scholarly journals Upaya bimbingan konseling nilai dan spiritual terhadap Transgender di Yogyakarta

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Ardi Ansyah Ardiansyah

<p>Melaui artikel ini penulis memberikan gambaran terkait pelaksanaan bimbingan konseling nilai dan spiritual terhadap transgender dalam menumbuhkan nilai dan spiritualnya untuk kehidupan kesehariannya serta berbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Konselor/pembimbing. Dalam penelitian ini bimbingan konseling nilai dan spiritual dapat dilihat sebagai jendela untuk membaca dan melihat lebih jauh fenomena bimbingan nilai dan spritualitas terhadap transgender yang dilakukan dengan berbagai upaya. Disamping itu, akan di fokuskan pada pokok permasalahan besar dengan  rumusan masalah terkait proses bimbingan konseling nilai dan spiritual terhadap santri Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah Yogyakarta, serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat bimbingan nilai dan spiritual santri. Adapun metode penelitiannya yakni menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan terkait bimbingan konseling nilai dan spiritual santri. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bimbingan yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan spiritual santri yakni, bimbingan dan koseling pribadi-sosial serta bimbingan dan konseling religius. Adapun faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya yakni, adanya dorongan motivasi santri mendalami nilai spirtual melalui bimbingan nilai dan spritualitas. Adapun faktor penghambat yakni, kurangnya respon masyarakat publik serta respon lingkungan sekitar dengan adanya pengucilan di masyarakat. Ini dilakukan agar terpenuhinya bimbngan nilai dan spiritual transgender  untuk belajar mengenal Islam melalui nilai dan spritual dalam kehidupannya.</p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><em>Through this article provides an overview related to the implementation of counseling of value and spiritual counseling on transgender in fostering the value and spiritual for their daily lives as well as various efforts carried out by counselors. In this study, counseling on value and spiritual counseling can see further the phenomenon of guidance on values and spirituality towards transgender people. major issues with the formulation of the problem related to the process of counseling the value and spiritual counseling for the students of Waria al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta, as well as supporting factors and obstacles to the guidance of values and spiritual santri. The research method is using qualitative research by describing santri's spiritual and value counseling. From the results of the study indicate that the guidance is carried out in improving the spiritual of the students namely, personal-social guidance and counseling and religious guidance and counseling. As for the supporting and inhibiting factors, namely, the motivation for students to explore spiritual values through the guidance of values and spirituality. The inhibiting factors are the lack of response from the public and the response of the surrounding environment to the existence of isolation in the community.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Nabila Rahma Silmi ◽  
Tuah Nur ◽  
Dian Purwanti

The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of regional disaster management policies in Sukabumi City and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors of the successful implementation of regional disaster management policies. This research method uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of regional disaster management policies was not optimal. The conclusion is that the socialization activities are still lacking and equitable, human resources and infrastructure have not been added yet. The inhibiting factors are in terms of institutional, apparatus discipline, budget, resources, facilities and environment that are less conducive. Supporting factors are the existence of regulations or regulations on disaster management. for communication carried out by BPBD Sukabumi City in carrying out socialization activities or training on disaster management to the public is still lacking and uneven. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Disaster Management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-234
Bashori Bashori

This study aims to investigates the supporting and inhibiting factors in non vowel Islamic’s Kitab Kuning (The Yellow Books) educa- tion at Pesantren Putri al-Ishlahiyyah Singosari. Qualitative research method is used in this study by using descriptive qualitative data. From the analysis, this study finds : 1) The implementation of the education is still in a traditional form, which is, using only pesantren’s material and exclude the public school’s general material in it’s curriculum. Moreover, language learning methods used in Madrasah Diniyah classes consist of enumeration methods ( bandongan ), rote methods ( hafalan ), and assess- ment methods; 2) This study concludes that supporting factors in this pesantren are: educational infrastructure and facilities , interconnected learning materials, highly educated santri and ustadz . Meanwhile, the in- hibiting factors are : less active and motivated students, lack of the in- structional media and related books, the existence of translation books which make students less motivated to learn the non-translated source books, Monotonous teaching methods, and lastly, insufficient duration due to short period and time allocation.

2019 ◽  
Lutfiani Dwi Oktavia

Social media is no longer a taboo for Indonesian people, young and old all using social media, for example, Instagram. Instagram users have reached 56 millions and become the fourth largest country in the world beat Russia, Turkey, Japan, and United Kingdom (according to april 2019 sources). The writing of this article aims to describe the form of utilization from the Instagram account @ruang_bimbingan_konseling. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research method with uses data in the form of words and produces descriptions in the form of words. The results of this study show Instagram can be a medium for informing all information about guidance and counseling in the form of photos and videos. Instagram can be a solution in overcoming the lack of information about guidance and counseling, which raises the stigma to the public about guidance and counseling is the school police or just dealing with bad boys.

2019 ◽  
Sinta Tri Haryani

Guidance and counseling consist of various fields of personal guidance, social guidance, tutoring, and career guidance, but the public view of guidance and counseling is often erroneous, society often implies Guidance and counseling are only limited to addressing problematic pupils. The study aims to analyse the general public's perspectives on guidance and counseling in all fields. The method used in this research is a survey research method or a method used to obtain research results in the form of opinion or opinions from other people who interact directly with objects observed through polls and Interview. The results show that most people already understand that guidance and counseling is not something scary can actually help learners to deal with problems but still many who have not interest in completing The problems faced by mobile services and counseling. The implication of this research is to know how far the public knowledge of guidance and counseling is and as a means of knowledge and introspective to improve the community's perspective on guidance and counseling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-234
Bashori Bashori

This study aims to investigates the supporting and inhibiting factors in non vowel Islamic’s Kitab Kuning (The Yellow Books) educa- tion at Pesantren Putri al-Ishlahiyyah Singosari. Qualitative research method is used in this study by using descriptive qualitative data. From the analysis, this study finds : 1) The implementation of the education is still in a traditional form, which is, using only pesantren’s material and exclude the public school’s general material in it’s curriculum. Moreover, language learning methods used in Madrasah Diniyah classes consist of enumeration methods ( bandongan ), rote methods ( hafalan ), and assess- ment methods; 2) This study concludes that supporting factors in this pesantren are: educational infrastructure and facilities , interconnected learning materials, highly educated santri and ustadz . Meanwhile, the in- hibiting factors are : less active and motivated students, lack of the in- structional media and related books, the existence of translation books which make students less motivated to learn the non-translated source books, Monotonous teaching methods, and lastly, insufficient duration due to short period and time allocation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Falentino Surya Situmorang ◽  
Rafiqi Rafiqi ◽  
Riswan Munthe

The crime of seizure and theft of motorized vehicles with violence is so disturbing to the public. This research method was conducted using empirical juridical research methods. The role of the investigator is very important in overcoming the crime of seizure and theft of motorized vehicles with violence, bearing in mind the high number of crimes that occur in the community, especially in the surrounding area of the Medan City Police. The role of the Medan City Polrestabes in dealing with motor vehicle theft with violence appears from preventive and repressive efforts. As law enforcers, patrons and community guides through routine raids and patrols in places suspected of being prone to motor vehicle theft and socialization to the public. Inhibiting factors in the police, including the lack of witness participation in providing information in the investigation process, the limited number of investigators, inadequate income / salary factors of investigators, the lack of an investigative budget, inadequate facilities and infrastructure to support investigator performance and lack of participation witness in providing information in the investigation process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2A) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Arif Budi Witarto ◽  
Mega Trishuta Pathiassana

Pesantren is a type of based educational institutionreligious. The Dea Malela International Islamic Boarding School is one of thema modern Islamic school and all its students live in Islamic boarding schoolsboarding school. the purpose of this research is to know the strategythe guidance applied by Ustadz to students in Islamic boarding schoolsInternational Dea Malela so that it can become a reference for Islamic boarding schoolsothers in building the morals of students to be better, and to knowsupporting and inhibiting factors in the coaching strategy between ustadz andstudents in instilling moral values. The research method usedin this research is a qualitative method which is the methodsto explore and understand meaning by a number of individuals ora group of people who come from social or humanitarian problems. Resultfrom this research is the coaching strategy carried out at the PondokDea Malela International Islamic Boarding School, namely by implementing discipline,exemplary, simplicity, habituation and multiplying activities that can maximize the potential of each student. For fieldsKepesantrenan PPM Dea Malela has compulsory programs such asQiyamul-Lail, One Day One Verse, Literacy, Dhuha Prayer, Muwajjah (studyevening), Ma'tsuroh (praying together before going to sleep), absence, studyingArabic and English vocabulary, Read al-Qur'an, Halaqoh with WaliFoster care, Public Speaking or speech training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 710-727
Eko Prasetio ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini ◽  
Adam Adam

The implementation of licensing services through Online Single Submission (OSS) at the Binjai City Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Licensing Service (DPMPPTSP) can still be said to be unsatisfactory because it still has problems in licensing services, especially Construction Services Business Permit (IUJK) services. Problems that are often faced include the completion of the Construction Service Business Permit (IUJK) not on time and business actors do not understand the operation of the OSS system, which results in licensing services through the OSS not yet maximized. This study is to determine the quality of licensing services through OSS at the DPMPPTSP Binjai City and to find out the inhibiting factors for the implementation of licensing through OSS at the Binjai City DPMPPTSP. This research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate the quality of licensing services through OSS at DPMPPTSP of Binjai City which is examined from the dimensions of service quality, namely Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance ( guarantee), Empathy (empathy) as a whole is considered good but not optimal. The DPMPPTSP Of Binajai City is expected to have a technical team located at the Dinas and Dinas to conduct socialization regarding the use of the OSS system to the public so that the public is able to register their own permits and not through third parties/brokers.

NALARs ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Ashadi Ashadi ◽  
Anisa Anisa ◽  
Ratna Dewi Nur'aini

ABSTRAK. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia akan mempengaruhi lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan pada Makam dan Masjid Bersejarah serta melihat pengaruhnya terhadap penggunaan ruang Publik. Objek studi yang diambil menjadi studi kasus adalah Makam dan masjid Luar Batang yang terletak di permukiman padat penduduk. Studi kasus ini diambil dengan pertimbangan bahwa Makam dan Masjid Luar Batang termasuk kawasan masjid bersejarah yang sampai saat ini masih ramai menjadi tujuan ziarah. Menariknya, Makam dan Masjid ini terletak di daerah padat penduduk yang minim ruang publik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan serta mendapatkan relasi dari kegiatan ritual ziarah Makam Habib Husein dengan penggunaan ruang publik di Kampung Luar Batang. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif interpretatif terhadap data dan analisis secara kualitatif dengan sampel diambil secara purposif. Kegiatan yang diamati adalah kegiatan ritual ziarah Makam dan kegiatan yang dilakukan di ruang publik. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah ada relasi dari kegiatan ritual ziarah makam Habib Husein dengan penggunaan ruang publik di Sekitar Masjid Luar Batang. Kegiatan yang masuk dalam ritual ziarah makam antara lain berdo’a-sholat-mengaji di sekitar Makam, kegiatan akhir ziarah, haul habib Husein, dan pengajian di Masjid Luar Batang yang merupakan rangkaian dari ziarah. Sedangkan ruang publik  pada Kampung Luar Batang yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan ziarah adalah halaman masjid Luar Batang dan jalanan umum. Kegiatan ritual ziarah makam menimbulkan kegiatan lain di ruang publik. Aktivitas lain yang dimaksud adalah aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan komersil dan kegiatan sosial. Kata kunci : kegiatan ritual ziarah, makam Habib Husein, ruang publik, Kampung Luar Batang. ABSTRACT. Activities undertaken by humans will affect the surrounding environment. This study discusses the activities conducted at the Tomb and the Historical Mosque as well as see the effect on the use of Public space. The object of the research taken into the case study is the Tombs and Masjid Luar Batang located in densely populated settlements. This case study was taken into the consideration that the Tombs and Masjid Luar Batang including the historic mosque which until now is still a busy pilgrimage destination. Interestingly, the Tomb and the Mosque is located in a densely populated area with minimal open space. The purpose of this research is to describe and interpret and get relation from the activity of pilgrimage Habib Hussein Habib with the use of public space in Kampung Luar Batang. The research method used descriptive interpretative of the data and analyzed qualitatively with the sample taken purposively. The activities observed were the activities of the pilgrimage rituals of the Tomb and the activities carried out in the public sphere. The results obtained from this research is no relation to the activities of pilgrimage Habib Husein tomb with the use of public space in the vicinity of Masjid Luar Batang. Activities included in the pilgrimage ritual of the tomb include praying around the Tomb, the end of the pilgrimage, haul Habib Hussein, and praying in Masjid Luar Batang which is a series of pilgrimages. While the public space in Kampung Luar Batang associated with the pilgrimage activities is the courtyard outside the Stem and public streets. The ritual pilgrimage activity of the tomb raises other activities in the public sphere, other activities in question are activities related to commercial and social activities. Keywords: pilgrimage ritual activity, Habib Hussein's grave, public space, Kampung Luar Batang. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-232
M. Syara Nurhakim

AbstractThis research is motivated by the lack of application of spiritual and social values which are considered important in the implementation of congregational prayers in order to achieve the goal of perfect worship, both physically and mentally. The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning of the spiritual and social values of students in congregational prayers at the La Tansa Islamic Boarding School. To find out the process of applying the spiritual and social values of students in congregational prayers, as well as their implications for the lives of students at the La Tansa Islamic Boarding School. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection tools used observational analysis, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that spiritual values are values contained in the human soul, which in the human soul has a spirit. The essence of spiritual value is the spirit. Everyone must have a spirit and that spirit is in their own soul. The only one who knows about the spirit is Allah while the creatures do not. While social values are values held by society, regarding what is considered good and what is considered bad by society.Keywords: Social Values, Spiritual Values, Islamic Boarding School

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