентов, опубликованных с 1995 г. по май 2020 г. и занесенных в отечественную – ФИПС и международные – EAPATIS, USPTO, EPO, CISPATANT базы данных. Проанализированы следующие подклассы изобретений по актуализированной версии МПК: A23C, A23D, A23F, A23G, A23J, A23K, A23L, A61K, A61P, C12G. Результаты исследований представлены на рисунках в виде диаграмм. Установлено, что производство функциональных напитков для спортивного питания активно развивается. Российская Федерация имеет преимущество по количеству зарегистрированных патентов в этой области, но по объему производства продукции уступает зарубежным странам. Поскольку продукция агропромышленного комплекса России вполне удовлетворяет требованиям потребителей к натуральности сырьевого состава продукта, для обеспечения стабильности внутреннего рынка перспективно развитие отечественного производства функциональных напитков для спортивного питания. According to the draft strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030, in 2008–2019, the number of people systematically engaged in physical culture and sports increased by 2,5 times. This makes it necessary to create innovative products for people involved in sports. To determine the prospects for creating special-purpose products, in particular functional beverages for sports nutrition, an analysis of patents in this area was conducted. 59 patents published from 1995 to may 2020 and included in the national – FIPS and international – EAPATIS, USPTO, EPO, CISPATANT databases were the object of analysis. Subclasses of inventions according to the updated version of the IPC A23C, A23D, A23F, A23G, A23J, A23K, A23L, A61K, A61P and C12G are analyzed. The results of the research are presented in figures in the form of diagrams. It is established that the production of functional beverages for sports nutrition is actively developing. The Russian Federation has an advantage in the number of registered patents in this area, but in terms of production volume it is inferior to foreign countries. Since the products of the Russian agro-industrial complex fully meet the requirements of consumers for the naturalness of the raw material composition of the product, the development of domestic production of functional beverages for sports nutrition is promising to ensure the stability of the domestic market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 905-923

Subject. The article investigates the essence and salient features within the study of the industrial complex and integrated industrial structure categories. Objectives. The purpose is to research and develop definitions, study approaches to the industrial complex category, and underpin my unique interpretation. Methods. The study applies methods of analysis and synthesis, the systematization, formalization, and comparative analysis approach. Theoretical and methodological provisions contained in the works on industry development by domestic and foreign scientists, and legal documents, serve as the basis of the study. Results. I offer my interpretation of an industrial complex, as a challenging structure, represented by industrial enterprises and characterized by the stability of production cooperation chains, close interrelation of industry and regional specialization, providing for the digital transformation of industry, and subject to the environmental component. The paper identifies key properties of industrial complex, offers a classification by industry specifics, localization, diversification, and the level of State participation. Conclusions. The findings may be used as an element of theoretical basis to support management decisions on industrial complex development.

2015 ◽  
Vol 119 ◽  
pp. 217-229 ◽  
Pablo Piñero ◽  
Mari Heikkinen ◽  
Ilmo Mäenpää ◽  
Eva Pongrácz

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-206
Яхьяев ◽  
Aydyn Yakhyaev ◽  
Абиев ◽  
Yusif Abiev

In the farms of the north-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus wood raw material obtained from intermediate felling, is not fully utilized and is not effective, due to the organizational and technical difficulties of farms. In addressing these issues in 8 directions of the region with a length of 40-50 km 14 intermediate assembly points were organized, which are intended for the collection and temporary storage of wood raw material harvested within a radius of 15-20 km of the forest. Need to establish assembly points is due to the complexity of relief items and the possibility of year-round use of the main roads of regional importance. To ensure uninterrupted timber industry and in full at the assembly point accumulated wood raw material is partially sorted. Processing of harvested wood raw material is planned for timber industry, located near the central region of the main road in the territory of Cuba town. Establishment in the area of the complex is considered justified, since the resource base in the coming years for intermediate, and later for the main use will be more than 100 thousand hectares of forests in the region. In the proposed area for the industrial complex for processing of raw wood there are all the technical and economic prerequisites. Accumulated in the assembly points wood raw material to the point of processing is transported using self-loading lumber carriers of up to 8 meters length, which is associated with a complex terrain conditions and road network in the region. This complex is planned to organize the following process areas: sawmills, parquet and packaging, small-chip technology, processing of technical greenery. In organizing the production sites size and quality characteristics and volumes of each category of harvested wood raw materials are taking into account, as well as the need for forest products in the region and the country as a whole. In the processes it is envisaged to use the most advanced modular processing of wood with the release of standard lumber, wood workpieces of different products, pulp chips, wood greens and products of its processing.

Oleg Braginsky

In a situation of economic downturn, complicated by COVID-19 pandemic, which has covered many countries in the world, including Russia, it is necessary to choose ways to ensure more or less sustainable economic growth. The condition in the Russian chemical complex is analyzed. The choice of the chemical complex as one of the priority ways of the Russian economic development has been substantiated. A conditional long-term development Program for the Russian chemical complex is worked out. This Program takes into account the shortcomings of fragmented government measures for the development of chemical and petrochemical industries. It is argued that the implementation of the Program will allow increasing the domestic supply for high-value-added hydrocarbon products, generally contributing to the reduction of the raw material share of Russian exports. The authors' earlier research to optimize structure of the development program for a large industrial complex in conditions of limited resources is developed. In particular, an approach to the choice of the optimal structure of the development program`s budget, consisting of such sources of financing as assignments from the national budget, private capital, long-term credits, as well as reinvested profit from investment projects participating in the Program is proposed. The results of economic and mathematical modeling and computer experimentation for optimizing structure of this Program`s consolidated budget, which make it possible to significantly improve its target indicators, as well as to involve socially significant low-profit investment projects of small and medium-sized businesses, are presented.

Gennadiy V. Bespakhotniy ◽  

The article examines the features of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation at various stages of agricultural policy. The main models of integration and cooperative associations in the Soviet period and in the period of market reforms are analyzed. The forms of integration in modern Russia and the reasons for the insufficient development of cooperative forms are determined. The directions of improving the mechanisms for the development of cooperation and integration are proposed.

Б.Т. Базарова ◽  
Б.Қ. Копбулсынова ◽  
Ж.А. Аймешева ◽  
B. Bazarova ◽  
B. Kopbulsynova ◽  

Батыс Қазақстан облысындағы кәсіпорындардың эволюциясы экономикалық дамудың жалпы циклдік сипатына байланысты да, әр түрлі сыртқы және ішкі факторлардың осы салаға әсер етуінен, сондай-ақ даму процесінде сөзсіз ауытқулар салдарынан ауытқуларға ұшырайды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының аймақтық агроөнеркәсіптік кешенін тұрақты дамытудың басымдықтары талдау арқылы анықталуы керек. Зерттеудің мақсаты - Батыс Қазақстан облысының агроөнеркәсіптік кешенінің тиімді және тұрақты дамуын зерттеу болып табылады. Бұл тақырыпты зерттеу кезінде статистикалық-экономикалық әдіс, талдау және синтез қолданылды. Ауылшаруашылық кешенінің жеке аймақ ретінде тұрақты дамуы да, жалпы елдің де дамуы ауылшаруашылық кешенінің тұрақты қалыптасуынсыз мүмкін емес, себебі оның түпкі өнімі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі болып табылады, ал оның мақсаты - талаптарына сай халықты сапалы өніммен қамтамасыз ету. Талдау көрсеткендей, ауылшаруашылық өндірісінің қазіргі жағдайы, қолайсыз факторлардың әсерінің күшеюімен сипатталады, ең алдымен табиғи факторлардың өндірісінде, жалпы өсімдік шаруашылығы өнімінің жылдық айырмашылықтарын тудырады, және өз кезегінде мал шаруашылығындағы ауытқуларға әкеледі, сонымен қатар оның әсері өңдеуші салаларда сезіледі, ал бұл өнеркәсіптің шикізаты болып табылады. Зертеу барысында 2015 жылдан бастап Батыс Қазақстан облысының аумағында ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдері өндірісінің күрт төмендегені анықталды, бұл жалпы, сондай-ақ өсімдік шаруашылығы мен мал шаруашылығы салалары бойынша да өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуіне әкелді, және ол бүгінгі күнге дейін жалғасуда. Агроөнеркәсіптік кешеннің шикізат саласындағы өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі өнімдерін өндіруде ауытқулардың артуына әкеліп соқтырды, бұның нәтижесінде халыққа азық-түлік өнімдерін ұсынуда тұрақсыздық пайда болды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының АӨК-ін оның салаларының өнімділігі мен кірістілігін арттыруға бағытталған одан әрі дамыту өндірісті жаңғыртуды және қайта жарақтандыруды, оның инфрақұрылымын дамытуды және салалық кластерлерді қалыптастыруды талап етеді. Кілт сөздер: агроөнеркәсіп кешені, тербеліс, аграрлық сектор, өндіріс, халық саны, агротехника, экономика, талдау, өнімдер, өсімдік шаруашылығы. The evolution of enterprise in the West Kazakhstan region is subject to fluctuations due to both the general cyclical nature of economic development and the impact of various external and internal factors on this industry, as also fluctuations unavoidable in the evolution process. The priorities for sustainable evolution of the regional agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region should be identified through analysis. The goal of the research is to study the effective and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region. Through studies this topic, the statistical-economic method, analysis and synthesis were used. Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of both a particular region and the country as a whole is impossible without the stable functioning of its core - agriculture, the final product of which is used by the processing industry, whose goal is to provide the population with high-quality products in volumes that meet their requirements. Current state of agricultural production, as the analysis shows, is characterized by an increase in the influence of unfavorable factors on production, first of all natural ones, which cause annual differences in the production of gross crop production, which, in turn, convey fluctuations to the livestock industry and, as a result, affects the processing industries. it is the raw material of the industry. In the course of the study, it was found that, since 2015, in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, there has been a sharp decline in agricultural production, which led to a decrease in the stability of production in general, and in the fields of crop and livestock production, which continues to the present. A decrease in the sustainability of production in the raw materials sector of the agro-industrial complex entailed an increase in fluctuations in the production of products of the processing industry, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of an instability in the supply of food to the population. Further development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region, aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of its industries, requires the modernization and re-equipment of production, the development of its infrastructure and the formation of industry clusters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 1420-1456
Lyudmila I. PRONYAEVA ◽  

Subject. This article studies the processes of clustering of the agro-industrial complex of the Orel Oblast. Objectives. The article aims to develop an improved methodology for identifying regional agro-industrial clusters. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of generalization, localization, formal characterization, and the point-rating and cartographic methods. Results. The article defines modern trends in the clustering of the agricultural economy in foreign countries and Russia, and offers an original method to identify regional agro-industrial clusters. Conclusions. The developed comprehensive approach to the identification of agro-industrial clusters can help systematically arrange organizational work to create them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00050
E. F. Amirova ◽  
O. V. Kirillova ◽  
M. G. Kuznetsov ◽  
Sh. M. Gazetdinov ◽  
G. H. Gumerova

The article analyzes the research results of a number of analytical agencies regarding the growth rate and key problems associated with the introduction of the “Internet of things” (IoT) in the agricultural economy. The issues of the development of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the development of the digital economy, the experience of introducing the digital economy in the agricultural sector of developed countries and the possibilities of its application in agriculture in Russia are considered. The authors focuses on the positive aspects of the influence of the “Internet of things” on the functioning and development of modern agricultural markets at the macro and micro levels, and the change in the professional structure of the agricultural industry

Валерий Рябов ◽  
Valerii Riabov ◽  
Ольга Столбова ◽  
Olga Stolbova

The article describes the modern functional and territorial structure of the economic complex of one of the most industrial regions of the Asian Russia – the Kemerovo region. The basic link in the economic complex of the Kemerovo Region is industry. A quarter of the economically active population in the region is employed in industry. Industry provides half of the gross regional product. The role of industry in the economic complex of the Kemerovo region has not changed for many years. In general, the region’s industry has a pronounced raw material orientation. Raw materials industries are the leading ones in the industry structure of the region: the total share of the coal industry, metallurgy, electrical energy and the chemical industry in the total production of industrial products is 85 %. Kuzbass is Russia’s leader in coal mining. The share of high-tech industries is negligible. Machine building accounts for no more than 5 % of industrial production. The industry of the Kemerovo region is characterized by a poly-branch structure, formed primarily on the basis of the coal resources of the Kuznetsk Basin. The leading role belongs to the coal-metallurgical system of production, which forms a number of highly developed energy production cycles (coal-energy, chemicals, pyrometallurgical and others), some of which (raw materials extraction) are located outside the region.

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